function settings_feed_edit()
     global $wp_version;
     if (isset($_GET['updated']) && $_GET['updated'] == 'true') {
         echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Settings Saved', 'podpress') . '</p></div>';
     } elseif (isset($_GET['updated']) && $_GET['updated'] != 'true') {
         echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('<strong>Error:</strong> Unable to save the settings', 'podpress') . '</p></div>';
     $blog_charset = get_bloginfo('charset');
     echo '<div class="wrap">' . "\n";
     if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.7', '>=')) {
         echo '<div id="podpress-icon" class="icon32"><br /></div>';
     if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.8', '>=')) {
         echo '	<h2>' . __('Feed/iTunes Settings', 'podpress') . '</h2>' . "\n";
         // get the plugins version information via the WP plugins version check
         if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.9', '>=')) {
             $versioninfo = get_site_transient('update_plugins');
         } else {
             $versioninfo = get_transient('update_plugins');
         // If there is a new version then there is a 'response'. This is the method from the plugins page.
         if (FALSE !== isset($versioninfo->response[plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__) . '/podpress.php')]->new_version)) {
             echo '<div class="message updated"><p><a href="" target="_blank">' . __('a new podPress version is available', 'podpress') . '</a></p></div>';
     } else {
         echo '	<h2>' . __('Feed/iTunes Settings', 'podpress') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" target="_new"><img src="' . PODPRESS_VERSION . '" alt="' . __('Checking for updates... Failed.', 'podpress') . '" border="0" /></a></h2>' . "\n";
     echo '	<form method="post">' . "\n";
     if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) {
         // since WP 2.0.4
     echo '	<fieldset class="options">' . "\n";
     echo '		<legend>' . __('Settings for the default Feeds', 'podpress') . '</legend>' . "\n";
     echo '		<p>' . sprintf(__('podPress adds automatically additional elements (e.g. <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes RSS tags</a>) to the default RSS Feeds of your weblog. But it uses the RSS image, the copyright name, the license URL and the News Feed language also for the ATOM Feeds. You can configure these elements in the following section. But podPress adds also new Feeds to your weblog (see <a href="#podpressfeeds">%1$s</a> below).', 'podpress'), __('podPress Feeds', 'podpress')) . '</p>' . "\n";
     echo '		<h3>' . __('iTunes Settings', 'podpress') . '</h3>' . "\n";
     echo '		<p>' . __('These settings are for the <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes RSS tags</a>.', 'podpress') . '</p>' . "\n";
     echo '		<table class="podpress_feed_gensettings">' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesSubtitle">' . __('iTunes:Subtitle', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<textarea name="iTunes[subtitle]" id="iTunesSubtitle" class="podpress_wide_text_field" rows="2" cols="40">' . stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['subtitle']) . '</textarea>';
     echo '					<br/>' . __('A few words which describe the feed title a little bit more (max. 255 characters).', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesSummary">' . __('iTunes:Summary', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<textarea id="iTunesSummary" name="iTunes[summary]" class="podpress_wide_text_field" rows="6" cols="40" onchange="podPress_updateFeedSettings();">' . stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['summary']) . '</textarea>';
     echo '					<br />' . __('The description of the podcast.', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesImage">' . __('iTunes:Image', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     $itunes_image_url = $this->settings['iTunes']['image'];
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					' . __('The iTunes image should be a square image with <a href="" target="_blank">at least 1400 x 1400 pixels</a> as Apple writes in "<a href="" target="_blank">Making a Podcast</a>" of their own Podcasting Resources. iTunes supports JPEG and PNG images (the file name extensions should ".jpg" or ".png").', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<br/>';
     echo '					<input type="text" id="iTunesImage" name="iTunes[image]" class="podpress_wide_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape($itunes_image_url) . '" size="40" onchange="podPress_updateFeedSettings();"/>' . "\n";
     echo '					<br />';
     echo '					<img id="iTunesImagePreview" style="width:300px; height:300px;" alt="' . __('Podcast Image - Big (If you can not see an image then the URL is wrong.)', 'podpress') . '" src="" />' . "<br />\n";
     echo '					<em>' . __('(This image is only a preview which is limited to 300 x 300 pixels.) ', 'podpress') . '</em>';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesAuthor">' . __('iTunes:Author/Owner', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<input type="text" name="iTunes[author]" id="iTunesAuthor" class="podpress_wide_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['author'])) . '" size="40" onchange="podPress_updateFeedSettings();"/>';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesKeywords">' . __('iTunes:Keywords', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<textarea name="iTunes[keywords]" id="iTunesKeywords" class="podpress_wide_text_field" rows="4" cols="40">' . stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['keywords']) . '</textarea>';
     echo '					<br/>(' . __('a list of max. 12 comma separated words', 'podpress') . ')';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesCategory_0">' . __('iTunes:Categories', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<select id="iTunesCategory_0" name="iTunes[category][0]" onchange="podPress_updateFeedSettings();">' . "\n";
     echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Primary', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
     echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
     echo '					</select><br />' . "\n";
     echo '					<select name="iTunes[category][1]">' . "\n";
     echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Second', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
     echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
     echo '					</select><br />' . "\n";
     echo '					<select name="iTunes[category][2]">' . "\n";
     echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Third', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
     echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
     echo '					</select>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesExplicit">' . __('iTunes:Explicit', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					<select name="iTunes[explicit]" id="iTunesExplicit">' . "\n";
     echo '						<option value="No" ';
     if ($this->settings['iTunes']['explicit'] == 'No') {
         echo 'selected="selected"';
     echo '>' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
     echo '						<option value="Yes" ';
     if ($this->settings['iTunes']['explicit'] == 'Yes') {
         echo 'selected="selected"';
     echo '>' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
     echo '						<option value="Clean" ';
     if ($this->settings['iTunes']['explicit'] == 'Clean') {
         echo 'selected="selected"';
     echo '>' . __('Clean', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
     echo '					</select>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					' . __('Setting to indicate (in iTunes) whether or not your podcast contains explicit language or content which is not suitable for non-adult persons.', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<br/>' . __('"No" (default) - no indicator will show up', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<br/>' . __('"Yes" - an "EXPLICIT" parental advisory graphic will appear next to your podcast artwork or name in iTunes', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<br/>' . __('"Clean" - means that you are sure that no explicit language or adult content is included any of the episodes, and a "CLEAN" graphic will appear', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<p>' . __('You have also the possibility to adjust this option for each post or page with at least one podcast episode (in the post/page editor).', 'podpress') . '</p>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesBlock">' . __('iTunes:Block', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					<select name="iTunes[block]" id="iTunesBlock">' . "\n";
     echo '						<option value="No" ';
     if ($this->settings['iTunes']['block'] != 'Yes') {
         echo 'selected="selected"';
     echo '>' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
     echo '						<option value="Yes" ';
     if ($this->settings['iTunes']['block'] == 'Yes') {
         echo 'selected="selected"';
     echo '>' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
     echo '					</select>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					' . __('Use this if you are no longer creating a podcast and you want it removed from iTunes.', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<br/>' . __('"No" (default) - the podcast appears in the iTunes Podcast directory', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<br/>' . __('"Yes" - prevent the entire podcast from appearing in the iTunes Podcast directory', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<p>' . __('You can also use such an option for each of your podcast episodes (in the post/page editor).', 'podpress') . '</p>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesFeedID">' . __('iTunes:FeedID', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					<input name="iTunes[FeedID]" id="iTunesFeedID" type="text" value="' . $this->settings['iTunes']['FeedID'] . '" size="10" />';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					' . __('(Only relevant for the podPress Feed Buttons widget)', 'podpress');
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="iTunesNewFeedURL">' . __('iTunes:New-Feed-Url', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					<select name="iTunes[new-feed-url]" id="iTunesNewFeedURL">' . "\n";
     echo '						<option value="Disable" ';
     if ($this->settings['iTunes']['new-feed-url'] != 'Enable') {
         echo 'selected="selected"';
     echo '>' . __('Disable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
     echo '						<option value="Enable" ';
     if ($this->settings['iTunes']['new-feed-url'] == 'Enable') {
         echo 'selected="selected"';
     echo '>' . __('Enable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
     echo '					</select>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					' . __('If you want to change the URL of your podcast feed which you have used in the iTunes Store then change the "Podcast Feed URL" and set this option to "Enable" until the iTunes Store recognizes the new URL. This may take several days. "Enable" will add the <code>&lt;itunes:new-feed-url&gt;</code> tag to the RSS feeds and set the "Podcast Feed URL" as the new URL. For further information about "<a href="" title="iTunes Podcasting Resources: Changing Your Feed URL" target="_blank">Changing Your Feed URL</a>" read on in the <a href="" target="_blank" title="iTunes Podcasting Resources: Making a Podcast">iTunes Podcasting Resources</a>.', 'podpress');
     echo '					<p><label for="podcastFeedURL"><strong>' . __('the new Feed URL', 'podpress') . '</strong></label>';
     echo '					<br/>';
     echo '					<input type="text" id="podcastFeedURL" class="podpress_wide_text_field" name="podcastFeedURL" size="40" value="' . attribute_escape($this->settings['podcastFeedURL']) . '" onchange="podPress_updateFeedSettings();" /><br />' . __('The URL of your Podcast Feed. If you want to register your podcast at the iTunes Store or if your podcast is already listed there then this input field should contain the same URL as in the iTunes Store settings. If you want change the URL at the iTunes Store then please read first the help text of the iTunes:New-Feed-Url option.', 'podpress');
     echo '					<br /><input type="button" value="' . __('Validate your Feed', 'podpress') . '" onclick="javascript: if(document.getElementById(\'podcastFeedURL\').value != \'\') {\'\'+document.getElementById(\'podcastFeedURL\').value); }"/>' . "\n";
     echo '					</p>';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '		</table>' . "\n";
     if (function_exists('get_admin_url')) {
         $adminurl = get_admin_url();
         // since WP 3.0
     } elseif (function_exists('admin_url')) {
         $adminurl = admin_url();
         // since WP 2.6
     } else {
         $adminurl = site_url() . '/wp-admin';
     echo '		<h3>' . __('General Feed Settings', 'podpress') . '</h3>' . "\n";
     echo '		<p>' . __('These settings are blog settings.', 'podpress') . '</p>' . "\n";
     echo '		<table class="podpress_feed_gensettings">' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td class="podpress_th_full_width" colspan="3">' . "\n";
     echo '					' . sprintf(__('You can modify the following %2$s options on the %1$s page of this blog.', 'podpress'), '<a href="' . trailingslashit($adminurl) . 'options-general.php' . '">' . __('General Settings') . '</a>', __('three', 'podpress'));
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="blogname">' . __('Blog/Podcast title', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<em class="podpress_static_feed_settings" id="blogname">' . stripslashes(get_option('blogname')) . '</em><br />' . __('Used as the Feed title', 'podpress');
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="blogdescription">' . __('Blog Tagline', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<em class="podpress_static_feed_settings" id="blogdescription">' . stripslashes(get_option('blogdescription')) . '</em><br />' . __('used as the Feed description', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="admin_email">' . __('Owner E-mail address', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<em class="podpress_static_feed_settings">' . stripslashes(get_option('admin_email')) . '</em><br />' . __('used besides the itunes:author value in the &lt;managingEditor&gt; and the &lt;webMaster&gt; elements of the RSS Feeds', 'podpress');
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td class="podpress_th_full_width" colspan="3">' . "\n";
     echo '					' . sprintf(__('You can modify the following %2$s options on the %1$s page of this blog.', 'podpress'), '<a href="' . trailingslashit($adminurl) . 'options-reading.php' . '">' . __('Reading Settings') . '</a>', __('two', 'podpress'));
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="posts_per_rss">' . __('Syndication feeds show the most recent', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<em class="podpress_static_feed_settings">' . get_option('posts_per_rss') . '</em> ' . __('posts', 'podpress');
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="blog_charset">' . __('Encoding for pages and feeds') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<em class="podpress_static_feed_settings">' . $blog_charset . '</em><br />' . __('The <a href="">character encoding</a> of your site  (UTF-8 is <a href="" target="_blank" title="iTunes Podcast Resources - Making a Podcast">recommended</a>)', 'podpress');
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="rss_ttl">' . __('TTL', 'podpress') . ' (' . __('time-to-live', 'podpress') . ')</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     $data['rss_ttl'] = get_option('rss_ttl');
     if (!empty($data['rss_ttl']) && $data['rss_ttl'] < 1440) {
         $data['rss_ttl'] = 1440;
     echo '					<input name="rss_ttl" id="rss_ttl" type="text" value="';
     if ($data['rss_ttl']) {
         echo $data['rss_ttl'];
     } else {
         echo '1440';
     echo '" size="4" />';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					' . __('minutes', 'podpress') . ' - ' . __('Minimum is 24 hours which is 1440 minutes.', 'podpress') . ' <a href="" title="RSS 2.0 Specification - TTL">' . __('More about TTL ...', 'podpress') . '</a>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="rss_image">' . __('Blog/RSS Image (144 x 144 pixels)', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     $rss_image = get_option('rss_image');
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<input type="text" id="rss_image" name="rss_image" class="podpress_wide_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape($rss_image) . '" size="40" onchange="podPress_updateFeedSettings();"/>' . "\n";
     echo '					<br />';
     echo '					<img id="rss_imagePreview" style="width:144px; height:144px;" alt="' . __('Podcast Image - Small (If you can not see an image then the URL is wrong.)', 'podpress') . '" src="" />' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="rss_language">' . __('Language of the News Feed content', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     $rss_language = get_option('rss_language');
     echo '					<select id="rss_language" name="rss_language" onchange="podPress_updateFeedSettings();">' . "\n";
     echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Language', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
     echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
     echo '					</select>' . "\n";
     //~ echo '<br /><em class="podpress_error">'.sprintf(__('Changes here will affect %1$s!', 'podpress'),__('the language of the main feeds of this blog', 'podpress')).'</em> <em>'.__('(This select box is not the only but probably the most comfortable way to change this option. So change it back if you do not want to use this plugin anymore.)', 'podpress').'</em>';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '		</table>' . "\n";
     echo '		<h3>' . __('Further Feed Settings', 'podpress') . '</h3>' . "\n";
     echo '		<table class="podpress_feed_gensettings">' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="rss_category">' . __('RSS Category', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<input type="text" name="rss_category" id="rss_category" class="podpress_wide_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($this->settings['rss_category'])) . '" size="45" />' . "\n";
     echo '					<br />' . __('A category for your RSS feeds. (This is for everyone except iTunes).', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="rss_copyright">' . __('Feed Copyright / license name', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<input type="text" name="rss_copyright" id="rss_copyright" class="podpress_wide_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($this->settings['rss_copyright'])) . '" size="65" />' . "\n";
     echo '					<br />' . __('Enter the copyright string or license name. For example: Copyright &#169 by Jon Doe, 2009 OR <a href="" target="_blank">CreativeCommons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5</a>', 'podpress') . "\n";
     echo '					<br /><br />' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="rss_license_url">' . __('URL to the full Copyright / license text', 'podpress') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td colspan="2">' . "\n";
     echo '					<input type="text" name="rss_license_url" id="rss_license_url" class="podpress_wide_text_field podpress_wide_text_input_field" value="' . attribute_escape($this->settings['rss_license_url']) . '" size="65" />' . "\n";
     echo '					<br />' . __('If you use a special license like a <a href="" target="_blank" title="Creative Commons">Creative Commons</a> License for your news feeds then enter the complete URL (e.g. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>) to the full text of this particular license here.', 'podpress') . "<br />\n";
     echo '					<p>' . __('Notice: You can set post specific license URLs and names by defining two custom fields per post. One with the name <strong>podcast_episode_license_name</strong> and one custom field with the name <strong>podcast_episode_license_url</strong>. If you want to set post specific values then it is necessary to define at least the custom field with the URL. If the license name is not defined then the name will be the URL.', 'podpress') . '</p>';
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
     echo '				<th>' . "\n";
     echo '					<label for="print_podpress_in_contentencoded">' . sprintf(__('Print podPress elements into the %1$s tags', 'podpress'), '<code>&lt;content:encoded&gt;</code>') . '</label>';
     echo '				</th>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td class="pp_2ndcol">' . "\n";
     if (TRUE === isset($this->settings['print_podpress_in_contentencoded']) and TRUE == $this->settings['print_podpress_in_contentencoded']) {
         echo '					<input type="radio" name="print_podpress_in_contentencoded" id="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_yes" value="yes" checked="checked" /><label for="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_yes">' . __('yes', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="radio" name="print_podpress_in_contentencoded" id="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_no" value="no" /><label for="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_no">' . __('no', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
     } else {
         echo '					<input type="radio" name="print_podpress_in_contentencoded" id="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_yes" value="yes" /><label for="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_yes">' . __('yes', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="radio" name="print_podpress_in_contentencoded" id="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_no" value="no" checked="checked" /><label for="print_podpress_in_contentencoded_no">' . __('no', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '				<td>' . "\n";
     echo '					' . sprintf(__('Print the podPress elements to the %1$s section of the %2$s of the RSS feeds. BETA version: This option inlfuences all feeds of the blog and not only the default feeds. (later version of podPress will probably contain such an option for each podPress Feed and the default feeds.)', 'podpress'), '<code>&lt;content:encoded&gt;</code>', '<code>&lt;item&gt;</code>') . "<br />\n";
     echo '				</td>' . "\n";
     echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
     //~ echo '			<tr>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				<th>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					<label for="protectFeed">'.__('Aggressively Protect the news feeds', 'podpress').'</label>';
     //~ echo '				</th>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				<td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					<select name="protectFeed" id="protectFeed">'."\n";
     //~ echo '						<option value="No" '; if($this->settings['protectFeed'] != 'Yes') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } echo '>'.__('No', 'podpress').'</option>'."\n";
     //~ echo '						<option value="Yes" '; if($this->settings['protectFeed'] == 'Yes') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } echo '>'.__('Yes', 'podpress').'</option>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					</select>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				</td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				<td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					'.__('"No" (default) will convert only ampersand, less-than, greater-than, apostrophe and quotation signs to their numeric character references.', 'podpress')."\n";
     //~ echo '					<br/>'.__('"Yes" will convert any invalid characters to their numeric character references in the feeds.', 'podpress')."\n";
     //~ echo '				</td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '			</tr>'."\n";
     // this section is deactivated since 8.8.5 and since the upgrade_class will remove the value during the upgrade process. (the only encoded content section is the <description> on <item> level and podPress does touch this value)
     //~ echo '			<tr>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				<th>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					<label for="rss_showlinks">'.__('Show Download Links in RSS Encoded Content', 'podpress').'</label>';
     //~ echo '				</th>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				<td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					<select name="rss_showlinks" id="rss_showlinks">'."\n";
     //~ echo '						<option value="yes" '; if($this->settings['rss_showlinks'] == 'yes') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } echo '>'.__('Yes', 'podpress').'</option>'."\n";
     //~ echo '						<option value="no" '; if($this->settings['rss_showlinks'] != 'yes') { echo 'selected="selected"'; }  echo '>'.__('No', 'podpress').'</option>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					</select>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				</td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '				<td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '					'.__('Yes will put download links in the RSS encoded content. That means users can download from any site displaying the link.', 'podpress')."\n";
     //~ echo '				</td>'."\n";
     //~ echo '			</tr>'."\n";
     echo '		</table>' . "\n";
     echo '	</fieldset>' . "\n";
     echo '	<fieldset class="options">' . "\n";
     echo '		<a name="podpressfeeds" id="podpressfeeds"></a><legend>' . __('podPress Feeds', 'podpress') . '</legend>' . "\n";
     $permalinksettingsurl = trailingslashit($adminurl) . 'options-permalink.php';
     $widgetsettingsurl = trailingslashit($adminurl) . 'widgets.php';
     $generalsettingspodpressurl = trailingslashit($adminurl) . 'admin.php?page=podpress/podpress_general.php';
     echo '		<p>' . sprintf(__('podPress is capable of creating additional Feeds for your blog. These Feeds are RSS or ATOM Feeds. The content of such a Feed may consist of all posts, posts with podPress attachment, posts of one more categories or posts with podPress attachments of certain file types. For instance you can create a Feed which contains only posts with audio files and one which contains only posts with video files. Furthermore the following section contains diverse options to customize these additional Feeds.<br />It is also possible to activate or deactivate these Feeds separately.<br /><strong>It is necessary to update the podPress Feed Buttons <a href="%1$s">widget settings</a> after the slug name of one of these Feeds has been modified.</strong>', 'podpress'), $widgetsettingsurl) . '</p>' . "\n";
     //~ echo '		<p class="podpress_notice">'.__('<strong>Notice:</strong> After an upgrade from podPress v8.8.6.3 or older version to the current version, you need to control the following forms (and fill out empty fields eventually) of the Feeds you like to keep on using. You may copy and paste the meta information from the input fields above. But you could also use the new section below to customize these information for each Feed. The additional Feeds like the one with the slug name "podcast" do not automatically share those meta information any longer with the default Feeds of the blog.', 'podpress').'</p>'."\n";
     echo '		<div id="podpress_accordion">' . "\n";
     $filetypes = podPress_filetypes();
     $allcategories = get_categories(array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC'));
     $i = 0;
     $posts_per_feed_default = get_option('posts_per_rss', 10);
     if (is_array($this->settings['podpress_feeds'])) {
         foreach ($this->settings['podpress_feeds'] as $feed) {
             $selected_filetypes = $feed['FileTypes'];
             if (FALSE === is_array($feed['FileTypes'])) {
                 $selected_filetypes = array();
             $selected_categories = $feed['inclCategories'];
             if (FALSE === is_array($selected_categories)) {
                 $selected_categories = array();
             if (FALSE == empty($feed['slug'])) {
                 $ftitle = $feed['slug'];
             } else {
                 $ftitle = $i;
             echo '			<h4><a href="">' . __('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ' . $ftitle . '</a></h4>' . "\n";
             echo '			<div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             if (TRUE === $feed['use']) {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][use]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use" value="yes" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use">' . __('Activate Feed', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][use]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use">' . __('Activate Feed', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             if (FALSE == defined('PODPRESS_DEACTIVATE_PREMIUM') or FALSE === constant('PODPRESS_DEACTIVATE_PREMIUM')) {
                 if (TRUE === $feed['premium']) {
                     echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][premium]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_premium" value="yes" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_premium">' . __('Premium Feed', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
                 } else {
                     echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][premium]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_premium" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_premium">' . __('Premium Feed', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
                 if (FALSE == isset($this->settings['enablePremiumContent']) or TRUE !== $this->settings['enablePremiumContent']) {
                     echo '					<br /><span class="podpress_description">' . sprintf(__('If this Feed should be a Premium Feed then you need to activate the Premium Content feature at the <a href="%1$s">general settings page of podPress</a>.', 'podpress'), $generalsettingspodpressurl) . '</span>';
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_name">' . __('Feed Name', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][name]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_name" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($feed['name'])) . '" /><br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('(Leave the Feed Name field empty to delete this Feeds settings.)', 'podpress') . '</span><br />' . "\n";
             switch ($feed['feedtitle']) {
                 case 'append':
                     $selected_append = ' selected="selected"';
                     $selected_blognameastitle = '';
                     $selected_feednameastitle = '';
                 case 'blognameastitle':
                     $selected_append = '';
                     $selected_blognameastitle = ' selected="selected"';
                     $selected_feednameastitle = '';
                 case 'feednameastitle':
                     $selected_append = '';
                     $selected_blognameastitle = '';
                     $selected_feednameastitle = ' selected="selected"';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtitle">' . __('How-to build the Feed title:', 'podpress') . '</label> ';
             echo '					<select  id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtitle" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][feedtitle]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="append"' . $selected_append . '>' . __('use the blog name and append the Feed Name', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="blognameastitle"' . $selected_blognameastitle . '>' . __('use only the blog name as the title', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="feednameastitle"' . $selected_feednameastitle . '>' . __('use the Feed Name as the title', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_slug">' . __('Slug Name', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- the name for this Feed in the URL', 'podpress') . '</span><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][slug]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_slug" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($feed['slug'])) . '" /><br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('Please, use only these characters: a-z, 0-9, underscore and hiphen.', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_fullwidth_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedurl">' . __('current Feed URL', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><span id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedurl">' . get_feed_link($feed['slug']) . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_subtitle">' . __('iTunes:Subtitle', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][subtitle]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_subtitle" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($feed['subtitle'])) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br /><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_rss_category">' . __('RSS Category', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][rss_category]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_rss_category" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($feed['rss_category'])) . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_descr">' . __('Description (RSS) / Subtitle (ATOM) / iTunes:Summary', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><textarea name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][descr]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_descr" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" rows="4" cols="40">' . stripslashes(stripslashes($feed['descr'])) . '</textarea>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesCategory_0">' . __('iTunes:Categories', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesCategory_0" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-category][0]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Primary', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-category][1]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Second', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-category][2]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Third', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesKeywords">' . __('iTunes:Keywords', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><textarea name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-keywords]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesKeywords" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" rows="4" cols="40">' . stripslashes(stripslashes($feed['itunes-keywords'])) . '</textarea><br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('a list of max. 12 comma separated words', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesAuthor">' . __('iTunes:Author/Owner', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-author]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesAuthor" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($feed['itunes-author'])) . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_email">' . __('Owner E-mail address', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][email]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_email" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($feed['email'])) . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             if (FALSE == isset($feed['itunes-image']) or empty($feed['itunes-image'])) {
                 $feed['itunes-image'] = $this->settings['iTunes']['image'];
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesImage">' . __('iTunes:Image', 'podpress') . '</label> <a href="" class="podpress_image_preview_link" title="' . __('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ' . $feed['slug'] . ' - ' . __('iTunes:Image', 'podpress') . '" onclick="podPress_jQuery(\'#podpress-itunesimage-preview-' . $i . '\').dialog(\'open\'); return false;">' . __('Preview', 'podpress') . '</a><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-image]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesImage" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape($feed['itunes-image']) . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<div id="podpress-itunesimage-preview-' . $i . '" title="' . attribute_escape(__('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ' . $feed['slug'] . ' - ' . __('iTunes:Image', 'podpress')) . '" class="podpress_itunesimage_preview">' . "\n";
             echo '						<img src="' . podpress_siteurl_is_ssl($feed['itunes-image']) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '					</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_copyright">' . __('Feed Copyright / license name', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][copyright]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_copyright" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($feed['copyright'])) . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             if (FALSE == isset($feed['rss_image']) or empty($feed['rss_image'])) {
                 $feed['rss_image'] = $rss_image;
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_rss_image">' . __('RSS Image (144 x 144 pixels)', 'podpress') . '</label> <a href="" class="podpress_image_preview_link" title="' . __('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ' . $feed['slug'] . ' - ' . __('RSS Image', 'podpress') . '" onclick="podPress_jQuery(\'#podpress-rssimage-preview-' . $i . '\').dialog(\'open\'); return false;">' . __('Preview', 'podpress') . '</a><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][rss_image]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_rss_image" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape($feed['rss_image']) . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<div id="podpress-rssimage-preview-' . $i . '" title="' . attribute_escape(__('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ' . $feed['slug'] . ' - ' . __('RSS Image', 'podpress')) . '" class="podpress_rssimage_preview">' . "\n";
             echo '						<img src="' . podpress_siteurl_is_ssl($feed['rss_image']) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '					</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_license_url">' . __('URL to the full Copyright / license text', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][license_url]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_license_url" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape($feed['license_url']) . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_language">' . __('Language of this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             if (FALSE == isset($feed['language']) or empty($feed['language'])) {
                 $feed['language'] = $rss_language;
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_language" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][language]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select a language', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             if (FALSE == isset($feed['charset']) or empty($feed['charset'])) {
                 $feed['charset'] = $blog_charset;
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_blog_charset">' . __('Encoding for this Feed') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][charset]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_blog_charset" size="20" value="' . attribute_escape($feed['charset']) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_posttypefilter">' . __('Post Type Filter', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.9', '>=')) {
                 $selected_posttypes = $feed['PostTypes'];
                 if (FALSE === is_array($selected_posttypes)) {
                     $selected_posttypes = array();
                 $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false);
                 $output = 'objects';
                 // names or objects
                 $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output);
                 if (TRUE == is_array($post_types) and FALSE == empty($post_types)) {
                     echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_posttypefilter" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][PostTypes][]" size="5" multiple="multiple" class="podpress_posttypefilter_select">' . "\n";
                     echo '					<optgroup label="' . attribute_escape(__('Select post types', 'podpress')) . '">' . "\n";
                     if (TRUE == in_array('post', $selected_posttypes)) {
                         $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                     } else {
                         $selected = '';
                     echo '				<option value="post"' . $selected . '>' . __('Standard Posts', '') . ' (post)</option>';
                     foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
                         if (TRUE == in_array($post_type->name, $selected_posttypes)) {
                             $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $selected = '';
                         echo '				<option value="' . $post_type->name . '"' . $selected . '>' . $post_type->label . ' (' . $post_type->name . ')</option>';
                     echo '					</optgroup>' . "\n";
                     echo '					</select>' . "\n";
                     echo '					<span class="podpress_description">' . __('Select one or more custom post types if this Feed should contain only posts of these post types. If the Feed should contain only posts of no custom type then do not select a type.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
                     echo '					<br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('Hold the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to select more than one value.<br />Hold [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to deselect values.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
                 } else {
                     echo '				<em class="nonessential">(' . __('Currently are no custom post types defined.', 'podpress') . ')</em>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '				<em class="nonessential">(' . sprintf(__('This feature is only available if you use WP %1$s or newer.', 'podpress'), '2.9') . ')</em>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             switch ($feed['itunes-explicit']) {
                 case 'No':
                     $selected_no = ' selected="selected"';
                     $selected_yes = '';
                     $selected_clean = '';
                 case 'Yes':
                     $selected_no = '';
                     $selected_yes = ' selected="selected"';
                     $selected_clean = '';
                 case 'Clean':
                     $selected_no = '';
                     $selected_yes = '';
                     $selected_clean = ' selected="selected"';
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesExplicit">' . __('iTunes:Explicit', 'podpress') . '</label><br/>';
             echo '					<select  id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesExplicit" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-explicit]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="No"' . $selected_no . '>' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Yes"' . $selected_yes . '>' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Clean"' . $selected_clean . '>' . __('Clean', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesBlock">' . __('iTunes:Block', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             if ('Yes' == $feed['itunes-block']) {
                 $no_selected = '';
                 $yes_selected = ' selected="selected"';
             } else {
                 $no_selected = ' selected="selected"';
                 $yes_selected = '';
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-block]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesBlock">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="No"' . $no_selected . '>' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Yes"' . $yes_selected . '>' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_filetypefilter">' . __('File Type Filter', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_filetypefilter" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][FileTypes][]" size="5" multiple="multiple" class="podpress_filetypefilter_select">' . "\n";
             echo '					<optgroup label="' . attribute_escape(__('Select file types', 'podpress')) . '">' . "\n";
             foreach ($filetypes as $key => $value) {
                 if (TRUE == in_array($key, $selected_filetypes)) {
                     $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                 } else {
                     $selected = '';
                 if ($key !== 'audio_mp4') {
                     echo '						<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<span class="podpress_description">' . __('Select one or more file types to include in this Feed only posts which have attached media files of these file types. (This filter bypasses the "Included in:" selection.)', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '					<br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('Hold the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to select more than one value.<br />Hold [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to deselect values.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesNewFeedURL">' . __('iTunes:New-Feed-Url', 'podpress') . '</label><br/>' . "\n";
             if ('Enable' == $feed['itunes-newfeedurl']) {
                 $disable_selected = '';
                 $enable_selected = ' selected="selected"';
             } else {
                 $disable_selected = ' selected="selected"';
                 $enable_selected = '';
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-newfeedurl]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesNewFeedURL">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Disable"' . $disable_selected . '>' . __('Disable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Enable"' . $enable_selected . '>' . __('Enable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_newfeedurl">' . __('iTunes:New-Feed-Url', 'podpress') . ' - ' . __('the new Feed URL', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][newfeedurl]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_newfeedurl" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape($feed['newfeedurl']) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_categoryfilter">' . __('Category Filter', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_categoryfilter" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][inclCategories][]" size="5" multiple="multiple" class="podpress_categoryfilter_select">' . "\n";
             echo '					<optgroup label="' . attribute_escape(__('Select categories', 'podpress')) . '">' . "\n";
             foreach ($allcategories as $category) {
                 if (TRUE == in_array($category->term_id, $selected_categories)) {
                     $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                 } else {
                     $selected = '';
                 echo '						<option value="' . $category->term_id . '"' . $selected . '>' . $category->name . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<span class="podpress_description">' . __('Select one or more categories if this Feed should contain only posts of these categories. If the Feed should contain posts of all categories select none.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '					<br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('Hold the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to select more than one value.<br />Hold [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to deselect values.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesFeedID">' . __('iTunes:FeedID', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][itunes-feedid]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_iTunesFeedID" value="' . $feed['itunes-feedid'] . '" size="10" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             //~ echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">'.__('Feed Type:', 'podpress').'<br />'."\n";
             echo '				' . __('Feed Type:', 'podpress') . '<br />' . "\n";
             if ('atom' === $feed['feedtype']) {
                 echo '					<input type="radio" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][feedtype]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_rss" value="rss" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_rss">' . __('RSS', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
                 echo '					<input type="radio" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][feedtype]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_atom" value="atom" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_atom">' . __('ATOM', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '					<input type="radio" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][feedtype]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_rss" value="rss" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_rss">' . __('RSS', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
                 echo '					<input type="radio" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][feedtype]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_atom" value="atom" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_feedtype_atom">' . __('ATOM', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
             if (FALSE == isset($feed['ttl']) or !empty($feed['ttl']) and $feed['ttl'] < 1440) {
                 $feed['ttl'] = 1440;
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_rss_ttl">' . __('TTL (time-to-live)', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][ttl]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_rss_ttl" value="' . $feed['ttl'] . '" size="4" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             if (TRUE == isset($feed['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) and FALSE === $feed['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][show_only_podPress_podcasts]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_show_only_podPress_podcasts" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_show_only_podPress_podcasts">' . __('Include only posts with podPress attachments in this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- while the File Type and Category Filters are not in use.', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][show_only_podPress_podcasts]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_show_only_podPress_podcasts" value="yes" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_show_only_podPress_podcasts">' . __('Include only posts with podPress attachments in this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- while the File Type and Category Filters are not in use.', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             if (TRUE == isset($feed['bypass_incl_selection']) and TRUE === $feed['bypass_incl_selection']) {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][bypass_incl_selection]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_bypass_incl_selection" value="yes" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_bypass_incl_selection">' . __('Bypass the "Included in:" selection for this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- If this option is selected then the first media file of the right file type will be the enclosure of a post in this Feed - if it is a RSS Feed. Posts in ATOM Feeds will contain all of their media files as enclosures (and not the ones you have marked while editing a post).', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][bypass_incl_selection]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_bypass_incl_selection" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_bypass_incl_selection">' . __('Bypass the "Included in:" selection for this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- If this option is selected then the first media file of the right file type will be the enclosure of a post in this Feed - if it is a RSS Feed. Posts in ATOM Feeds will contain all of their media files as enclosures (and not the ones you have marked while editing a post).', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             if (FALSE === isset($feed['posts_per_feed']) or TRUE === empty($feed['posts_per_feed'])) {
                 $feed['posts_per_feed'] = $posts_per_feed_default;
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_posts_per_feed">' . __('max. amount of posts per feed: ', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][posts_per_feed]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_posts_per_feed" value="' . $feed['posts_per_feed'] . '" size="4" /> <span class="podpress_description">' . sprintf(__('default: %1$s', 'podpress'), $posts_per_feed_default) . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_fullwidth_col">' . "\n";
             if (TRUE === $feed['use_headerlink']) {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][use_headerlink]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use_headerlink" value="yes" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use_headerlink">' . __('add Feed link to the blog header', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('(into &lt;head&gt;)', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $i . '][use_headerlink]" id="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use_headerlink" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_use_headerlink">' . __('add Feed link to the blog header', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('(into &lt;head&gt;)', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '			</div><!-- end accordion element -->' . "\n";
         for ($j = $i; $j < PODPRESS_FEEDS_MAX_NUMBER; $j++) {
             echo '			<h4><a href="">' . __('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ...</a></h4>' . "\n";
             echo '			<div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][use]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_use" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_use">' . __('Activate Feed', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             if (FALSE == defined('PODPRESS_DEACTIVATE_PREMIUM') or FALSE === constant('PODPRESS_DEACTIVATE_PREMIUM')) {
                 echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][premium]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_premium" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_premium">' . __('Premium Feed', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
                 if (FALSE == isset($this->settings['enablePremiumContent']) or TRUE !== $this->settings['enablePremiumContent']) {
                     echo '					<br /><span class="podpress_description">' . sprintf(__('If this Feed should be a Premium Feed then you need to activate the Premium Content feature at the <a href="%1$s">general settings page of podPress</a>.', 'podpress'), $generalsettingspodpressurl) . '</span>';
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_name">' . __('Feed Name', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][name]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_name" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br/><label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedtitle">' . __('How-to build the Feed title:', 'podpress') . '</label> ';
             echo '					<select  id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedtitle" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][feedtitle]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="No" selected="selected">' . __('use the blog name and append the Feed Name', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Yes">' . __('use only the blog name as the title', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Clean">' . __('use the Feed Name as the title', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_slug">' . __('Slug Name', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- the name for this Feed in the URL', 'podpress') . '</span><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][slug]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_slug" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" /><br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('Please, use only these characters: a-z, 0-9, underscore and hiphen.', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_fullwidth_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedurl">' . __('Feed URL', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><span id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedurl">' . __('http://', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_subtitle">' . __('iTunes:Subtitle', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][subtitle]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_subtitle" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br /><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_rss_category">' . __('RSS Category', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][rss_category]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_rss_category" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_descr">' . __('Description (RSS) / Subtitle (ATOM) / iTunes:Summary', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><textarea name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][descr]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_descr" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" rows="4" cols="40"></textarea>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesCategory_0">' . __('iTunes:Categories', 'podpress') . '</label><br/>' . "\n";
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesCategory_0" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-category][0]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Primary', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-category][1]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Second', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-category][2]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Third', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesKeywords">' . __('iTunes:Keywords', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><textarea name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-keywords]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesKeywords" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" rows="4" cols="40"></textarea><br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('a list of max. 12 comma separated words', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesAuthor">' . __('iTunes:Author/Owner', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-author]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesAuthor" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_email">' . __('Owner E-mail address', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][email]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_email" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             $itunesimageurl = attribute_escape($itunes_image_url);
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesImage">' . __('iTunes:Image', 'podpress') . '</label> <a href="" class="podpress_image_preview_link" title="' . __('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ' . $j . ' - ' . __('iTunes:Image', 'podpress') . '" onclick="podPress_jQuery(\'#podpress-itunesimage-preview-' . $j . '\').dialog(\'open\'); return false;">' . __('Preview', 'podpress') . '</a><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-image]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesImage" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . $itunesimageurl . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<div id="podpress-itunesimage-preview-' . $j . '" title="' . attribute_escape(__('iTunes:Image', 'podpress')) . '" class="podpress_itunesimage_preview">' . "\n";
             echo '						<img src="' . podpress_siteurl_is_ssl($itunesimageurl) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '					</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             $rssimageurl = attribute_escape($rss_image);
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_copyright">' . __('Feed Copyright / license name', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][copyright]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_copyright" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_rss_image">' . __('RSS Image (144 x 144 pixels)', 'podpress') . '</label> <a href="" class="podpress_image_preview_link" title="' . __('Feed', 'podpress') . ' ' . $j . ' - ' . __('RSS Image', 'podpress') . '" onclick="podPress_jQuery(\'#podpress-rssimage-preview-' . $j . '\').dialog(\'open\'); return false;">' . __('Preview', 'podpress') . '</a><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][rss_image]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_rss_image" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="' . $rssimageurl . '" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<div id="podpress-rssimage-preview-' . $j . '" title="' . attribute_escape(__('RSS Image', 'podpress')) . '" class="podpress_rssimage_preview">' . "\n";
             echo '						<img src="' . podpress_siteurl_is_ssl($rssimageurl) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '					</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_license_url">' . __('URL to the full Copyright / license text', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][license_url]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_license_url" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" size="40" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_language">' . __('Language of this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label><br />';
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_language" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][language]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select a language', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
             echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_blog_charset">' . __('Encoding for this Feed') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][charset]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_blog_charset" size="20" value="' . attribute_escape($blog_charset) . '" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $i . '_posttypefilter">' . __('Post Type Filter', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.9', '>=')) {
                 $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false);
                 $output = 'objects';
                 // names or objects
                 $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output);
                 if (TRUE == is_array($post_types) and FALSE == empty($post_types)) {
                     echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_posttypefilter" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][PostTypes][]" size="5" multiple="multiple" class="podpress_posttypefilter_select">' . "\n";
                     echo '					<optgroup label="' . attribute_escape(__('Select post types', 'podpress')) . '">' . "\n";
                     echo '						<option value="post">' . __('Standard Posts', '') . ' (post)</option>';
                     foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
                         echo '						<option value="' . $post_type->name . '">' . $post_type->label . ' (' . $post_type->name . ')</option>';
                     echo '					</optgroup>' . "\n";
                     echo '					</select>' . "\n";
                     echo '					<span class="podpress_description">' . __('Select one or more custom post types if this Feed should contain only posts of these post types. If the Feed should contain only posts of no custom type then do not select a type.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
                     echo '					<br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('Hold the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to select more than one value.<br />Hold [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to deselect values.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
                 } else {
                     echo '				<em class="nonessential">(' . __('Currently are no custom post types defined.', 'podpress') . ')</em>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '				<em class="nonessential">(' . sprintf(__('This feature is only available if you use WP %1$s or newer.', 'podpress'), '2.9') . ')</em>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesExplicit">' . __('iTunes:Explicit', 'podpress') . '</label><br/>';
             echo '					<select  id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesExplicit" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-explicit]">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="No" selected="selected">' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Yes">' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Clean">' . __('Clean', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesBlock">' . __('iTunes:Block', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-block]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesBlock">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="No" selected="selected">' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Yes">' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_filetypefilter">' . __('File Type Filter', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_filetypefilter" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][FileTypes][]" size="5" multiple="multiple" class="podpress_filetypefilter_select">' . "\n";
             echo '					<optgroup label="' . attribute_escape(__('Select file types', 'podpress')) . '">' . "\n";
             foreach ($filetypes as $key => $value) {
                 if ($key !== 'audio_mp4') {
                     echo '						<option value="' . $key . '">' . $value . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<span class="podpress_description">' . __('Select one or more file types to include in this Feed only posts which have attached media files of these file types. (This filter bypasses the "Included in:" selection.)', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '					<br /><span class="podpress_description">' . __('Hold the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to select more than one value.<br />Hold [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to deselect values.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesNewFeedURL">' . __('iTunes:New-Feed-Url', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-newfeedurl]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesNewFeedURL">' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Disable" selected="selected">' . __('Disable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '						<option value="Enable">' . __('Enable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_newfeedurl">' . __('iTunes:New-Feed-Url - the new Feed URL', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][newfeedurl]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_newfeedurl" class="podpress_feeds_text_field" value="" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">';
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_categoryfilter">' . __('Category Filter', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<select id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_categoryfilter" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][inclCategories][]" size="5" multiple="multiple" class="podpress_categoryfilter_select">' . "\n";
             echo '					<optgroup label="' . attribute_escape(__('Select categories', 'podpress')) . '">' . "\n";
             foreach ($allcategories as $category) {
                 echo '						<option value="' . $category->term_id . '">' . $category->name . '</option>' . "\n";
             echo '					</optgroup>' . "\n";
             echo '					</select>' . "\n";
             echo '					<span class="podpress_description">' . __('Select one or more categories if this Feed should contain only posts of these categories. If the Feed should contain posts of all categories select none.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '					<span class="podpress_description">' . __('Hold the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to select more than one value.<br />Hold [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to deselect values.', 'podpress') . '</span>';
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_left_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesFeedID">' . __('iTunes:FeedID', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][itunes-feedid]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_iTunesFeedID" value="" size="10" />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					' . __('Feed Type:', 'podpress') . '<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<input type="radio" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][feedtype]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedtype_rss" value="rss" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedtype_rss">' . __('RSS', 'podpress') . '</label><br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<input type="radio" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][feedtype]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedtype_atom" value="atom" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_feedtype_atom">' . __('ATOM', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_rss_ttl">' . __('TTL (time-to-live)', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][ttl]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_rss_ttl" value="1440" size="4" />' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][show_only_podPress_podcasts]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_show_only_podPress_podcasts" value="yes" checked="checked" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_show_only_podPress_podcasts">' . __('Include only posts with podPress attachments in this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- while the File Type and Category Filters are not in use.', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<br />' . "\n";
             echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][bypass_incl_selection]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_bypass_incl_selection" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_bypass_incl_selection">' . __('Bypass the "Included in:" selection for this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('- If this option is selected then the first media file of the right file type will be the enclosure of a post in this Feed - if it is a RSS Feed. Posts in ATOM Feeds will contain all of their media files as enclosures (and not the ones you have marked while editing a post).', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_right_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_posts_per_feed">' . __('max. amount of posts per feed: ', 'podpress') . '</label><br /><input type="text" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][posts_per_feed]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_posts_per_feed" value="' . $posts_per_feed_default . '" size="4" /> <span class="podpress_description">' . sprintf(__('default: %1$s', 'podpress'), $posts_per_feed_default) . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '				<div class="podpress_feed_settings_fullwidth_col">' . "\n";
             echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="podpress_feeds[' . $j . '][use_headerlink]" id="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_use_headerlink" value="yes" /> <label for="podpress_feed_' . $j . '_use_headerlink">' . __('add Feed link to the blog header', 'podpress') . '</label> <span class="podpress_description">' . __('(into &lt;head&gt;)', 'podpress') . '</span>' . "\n";
             echo '				</div>' . "\n";
             echo '			</div><!-- end accordion element -->' . "\n";
     echo '		</div><!-- end accordion -->' . "\n";
     echo '		<p class="submit"> ' . "\n";
     echo '			<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="Submit" value="' . __('Update Options', 'podpress') . ' &raquo;" /> ' . "\n";
     echo '		</p> ' . "\n";
     echo '	</fieldset>' . "\n";
     echo '	<script type="text/javascript">' . " podPress_updateFeedSettings();</script>";
     echo '	<input type="hidden" name="podPress_submitted" value="feed" />' . "\n";
     echo '	</form> ' . "\n";
     echo '</div>' . "\n";
 function edit_category_form($input)
     global $wp_version, $action;
     //~ echo "\n<pre>\n";
     //~ var_dump('in function edit_category_form');
     //~ var_dump($input);
     //~ var_dump($input->taxonomy);
     //~ var_dump($action);
     //~ var_dump($_GET['action']);
     //~ var_dump($wp_version);
     //~ echo "\n</pre>\n";
     if ('edit' == $_GET['action'] and TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.7', '>=') or 'editedcat' == $action) {
         // show the following form only when an existing category is going to be edited.
         if (FALSE === isset($input->taxonomy) or TRUE === empty($input->taxonomy) or 'post_tag' !== $input->taxonomy and 'category' !== $input->taxonomy) {
             $taxonomy = 'misc';
             $taxonomy_str = __('Taxonomy', 'podpress');
         } else {
             $taxonomy = $input->taxonomy;
             switch ($taxonomy) {
                 case 'post_tag':
                     $taxonomy_str = __('Tag', 'podpress');
                 case 'category':
                     $taxonomy_str = __('Category', 'podpress');
         //~ printphpnotices_var_dump('print edit_'.$taxonomy.'_form');
         //~ printphpnotices_var_dump($input);
         $data = podPress_get_option('podPress_' . $taxonomy . '_' . $input->term_id);
         $blog_charset = get_bloginfo('charset');
         if (empty($data['podcastFeedURL'])) {
             if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.9.3', '>')) {
                 // since WP 3.0 the cat_ID isreplaced by tag_ID
                 $data['podcastFeedURL'] = get_term_feed_link($input->term_id, $taxonomy);
             } elseif (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.9.3', '<=') and TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.4', '>')) {
                 switch ($taxonomy) {
                     case 'post_tag':
                         $data['podcastFeedURL'] = get_tag_feed_link($input->term_id);
                     case 'category':
                         $data['podcastFeedURL'] = get_category_feed_link($input->term_id);
             } else {
                 $data['podcastFeedURL'] = site_url() . '/?feed=rss2&cat=' . $input->term_id;
         } else {
             $url_parts = parse_url($data['podcastFeedURL']);
             if (isset($url_parts['query'])) {
                 $output = '';
                 parse_str($url_parts['query'], $output);
                 if (TRUE === isset($output['cat']) and FALSE !== empty($output['cat'])) {
                     if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.9.3', '>')) {
                         // since WP 3.0 the cat_ID isreplaced by tag_ID
                         $data['podcastFeedURL'] = get_term_feed_link($input->term_id, $taxonomy);
                     } elseif (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.9.3', '<=') and TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.4', '>')) {
                         switch ($taxonomy) {
                             case 'post_tag':
                                 $data['podcastFeedURL'] = get_tag_feed_link($input->term_id);
                             case 'category':
                                 $data['podcastFeedURL'] = get_category_feed_link($input->term_id);
                     } else {
                         $data['podcastFeedURL'] = site_url() . '/?feed=rss2&cat=' . $input->term_id;
         // some ids of category input fields have changed with WP 3.0
         $wp_version_parts = explode('.', $wp_version);
         if (is_array($wp_version_parts)) {
             $main_wp_version = $wp_version_parts[0];
         } else {
             $main_wp_version = 0;
         echo '<div class="wrap">' . "\n";
         if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.7', '>=')) {
             echo '<div id="podpress-icon" class="icon32"><br /></div>';
         echo '	<h2>' . sprintf(__('podPress %1$s Casting', 'podpress'), $taxonomy_str) . '</h2>' . "\n";
         echo '	<label for="categoryCasting"><strong>' . sprintf(__('Enable %1$s Casting', 'podpress'), $taxonomy_str) . '</strong></label>  <a href="javascript:void(null);" onclick="javascript: podPressShowHideDiv(\'categoryCastingHelp\');">(?)</a>:';
         echo '	<input type="checkbox" name="categoryCasting" id="categoryCasting" ';
         if ($data['categoryCasting'] == 'true') {
             echo 'checked="checked"';
         echo ' onclick="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');"/>' . "\n";
         echo '	<div id="categoryCastingHelp" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '		' . __('This feature is for cases in which you want to host more than one podcast in one blog or if you want to have different podcast feeds with different media files of certain file types per feed (e.g a feed which contains only .mp3 files).<br />Basically this feature gives you the opportunity to modify some of the feed elements and set them to other then as the general value from the Feed/iTunes Settings of podPress.<br/>For instance: If you organize your audio episodes in one category and the video episodes in a different category then you can modify the feed content describing values like the title or the description in the form below. This your category feeds will be more distinguishable from another.', 'podpress') . '<br />' . "\n";
         echo '	</div>' . "\n";
         echo '  <div class="wrap" id="iTunesSpecificSettings" style="display: none; border: 0;">' . "\n";
         echo '		<fieldset class="options">' . "\n";
         echo '		<legend>' . sprintf(__('%1$s Feed Options', 'podpress'), $taxonomy_str) . '</legend>' . "\n";
         echo '		<h3>' . __('iTunes Settings', 'podpress') . '</h3>' . "\n";
         echo '		<table class="podpress_feed_gensettings">' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesSubtitleChoice">' . __('iTunes:Subtitle', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesSubtitleChoice" name="iTunesSubtitleChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['iTunesSubtitleChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['iTunesSubtitleChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesSubtitleWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<textarea name="iTunesSubtitle" class="podpress_wide_text_field" rows="2" cols="40">' . stripslashes($data['iTunesSubtitle']) . '</textarea>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesSubtitleHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('A few words which describe the feed title a little bit more (max. 255 characters).', 'podpress') . ' ' . __('By default this is taken from the default iTunes:subtitle.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesSummaryChoice">' . __('iTunes:Summary', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesSummaryChoice" name="iTunesSummaryChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['iTunesSummaryChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['iTunesSummaryChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="hidden" id="global_iTunesSummary" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['summary'])) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesSummaryWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<textarea name="iTunesSummary" id="iTunesSummary" class="podpress_wide_text_field" rows="6" cols="40" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . stripslashes($data['iTunesSummary']) . '</textarea>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesSummaryHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('The description of the podcast.', 'podpress') . ' ' . __('By default this is taken from the default iTunes:Summary or the default description.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesImageChoice">' . __('iTunes:Image', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					' . __('The iTunes image should be a square image with <a href="" target="_blank">at least 1400 x 1400 pixels</a> as Apple writes in "<a href="" target="_blank">Making a Podcast</a>" of their own Podcasting Resources. iTunes supports JPEG and PNG images (the file name extensions should ".jpg" or ".png").', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesImageChoice" name="iTunesImageChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['iTunesImageChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['iTunesImageChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesImageWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<br/>';
         echo '						<input id="iTunesImage" type="text" name="iTunesImage" value="' . $data['iTunesImage'] . '" class="podpress_wide_text_field" size="40" onchange="podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');"/>' . "\n";
         echo '						<input id="global_iTunesImage" type="hidden" value="' . $this->settings['iTunes']['image'] . '"/>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>';
         echo '					<img id="itunes_image_display" style="width:300px; height:300px;" alt="' . __('Podcast Image - Big (If you can not see an image then the URL is wrong.)', 'podpress') . '" src="" /><br />' . "\n";
         echo '					<em>' . __('(This image is only a preview which is limited to 300 x 300 pixels.) ', 'podpress') . '</em>';
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesAuthorChoice">' . __('iTunes:Author/Owner', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesAuthorChoice" name="iTunesAuthorChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['iTunesAuthorChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . podPress_stringLimiter(ucfirst(stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['author'])), 40) . ')</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['iTunesAuthorChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesAuthorWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<input type="text" name="iTunesAuthor" class="podpress_wide_text_field" size="40" id="iTunesAuthor" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($data['iTunesAuthor'])) . '" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');"/>';
         echo '						<input type="hidden" id="global_iTunesAuthor" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['author'])) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesAuthorHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('Used if this Author is different than the feeds author.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesAuthorEmailChoice">' . __('Owner E-mail address', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesAuthorEmailChoice" name="iTunesAuthorEmailChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['iTunesAuthorEmailChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . podPress_stringLimiter(ucfirst(stripslashes(get_option('admin_email'))), 40) . ')</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['iTunesAuthorEmailChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesAuthorEmailWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<input type="text" name="iTunesAuthorEmail" class="podpress_wide_text_field" size="40" id="iTunesAuthorEmail" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($data['iTunesAuthorEmail'])) . '" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');"/>';
         echo '						<input type="hidden" id="global_iTunesAuthorEmail" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes(get_option('admin_email'))) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesAuthorEmailHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('Used if the owner of this category is different than the feeds owner.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesKeywordsChoice">' . __('iTunes:Keywords', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesKeywordsChoice" name="iTunesKeywordsChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['iTunesKeywordsChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . podPress_stringLimiter(stripslashes($this->settings['iTunes']['keywords']), 40) . ')</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['iTunesKeywordsChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesKeywordsWrapper">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('a list of max. 12 comma separated words', 'podpress') . '<br/><textarea name="iTunesKeywords" rows="4" cols="40">' . stripslashes($data['iTunesKeywords']) . '</textarea>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesKeywordsHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('Not visible in iTunes, but used for searches.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr> ' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesCategory_0">' . __('iTunes:Categories', 'podpress') . '</label>';
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesCategory_0" name="iTunesCategory[0]" onchange="podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Primary', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
         if ('' == trim($this->settings['iTunes']['category'][0])) {
             $current_global = '[ ' . __('nothing', 'podpress') . ' ]';
         } else {
             $current_global = $this->settings['iTunes']['category'][0];
         echo '						<option value="##Global##" ';
         if ($data['iTunesCategory'][0] == '##Global##' || empty($data['iTunesCategory'][0])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . $current_global . ')</option>' . "\n";
         if (empty($data['iTunesCategory'][0])) {
         } else {
         echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select><br/>' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="hidden" id="global_iTunesCategory" value="' . attribute_escape($this->settings['iTunes']['category'][0]) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '					<select name="iTunesCategory[1]">' . "\n";
         echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Second', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
         if ('' == trim($this->settings['iTunes']['category'][1])) {
             $current_global = '[ ' . __('nothing', 'podpress') . ' ]';
         } else {
             $current_global = $this->settings['iTunes']['category'][1];
         echo '						<option value="##Global##" ';
         if ($data['iTunesCategory'][1] == '##Global##' || empty($data['iTunesCategory'][1])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . $current_global . ')</option>' . "\n";
         if (empty($data['iTunesCategory'][1])) {
         } else {
         echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select><br/>' . "\n";
         echo '					<select name="iTunesCategory[2]">' . "\n";
         echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Third', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
         if ('' == trim($this->settings['iTunes']['category'][2])) {
             $current_global = '[ ' . __('nothing', 'podpress') . ' ]';
         } else {
             $current_global = $this->settings['iTunes']['category'][2];
         echo '						<option value="##Global##" ';
         if ($data['iTunesCategory'][2] == '##Global##' || empty($data['iTunesCategory'][2])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . $current_global . ')</option>' . "\n";
         if (empty($data['iTunesCategory'][2])) {
         } else {
         echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesExplicit">' . __('iTunes:Explicit', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesExplicit" name="iTunesExplicit" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="##Global##" ';
         if ($data['iTunesExplicit'] == '##Global##' || empty($data['iTunesExplicit'])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . $this->settings['iTunes']['explicit'] . ')</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="No" ';
         if ($data['iTunesExplicit'] == 'No') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Yes" ';
         if ($data['iTunesExplicit'] == 'Yes') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Clean" ';
         if ($data['iTunesExplicit'] == 'Clean') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Clean', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="iTunesExplicitHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '					' . __('Setting to indicate (in iTunes) whether or not your podcast contains explicit language or adult content', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>' . __('"No" (default) - no indicator will show up', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>' . __('"Yes" - an "EXPLICIT" parental advisory graphic will appear next to your podcast artwork or name in iTunes', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>' . __('"Clean" - means that you are sure that no explicit language or adult content is included any of the episodes, and a "CLEAN" graphic will appear', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<p>' . __('You have also the possibility to adjust this option for each post or page with at least one podcast episode (in the post/page editor).', 'podpress') . '</p>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesBlock">' . __('iTunes:Block', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="iTunesBlock" name="iTunesBlock" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="##Global##" ';
         if ($data['iTunesBlock'] != '##Global##' || empty($data['itunesBlock'])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . $this->settings['iTunes']['block'] . ')</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="No" ';
         if ($data['iTunesBlock'] == 'No') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('No', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Yes" ';
         if ($data['iTunesBlock'] == 'Yes') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Yes', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="itunesBlockHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '					' . __('Use this if you are no longer creating a podcast and you want it removed from the iTunes Store.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>' . __('"No" (default) - the podcast appears in the iTunes Podcast directory', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>' . __('"Yes" - prevent the entire podcast from appearing in the iTunes Podcast directory', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<p>' . __('You can also use such an option for each of your podcast episodes (in the post/page editor).', 'podpress') . '</p>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr> ' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesFeedID">' . __('iTunes:FeedID', 'podpress') . '</label>';
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<input name="iTunesFeedID" id="iTunesFeedID" type="text" value="' . attribute_escape($data['iTunesFeedID']) . '" size="10" /> ' . __('(Only relevant for the podPress Feed Buttons widget)', 'podpress');
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr> ' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="iTunesNewFeedURL">' . __('iTunes:New-Feed-Url', 'podpress') . '</label>';
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td>';
         echo '					<select name="iTunesNewFeedURL" id="iTunesNewFeedURL">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="##Global##" ';
         if ($data['iTunesNewFeedURL'] == '##Global##' || empty($data['iTunesNewFeedURL'])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Disable" ';
         if ($data['iTunesNewFeedURL'] == 'Disable') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Disable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Enable" ';
         if ($data['iTunesNewFeedURL'] == 'Enable') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Enable', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>';
         echo '				<td>';
         echo '					' . __('If you want to change the URL of your podcast feed which you have used in the iTunes Store then change the "Podcast Feed URL" and set this option to "Enable" until the iTunes Store recognizes the new URL. This may take several days. "Enable" will add the <code>&lt;itunes:new-feed-url&gt;</code> tag to the RSS feeds and set the "Podcast Feed URL" as the new URL. For further information about "<a href="" title="iTunes Podcasting Resources: Changing Your Feed URL" target="_blank">Changing Your Feed URL</a>" read on in the <a href="" target="_blank" title="iTunes Podcasting Resources: Making a Podcast">iTunes Podcasting Resources</a>.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '					<p><label for="podcastFeedURL"><strong>' . __('the new Feed URL', 'podpress') . '</strong></label>';
         echo '					<br/>';
         echo '					<input type="text" id="podcastFeedURL" name="podcastFeedURL" class="podpress_wide_text_field" size="40" value="' . attribute_escape($data['podcastFeedURL']) . '" /><br />' . __('The URL of your Podcast Feed. If you want to register your podcast at the iTunes Store or if your podcast is already listed there then this input field should contain the same URL as in the iTunes Store settings. If you want change the URL at the iTunes Store then please read first the help text of the iTunes:New-Feed-Url option.', 'podpress');
         echo '					<br /><input type="button" value="' . __('Validate your Feed', 'podpress') . '" onclick="javascript: if(document.getElementById(\'podcastFeedURL\').value != \'\') {\'\'+document.getElementById(\'podcastFeedURL\').value); }"/>' . "\n";
         echo '				</p></td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '		</table>' . "\n";
         echo '		<h3>' . __('General Feed Settings', 'podpress') . '</h3>' . "\n";
         echo '		<table class="podpress_feed_gensettings">' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="blognameChoice">' . __('Podcast title / Feed title', 'podpress') . '</label>';
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="blognameChoice" name="blognameChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Append" ';
         if ($data['blognameChoice'] == 'Append' || empty($data['blognameChoice'])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . sprintf(__('Use the Site Title and append the name of the %1$s', 'podpress'), $taxonomy_str) . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['blognameChoice'] == 'Global') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use the Site Title', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="CategoryName" ';
         if ($data['blognameChoice'] == 'CategoryName') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use the name of the category', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="hidden" id="global_blogname" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes(get_option('blogname'))) . '" /></td>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="blogdescriptionChoice">' . __('Description (Tagline)', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="blogdescriptionChoice" name="blogdescriptionChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['blogdescriptionChoice'] != 'CategoryDescription') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="CategoryDescription" ';
         if ($data['blogdescriptionChoice'] == 'CategoryDescription') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . sprintf(__('Use %1$s Description', 'podpress'), $taxonomy_str) . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="hidden" id="global_blogdescription" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes(get_option('blogdescription'))) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="rss_imageChoice">' . __('Blog/RSS Image (144 x 144 pixels)', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="rss_imageChoice" name="rss_imageChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['rss_imageChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['rss_imageChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="rss_imageWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<br/>';
         echo '						<input id="rss_image" type="text" name="rss_image" value="' . $data['rss_image'] . '" class="podpress_wide_text_field" size="40" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');"/>' . "\n";
         echo '						<input id="global_rss_image" type="hidden" value="' . get_option('rss_image') . '"/>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<br/>';
         echo '					<img id="rss_image_Display" style="width:144px; height:144px;" alt="' . __('Podcast Image - Small (If you can not see an image then the URL is wrong.)', 'podpress') . '" src="" />' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '					<label for="rss_language">' . __('Language', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         $langs = podPress_itunesLanguageArray();
         echo '					<select id="rss_language" name="rss_language" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<optgroup label="' . __('Select Language', 'podpress') . '">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="##Global##" ';
         if ($data['rss_language'] == '##Global##' || empty($data['rss_language'])) {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' - ' . $langs[get_option('rss_language')] . ' [' . get_option('rss_language') . ']</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						</optgroup>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="hidden" id="global_rss_language" value="' . $langs[get_option('rss_language')] . '[' . attribute_escape(get_option('rss_language')) . ']" /></td>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '		</table>' . "\n";
         echo '		<h3>' . __('Further Feed Settings', 'podpress') . '</h3>' . "\n";
         echo '		<table class="podpress_feed_gensettings">' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>' . "\n";
         echo '					<label for="rss_copyrightChoice">' . __('Feed Copyright / license name', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="rss_copyrightChoice" name="rss_copyrightChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['rss_copyrightChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . podPress_stringLimiter(ucfirst(stripslashes($this->settings['rss_copyright'])), 40) . ')</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['rss_copyrightChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="rss_copyrightWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<input type="text" name="rss_copyright" class="podpress_wide_text_field" size="40" id="rss_copyright" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($data['rss_copyright'])) . '" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');"/>';
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="hidden" id="global_rss_copyright" value="' . attribute_escape(stripslashes($this->settings['rss_copyright'])) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="rss_copyrightHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('Enter the copyright string or license name. For example: Copyright &#169 by Jon Doe, 2009 OR <a href="" target="_blank">CreativeCommons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5</a>', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '						<p>' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('Used if this copyright phrase should be different than the global copyright phrase.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '						</p>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>' . "\n";
         echo '					<label for="rss_license_urlChoice">' . __('URL to the full Copyright / license text', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>';
         echo '				<td colspan="2">';
         echo '					<select id="rss_license_urlChoice" name="rss_license_urlChoice" onchange="javascript: podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\');">' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Global" ';
         if ($data['rss_license_urlChoice'] != 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Use Global', 'podpress') . ' (' . podPress_stringLimiter(ucfirst(stripslashes($this->settings['rss_license_url'])), 40) . ')</option>' . "\n";
         echo '						<option value="Custom" ';
         if ($data['rss_license_urlChoice'] == 'Custom') {
             echo 'selected="selected"';
         echo '>' . __('Insert custom value', 'podpress') . '</option>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="rss_license_urlWrapper" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
         echo '						<input name="rss_license_url" type="text" id="rss_license_url" class="podpress_wide_text_field" value="' . attribute_escape($data['rss_license_url']) . '" size="65%" />' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '					<input type="hidden" id="global_rss_license_url" value="' . attribute_escape($this->settings['rss_license_url']) . '" />' . "\n";
         echo '					<div id="rss_license_urlHelp">' . "\n";
         echo '						' . __('If you use a special license like a <a href="" target="_blank" title="Creative Commons">Creative Commons</a> License for your news feeds then enter the complete URL (e.g. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>) to the full text of this particular license here.', 'podpress') . "\n";
         echo '						<p>' . __('Used if this license URL should be different than the global license URL.', 'podpress') . '</p>' . "\n";
         echo '					</div>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         $filetypes = podPress_filetypes();
         $selected_types = $data['FileTypes'];
         if (FALSE === is_array($data['FileTypes'])) {
             $selected_types = array();
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '				' . __('inlude only files of this(these) type(s)', 'podpress');
         echo '				</th>' . "\n";
         echo '				<td>';
         echo '					<select id="filenameextensionfilter" name="FileTypes[]" size="5" multiple="multiple" style="height:15em;">' . "\n";
         echo '					<optgroup label="' . attribute_escape(__('Select file types', 'podpress')) . '">' . "\n";
         foreach ($filetypes as $key => $value) {
             if (TRUE == in_array($key, $selected_types)) {
                 $selected = ' selected="selected"';
             } else {
                 $selected = '';
             if ($key !== 'audio_mp4') {
                 echo '						<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>';
         echo '					</optgroup>' . "\n";
         echo '					</select>' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '				<td>';
         echo '					' . __('You can select one or more media file types and limit by this choice the number of posts which will appear in the this Feed. For instance: if you select MP4 Video then this Feed will only contain posts (of this category) with MP4 files. If a post has also files of other types then only the files of the selected type will be attached in this feed. (This filter bypasses the "Included in:" selection.)', 'podpress') . '</p><p>' . __('Hold the key [SHIFT] or [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to select more than one value.<br />Hold [CTRL] and use the left mouse button to deselect values.', 'podpress');
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '			<tr>' . "\n";
         echo '				<th>';
         echo '				<label for="show_only_podPress_podcasts">' . __('Include only posts with podPress attachments in this Feed', 'podpress') . '</label>' . "\n";
         echo '				</th>' . "\n";
         echo '				<td>';
         if (TRUE == isset($data['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) and FALSE === $data['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) {
             echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="show_only_podPress_podcasts" id="show_only_podPress_podcasts" value="yes" />' . "\n";
         } else {
             echo '					<input type="checkbox" name="show_only_podPress_podcasts" id="show_only_podPress_podcasts" value="yes" checked="checked" />' . "\n";
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '				<td>';
         echo '					' . __('works only while the File Type Filter is not in use', 'podpress');
         echo '				</td>' . "\n";
         echo '			</tr>' . "\n";
         echo '		</table>' . "\n";
         echo '		</fieldset>' . "\n";
         echo '	</div>' . "\n";
         echo '<script type="text/javascript">podPress_updateCategoryCasting(' . $main_wp_version . ', \'' . $taxonomy . '\'); </script>';
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 3
function podPress_mediaOptions()
    $options = array();
    $options = podPress_filetypes();
    $options['embed_youtube'] = __('YouTube - Video', 'podpress');
    $options['misc_other'] = __('??? - Other', 'podpress');
    foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
        echo '<option value="' . $key . '">' . $value . '</option>' . "\n";