public function render()
     $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $temp = mb_str_replace("-", " ", substr($uri, strrpos($uri, "/") + 1));
     switch (mb_strtolower($temp)) {
         case "wildernessone":
             $ViewData['search'] = "WildernessOne";
         case "geotrak":
             $ViewData['search'] = "GeoTrak";
         case "oceanx":
             $ViewData['search'] = "OceanX";
     $ViewData['title'] = "Shop | Peak Outdoor Adventure";
     $ViewData['copyright'] = date("Y");
     $ViewData['stylesheets'] = ["index", "shop"];
     $ViewData['javascript'] = ["jquery", "shop"];
     $products = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "\\..\\..\\Data\\products.json"));
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         if (mb_strtolower($product->collection) === mb_strtolower($ViewData['search'])) {
             $ViewData['products'][] = $product;
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $ViewData['categories'][] = $product->category;
     $ViewData['categories'] = array_unique($ViewData['categories']);
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $ViewData['collections'][] = $product->collection;
     $ViewData['collections'] = array_unique($ViewData['collections']);
     echo $this->razr->render('Templates\\Shop\\index.razr.php', $ViewData);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Smarty replace modifier plugin
 * Type:     modifier<br>
 * Name:     replace<br>
 * Purpose:  simple search/replace
 * @link replace (Smarty online manual)
 * @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com> 
 * @author Uwe Tews 
 * @param string $ 
 * @param string $ 
 * @param string $ 
 * @return string 
function smarty_modifier_replace($string, $search, $replace)
    if (!function_exists('mb_str_replace')) {
        // simulate the missing PHP mb_str_replace function
        function mb_str_replace($needles, $replacements, $haystack)
            $rep = (array) $replacements;
            foreach ((array) $needles as $key => $needle) {
                $replacement = $rep[$key];
                $needle_len = mb_strlen($needle);
                $replacement_len = mb_strlen($replacement);
                $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, 0);
                while ($pos !== false) {
                    $haystack = mb_substr($haystack, 0, $pos) . $replacement . mb_substr($haystack, $pos + $needle_len);
                    $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $pos + $replacement_len);
            return $haystack;
    if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
        return mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
    } else {
        return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * マルチバイト対応 str_replace()
  * @param  mixed  $search   検索文字列(またはその配列)
  * @param  mixed  $replace  置換文字列(またはその配列)
  * @param  mixed  $subject  対象文字列(またはその配列)
  * @param  string $encoding 文字列のエンコーディング(省略: 内部エンコーディング)
  * @return mixed  subject 内の search を replace で置き換えた文字列
  * この関数の $search, $replace, $subject は配列に対応していますが、
  * $search, $replace が配列の場合の挙動が PHP 標準の str_replace() と異なります。
 function mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, $encoding = 'auto')
     if (!is_array($search)) {
         $search = array($search);
     if (!is_array($replace)) {
         // PHP manual:
         //      search が配列で replace が文字列の場合、
         //      この置換文字列が search の各値について使用されます。
         // array_fill_keysは5.2以上なので使えない...
         $replace = array_combine(array_keys($search), array_fill(0, count($search), $replace));
     if (strtolower($encoding) === 'auto') {
         $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
     // $subject が複数ならば各要素に繰り返し適用する
     if (is_array($subject) || $subject instanceof Traversable) {
         $result = array();
         foreach ($subject as $key => $val) {
             $result[$key] = mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $val, $encoding);
         return $result;
     $currentpos = 0;
     // 現在の検索開始位置
     while (true) {
         // $currentpos 以降で $search のいずれかが現れる位置を検索する
         $index = -1;
         // 見つけた文字列(最も前にあるもの)の $search の index
         $minpos = -1;
         // 見つけた文字列(最も前にあるもの)の位置
         foreach ($search as $key => $find) {
             if ($find == '') {
             $findpos = mb_strpos($subject, $find, $currentpos, $encoding);
             if ($findpos !== false) {
                 if ($minpos < 0 || $findpos < $minpos) {
                     $minpos = $findpos;
                     $index = $key;
         // $search のいずれも見つからなければ終了
         if ($minpos < 0) {
         // 置換実行
         $replaced = array_key_exists($index, $replace) ? $replace[$index] : '';
         $subject = mb_substr($subject, 0, $minpos, $encoding) . $replaced . mb_substr($subject, $minpos + mb_strlen($search[$index], $encoding), mb_strlen($subject, $encoding), $encoding);
         // 「現在位置」を $r の直後に設定
         $currentpos = $minpos + mb_strlen($replaced, $encoding);
     return $subject;
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected function formatRow(array $row)
     $ret = array_map(function ($cell) {
         $cell = mb_convert_encoding((string) $cell, $this->outputCharset, $this->inputCharset);
         if (!preg_match('/[",\\x0d\\x0a]/', $cell)) {
             return $cell;
         return '"' . mb_str_replace('"', '""', $cell, $this->outputCharset) . '"';
     }, $row);
     return implode(',', $ret);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function replace($haystack, $needle, $replace, $regex = false)
     if ($regex) {
         $r = preg_replace($needle, $replace, $haystack);
     } else {
         if (String::$multibyte) {
             $r = mb_str_replace($needle, $replace, $haystack);
         } else {
             $r = str_replace($needle, $replace, $haystack);
     return new String($r);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function AddExtraHTMLToSidebar(&$company)
     define('API', 'PS');
     require_once 'siteadmin/includes/config/affiliatewindow.php';
     $result = CPHelper::getStaggImageHTML($company['staggurl']);
     $result .= '<div id="sidebar-merchantDescription-main"><h3>' . (empty($company['sidebar_title']) ? 'Quick Glance' : $company['sidebar_title']) . '</h3>';
     $result .= mb_str_replace('{logo}', '<img src="' . $company['logourl'] . '" style="float:left; margin:5px;"/>', $company['sidebar']);
     if (!empty($company['displayurl'])) {
         list($cloakedURL, $realURL) = CPHelper::getCompanyURLs($company['id'], $company['displayurl'], $company['source']);
         $result .= '<ul><li class="official-website"><h4>Official Website</h4><a href="' . $cloakedURL . '" target="_blank">' . $realURL . '</a></li></ul>';
     $result .= '</div>';
     $company['sidebar'] = $result;
Exemplo n.º 7
function arabicToPersian($inp)
    $out = str_replace("ي", "ی", $inp);
    $out = str_replace("ك", "ک", $out);
    $out = $out == 'امام خمینی' ? 'تهران' : $out;
    $out = mb_str_replace(array("ـ", " "), "", $out);
    if ($out == 'خرمآباد' || $out == 'خرماباد') {
        $out = 'خرم‌آباد';
    switch ($out) {
        case 'Tehran':
            $out = 'تهران';
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Prueft die URL damit keine boesen URLS uebergeben werden koennen
 * @param $param
function validURLCheck($param)
    if (strstr($param, '://')) {
        // Der APP_ROOT muss in der URL vorkommen, sonfern es kein relativer Pfad ist
        // HTTPS und HTTP
        if (mb_strpos($param, APP_ROOT) !== 0 && mb_strpos(mb_str_replace("http://", "https://", $param), APP_ROOT) !== 0 && mb_strpos(mb_str_replace("https://", "http://", $param), APP_ROOT) !== 0) {
            $text = "Dies ist eine automatische Mail.\nEs wurde eine mögliche XSS Attacke durchgefuehrt:\n";
            $text .= "\nFolgende URL wurde versucht aufzurufen: \n" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            $text .= "\n\nIP des Aufrufers: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            $text .= "\n\nUserAgent: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
            $text .= "\n\nAuffälliger Value: {$param}";
            $mail = new mail(MAIL_ADMIN, 'no-reply@' . DOMAIN, 'Versuchte XSS Attacke', $text);
            die('Invalid URL detected');
 public function render()
     $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $id = mb_str_replace("-", " ", substr($uri, strrpos($uri, "/") + 1));
     $ViewData['title'] = "Product Details | Peak Outdoor Adventure";
     $ViewData['copyright'] = date("Y");
     $ViewData['stylesheets'] = ["details"];
     $ViewData['javascript'] = ["jquery", "details"];
     $products = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "\\..\\..\\Data\\products.json"));
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         if ($product->id === intval($id, 10)) {
             $ViewData['product'] = $product;
     echo $this->razr->render('Templates\\Shop\\details.razr.php', $ViewData);
  * Text mb_replace() functionality
  * @dataProvider getReplaceStringProvider
  * @var mixed  $search
  * @var mixed  $replace
  * @var string $subject
  * @var string $expectedResult
  * @var int    $expectedCount
  * @return void
 public function testMbStrReplace($search, $replace, $subject, $expectedResult, $expectedCount)
     //echo $url . "\n";
     try {
         self::startTimer('mb_str_replace', microtime(true));
         $result = mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, $count);
         self::endTimer('mb_str_replace', microtime(true));
         $this->assertSame($expectedResult, $result, "Mismatch in result");
         $this->assertSame($expectedCount, $count, "Mismatch in count");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "Exception " . $e->getMessage() . " on subject: '{$subject}'\n";
         // rethrow it
         throw $e;
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = 0)
     if (!is_array($subject)) {
         $searches = is_array($search) ? array_values($search) : array($search);
         $replacements = is_array($replace) ? array_values($replace) : array($replace);
         $replacements = array_pad($replacements, count($searches), '');
         foreach ($searches as $key => $search) {
             $parts = mb_split(preg_quote($search), $subject);
             $count += count($parts) - 1;
             $subject = implode($replacements[$key], $parts);
     } else {
         foreach ($subject as $key => $value) {
             $subject[$key] = mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $value, $count);
     return $subject;
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Replaces a smarty block with an other one.
 * If the PHP multibyte (mb) extension is installed this
 * function is multibyte char aware
 * The first parameter has one 'search' and one 'replace' key
 * @param array  $params
 * @param string $content
 * @param mixed  $smarty
 * @param int    $repeat
 * @param string $template
 * @return string
function smarty_block_replace($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat, $template)
    if (is_null($content)) {
    if (empty($params['search'])) {
        return $content;
    if (empty($params['replace'])) {
        $params['replace'] = '';
    if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
        require_once SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.mb_str_replace.php';
        return mb_str_replace($params['search'], $params['replace'], $content);
    } else {
        return str_replace($params['search'], $params['replace'], $content);
 private function normalize_uri($uri)
     // Remove query string if any
     if (FALSE !== strpos($uri, "?")) {
         echo $uri = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, "?"));
     // Trim leading and trailing slashes
     $uri = trim($uri, "/");
     // Escape slashes for RegEx
     $uri = mb_str_replace("/", "\\/", $uri);
     // Escape actual dots
     $uri = mb_str_replace(".", "\\.", $uri);
     // Swap (:num) expression
     $uri = mb_str_replace("(:num)", "[0-9]+", $uri);
     // Swap (:alpha) expression
     $uri = mb_str_replace("(:alpha)", "[A-Za-z]+", $uri);
     $uri = "/^" . $uri . "\$/";
     return $uri;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, $encoding = 'auto')
     if (!is_array($search)) {
         $search = array($search);
     if (!is_array($replace)) {
         $replace = array($replace);
     if (strtolower($encoding) === 'auto') {
         $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
     if (is_array($subject)) {
         $result = array();
         foreach ($subject as $key => $val) {
             $result[$key] = mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $val, $encoding);
         return $result;
     $currentpos = 0;
     while (true) {
         $index = $minpos = -1;
         foreach ($search as $key => $find) {
             if ($find == '') {
             $findpos = mb_strpos($subject, $find, $currentpos, $encoding);
             if ($findpos !== false) {
                 if ($minpos < 0 || $findpos < $minpos) {
                     $minpos = $findpos;
                     $index = $key;
         if ($minpos < 0) {
         $r = array_key_exists($index, $replace) ? $replace[$index] : '';
         $subject = sprintf('%s%s%s', mb_substr($subject, 0, $minpos, $encoding), $r, mb_substr($subject, $minpos + mb_strlen($search[$index], $encoding), mb_strlen($subject, $encoding), $encoding));
         $currentpos = $minpos + mb_strlen($r, $encoding);
     return $subject;
Exemplo n.º 15
 function mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = 0)
     if (!is_array($subject)) {
         // Normalize $search and $replace so they are both arrays of the same length
         $searches = is_array($search) ? array_values($search) : array($search);
         $replacements = is_array($replace) ? array_values($replace) : array($replace);
         $replacements = array_pad($replacements, count($searches), '');
         foreach ($searches as $key => $search) {
             $parts = mb_split(preg_quote($search), $subject);
             $count += count($parts) - 1;
             $subject = implode($replacements[$key], $parts);
     } else {
         // Call mb_str_replace for each subject in array, recursively
         foreach ($subject as $key => $value) {
             $subject[$key] = mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $value, $count);
     return $subject;
Exemplo n.º 16
function smarty_function_lang($params, $smarty)
    if (!isset($params['code'])) {
        throw new rad_exception("lang: missing 'code' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
    $params['code'] = trim($params['code'], " \t\"'");
    if (isset($params['lang'])) {
        $val = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array($params['code'], $params['lang']));
    } else {
        $val = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array($params['code']));
    if (isset($params['find']) && isset($params['replace'])) {
        if (!is_array($params['find'])) {
            $params['find'] = array($params['find']);
        if (!is_array($params['replace'])) {
            $params['replace'] = array($params['replace']);
        if (count($params['find']) != count($params['replace'])) {
            throw new rad_exception('lang: find/replace params should either be both scalar or be arrays of the same size');
        $find = reset($params['find']);
        $replace = reset($params['replace']);
        while ($find) {
            $val = mb_str_replace($val, $find, $replace);
            $find = next($params['find']);
            $replace = next($params['replace']);
    if (!empty($params['htmlchars'])) {
        $val = mb_str_replace($val, '"', '&quot;');
    if (!empty($params['ucf'])) {
        $val = mb_ucfirst($val);
    if (isset($params['assign'])) {
        $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $val);
    } else {
        return $val;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject)
     if (is_array($subject)) {
         foreach ($subject as $key => $val) {
             $subject[$key] = mb_str_replace((string) $search, $replace, $subject[$key]);
         return $subject;
     $pattern = '/(?:' . implode('|', array_map(create_function('$match', 'return preg_quote($match[0], "/");'), (array) $search)) . ')/u';
     if (is_array($search)) {
         if (is_array($replace)) {
             $len = min(count($search), count($replace));
             $table = array_combine(array_slice($search, 0, $len), array_slice($replace, 0, $len));
             $f = create_function('$match', '$table = ' . var_export($table, true) . '; return array_key_exists($match[0], $table) ? $table[$match[0]] : $match[0];');
             $subject = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $f, $subject);
             return $subject;
     $subject = preg_replace($pattern, (string) $replace, $subject);
     return $subject;
  * mb_str_replace()
  * Alternative mb_str_replace in case mb_string is not available
  * (array aware from here
  * @param mixed $search : string or array of strings to be searched.
  * @param mixed $replace : string or array of the strings that will replace the searched string(s)
  * @param mixed $subject : string to be modified.
  * @return string with the replacements made
 function mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject)
     if (is_array($subject)) {
         $ret = array();
         foreach ($subject as $key => $val) {
             $ret[$key] = mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $val);
         return $ret;
     foreach ((array) $search as $key => $s) {
         if ($s == '') {
         $r = !is_array($replace) ? $replace : (array_key_exists($key, $replace) ? $replace[$key] : '');
         $pos = mb_strpos($subject, $s);
         while ($pos !== false) {
             $subject = mb_substr($subject, 0, $pos) . $r . mb_substr($subject, $pos + mb_strlen($s));
             $pos = mb_strpos($subject, $s, $pos + mb_strlen($r));
     return $subject;
Exemplo n.º 19
* Smarty replace modifier plugin
* Type:     modifier<br>
* Name:     replace<br>
* Purpose:  simple search/replace
* @link replace (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com> 
* @author Uwe Tews 
* @param string $ 
* @param string $ 
* @param string $ 
* @return string 
function smarty_modifier_replace($string, $search, $replace)
    if (!function_exists("mb_str_replace")) {
        // simulate the missing PHP mb_str_replace function
        function mb_str_replace($needle, $replacement, $haystack)
            $needle_len = mb_strlen($needle);
            $replacement_len = mb_strlen($replacement);
            $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, 0);
            while ($pos !== false) {
                $haystack = mb_substr($haystack, 0, $pos) . $replacement . mb_substr($haystack, $pos + $needle_len);
                $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $pos + $replacement_len);
            return $haystack;
    if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
        return mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
    } else {
        return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
Exemplo n.º 20
$back_url = implode('&', $back_url_params);
//pull message information
$message = new CForumMessage();
//pull message information from last response
if ($message_parent != -1) {
    $last_message = new CForumMessage();
    if (!$last_message->message_id) {
        // if it's first response, use original message
        $last_message = clone $message;
        $last_message->message_body = wordwrap($last_message->message_body, 50, "\n> ");
    } else {
        $last_message->message_body = mb_str_replace("\n", "\n> ", $last_message->message_body);
$crumbs = array();
$crumbs['?m=forums'] = 'forums list';
$crumbs['?m=forums&a=viewer&forum_id=' . $forum_id] = 'topics for this forum';
if ($message_parent > -1) {
    $crumbs['?m=forums&a=viewer&forum_id=' . $forum_id . '&message_id=' . $message_parent] = 'this topic';
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// security improvement:
// some javascript functions may not appear on client side in case of user not having write permissions
// else users would be able to arbitrarily run 'bad' functions
if ($canEdit || $canAdd) {
Exemplo n.º 21
  *	@param	string	$text		Value
  *	@param	string	$fromText	From Value
  *	@param	string	$toText		To Value
  *	@param	integer	$instance	Instance Number
  *	@return	string
 public static function SUBSTITUTE($text = '', $fromText = '', $toText = '', $instance = 0)
     $text = self::flattenSingleValue($text);
     $fromText = self::flattenSingleValue($fromText);
     $toText = self::flattenSingleValue($toText);
     $instance = floor(self::flattenSingleValue($instance));
     if ($instance == 0) {
         if (function_exists('mb_str_replace')) {
             return mb_str_replace($fromText, $toText, $text);
         } else {
             return str_replace($fromText, $toText, $text);
     } else {
         $pos = -1;
         while ($instance > 0) {
             if (function_exists('mb_strpos')) {
                 $pos = mb_strpos($text, $fromText, $pos + 1, 'UTF-8');
             } else {
                 $pos = strpos($text, $fromText, $pos + 1);
             if ($pos === false) {
         if ($pos !== false) {
             if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
                 return self::REPLACE($text, ++$pos, mb_strlen($fromText, 'UTF-8'), $toText);
             } else {
                 return self::REPLACE($text, ++$pos, strlen($fromText), $toText);
     return $left . $newText . $right;
Exemplo n.º 22
var sel_types = '<?php 
    echo mb_str_replace(chr(10), '', $sel_types);
var sel_access = '<?php 
    echo mb_str_replace(chr(10), '', $sel_access);
var sel_extra = '<?php 
    echo mb_str_replace(chr(10), '', $sel_extra);
var sel_durntype = '<?php 
    echo mb_str_replace(chr(10), '', $sel_durntype);

function addComponent() {
	var form = document.editFrm;
	var li = parseInt(form.nrcomponents.value);
	var line_nr = li+1;
	var ni = document.getElementById('tcomponents');
	var li = li+1;
	priorities = sel_priorities.replace('priority0','priority_'+line_nr);
	priorities = priorities.replace('priority0','priority_'+line_nr);
	types = sel_types.replace('type0','type_'+line_nr);
	types = types.replace('type0','type_'+line_nr);
Exemplo n.º 23
  * @return string
 public function parse()
     $this->buffer = $this->removeComments($this->buffer);
     if (!$this->importDisabled) {
         // Match all import types
         if (($match_count = preg_match_all('/@import\\s+(?:url\\()?["\\\']?([^"\\\'\\)]+)["\\\']?(?:\\))?(?:[\\s\\w\\d\\-._,]*);/i', $this->buffer, $matches)) > 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
                 if (!empty($matches[1][$i])) {
                     $import_file = $this->findImport($matches[1][$i]);
                     if ($import_file != null) {
                         $child = $this->createChild($import_file);
                         $child_contents = $child->parse();
                         $this->buffer = mb_str_replace($matches[0][$i], $child_contents, $this->buffer);
     return $this->buffer;
Exemplo n.º 24
function rksnwp_en_div_to_p($theNote)
    global $rksnwp_options;
    $bMarkdown = 0;
    if (!empty($rksnwp_options['core']['markdown'])) {
        $bMarkdown = 1;
    if (in_array('md', $theNote['tag_names'])) {
        $bMarkdown = 1;
    if (in_array('nomd', $theNote['tag_names'])) {
        $bMarkdown = 0;
    if ($rksnwp_options['evernote']['div_to_p'] && !$bMarkdown) {
        $content = $theNote['content'];
        $content = preg_replace("/\n|\r/", '', $content);
        $content = mb_str_replace("\n\n", '<div><br/></div>', $content);
        $content = mb_str_replace('<div', '<p', $content);
        $content = mb_str_replace('</div>', "</p>\n", $content);
        $content = preg_replace("/<p><br[^>]*><\\/p>/", "", $content);
        $theNote['content'] = $content;
    return $theNote;
Exemplo n.º 25
 * Liefert eine Zeile zum Eintragen des Betrages
 * @param $i Nummer der Zeile
 * @param $rechnungsbetrag_id ID des rechnungsbetrages (optional)
 * @param $bezeichnung Bezeichnung des rechnungsbetrages (optional)
 * @param $betrag Betrag des rechnungsbetrages (optional)
 * @param $mwst MwSt des rechnungsbetrages (optional)
function getBetragRow($i, $rechnungsbetrag_id = '', $bezeichnung = '', $betrag = '', $mwst = '')
    $brutto = $betrag + $betrag * $mwst / 100;
    if ($betrag != '') {
        $betrag = sprintf("%01.2f", $betrag);
    $betrag = mb_str_replace('.', ',', $betrag);
    return '<tr id="row_' . $i . '">
					<input type="hidden" name="rechnungsbetrag_id_' . $i . '" value="' . $rechnungsbetrag_id . '">
					<input type="text" name="bezeichnung_' . $i . '" value="' . $bezeichnung . '">
				<td nowrap>
					<input class="number" type="text" size="12" maxlength="12" id="betrag_' . $i . '" name="betrag_' . $i . '" value="' . $betrag . '"  onblur="checkNewRow(' . $i . '); replaceKomma(' . $i . ');" onchange="brutto(' . $i . '); summe()"> &euro; 
				<td nowrap>
					<input class="number" type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" id="mwst_' . $i . '" name="mwst_' . $i . '" value="' . $mwst . '" onblur="replaceKomma(' . $i . ');" onchange="bruttonetto(' . $i . '); summe(); "> %
				<td nowrap>
					<input class="number" type="text" size="12" maxlength="15" id="brutto_' . $i . '" name="brutto_' . $i . '" value="' . sprintf("%01.2f", $brutto) . '" onblur="replaceKomma(' . $i . ');" onchange="netto(' . $i . '); summe();"> &euro;
					<input type="hidden" id="betragrechnung_' . $i . '" name="betragrechnung_' . $i . '" value="' . $betrag . '">
function showtask_pr_ed(&$arr, $level = 0, $today_view = false)
    global $AppUI, $done;
    //Check for Tasks Access
    $tmpTask = new CTask();
    $canAccess = $tmpTask->canAccess();
    if (!$canAccess) {
        return false;
    $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI);
    $htmlHelper->df .= ' ' . $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
    $done[] = $arr['task_id'];
    $s = '<tr>';
    // dots
    $s .= '<td style="width: ' . ($today_view ? '20%' : '50%') . '" class="data _name">';
    for ($y = 0; $y < $level; $y++) {
        if ($y + 1 == $level) {
            $image = w2PfindImage('corner-dots.gif', $m);
        } else {
            $image = w2PfindImage('shim.gif', $m);
        $s .= '<img src="' . $image . '" width="16" height="12"  border="0" alt="" />';
    // name link
    $alt = mb_strlen($arr['task_description']) > 80 ? mb_substr($arr['task_description'], 0, 80) . '...' : $arr['task_description'];
    // instead of the statement below
    $alt = mb_str_replace('"', "&quot;", $alt);
    $alt = mb_str_replace("\r", ' ', $alt);
    $alt = mb_str_replace("\n", ' ', $alt);
    $open_link = w2PshowImage('collapse.gif');
    if ($arr['task_milestone'] > 0) {
        $s .= '&nbsp;<b>' . $arr["task_name"] . '</b><!--</a>--> <img src="' . w2PfindImage('icons/milestone.gif', $m) . '" border="0" alt="" />';
    } elseif ($arr['task_dynamic'] == '1') {
        $s .= $open_link;
        $s .= '<strong>' . $arr['task_name'] . '</strong>';
    } else {
        $s .= $arr['task_name'];
    $s .= '</td>';
    $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('task_percent_complete', $arr['task_percent_complete']);
    $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('task_start_date', $arr['task_start_date']);
    $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('task_end_date', $arr['task_end_date']);
    $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('last_update', $arr['last_update']);
    $s .= '</tr>';
    return $s;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * CMonthCalendar::_drawEvents()
  * { Description }
 private function _drawEvents($day)
     $s = '';
     if (!isset($this->events[$day]) || $this->styleMain == 'minical') {
         return '';
     $events = $this->events[$day];
     foreach ($events as $e) {
         $href = isset($e['href']) ? $e['href'] : null;
         $alt = isset($e['alt']) ? mb_str_replace("\n", ' ', $e['alt']) : null;
         $s .= '<br />';
         $s .= $href ? '<a href="' . $href . '" class="event" title="' . $alt . '">' : '';
         $s .= $e['text'];
         $s .= $href ? '</a>' : '';
     return $s;
Exemplo n.º 28
 * Smarty escape modifier plugin
 * Type:     modifier<br>
 * Name:     escape<br>
 * Purpose:  escape string for output
 * @link count_characters (Smarty online manual)
 * @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com> 
 * @param string $string input string
 * @param string $esc_type escape type
 * @param string $char_set character set
 * @return string escaped input string
function smarty_modifier_escape($string, $esc_type = 'html', $char_set = SMARTY_RESOURCE_CHAR_SET)
    if (!function_exists('mb_str_replace')) {
        // simulate the missing PHP mb_str_replace function
        function mb_str_replace($needles, $replacements, $haystack)
            $rep = (array) $replacements;
            foreach ((array) $needles as $key => $needle) {
                $replacement = $rep[$key];
                $needle_len = mb_strlen($needle);
                $replacement_len = mb_strlen($replacement);
                $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, 0);
                while ($pos !== false) {
                    $haystack = mb_substr($haystack, 0, $pos) . $replacement . mb_substr($haystack, $pos + $needle_len);
                    $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $pos + $replacement_len);
            return $haystack;
    switch ($esc_type) {
        case 'html':
            return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
        case 'htmlall':
            return htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
        case 'url':
            return rawurlencode($string);
        case 'urlpathinfo':
            return str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($string));
        case 'quotes':
            // escape unescaped single quotes
            return preg_replace("%(?<!\\\\)'%", "\\'", $string);
        case 'hex':
            // escape every character into hex
            $return = '';
            for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($string); $x++) {
                $return .= '%' . bin2hex($string[$x]);
            return $return;
        case 'hexentity':
            $return = '';
            for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($string); $x++) {
                $return .= '&#x' . bin2hex($string[$x]) . ';';
            return $return;
        case 'decentity':
            $return = '';
            for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($string); $x++) {
                $return .= '&#' . ord($string[$x]) . ';';
            return $return;
        case 'javascript':
            // escape quotes and backslashes, newlines, etc.
            return strtr($string, array('\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\\'", '"' => '\\"', "\r" => '\\r', "\n" => '\\n', '</' => '<\\/'));
        case 'mail':
            // safe way to display e-mail address on a web page
            if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
                return mb_str_replace(array('@', '.'), array(' [AT] ', ' [DOT] '), $string);
            } else {
                return str_replace(array('@', '.'), array(' [AT] ', ' [DOT] '), $string);
        case 'nonstd':
            // escape non-standard chars, such as ms document quotes
            $_res = '';
            for ($_i = 0, $_len = strlen($string); $_i < $_len; $_i++) {
                $_ord = ord(substr($string, $_i, 1));
                // non-standard char, escape it
                if ($_ord >= 126) {
                    $_res .= '&#' . $_ord . ';';
                } else {
                    $_res .= substr($string, $_i, 1);
            return $_res;
            return $string;
Exemplo n.º 29
 * This function handles replacing image place holder #img1# with the HTML for that image
 * @param string - text of post
 * @param array - array of HTML for images for post
function filter_ReplaceImagePlaceHolders(&$content, $attachments, $config, $post_id, $image_pattern, $autoadd_images)
    if (!$config['custom_image_field']) {
        $startIndex = $config['start_image_count_at_zero'] ? 0 : 1;
        $images = get_posts(array('post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_mime_type' => 'image'));
        DebugEcho("images in post: " . count($images));
        if (count($images) > 0 && $config['auto_gallery']) {
            $imageTemplate = '[gallery]';
            if ($config['images_append']) {
                $content .= "\n{$imageTemplate}";
                DebugEcho("Auto gallery: append");
            } else {
                $content = "{$imageTemplate}\n" . $content;
                DebugEcho("Auto gallery: prepend");
        $pics = "";
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($attachments as $attachementName => $imageTemplate) {
            // looks for ' #img1# ' etc... and replaces with image
            $img_placeholder_temp = rtrim(str_replace("%", intval($startIndex + $i), $image_pattern), '#');
            DebugEcho("img_placeholder_temp: {$img_placeholder_temp}");
            if (stristr($content, $img_placeholder_temp)) {
                // look for caption
                DebugEcho("Found {$img_placeholder_temp}");
                $caption = '';
                if (preg_match("/{$img_placeholder_temp} caption=(.*?)#/i", $content, $matches)) {
                    $caption = trim($matches[1]);
                    if (strlen($caption) > 2 && ($caption[0] == "'" || $caption[0] == '"')) {
                        $caption = substr($caption, 1, strlen($caption) - 2);
                    DebugEcho("caption: {$caption}");
                    $img_placeholder_temp = substr($matches[0], 0, -1);
                } else {
                    DebugEcho("No caption found");
                DebugEcho("parameterize templete: " . $imageTemplate);
                $imageTemplate = mb_str_replace('{CAPTION}', htmlspecialchars($caption, ENT_QUOTES), $imageTemplate);
                DebugEcho("populated template: " . $imageTemplate);
                $img_placeholder_temp .= '#';
                $content = str_ireplace($img_placeholder_temp, $imageTemplate, $content);
                DebugEcho("post replace: {$content}");
            } else {
                DebugEcho("No {$img_placeholder_temp} found");
                $imageTemplate = str_replace('{CAPTION}', '', $imageTemplate);
                /* if using the gallery shortcode, don't add pictures at all */
                if (!preg_match("/\\[gallery[^\\[]*\\]/", $content, $matches)) {
                    $pics .= $imageTemplate;
                } else {
                    DebugEcho("gallery detected, not inserting images");
        if ($autoadd_images) {
            if ($config['images_append']) {
                $content .= $pics;
            } else {
                $content = $pics . $content;
Exemplo n.º 30
function highlight($text, $keyval)
    global $ssearch;
    $txt = $text;
    $hicolor = array('#FFFF66', '#ADD8E6', '#90EE8A', '#FF99FF', '#FFA500', '#ADFF2F', '#00FFFF', '#FF69B4');
    $keys = array();
    $keys = !is_array($keyval) ? array($keyval) : $keyval;
    foreach ($keys as $key_idx => $key) {
        if (mb_strlen($key) > 0) {
            $key = stripslashes($key);
            $metacharacters = array('\\', '(', ')', '$', '[', '*', '+', '|', '.', '^', '?');
            $metareplacement = array('\\\\', '\\(', '\\)', '\\$', '\\[', '\\*', '\\+', '\\|', '\\.', '\\^', '\\?');
            $key = mb_str_replace($metacharacters, $metareplacement, $key);
            if (isset($ssearch['ignore_specchar']) && $ssearch['ignore_specchar'] == 'on') {
                if ($ssearch['ignore_case'] == 'on') {
                    $txt = preg_replace('/' . recode2regexp_utf8($key) . '/i', '<span style="background:' . $hicolor[$key_idx] . '" >\\0</span>', $txt);
                } else {
                    $txt = preg_replace('/' . recode2regexp_utf8($key) . '/', '<span style="background:' . $hicolor[$key_idx] . '" >\\0</span>', $txt);
            } elseif (!isset($ssearch['ignore_specchar']) || $ssearch['ignore_specchar'] == '') {
                if ($ssearch['ignore_case'] == 'on') {
                    $txt = preg_replace('/' . $key . '/i', '<span style="background:' . $hicolor[$key_idx] . '" >\\0</span>', $txt);
                } else {
                    $txt = preg_replace('/' . $key . '/', '<span style="background:' . $hicolor[$key_idx] . '" >\\0</span>', $txt);
            } else {
                $txt = preg_replace('/' . $key . '/i', '<span style="background:' . $hicolor[$key_idx] . '" >\\0</span>', $txt);
    return $txt;