Exemplo n.º 1
include "db.inc.php";
 * Authentication
require "auth-interviewer.php";
 * XHTML functions
include "functions/functions.xhtml.php";
 * Operator functions
include "functions/functions.operator.php";
$operator_id = get_operator_id();
$state = is_on_call($operator_id);
$js = array("js/popup.js");
if (browser_ie()) {
    $js[] = "js/window_ie6_interface2.js";
} else {
    $js[] = "js/window_interface2.js";
if (AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES !== false) {
    $js[] = "include/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js";
    $js[] = "js/childnap.js";
xhtml_head(T_("Status"), false, array("include/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", "css/status_interface2.css"), $js);
$ca = get_call_attempt($operator_id, false);
if ($ca) {
    $respondent_id = get_respondent_id($ca);
    $case_id = get_case_id($operator_id);
Exemplo n.º 2
include "config.inc.php";
 * XHTML functions
include "functions/functions.xhtml.php";
 * Authentication
require "auth-interviewer.php";
 * Operator functions
include "functions/functions.operator.php";
$operator_id = get_operator_id();
$case_id = get_case_id($operator_id);
if (is_on_call($operator_id) == 3) {
    if (isset($_GET['start'])) {
        $newtext = T_("Stop REC");
        xhtml_head(T_("Record"), true, array("css/call.css"), array("js/window.js"), "onload='toggleRec(\"{$newtext}\",\"record.php?stop=stop\",\"online\")'");
        if (is_voip_enabled($operator_id)) {
            $call_id = get_call($operator_id);
            if ($call_id) {
                include "functions/functions.voip.php";
                $v = new voip();
                $v->beginRecord(get_extension($operator_id), "{$case_id}-{$call_id}-{$operator_id}-" . get_operator_time($operator_id, $format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%i-%S"));
                print "<p>" . T_("Beginning recording...") . "</p>";
            } else {
                print "<p>" . T_("Not on a call, so not beginning a recording") . "</p>";
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Authentication
require "auth-interviewer.php";
 * XHTML functions
include "functions/functions.xhtml.php";
 * Operator functions
include "functions/functions.operator.php";
//display introduction text
$operator_id = get_operator_id();
$callstatus = is_on_call($operator_id);
if ($callstatus == 3) {
    print "<p>" . T_("Please wait till you have ended this call to call the supervisor") . "</p>";
    if (is_voip_enabled($operator_id))
    	if (isset($_GET['callsupervisor']))
    		$v = new voip();
    		if (strcmp($_GET['callsupervisor'],"hangup") == 0)
    			print "<p>" . T_("You may now close this window") . "</p>";
Exemplo n.º 4
echo T_("Please click on:") . " " . T_("Call/Hangup") . " " . T_("to display call script");
//auto dial, if set should check for numbers to call. If one or more, set a timer for calling the first available number
//if none - timer should end the case
//if the user clicks on call / hangup the timer should stop
if (AUTO_DIAL_SECONDS !== false) {
    include_once "functions/functions.operator.php";
    $operator_id = get_operator_id();
    $call_attempt_id = get_call_attempt($operator_id, false);
    $case_id = get_case_id($operator_id);
    $contact_phone_id = false;
    //first check we aren't already on a call
    if (is_on_call($operator_id) == false) {
        //check if voip is enabled and available
        if (is_voip_enabled($operator_id)) {
            if (get_extension_status($operator_id)) {
                //if we are on an appointment, we will just call the specified number for the appointment
                $appointment_id = is_on_appointment($call_attempt_id);
                if ($appointment_id) {
                    $sql = "SELECT c.contact_phone_id\r\n                  FROM contact_phone as c, appointment as a\r\n                  WHERE a.appointment_id = '{$appointment_id}'\r\n                  AND a.contact_phone_id = c.contact_phone_id";
                    $contact_phone_id = $db->GetOne($sql);
                } else {
                    //determine whether we should make any more calls based on the last call outcome
                    $sql = "SELECT o.tryanother, o.require_note\r\n                  FROM `call` as c, `outcome` as o\r\n                  WHERE c.call_attempt_id = '{$call_attempt_id}'\r\n                  AND c.outcome_id = o.outcome_id\r\n                  ORDER BY call_id DESC\r\n                  LIMIT 1";
                    $rs = $db->GetRow($sql);
                    if (empty($rs) || $rs['tryanother'] == 1) {
                        $rn = 0;
                        if (!empty($rs) && $rs['require_note'] == 1) {