function isinp($info = array("prompt" => "this is a prompt", "q" => array(array("bounce", "jump", "hop"), array("walk", "stroll", "ambulate")), "outcome" => array(0 => "fail", 1 => "success A", 2 => "success B"))) { $option = 0; $failure = $info["outcome"][$option]; $output = $info["outcome"][$option]; while ($output == $failure) { sleep(2); echo $info["prompt"] . "\n"; $inpstring = inp(); //retrieve user input and put it in variable foreach ($info["q"] as $key => $action) { foreach ($action as $word) { if (stristr($inpstring, $word)) { sleep(2); //$option = $action + 1; $output = $info["outcome"][$key + 1]; // . "\n"; break 1; } } } if ($output == $failure) { sleep(1); echo $output . "\n"; } } sleep(1); echo $output . "\n"; //print_r($info["q"]); }
function icocss_menu($p, $o, $rid) { $ret .= inp('inp', $p) . ' '; $ret .= lj('', $rid . '_plug__2_icocss_icocss*j___inp', picto('reload')) . ' '; $ret .= lj('', $rid . '_plug__2_icocss_icocss*build', picto('save')) . ' '; return $ret; }
public function index() { session_start(); $id0 = $_SESSION['customerid']; $un0 = $_SESSION['username']; $pw0 = $_SESSION['password']; $t0 = $_SESSION['accesstime']; $data['id0'] = $id0; $data['un0'] = $un0; $data['pw0'] = $pw0; $data['t0'] = $t0; $nowtime = time(); // echo $un0; // echo $t0; if ($nowtime - $t0 > 1440) { session_destroy(); // echo $nowtime." | "; // $tmp=$nowtime-$t0; // echo $tmp; header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } $this->load->model("login_model"); $res0 = $this->login_model->validateprofile($un0); $tmp = 0; foreach ($res0 as $row0) { $tmp = $tmp + 1; } // if(!($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res0))) if ($tmp == 0) { //echo 111; header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //get search option $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; //get the input $productcategoryid = inp($_POST['productcategoryid']); $productid = inp($_POST['productid']); $this->load->model("search_model"); $product_res = $this->search_model->getproduct($productcategoryid, $productid); $data['product_res'] = $product_res; $data['productid_res'] = $productid; //the search option //save the search option // $searchopt= //echo $product_res; //output $this->load->view('search.php', $data); }
function model_menu($p, $o, $rid) { $ret = select_j('inp', 'pfunc', '', 'model/model_r', '', '2'); //$ret.=togbub('plug','model_model*r',btn('popbt','select...')); $ret .= inp('inp', $p) . ' '; $ret .= lj('', $rid . '_plug__2_model_model*j___inp', picto('reload')) . ' '; return $ret; }
static function menu($p, $o, $rid) { $ret = inp('inp', $p) . ' '; $ret .= lj('', $rid . '_app__2_model_build___inp', picto('reload')) . ' '; //$cols='ib,val,to';//create table, name cols //$ret.=lj('','popup_plupin___msqedit_model*1_'.$cols,picto('edit')); return $ret; }
function del_com($p, $o) { $rid = 'plg' . randid(); $id = 'del' . $o; $ret .= inp('inp' . $o, $p ? $p : $o, atz(44)) . ' '; $ret .= lj('popsav', $rid . '_plug___del_delj_' . $o . '__inp' . $o, 'delete') . ' '; $ret .= btd($rid, '') . br(); return $ret; }
public function index() { function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; // echo "here ".$search_res; if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { //php validate ([A-Z][a-z]*( |$))+ if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]/", inp($_POST['customername']), $par1) || preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]/", inp($_POST['customeraddress']), $par2) || preg_match("/[^0-9]/", inp($_POST['creditcard']), $par3) || !preg_match("/^\\d\\d\\d\$/", inp($_POST['securitycode']), $par4) || !preg_match("/^(([1-9])|(0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))\\/\\d\\d\$/", inp($_POST['expirationdate']), $par5) || preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", inp($_POST['username']), $par6) || preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", inp($_POST['password0']), $par7)) { $errormsg = 'Sign up failed, please check all the input requirements'; $data['errormsg'] = $errormsg; $this->load->view('signup.php', $data); // $this->load->view('postlogin.html'); return; } $this->load->model("signup_model"); $res = $this->signup_model->insertcustomer(inp($_POST['customername']), inp($_POST['customeraddress']), inp($_POST['creditcard']), inp($_POST['securitycode']), inp($_POST['expirationdate']), inp($_POST['username']), inp($_POST['password0'])); // // echo gothere; $this->load->model("signup_model"); $res7 = $this->signup_model->getlastid(); $row7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res7); $lastid = $row7['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; // echo $lastid; // echo $lastid; //build session $_SESSION['username'] = inp($_POST['username']); $_SESSION['password'] = inp($_POST['password0']); //when to destroy? need a log out? how to set the timeout? $_SESSION['customerid'] = $lastid; $_SESSION['accesstime'] = time(); //echo $_SESSION['username']; //echo $_SESSION['password']; //echo $_SESSION['customerid']; //echo $_SESSION['accesstime']; //add some php validate // header("Location: search.php"); //jump to that page // $this->load->view('search.php',$data); header('Location:' . site_url('Search')); } else { // $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($search_res); // echo "got ".$row2['productcategoryid']; $this->load->view('signup.php', $data); } // $this->load->view('welcome_message'); }
static function menu($p, $o, $rid) { $ret = inp('inp', $p ? $p : 1) . ' '; $ret .= lj('', $rid . '_app___slides_j__' . $rid . '_inp', picto('reload')) . ' '; if (auth(6)) { $ret .= lj('', 'popup_plupin___msqedit_slides*' . $p . '_val', picto('edit')) . ' '; $j = 'popup_msqledit___users_' . ajx(ses('nodslid')) . '_'; $ret .= lj('', $j . $p . '_1', picto('editxt')) . ' '; $ret .= lj('', 'popup_plup___msqedit_msqdt*add_slides*' . $p . '_val', picto('add')) . ' '; } return divc('', $ret); }
function plug_umglyphes($p, $o) { if ($o == '1') { return ug_build($p); } $ret .= lj('', 'umglph___4', picto('del')) . ' '; $ret .= inp('umglph', $p, atz('44')) . ' '; $ret .= lj('popsav', 'umgl_plug___umglyphes_ug*build_' . ajx($p) . '__umglph', 'ok') . ' '; $ret .= divd('umgl', ug_build($p)) . br(); $ret .= msqlink('', 'ummo_umvoc_1', '') . ' '; $ret .= lkt('', '/plug/umvoc', picto('link')); return $ret; }
public function index() { session_start(); $id0 = $_SESSION['customerid']; $un0 = $_SESSION['username']; $pw0 = $_SESSION['password']; $t0 = $_SESSION['accesstime']; $data['id'] = $id0; $data['un'] = $un0; $data['pw'] = $pw0; $data['t0'] = $t0; $nowtime = time(); if ($nowtime - $t0 > 1440) { session_destroy(); header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } $this->load->model("login_model"); $res0 = $this->login_model->validateprofile($un0); if (!($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res0))) { // echo lll; header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } $errormsg = ""; if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { $this->load->model("accountinfo_model"); $res0 = $this->accountinfo_model->updatecustomer(inp($_POST['username']), inp($_POST['password0']), inp($_POST['customername']), inp($_POST['customeraddress']), inp($_POST['creditcard']), inp($_POST['securitycode']), inp($_POST['expirationdate']), $id0); $errormsg = "Your infomation has been successfully saved."; } $data['errormsg'] = $errormsg; $this->load->model("accountinfo_model"); $res3 = $this->accountinfo_model->showcustomer($id0); $data['res3'] = $res3; //get search option $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; //output $this->load->view('accountinfo.php', $data); }
function f($idcolumn, $arrayOFchisla, $n, $loe, $key) { //надо переделать $poscenter = Math . round($n / 2) + 1; $a = inp($idcolumn, $arrayOFchisla, $n); $inparr = $a[1]; $b = xor2($key[3], $inparr[0], $loe); $b = for2(1, $poscenter, $b, $inparr, $loe); // $b = xor2($key[2], $b, $loe); $b = for2($poscenter + 1, $a[0] - 3, $b, $inparr, $loe); // $b = xor2($key[1], $b, $loe); $b = xor2($inparr[$a[0] - 2], $b, $loe); $b = xor2($inparr[$a[0] - 1], $b, $loe); return $b; }
public function index() { function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; // echo "here ".$search_res; if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { $this->load->model("signup_model"); $res = $this->signup_model->insertcustomer(inp($_POST['customername']), inp($_POST['customeraddress']), inp($_POST['creditcard']), inp($_POST['securitycode']), inp($_POST['expirationdate']), inp($_POST['username']), inp($_POST['password0'])); // $this->load->model("signup_model"); $res7 = $this->signup_model->getlastid(); $row7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res7); $lastid = $row7['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; // echo $lastid; //build session $_SESSION['username'] = inp($_POST['username']); $_SESSION['password'] = inp($_POST['password0']); //when to destroy? need a log out? how to set the timeout? $_SESSION['customerid'] = $lastid; $_SESSION['accesstime'] = time(); //echo $_SESSION['username']; //echo $_SESSION['password']; //echo $_SESSION['customerid']; //echo $_SESSION['accesstime']; //add some php validate // header("Location: search.php"); //jump to that page // $this->load->view('search.php',$data); header('Location:' . site_url('Search')); } else { // $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($search_res); // echo "got ".$row2['productcategoryid']; $this->load->view('signup.php', $data); } // $this->load->view('welcome_message'); }
$data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //usertype if ($ut != 'manager') { //require 'login.php'; // die;//? header("Location: login.php"); // echo $ut." ".$un; exit; } // echo $ut; $lowlimit = inp($_POST['lowlimit']); $highlimit = inp($_POST['highlimit']); $usertype = inp($_POST['usertype']); echo "asd " . $usertype . " dasd"; //delete is handled in the same page if (strlen($lowlimit) == 0) { $lowlimit = 0; } if (strlen($highlimit) == 0) { $highlimit = 99999999; //this is not a good way } if ($usertype == 'undefined') { $usertype = "%"; } $sql = "select * from users, employees where users.userindex = employees.userindex and employees.salary < " . $highlimit . " and employees.salary > " . $lowlimit . " and users.usertype like '" . $usertype . "'"; echo "seccessful: " . $sql; ?>
$data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //usertype if ($ut != 'manager') { //require 'login.php'; // die;//? header("Location: login.php"); // echo $ut." ".$un; exit; } // echo $ut; $lowlimit = inp($_POST['lowlimit']); $highlimit = inp($_POST['highlimit']); $productid = inp($_POST['productname']); $category = inp($_POST['category']); echo "asd " . $category . " dasd"; //delete is handled in the same page if (strlen($lowlimit) == 0) { $lowlimit = 0; } if ($productid == 'undefined') { $productid = "%"; } if (strlen($highlimit) == 0) { $highlimit = 99999999; //this is not a good way } if ($category == 'undefined') { $category = "%"; }
$data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { $sql = "insert into customer (customername,customeraddress,creditcard,securitycode,expirationdate,username,password) values ('" . inp($_POST['customername']) . "','" . inp($_POST['customeraddress']) . "','" . inp($_POST['creditcard']) . "','" . inp($_POST['securitycode']) . "','" . inp($_POST['expirationdate']) . "','" . inp($_POST['username']) . "',password('" . inp($_POST['password0']) . "'))"; $res = mysql_query($sql, $con); // $sql7 = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"; $res7 = mysql_query($sql7, $con); $row7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res7); $lastid = $row7['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; //build session $_SESSION['username'] = inp($_POST['username']); $_SESSION['password'] = inp($_POST['password0']); //when to destroy? need a log out? how to set the timeout? $_SESSION['customerid'] = $lastid; $_SESSION['accesstime'] = time(); //add some php validate header("Location: search.php"); exit; } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CS571 Assignment 3</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jsfile.js"></script> </head>
<?php $sql2 = "select * from productcategory"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2, $con); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) { echo '<option value="'; echo $row2['productcategoryid'] . '">'; echo $row2['productcategoryname'] . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </div> <div style="width: auto; height: auto; float: left; display: inline"> <input class="input" id="productid" name="productid" type="text" size="40px" value=<?php echo "'" . inp($_POST['productid']) . "'"; ?> style="border:1px; height:30px; font-size:20px"/> </div> <div style="width: auto; height: auto; float: left; display: inline"> <button id="searchbutton" class="searchbutton" style="width: 100px; height: 30px;border-radius:3px;" >Search</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div style="display:inline-block;height:40px;width:auto;float:right;padding:5px;position:relative;top:35px;"> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="search.php"> <input type="hidden" name="operation" value="logout"> <button class="rightbutton">Logout</button>
public function index() { session_start(); $id = $_SESSION['customerid']; $un = $_SESSION['username']; $pw = $_SESSION['password']; $t0 = $_SESSION['accesstime']; $data['id'] = $id; $data['un'] = $un; $data['pw'] = $pw; $data['t0'] = $t0; $nowtime = time(); if ($nowtime - $t0 > 1440) { session_destroy(); header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } $this->load->model("login_model"); $res0 = $this->login_model->validateprofile($un); if (!($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res0))) { // echo lll; header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //get search option $productid = $this->uri->segment(3); $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; //handle checkout if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { //update customer!! insert into orderitems &orderhis, delete from orders!!!!! $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res4 = $this->ordersucc_model->updatecustomer(inp($_POST['username']), inp($_POST['customername']), inp($_POST['customeraddress']), inp($_POST['creditcard']), inp($_POST['securitycode']), inp($_POST['expirationdate']), inp($id)); //insert into orderhis date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $nowtime = date("Y-m-d h:i:sa"); $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res6 = $this->ordersucc_model->insertorderhis($nowtime, inp($_POST['customeraddress']), inp($_POST['creditcard']), inp($id)); //get orderid $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res7 = $this->ordersucc_model->getlastid(); $row7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res7); $lastid = $row7['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; //echo $row7['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; //echo $id; //get all orders need to be placed $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res8 = $this->ordersucc_model->getorders($id); while ($row8 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res8)) { //$row8['productid'] $row8['quantity'] //need to handle for specialsales $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res9 = $this->ordersucc_model->getproduct($row8['productid']); $row9 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res9); //specialsales $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res18 = $this->ordersucc_model->getspecialsales($row8['productid']); if ($row18 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res18)) { date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); // $nowtime=date("Y-m-d"); $nowyear = date("Y"); $nowmonth = date("m"); $nowday = date("d"); $nowstr = $nowyear . $nowmonth . $nowday; //echo $nowstr; $startstr = substr($row18['startdate'], 0, 4) . substr($row18['startdate'], 5, 2) . substr($row18['startdate'], 8, 2); $endstr = substr($row18['enddate'], 0, 4) . substr($row18['enddate'], 5, 2) . substr($row18['enddate'], 8, 2); if ($startstr <= $nowstr && $endstr >= $nowstr) { //echo specialsales $value4 = 0.7 * $row9['productprice']; } else { //if date not OK just normal price $value4 = $row9['productprice']; } } else { //no special sale exist, just normal price $value4 = $row9['productprice']; } $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res10 = $this->ordersucc_model->insertitems($lastid, $row8['productid'], $row8['quantity'], $value4); } $this->load->model("ordersucc_model"); $res11 = $this->ordersucc_model->deleteorders($id); // $sql11="delete from orders where customerid='".$id."'"; // $res11=mysql_query($sql11); //add some php validate // header("Location: search.php"); // exit; } //output $this->load->view('ordersucc.php', $data); }
// } mysql_select_db('assignment2', $con2); $res2 = mysql_query($sql2, $con2); header("Location: employeepage.php"); exit; // } // echo "here is the productid: ".$_POST['product']; } } //set the default value of change if ($_POST['operation'] == "change") { $value1 = ""; $value2 = ""; $value3 = ""; $sql = "select * from specialsales where specialsalesid='" . inp($_POST['product']) . "'"; $con = mysql_connect(':/home/scf-27/chentian/mysql.sock', 'root', '1992'); //when to close????? if (!$con) { die; // } mysql_select_db('assignment2', $con); $res = mysql_query($sql, $con); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $value1 = $row['productid']; // $sql10="SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(".$row['startdate'].", '%Y-%m-%d')"; // $res10=mysql_query($sql10,$con); // $row10 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res10); $value2 = date('Y-m-d', $row['startdate']);
} mysql_select_db('assignment3', $con2); $res2 = mysql_query($sql2, $con2); header("Location: employeepage.php"); exit; // } // echo "here is the productid: ".$_POST['product']; } } //set the default value of change if ($_POST['operation'] == "change") { $value1 = ""; $value2 = ""; $value3 = ""; $value4 = ""; $sql = "select * from product where productid='" . inp($_POST['product']) . "'"; $con = mysql_connect(':/home/scf-27/chentian/mysql.sock', 'root', '1992'); //when to close????? if (!$con) { die; // } mysql_select_db('assignment3', $con); $res = mysql_query($sql, $con); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $value1 = $row['productcategoryid']; $value2 = $row['productname']; $value3 = $row['productdesc']; $value4 = $row['productprice']; } }
function fav_com_form($p, $o) { return txarea('comv', $p, 44, 4, atb('placeholder', 'Api Command') . atz('44')) . br() . inp('comn', $o, atb('placeholder', 'name')); }
public function index() { session_start(); if ($_POST['operation'] == "logout") { session_destroy(); } //timeout $id0 = $_SESSION['customerid']; $un0 = $_SESSION['username']; $pw0 = $_SESSION['password']; $t0 = $_SESSION['accesstime']; // echo "username ".$un0; function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //get search option $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; //get the input $un = inp($_POST['username']); $pw = inp($_POST['password']); if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", $un, $par1) || preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", $pw, $par2)) { $errmsg = 'Invalid login'; $data['errmsg'] = $errmsg; $this->load->view('prelogin.html', $data); $this->load->view('postlogin.html'); // exit; } else { $errmsg = ""; if (strlen($un) == 0) { $errmsg = 'Invalid login'; } if (strlen($pw) == 0) { $errmsg = 'Invalid login'; } if (strlen($un) == 0 && strlen($pw) == 0) { $errmsg = ""; } if (strlen($un) > 0 && strlen($pw) > 0) { $this->load->model("login_model"); $res = $this->login_model->getprofile($un, $pw); if (!($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))) { $errmsg = 'Invalid login'; } // echo "got ".$row['customerid']; // var_dump $profile['userindex']; } if (strlen($errmsg) > 0) { // $data['search_res']=$search_res; $data['errmsg'] = $errmsg; $this->load->view('prelogin.html', $data); // echo "<p style='color:red'>".$errmsg."</p>"; $this->load->view('postlogin.html'); } else { if (!$res) { $data['errmsg'] = $errmsg; // $data['search_res']=$search_res; $this->load->view('prelogin.html', $data); $this->load->view('postlogin.html'); } else { session_start(); //default timeout is 20min //$session.Timeout=30; $_SESSION['username'] = $un; $_SESSION['password'] = $pw; //when to destroy? need a log out? how to set the timeout? $_SESSION['customerid'] = $row['customerid']; $_SESSION['accesstime'] = time(); header('Location:' . site_url('Search')); // $this->load->view('search.php',$data); } } } }
} //usertype if ($ut != 'manager') { //require 'login.php'; // die;//? header("Location: login.php"); // echo $ut." ".$un; exit; } // echo $ut; $lowlimit = inp($_POST['lowlimit']); $highlimit = inp($_POST['highlimit']); $productid = inp($_POST['productname']); $category = inp($_POST['category']); $start = inp($_POST['start']); $end = inp($_POST['end']); echo "asd " . $category . " dasd"; //delete is handled in the same page if (strlen($lowlimit) == 0) { $lowlimit = 0; } else { $lowlimit = $lowlimit / 0.7; echo $lowlimit; } if ($productid == 'undefined') { $productid = "%"; } else { $highlimit = $highlimit / 0.7; echo $highlimit; } if (strlen($highlimit) == 0) {
function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //handle checkout if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { //update customer!! insert into orderitems &orderhis, delete from orders!!!!! $sql4 = "update customer set username='******'username']) . "',customername='" . inp($_POST['customername']) . "',customeraddress='" . inp($_POST['customeraddress']) . "',creditcard='" . inp($_POST['creditcard']) . "',securitycode='" . inp($_POST['securitycode']) . "',expirationdate='" . inp($_POST['expirationdate']) . "' where customerid='" . inp($id) . "'"; $res4 = mysql_query($sql4, $con); //insert into orderhis date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $nowtime = date("Y-m-d h:i:sa"); $sql6 = "insert into orderhis (orderdate,customeraddress,creditcard,customerid) values ('" . $nowtime . "','" . inp($_POST['customeraddress']) . "','" . inp($_POST['creditcard']) . "','" . inp($id) . "')"; $res6 = mysql_query($sql6, $con); //get orderid $sql7 = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"; $res7 = mysql_query($sql7, $con); $row7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res7); $lastid = $row7['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; //echo $row7['LAST_INSERT_ID()']; //echo $id; //get all orders need to be placed $sql8 = "select * from orders where customerid='" . $id . "'"; $res8 = mysql_query($sql8, $con); while ($row8 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res8)) { //$row8['productid'] $row8['quantity'] //need to handle for specialsales $sql9 = "select * from product where productid='" . $row8['productid'] . "'";
function icod() { echo "<form action=\"" . $php . "\" method=\"post\">\n<div align =\"center\"><b>Upload File"; are('code', 'Post your code here', '50', '20', '<br>'); inp('text', '40', 'upf', path, 'File Name'); echo "<br>"; sub('upff', 'upload', '<br>'); echo "<a href=\"javascript: history.go(-1)\">Back</a></div>"; }
public function index() { session_start(); $id0 = $_SESSION['customerid']; $un0 = $_SESSION['username']; $pw0 = $_SESSION['password']; $t0 = $_SESSION['accesstime']; $data['id'] = $id0; $data['un'] = $un0; $data['pw'] = $pw0; $data['t0'] = $t0; $nowtime = time(); if ($nowtime - $t0 > 1440) { session_destroy(); header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } $this->load->model("login_model"); $res0 = $this->login_model->validateprofile($un0); $tmp = 0; foreach ($res0 as $row0) { // echo "got".$row0['username']; $tmp = $tmp + 1; } // if(!($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res0))) if ($tmp == 0) { //echo 111; header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } $errormsg = ""; if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { //php validate if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]/", inp($_POST['customername']), $par1) || preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]/", inp($_POST['customeraddress']), $par2) || preg_match("/[^0-9]/", inp($_POST['creditcard']), $par3) || !preg_match("/^\\d\\d\\d\$/", inp($_POST['securitycode']), $par4) || !preg_match("/^(([1-9])|(0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))\\/\\d\\d\$/", inp($_POST['expirationdate']), $par5) || preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", inp($_POST['username']), $par6) || preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", inp($_POST['password0']), $par7)) { $errormsg = 'Account information failed to save, please check all the input requirements'; $data['errormsg'] = $errormsg; $this->load->model("accountinfo_model"); $res3 = $this->accountinfo_model->showcustomer($id0); $data['res3'] = $res3; $this->load->view('accountinfo.php', $data); // $this->load->view('postlogin.html'); return; } $this->load->model("accountinfo_model"); $res4 = $this->accountinfo_model->updatecustomer(inp($_POST['username']), inp($_POST['password0']), inp($_POST['customername']), inp($_POST['customeraddress']), inp($_POST['creditcard']), inp($_POST['securitycode']), inp($_POST['expirationdate']), $id0); $errormsg = "Your infomation has been successfully saved."; } $data['errormsg'] = $errormsg; $this->load->model("accountinfo_model"); $res3 = $this->accountinfo_model->showcustomer($id0); $data['res3'] = $res3; //get search option $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; //output $this->load->view('accountinfo.php', $data); }
$sql1 = "select * from product where productid=" . $productid . ""; $res1 = mysql_query($sql1, $con); if ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res1)) { $value1 = $row1['productcategoryid']; $value2 = $row1['productname']; $value3 = $row1['productdesc']; $value4 = $row1['productprice']; $value5 = $row1['productimage']; } $sql2 = "select * from productcategory where productcategoryid='" . $value1 . "'"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2, $con); if ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) { $value6 = $row2['productcategorydesc']; $value7 = $row2['productcategoryname']; } if (inp($_GET['addtocart']) == 'addtocart') { // echo "got here?"; // echo "productid: ".$productid; // echo "customerid: ".$id; $sql5 = "select * from orders where productid='" . $productid . "' and customerid='" . $id . "'"; $res5 = mysql_query($sql5, $con); if ($row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res5)) { $tmp = $row5['quantity'] + 1; $sql6 = "update orders set quantity='" . $tmp . "' where productid='" . $productid . "' and customerid='" . $id . "'"; $res6 = mysql_query($sql6, $con); } else { $sql4 = "insert into orders (productid,quantity,customerid) VALUES ('" . $productid . "','1','" . $id . "')"; $res4 = mysql_query($sql4, $con); } } ?>
public function index() { session_start(); $id = $_SESSION['customerid']; $un = $_SESSION['username']; $pw = $_SESSION['password']; $t0 = $_SESSION['accesstime']; $data['id'] = $id; $data['un'] = $un; $data['pw'] = $pw; $data['t0'] = $t0; $nowtime = time(); if ($nowtime - $t0 > 1440) { session_destroy(); header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } $this->load->model("login_model"); $res0 = $this->login_model->validateprofile($un); $tmp = 0; foreach ($res0 as $row0) { // echo "got".$row0['username']; $tmp = $tmp + 1; } // if(!($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res0))) if ($tmp == 0) { //echo 111; header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //get search option $productid = inp($this->uri->segment(3)); $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; if (inp($this->uri->segment(4)) == 'addtocart') { $this->load->model("showP_model"); $res5 = $this->showP_model->getorders($productid, $id); if ($row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res5)) { $tmp = $row5['quantity'] + 1; $this->load->model("showP_model"); $res5 = $this->showP_model->updateorders($tmp, $productid, $id); } else { $this->load->model("showP_model"); $res5 = $this->showP_model->insertorders($productid, $id); } } if ($_POST['delete'] != '' && $_POST['delete'] != null) { $this->load->model("orders_model"); $res1 = $this->orders_model->deleteitems($id, $_POST['delete']); } if ($_POST['deleteall'] == 'deleteall') { $this->load->model("orders_model"); $res1 = $this->orders_model->deleteall($id); } //show product $this->load->model("orders_model"); $res3 = $this->orders_model->showorders($id); $data['res3'] = $res3; //output $this->load->view('orders.php', $data); }
$sql0 = "select * from customer where username='******'"; $res0 = mysql_query($sql0, $con); if (!($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res0))) { header("Location: login.php"); exit; } function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //handle checkout if ($_POST['succeed'] == 'succeed') { $sql4 = "update customer set username='******'username']) . "',password=password('" . inp($_POST['password0']) . "'),customername='" . inp($_POST['customername']) . "',customeraddress='" . inp($_POST['customeraddress']) . "',creditcard='" . inp($_POST['creditcard']) . "',securitycode='" . inp($_POST['securitycode']) . "',expirationdate='" . inp($_POST['expirationdate']) . "' where customerid='" . $id . "'"; $res4 = mysql_query($sql4, $con); $errormsg = "Your infomation has been successfully saved."; } //show info $sql3 = "select * from customer where customerid='" . $id . "'"; $res3 = mysql_query($sql3, $con); $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res3); // ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CS571 Assignment 3</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jsfile.js"></script>
public function index() { session_start(); $id = $_SESSION['customerid']; $un = $_SESSION['username']; $pw = $_SESSION['password']; $t0 = $_SESSION['accesstime']; $data['id'] = $id; $data['un'] = $un; $data['pw'] = $pw; $data['t0'] = $t0; $nowtime = time(); if ($nowtime - $t0 > 1440) { session_destroy(); header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } $this->load->model("login_model"); $res0 = $this->login_model->validateprofile($un); $tmp = 0; foreach ($res0 as $row0) { // echo "got".$row0['username']; $tmp = $tmp + 1; } // if(!($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res0))) if ($tmp == 0) { //echo 111; header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } function inp($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } //get search option // $productid=$this->uri->segment(3); $this->load->model("search_model"); $search_res = $this->search_model->getcategory(); $data['search_res'] = $search_res; //get order $orderid = inp($this->uri->segment(3)); if (preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $orderid, $par1)) { session_destroy(); header('Location:' . site_url('Login')); exit; } // $sql3="select * from orderhis where customerid='".$id."' and orderid='".$orderid."'"; // $res3=mysql_query($sql3); $this->load->model("showo_model"); $res3 = $this->showo_model->getorderhis($id, $orderid); $data['res3'] = $res3; //show orderitems $this->load->model("showo_model"); $res4 = $this->showo_model->getorderitems($orderid); $data['res4'] = $res4; //output $this->load->view('showO.php', $data); }
header("Location: adminpage.php"); exit; // } // echo "here is the productid: ".$_POST['product']; } } //set the default value of change if ($_POST['operation'] == "change") { $value1 = ""; $value2 = ""; $value3 = ""; $value4 = ""; $value5 = ""; $value6 = ""; $value7 = ""; $sql3_1 = "select * from employees where employeeid='" . inp($_POST['employees']) . "'"; $con3 = mysql_connect(':/home/scf-27/chentian/mysql.sock', 'root', '1992'); //when to close????? if (!$con3) { die; // } mysql_select_db('assignment2', $con3); $res3_1 = mysql_query($sql3_1, $con3); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res3_1)) { $index = $row['userindex']; $value4 = $row['employeefname']; $value5 = $row['employeelname']; $value6 = $row['age']; $value7 = $row['salary']; }