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@philum 2018


Agregator of articles

Overview :
- save articles from the web
- create design with an interface
- relate articles with a powerfull system of tags
- use/share datasheets/files
- high level of personalization

Recursivity :
After install, you become superadmin.
You can let your users create their own blogs.
And they can let their users create their content.
You can add layers to repeat all that for others domains.

How to install :
- put install.php on your server and load it.


Admin/console : 
- add modules to yours pages
- set contexts for modules : all, home, cat, art (or targeted cat or art)
- set designs with cssBuilder, use face-fonts, set colors schemes
- set config and restrictions (easy access to config)
- set params of server
- create alternatives templates to the defaults
- manage/share files in userDisk
- manage admin on front menus
- manage your tags on place

Onplace :
- create or import articles from the web
- set meta tags to link them
- display content as site or as desktop

Framework :
- create plugins and let them be used as page or as apps
- use Msql (the own noSql data system) to add/share/capture datas.

All the HTML is replaced by some [:connectors] :
- contents are normalized
- tags are editables and can be used to call some modules/plugins
- a motor of templates can be used
- new connectors can be created by user

Everything is in ajax :
- work on place to edit or add articles
- easy to configure

Extremely fast :
- Never-repeatitive Coding
- Can be used on small configs, need 1Go of RAM
- pages (and ajax calls) are displayed in less of 0.1 second

Philum assume to be the fastest CMS actually (comparing to it's complexity), 
works on low-cost servers, or can support high-charge (100K/Day).

The users can :
- get updates of software
- develop code (and design) in dev mode
- push the dev to the prod
- make forks and become producer
- share articles and files between servers
- chat between users, blogers and servers
- create tickets to ask for new needed, bug fixs, or help.


Credits Dav 2004-2021