/** * database function. * * @access public * @return void */ public function database() { $this->output->enable_profiler(true); $this->load->database(); $this->load->dbutil(); $this->load->dbforge(); $data['title'] = $this->system_model->get('app_name'); $data['breadcrumbs'] = array(array('data' => anchor('/', $this->system_model->get('app_name')), 'mode' => 'unavailable'), array('data' => anchor('install', ucfirst(lang('install'))), 'mode' => 'unavailable'), array('data' => anchor('install/database', ucfirst(lang('install') . ' ' . lang('database'))), 'mode' => 'current')); $html = heading(ucfirst(lang('install')) . ' ' . lang('database'), 1); $current = $this->migration->current(); if (is_null($current)) { $html .= div($this->migration->error_string(), 'alert-box error'); } else { $html .= div('Klubb database version: ' . $current, 'alert-box success'); } $tables = $this->db->list_tables(); foreach ($tables as $table) { $fields = $this->db->list_fields($table); array_unshift($fields, strong('Fält:')); $fields = ul($fields, array('class' => 'inline-list')); $html .= div(heading('Tabell: ' . $table, 4) . $fields, 'radius panel'); } $data['html'] = $html; $this->system_model->view('template', $data); }
function plug_connectors($p, $o) { $rid = 'plg' . randid(); $bt = connectors_menu($p, $o, $rid); $ret = connectors_j($p, $o); return $bt . div(atd($rid), $ret); }
static function slide($r, $p, $rid) { $j = $rid . '_class___toposlides_j_'; $v = $r[$p]; if ($v[0]) { $bt1 = lj('', $j . $v[0] . '_' . $rid . '_inp', pictxt('left', $v[0])) . ' '; } //parent if ($v[2]) { $bt3 = lj('', $j . $v[2] . '_' . $rid . '_inp', pictxt('down', $v[2])) . ' '; } //end foreach ($r as $ka => $va) { if ($va[2] == $p) { $bt2 = lj('', $j . $ka . '_' . $rid . '_inp', pictxt('up', $ka)) . ' '; } //begin if ($va[0] == $p) { $bt4 .= lj('', $j . $ka . '_' . $rid . '_inp', pictxt('right', $ka)) . ' '; } } $bt = divc('', $bt1 . $bt2 . $bt3 . $bt4 . $bt0); //$cell=div(atc('imgl').ats('width:36px'),$bt1.$bt2.$bt3.$bt4); $ret = nl2br(stripslashes_b($v[1])); $cell = div(ats('margin:auto;'), $ret); $ret = $bt . div(atc('book') . ats('display:flex; min-height:300px; width:94%;'), $cell); return $ret; }
function mareaRojaColumnaDesembarcoResultados($id) { $_ci =& get_instance(); $_ci->load->helper(array("modulo/marea_roja/permiso", "modulo/marea_roja/acta", "modulo/archivo/archivo")); $html = ""; $_ci->load->model("marea_roja_desembarco_model", "_marea_roja_model"); $_ci->load->model("marea_roja_desembarco_informe_model", "_marea_roja_desembarco_informe_model"); $marea_roja = $_ci->_marea_roja_model->getById($id); if (!is_null($marea_roja)) { $html = div("btn-group", array("width" => "135px")); $html .= botonSM("Ver detalle desembarco", "btn-primary ver-marea-roja-desembarco", "fa-search", array("rel" => $marea_roja->id)); if (permisoMareaRoja("editar")) { $html .= botonSM("Ingresar resultados", "btn-success editar-marea-roja", "fa-plus-square-o", array("rel" => $marea_roja->id)); } if (permisoMareaRoja("validar")) { if ($marea_roja->bo_ingreso_resultado) { $html .= botonSM("Validar resultado", "btn-green validar", "fa-check-circle", array("rel" => $marea_roja->id)); } if ($marea_roja->bo_validado) { $existe = $_ci->_marea_roja_desembarco_informe_model->getByDesembarco($marea_roja->id); if (is_null($existe)) { $html .= botonSM("Generar informe de desembarco", "btn-info generar-informe", "fa-file-o", array("rel" => $marea_roja->id)); } else { $html .= botonSM("Ver informe de desembarco", "btn-primary ver-informe", "fa-file", array("rel" => urlArchivo($existe->id_archivo))); } } } $html .= divClose(); } return $html; }
private function get_menu_item($menu_id) { $this->load->library('table'); $this->load->model('menu_item'); $content_vars = array(); // Template da tabela $this->table->set_template(array('table_open' => '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">')); $this->table->set_heading('Label', 'Ordem', 'Tipo', 'Link', 'Ações'); $query = $this->menu_item->get_by_field('menu_id', $menu_id, array('field' => 'ordem', 'order' => 'asc')); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { switch ($row->tipo) { case 'post': $link = $this->get_titulo_postagem($row->href); break; case 'posts': $link = $this->get_titulo_categoria($row->href); break; case 'link': $link = $row->href; break; case 'funcional': $link = humanize($row->href); break; case 'submenu': $link = $this->get_titulo_menu($row->href); break; } $this->table->add_row($row->label, $row->ordem, humanize($row->tipo), $link, div(array('class' => 'btn-group btn-group-sm')) . anchor('admin/menuitens/edit/' . $row->id, glyphicon('edit'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . '<button class="btn btn-default" onClick="return confirmar(\'' . site_url('admin/menuitens/delete/' . $row->id) . '\');">' . glyphicon('trash') . '</button>' . div(null, true)); } $content_vars['menu_id'] = $menu_id; $content_vars['listagem'] = $this->table->generate(); return $this->load->view('menuitens/index', $content_vars, TRUE); }
function __construct(Thread $thread) { parent::__construct($thread->getBoard()); $topLinks = div('', 'topLinks navLinks')->append('[' . a('Home', '/index') . ']')->append(' [' . a('Return', '/' . $this->board->getName() . '/') . ']'); if (!$thread->getBoard()->isSwfBoard()) { $topLinks->append(' [' . a('Catalog', '/' . $this->board->getName() . '/catalog') . ']'); } if (!$thread->getBoard()->isArchive() && $thread->isActive()) { if ($thread->isClosed()) { $this->appendToBody(el('h2', 'Thread is closed.')); } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['captcha'])) { $_SESSION['captcha'] = rand(100000, 999999); } $this->appendToBody(Site::parseHtmlFragment('postForm.html', ['_board_', '_resto_', '_password_'], [$thread->getBoard()->getName(), $thread->getThreadId(), 'password'])); } } $this->appendToBody($topLinks); $thread->loadAll(); $dur = secsToDHMS($thread->getPost($thread->getPosts() - 1)->getTime() - $thread->getPost(0)->getTime()); $board = div('', 'board'); if ($thread->getBoard()->isArchive()) { $threadStats = Site::parseHtmlFragment("threadStats.html", ["__threadid__", "__posts__", "__posts_actual__", "__images__", "__images_actual__", "__lifetime__", "__deleted__", "<!--4chanLink-->", "<!--tag-->"], [$thread->getThreadId(), $thread->getChanPosts(), $thread->getPosts() - 1, $thread->getChanImages(), $thread->getImages() - 1, "{$dur[0]}d {$dur[1]}h {$dur[2]}m {$dur[3]}s", $thread->getDeleted(), $thread->isActive() ? "<a target='_blank' href='//boards.4chan.org/{$this->board->getName()}/thread/{$thread->getThreadId()}'>View on 4chan</a>" : "Thread is dead.", $thread->getTag() != null ? "<br>Tagged as: " . $thread->getTag() : ""]); $board->append($threadStats); } else { $board->append('<hr>'); } $this->appendToBody($board->append(div($thread->displayThread(), 'thread'))); $bottomLinks = $topLinks; $this->appendToBody("<hr>" . $bottomLinks); }
function book_cover($t) { $t = str_replace(' ', "\n", $t); $w = $_SESSION['prma']['content']; $t = call_plug('', 'popup', 'book', ajx($_SESSION['book']) . '_' . $w, $t); // return div(' class="book" style="background-color:black; padding:10px; width:220px;"', divs('background-color:#222; border:1px solid #fff; padding:5px; margin:auto; color:white; font-size:16px; text-align:center; text-decoration:none;', $t)); return $ret; }
public function to_html_link(\System\Template\Renderer $ren, $short_name = true) { if ($short_name && mb_strlen($this->name_full) > 32) { $long_name = substr($this->name_full, 0, 32) . '...'; } else { $long_name = $this->name_full; } return div('name', array($ren->link_for('team', $this->name, array("args" => array($this), "class" => 'short')), span('sep', ' - '), $ren->link_for('team', $long_name, array("args" => array($this), "class" => 'full')))); }
function fav_render_cols($r) { req('spe'); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $id => $v) { $ret .= fav_art($id); } } return div(atc('cols') . ats('width:640px;'), $ret); }
public function __construct(Board $board) { parent::__construct("/{$board->getName()}/ - {$board->getLongName()}", "", $board->getPrivilege()); $boardBanner = div("", "boardBanner centertext")->append(div("/{$board->getName()}/ - {$board->getLongName()}", "boardTitle")); if ($board->isArchive()) { $boardBanner->append(a("View this board on 4chan", '//boards.4chan.org/' . $board->getName())); } $this->appendToBody("<hr>" . $boardBanner . "<hr>"); $this->board = $board; }
private function initNavbar() { $this->navbar = div('', 'navbar'); foreach (Config::getCfg('navlinks') as $name => $link) { $this->navbar->append(a(span(" {$name} ", 'navelement'), $link)); } $stylelist = el('ul'); foreach (Config::getCfg("styles") as $name => $css) { $stylelist->append(el('li', a(" {$name} ", "javascript:")->set("onclick", "StyleSwitcher.switchTo('{$name}')")->set("class", 'navelement')->set("title", $name))); } $this->navbar->append(el('ul', el('li', '[Page Style]' . $stylelist, ['class' => 'navelement']), ['class' => 'stylemenu'])); }
function date_diff_to_text($seconds) { $minutes = div($seconds, 60); $seconds = $seconds % 60; if ($minutes < 60) { return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $minutes, $seconds); } else { $hours = div($minutes, 60); $minutes = $minutes % 60; return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds); } }
public function index() { $this->load->library('table'); $this->table->set_template(array('table_open' => '<table id="grid" class="table table-striped">')); $this->table->set_heading('Id', 'Titulo', 'Descricao', 'Status', 'Ações'); $query = $this->video->get_list()->result(); foreach ($query as $row) { $this->table->add_row($row->id, $row->titulo, $row->descricao, status_post($row->status), div(array('class' => 'btn-group btn-group-sm')) . anchor('admin/videos/edit/' . $row->id, glyphicon('edit'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . '<button class="btn btn-default" onClick="return confirmar(\'' . site_url('admin/videos/delete/' . $row->id) . '\');">' . glyphicon('trash') . '</button>' . div(null, true)); } $this->content_vars['listagem'] = $this->table->generate(); $this->wpanel->load_view('videos/index', $this->content_vars); }
/** * * @deprecated since 5.0.0 */ function jalali_week_day($j_y, $j_m, $j_d) { global $j_days_in_month; $jy = $j_y - 979; $jm = $j_m - 1; $jd = $j_d - 1; $j_day_no = 365 * $jy + div($jy, 33) * 8 + div($jy % 33 + 3, 4); for ($i = 0; $i < $jm; ++$i) { $j_day_no += $j_days_in_month[$i]; } $j_day_no += $jd; return ($j_day_no + 2) % 7 + 1; }
function demoMod($a, $b) { echo "Demo for pair ({$a}, {$b}):\n"; $c = $a / $b; $ic = idiv($a, $b); $d = $a % $b; $mc = div($a, $b); $md = mod($a, $b); echo "Standard PHP division: {$a} / {$b} = {$c}\n"; echo "Custom integer division: {$a} / {$b} = {$ic}\n"; echo "Fixed integer division: {$a} / {$b} = {$mc}\n"; echo "Standard PHP integer modulo: {$a} % {$b} = {$d}\n"; echo "Fixed integer modulo: {$a} mod {$b} = {$md}\n\n"; }
function umtoa_build() { $r = ummo_toa(); $ratio = 10; foreach ($r as $k => $v) { list($aeon, $xee, $txt, $pos, $height, $year) = $v; $date = 'Ere ' . $aeon . ' / Xee ' . $xee . ' (' . $year . ') '; //$top='top:'.($pos/$ratio+40).'px; '; $sty = 'height:' . $height / $ratio . 'px;'; $css = 'hline ' . ($txt == 'Nuit Noire' ? 'aeonblack' : 'aeon' . $aeon); $ret .= div(atc($css) . ats($sty), $date . $txt); } return div(atc('vline') . ats('height:' . (($pos + $height) / $ratio + 40) . 'px;'), $ret); }
function overpop($t, $id, $clr, $typo, $opac, $w = 320, $h = 240) { $randid = randid(); $ov = 'document.getElementById(\'crt1' . $randid . '\').style.backgroundColor=\'' . hexrgb($clr, 0) . '\'; document.getElementById(\'crt2' . $randid . '\').style.backgroundColor=\'' . hexrgb($clr, 0.9) . '\';'; $ot = 'document.getElementById(\'crt1' . $randid . '\').style.backgroundColor=\'' . hexrgb($clr, $opac) . '\'; document.getElementById(\'crt2' . $randid . '\').style.backgroundColor=\'' . hexrgb($clr, 1) . '\';'; $go = is_numeric($id) ? 'href="' . urlread($id) . '"' : atb('onclick', $id); //title $title = div(' id="crt2' . $randid . '" style="font-family:' . $typo . '; font-size:24px; text-align:center; color:#' . invert_color($clr, 1) . '; padding:10px; width:140px; background-color:#' . $clr . '; margin:100px auto; vertical-align:middle; box-shadow:0 0 5px #' . $clr . '; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #' . invert_color($clr, 0) . ';"', $t); // transition: all 1s ease; //rideau $sty = 'position:absolute; width:' . ($w ? $w : 320) . 'px; height:' . ($h ? $h : 240) . 'px; background-color:' . hexrgb($clr, $opac) . '; text-align-center; vertical-align:middle; transition: all 1s ease; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px ' . hexrgb('000000', 0.5) . '; display:inline-block;'; $ret = div(' style="' . $sty . '" id="crt1' . $randid . '"', $t ? $title : ''); $ret = '<a ' . $go . atb('onmouseover', $ov) . atb('onmouseout', $ot) . '>' . $ret . '</a>'; return $ret; }
/** * Gets the news in tree and show it in table from AJAX * @return html */ function getBrands() { $model = rad_instances::get('model_corecatalog_brands'); $model->setState('select', 'count(*)'); $items_count = $model->getItem(); $model->unsetState('select'); $page = (int) $this->request('p', 1) - 1; $limit = $page * $this->_itemsperpage . ',' . $this->_itemsperpage; $this->setVar('items', $model->getItems($limit)); $this->setVar('total_rows', $items_count); $pages = div((int) $items_count, $this->_itemsperpage); $pages += $items_count % $this->_itemsperpage ? 1 : 0; $this->setVar('pages_count', $pages + 1); $this->setVar('page', $page + 1); }
function msqlxread() { $page = $_GET['page'] ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $npg = 10; require 'plug/microxml.php'; $min = ($page - 1) * $npg; $max = $page * $npg; $i = 0; $site = 'http://philum.net'; //$site=philum();//father_server $r = clkt($site . '/msql/clients/philum_tickets'); unset($r['_menus_']); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $k => $v) { //array('host','hub','msg','day','ip') if ($v[0] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && $v[1] == ses('qb')) { $del = lj('txtyl', 'tickets_plug___tickets_tickets*j_' . $k . '_x', 'x'); } else { $del = ''; } $answ = ljb('popbt', 'jumpMenu_text', 'tckansw_' . ($v[5] ? $v[5] : $k), nms(91)); $rb[$k] .= btn('txtsmall2', $v[3]) . ' '; $rb[$k] .= lkc('txtsmall', 'http://' . $v[0] . '/' . $v[1], $v[1]) . ' '; if (!$v[5]) { $rb[$k] .= $answ . ' '; } $rb[$k] .= $del . br(); $msg = $v[2]; if (!function_exists('correct_txt')) { req('tri,pop,spe'); } //$msg=correct_txt($msg,'','sconn'); if ($i >= $min && $i < $max) { $msg = miniconn($msg); } $i++; $rb[$k] .= divc('" style="width:400px;', nl2br(stripslashes($msg))) . br(); if ($v[5]) { $rb[$v[5]] .= div(ats('margin-left:40px;'), $rb[$k]); unset($rb[$k]); } } } if ($rb) { rsort($rb); } return by_pages($rb, $page); }
function popup($t, $d, $w = '', $p = '') { if ($w) { $s = 'max-width:' . ($w + 16) . 'px;'; } if ($p == 1) { $p = lj('', 'page_deskbkg', picto('desktop')) . ' '; } if ($p == 2) { $p = ljb('', 'pagrepos()', '', picto('expand')) . ' '; } $popa = popa($t, $p, $s); $_SESSION['popm'] = ''; // onresize="poprepos()" return div(atc('popup') . ats($s) . atb('onmouseup', 'stop_drag(event)'), $popa . div(atd('popu') . atc('popu'), $d)); }
static function slide($r, $p, $rid) { $j = $rid . '_class___slides_j_'; $v = $r[$p]; if ($r[$p - 1]) { $bt1 = lj('', $j . ($p - 1) . '_' . $rid . '_inp', pictxt('left', $p - 1)) . ' '; } if ($r[$p + 1]) { $bt2 = lj('', $j . ($p + 1) . '_' . $rid . '_inp', pictxt('right', $p + 1)) . ' '; } $bt = divc('', $bt1 . $bt2); $ret = nl2br(stripslashes_b($v[0])); $cell = div(ats('margin:auto;'), $ret); $ret = $bt . div(atc('book') . ats('display:flex; min-height:300px; width:94%;'), $cell); return $ret; }
public function __construct(ImageBoard\Board $board) { parent::__construct($board); if ($board->isSwfBoard()) { //throw new Exception("Catalogs don't work on upload boards"); } $this->addToHead("<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/bstats-catalog.css' type='text/css'>"); $catalog = OldModel::getCatalog($board, false); $this->appendToBody(div('', 'topLinks navLinks')->append('[' . a('Home', '/index') . ']')->append(' [' . a('Return', '/' . $board->getName() . '/') . ']') . '<br/><br/>'); $html = div('', 'extended-small')->set('id', 'threads'); while ($thread = $catalog->fetch_assoc()) { $post = new Post($thread, $board); $html->append(PostRenderer::renderPost($post, PostRenderer::DISPLAY_CATALOG)); } $this->appendToBody($html); }
public function index() { $this->load->model('post'); $this->load->library('table'); $layout_vars = array(); $content_vars = array(); // Template da tabela $this->table->set_template(array('table_open' => '<table id="grid" class="table table-striped">')); $this->table->set_heading('#', 'Título', 'Data', 'Status', 'Ações'); $query = $this->post->get_by_field('page', '1'); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $this->table->add_row($row->id, $row->title, mdate('%d/%m/%Y', strtotime($row->created)), status_post($row->status), div(array('class' => 'btn-group btn-group-sm')) . anchor('admin/pages/edit/' . $row->id, glyphicon('edit'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . '<button class="btn btn-default" onClick="return confirmar(\'' . site_url('admin/pages/delete/' . $row->id) . '\');">' . glyphicon('trash') . '</button>' . div(null, true)); } $content_vars['listagem'] = $this->table->generate(); $this->wpanel->load_view('pages/index', $content_vars); }
public function index() { $this->load->model('categoria'); $this->load->library('table'); $layout_vars = array(); $content_vars = array(); // Template da tabela $this->table->set_template(array('table_open' => '<table id="grid" class="table table-striped">')); $this->table->set_heading('#', 'Título', 'Categoria-pai', 'Visão', 'Ações'); $query = $this->categoria->get_list(); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $this->table->add_row($row->id, $row->title, $this->categoria->get_title_by_id($row->category_id), $row->view, div(array('class' => 'btn-group btn-group-sm')) . anchor('admin/categorias/edit/' . $row->id, glyphicon('edit'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . '<button class="btn btn-default" onClick="return confirmar(\'' . site_url('admin/categorias/delete/' . $row->id) . '\');">' . glyphicon('trash') . '</button>' . div(null, true)); } $content_vars['listagem'] = $this->table->generate(); $this->wpanel->load_view('categorias/index', $content_vars); }
function admin_free() { global $privileges; $search = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) { $search = strip_request_item('search'); } $angeltypesearch = ""; if (empty($_REQUEST['angeltype'])) { $_REQUEST['angeltype'] = ''; } else { $angeltypesearch = " INNER JOIN `UserAngelTypes` ON (`UserAngelTypes`.`angeltype_id` = '" . sql_escape($_REQUEST['angeltype']) . "' AND `UserAngelTypes`.`user_id` = `User`.`UID`"; if (isset($_REQUEST['confirmed_only'])) { $angeltypesearch .= " AND `UserAngelTypes`.`confirm_user_id`"; } $angeltypesearch .= ") "; } $angel_types_source = sql_select("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`"); $angel_types = array('' => 'alle Typen'); foreach ($angel_types_source as $angel_type) { $angel_types[$angel_type['id']] = $angel_type['name']; } $users = sql_select("\n SELECT `User`.* \n FROM `User` \n {$angeltypesearch} \n LEFT JOIN `ShiftEntry` ON `User`.`UID` = `ShiftEntry`.`UID` \n LEFT JOIN `Shifts` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID` AND `Shifts`.`start` < '" . sql_escape(time()) . "' AND `Shifts`.`end` > '" . sql_escape(time()) . "') \n WHERE `User`.`Gekommen` = 1 AND `Shifts`.`SID` IS NULL \n GROUP BY `User`.`UID` \n ORDER BY `Nick`"); $free_users_table = array(); if ($search == "") { $tokens = array(); } else { $tokens = explode(" ", $search); } foreach ($users as $usr) { if (count($tokens) > 0) { $match = false; $index = join("", $usr); foreach ($tokens as $t) { if (stristr($index, trim($t))) { $match = true; break; } } if (!$match) { continue; } } $free_users_table[] = array('name' => User_Nick_render($usr), 'shift_state' => User_shift_state_render($usr), 'handy' => $usr['Handy'], 'telefon' => $usr['Telefon'], 'email' => $usr['email'], 'kommentar' => $usr['kommentar'], 'actions' => in_array('admin_user', $privileges) ? button(page_link_to('admin_user') . '&id=' . $usr['UID'], _("edit"), 'btn-xs') : ''); } return page_with_title(admin_free_title(), array(form(array(div('row', array(div('col-md-4', array(form_text('search', _("Search"), $search))), div('col-md-4', array(form_select('angeltype', _("Angeltype"), $angel_types, $_REQUEST['angeltype']))), div('col-md-2', array(form_checkbox('confirmed_only', _("Only confirmed"), isset($_REQUEST['confirmed_only'])))), div('col-md-2', array(form_submit('submit', _("Search")))))))), table(array('name' => _("Nick"), 'shift_state' => '', 'handy' => _("Mobile"), 'telefon' => _("Phone"), 'email' => _("E-Mail"), 'kommentar' => _("add. Info"), 'actions' => ''), $free_users_table))); }
public function index() { $this->load->model('album'); $this->load->library('table'); $layout_vars = array(); $content_vars = array(); // Template da tabela $this->table->set_template(array('table_open' => '<table id="grid" class="table table-striped">')); $this->table->set_heading('#', 'Capa', 'Título', 'Data', 'Status', 'Ações'); $query = $this->album->get_list(); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $capa_properties = array('src' => base_url() . '/media/capas/' . $row->capa, 'class' => 'img-responsive', 'width' => '120', 'alt' => $row->titulo); $capa = img($capa_properties); $this->table->add_row($row->id, $capa, anchor('admin/fotos/index/' . $row->id, glyphicon('picture') . $row->titulo), mdate('%d/%m/%Y - %H:%i', strtotime($row->created)), status_post($row->status), div(array('class' => 'btn-group btn-group-sm')) . anchor('admin/fotos/index/' . $row->id, glyphicon('picture'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . anchor('admin/albuns/edit/' . $row->id, glyphicon('edit'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . '<button class="btn btn-default" onClick="return confirmar(\'' . site_url('admin/albuns/delete/' . $row->id) . '\');">' . glyphicon('trash') . '</button>' . div(null, true)); } $content_vars['listagem'] = $this->table->generate(); $this->wpanel->load_view('albuns/index', $content_vars); }
function Shift_view($shift, $shifttype, $room, $shift_admin, $angeltypes_source, $user_shift_admin, $admin_rooms, $admin_shifttypes, $user_shifts, $signed_up) { $parsedown = new Parsedown(); $angeltypes = []; foreach ($angeltypes_source as $angeltype) { $angeltypes[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype; } $needed_angels = ''; foreach ($shift['NeedAngels'] as $needed_angeltype) { $class = 'progress-bar-warning'; if ($needed_angeltype['taken'] == 0) { $class = 'progress-bar-danger'; } if ($needed_angeltype['taken'] >= $needed_angeltype['count']) { $class = 'progress-bar-success'; } $needed_angels .= '<div class="list-group-item">'; $needed_angels .= '<div class="pull-right">' . Shift_signup_button_render($shift, $angeltypes[$needed_angeltype['TID']]) . '</div>'; $needed_angels .= '<h3>' . AngelType_name_render($angeltypes[$needed_angeltype['TID']]) . '</h3>'; $needed_angels .= progress_bar(0, $needed_angeltype['count'], min($needed_angeltype['taken'], $needed_angeltype['count']), $class, $needed_angeltype['taken'] . ' / ' . $needed_angeltype['count']); $angels = []; foreach ($shift['ShiftEntry'] as $shift_entry) { if ($shift_entry['TID'] == $needed_angeltype['TID']) { $entry = User_Nick_render(User($shift_entry['UID'])); if ($shift_entry['freeloaded']) { $entry = '<strike>' . $entry . '</strike>'; } if ($user_shift_admin) { $entry .= ' <div class="btn-group">'; $entry .= button_glyph(page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '&edit=' . $shift_entry['id'] . '&id=' . $shift_entry['UID'], 'pencil', 'btn-xs'); $entry .= button_glyph(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&entry_id=' . $shift_entry['id'], 'trash', 'btn-xs'); $entry .= '</div>'; } $angels[] = $entry; } } $needed_angels .= join(', ', $angels); $needed_angels .= '</div>'; } $shiftManagers = getShiftManagers($shift['SID']); return page_with_title($shift['name'] . ' <small class="moment-countdown" data-timestamp="' . $shift['start'] . '">%c</small>', [msg(), Shift_collides($shift, $user_shifts) ? info(_('This shift collides with one of your shifts.'), true) : '', $signed_up ? info(_('You are signed up for this shift.'), true) : '', $shift_admin || $admin_shifttypes || $admin_rooms ? buttons([$shift_admin ? button(shift_edit_link($shift), glyph('pencil') . _('edit')) : '', $shift_admin ? button(shift_delete_link($shift), glyph('trash') . _('delete')) : '', $admin_shifttypes ? button(shifttype_link($shifttype), $shifttype['name']) : '', $admin_rooms ? button(room_link($room), glyph('map-marker') . $room['Name']) : '']) : '', div('row', [div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', ['<h4>' . _('Title') . '</h4>', '<p class="lead">' . ($shift['URL'] != '' ? '<a href="' . $shift['URL'] . '">' . $shift['title'] . '</a>' : $shift['title']) . '</p>']), div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', ['<h4>' . _('Start') . '</h4>', '<p class="lead' . (time() >= $shift['start'] ? ' text-success' : '') . '">', glyph('calendar') . date('Y-m-d', $shift['start']), '<br />', glyph('time') . date('H:i', $shift['start']), '</p>']), div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', ['<h4>' . _('End') . '</h4>', '<p class="lead' . (time() >= $shift['end'] ? ' text-success' : '') . '">', glyph('calendar') . date('Y-m-d', $shift['end']), '<br />', glyph('time') . date('H:i', $shift['end']), '</p>']), div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', ['<h4>' . _('Location') . '</h4>', '<p class="lead">' . glyph('map-marker') . $room['Name'] . '</p>'])]), div('row', [div('col-sm-6', ['<h2>' . _('Needed angels') . '</h2>', '<div class="list-group">' . $needed_angels . '</div>']), div('col-sm-6', [!empty($shiftManagers) ? '<h2>' . _('Shift Manager') . '</h2>' : '', !empty($shiftManagers) ? implode('<br>', array_map(function ($manager) { return $manager['Vorname'] . ' ' . $manager['Name']; }, $shiftManagers)) : '', '<h2>' . _('Description') . '</h2>', $parsedown->parse($shifttype['description'])])]), $shift_admin ? Shift_editor_info_render($shift) : '']); }
/** * Edit a user's driving license information. * @param User $user_source * @param bool $wants_to_drive * @param bool $has_car * @param bool $has_license_car * @param bool $has_license_3_5t_transporter * @param bool $has_license_7_5t_truck * @param bool $has_license_12_5t_truck * @param bool $has_license_forklift */ function UserDriverLicense_edit_view($user_source, $wants_to_drive, $has_car, $has_license_car, $has_license_3_5t_transporter, $has_license_7_5t_truck, $has_license_12_5t_truck, $has_license_forklift) { return page_with_title(sprintf(_("Edit %s driving license information"), User_Nick_render($user_source)), [buttons([button(user_link($user_source), _("Back to profile"), 'back')]), msg(), form([form_info(_("Privacy"), _("Your driving license information is only visible for coordinators and admins.")), form_checkbox('wants_to_drive', _("I am willing to operate cars for the PL"), $wants_to_drive), div('panel panel-default', [div('panel-body', [form_checkbox('has_car', _("I have my own car with me and am willing to use it for the PL (You'll get reimbursed for fuel)"), $has_car), heading(_("Driver license"), 3), form_checkbox('has_license_car', _("Car"), $has_license_car), form_checkbox('has_license_3_5t_transporter', _("Transporter 3,5t"), $has_license_3_5t_transporter), form_checkbox('has_license_7_5t_truck', _("Truck 7,5t"), $has_license_7_5t_truck), form_checkbox('has_license_12_5t_truck', _("Truck 12,5t"), $has_license_12_5t_truck), form_checkbox('has_license_forklift', _("Forklift"), $has_license_forklift)])], 'driving_license'), form_submit('submit', _("Save"))]), '<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { if($("#wants_to_drive").is(":checked")) $("#driving_license").show(); else $("#driving_license").hide(); $("#wants_to_drive").click( function(e) { if($("#wants_to_drive").is(":checked")) $("#driving_license").show(); else $("#driving_license").hide(); } ); }); </script>']); }
/** * Returns information about pagination. * * @param int $items_count Count of items which are separated by pages. * @param int $default_items_per_page Count of items per page. * @return array|boolean Associative array of pagination info or FALSE if the * info array cannot be build. Info array contatins the following keys: * - page: int, number of current page. * - total: int, total pages count. * - items: int, items per page. * - count: int, total items count. * - start: int, index of item to start from. * - end: int, index of item to end at. */ function pagination_info($items_count, $default_items_per_page = 15) { if ($items_count) { $items_per_page = verify_param("items", "/^\\d{1,3}\$/", $default_items_per_page); if ($items_per_page < 2) { $items_per_page = 2; } $total_pages = div($items_count + $items_per_page - 1, $items_per_page); $curr_page = verify_param("page", "/^\\d{1,6}\$/", 1); if ($curr_page < 1) { $curr_page = 1; } if ($curr_page > $total_pages) { $curr_page = $total_pages; } $start_index = ($curr_page - 1) * $items_per_page; $end_index = min($start_index + $items_per_page, $items_count); return array("page" => $curr_page, "items" => $items_per_page, "total" => $total_pages, "count" => $items_count, "start" => $start_index, "end" => $end_index); } else { return false; } }
public function index($album_id) { $this->load->model('album'); $this->load->model('foto'); $this->load->library('table'); $layout_vars = array(); $content_vars = array(); // Dados do álbum // $query_album = $this->album->get_by_id($album_id)->row(); // Template da tabela $this->table->set_template(array('table_open' => '<table id="grid" class="table table-striped">')); $this->table->set_heading('#', 'Imagem', 'Descricao', 'Data', 'Status', 'Ações'); $query = $this->foto->get_by_field('album_id', $album_id, array('field' => 'created', 'order' => 'desc')); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $capa_properties = array('src' => base_url() . '/media/albuns/' . $album_id . '/' . $row->filename, 'class' => 'img-responsive', 'width' => '120', 'alt' => $row->descricao); $imagem = img($capa_properties); $this->table->add_row($row->id, $imagem, $row->descricao, mdate('%d/%m/%Y - %H:%i', strtotime($row->created)), status_post($row->status), div(array('class' => 'btn-group btn-group-sm')) . anchor('admin/fotos/edit/' . $row->id, glyphicon('edit'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . '<button class="btn btn-default" onClick="return confirmar(\'' . site_url('admin/fotos/delete/' . $row->id) . '\');">' . glyphicon('trash') . '</button>' . div(null, true)); } $content_vars['album_id'] = $album_id; $content_vars['listagem'] = $this->table->generate(); $this->wpanel->load_view('fotos/index', $content_vars); }