Exemplo n.º 1
function _adRenderImageBeacon($aBanner, $zoneId = 0, $source = '', $loc = '', $referer = '', $logUrl = '')
    if (empty($logUrl)) {
        $logUrl = _adRenderBuildLogURL($aBanner, $zoneId, $source, $loc, $referer, '&');
    return MAX_adRenderImageBeacon($logUrl);
Exemplo n.º 2
function MAX_adSelect($what, $campaignid = '', $target = '', $source = '', $withtext = 0, $charset = '', $context = array(), $richmedia = true, $ct0 = '', $loc = '', $referer = '')
    $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
    if (empty($GLOBALS['source'])) {
        $GLOBALS['source'] = $source;
    if (empty($GLOBALS['loc'])) {
        $GLOBALS['loc'] = $loc;
    $originalZoneId = null;
    if (strpos($what, 'zone:') === 0) {
        $originalZoneId = intval(substr($what, 5));
    } elseif (strpos($what, 'campaignid:') === 0) {
        $originalCampaignId = intval(substr($what, 11));
    } elseif (strpos($what, 'bannerid:') === 0) {
        $originalBannerId = intval(substr($what, 9));
    $userid = MAX_cookieGetUniqueViewerId();
    MAX_cookieAdd($conf['var']['viewerId'], $userid, _getTimeYearFromNow());
    $outputbuffer = '';
    $found = false;
    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['followedChain'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['considered_ads'] = array();
    $first = true;
    global $g_append, $g_prepend;
    $g_append = '';
    $g_prepend = '';
    if (!empty($what)) {
        while ($first || $what != '' && $found == false) {
            $first = false;
            $ix = strpos($what, '|');
            if ($ix === false) {
                $remaining = '';
            } else {
                $remaining = substr($what, $ix + 1);
                $what = substr($what, 0, $ix);
            if (strpos($what, 'zone:') === 0) {
                $zoneId = intval(substr($what, 5));
                $row = _adSelectZone($zoneId, $context, $source, $richmedia);
            } else {
                if (strpos($what, '/') > 0) {
                    if (strpos($what, '@') > 0) {
                        list($what, $append) = explode('@', $what);
                    } else {
                        $append = '';
                    $separate = explode('/', $what);
                    $expanded = '';
                    $collected = array();
                    while (list(, $v) = each($separate)) {
                        $expanded .= ($expanded != '' ? ',+' : '') . $v;
                        $collected[] = $expanded . ($append != '' ? ',+' . $append : '');
                    $what = strtok(implode('|', array_reverse($collected)), '|');
                    $remaining = strtok('') . ($remaining != '' ? '|' . $remaining : '');
                $row = _adSelectDirect($what, $campaignid, $context, $source, $richmedia, $remaining == '');
            if (is_array($row) && empty($row['default'])) {
                MAX_Delivery_log_logAdRequest($row['bannerid'], $row['zoneid'], $row);
                if (($row['adserver'] == 'max' || $row['adserver'] == '3rdPartyServers:ox3rdPartyServers:max') && preg_match("#{$conf['webpath']['delivery']}.*zoneid=([0-9]+)#", $row['htmltemplate'], $matches) && !stristr($row['htmltemplate'], $conf['file']['popup'])) {
                    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'][] = $row;
                    $found = false;
                    $what = "zone:{$matches[1]}";
                } else {
                    $found = true;
            } else {
                MAX_Delivery_log_logAdRequest(null, $originalZoneId, null);
                $what = $remaining;
    if ($found) {
        $zoneId = empty($row['zoneid']) ? 0 : $row['zoneid'];
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'] as $index => $ad) {
                if ($ad['ad_id'] != $row['ad_id'] && !empty($ad['append'])) {
                    $row['append'] .= $ad['append'];
        $outputbuffer = MAX_adRender($row, $zoneId, $source, $target, $ct0, $withtext, $charset, true, true, $richmedia, $loc, $referer, $context);
        $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => $row['bannerid'], 'contenttype' => $row['contenttype'], 'alt' => $row['alt'], 'width' => $row['width'], 'height' => $row['height'], 'url' => $row['url'], 'campaignid' => $row['campaignid'], 'clickUrl' => $row['clickUrl'], 'logUrl' => $row['logUrl'], 'aSearch' => $row['aSearch'], 'aReplace' => $row['aReplace'], 'bannerContent' => $row['bannerContent'], 'clickwindow' => $row['clickwindow'], 'aRow' => $row, 'context' => _adSelectBuildContext($row, $context), 'iframeFriendly' => (bool) $row['iframe_friendly']);
        $row += array('block_ad' => 0, 'cap_ad' => 0, 'session_cap_ad' => 0, 'block_campaign' => 0, 'cap_campaign' => 0, 'session_cap_campaign' => 0, 'block_zone' => 0, 'cap_zone' => 0, 'session_cap_zone' => 0);
        if (MAX_Delivery_cookie_cappingOnRequest()) {
            if ($row['block_ad'] > 0 || $row['cap_ad'] > 0 || $row['session_cap_ad'] > 0) {
                MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Ad', $row['bannerid'], $row['block_ad'], $row['cap_ad'], $row['session_cap_ad']);
            if ($row['block_campaign'] > 0 || $row['cap_campaign'] > 0 || $row['session_cap_campaign'] > 0) {
                MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Campaign', $row['campaign_id'], $row['block_campaign'], $row['cap_campaign'], $row['session_cap_campaign']);
            if ($row['block_zone'] > 0 || $row['cap_zone'] > 0 || $row['session_cap_zone'] > 0) {
                MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Zone', $row['zoneid'], $row['block_zone'], $row['cap_zone'], $row['session_cap_zone']);
            MAX_Delivery_log_setLastAction(0, array($row['bannerid']), array($zoneId), array($row['viewwindow']));
    } else {
        if (!empty($zoneId)) {
            $logUrl = _adRenderBuildLogURL(array('ad_id' => 0, 'placement_id' => 0), $zoneId, $source, $loc, $referer, '&');
            $g_append = str_replace('{random}', MAX_getRandomNumber(), MAX_adRenderImageBeacon($logUrl)) . $g_append;
        if (!empty($row['default'])) {
            if (empty($target)) {
                $target = '_blank';
            $outputbuffer = $g_prepend . '<a href=\'' . $row['default_banner_destination_url'] . '\' target=\'' . $target . '\'><img src=\'' . $row['default_banner_image_url'] . '\' border=\'0\' alt=\'\'></a>' . $g_append;
            $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => '', 'default_banner_image_url' => $row['default_banner_image_url']);
        } else {
            if (!empty($conf['defaultBanner']['imageUrl'])) {
                if (empty($target)) {
                    $target = '_blank';
                $outputbuffer = "{$g_prepend}<img src='{$conf['defaultBanner']['imageUrl']}' border='0' alt=''>{$g_append}";
                $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => '', 'default_banner_image_url' => $conf['defaultBanner']['imageUrl']);
            } else {
                $outputbuffer = $g_prepend . $g_append;
                $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => '');
    OX_Delivery_Common_hook('postAdSelect', array(&$output));
    return $output;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * This is the main ad selection and rendering function
 * @param string  $what         The ad-selection string, colon seperated name=value
 *                              e.g. bannerid=X, campaignid=Y, zone:Z or search:criteria
 * @param string  $campaignid   The campaign ID to fecth banners from, added in 2.3.32 to allow BC with 2.0
 * @param string  $target       The target attribute for generated <a href> links
 * @param string  $source       The "source" parameter passed into the adcall
 * @param int     $withtext     Should "text below banner" be appended to the generated code
 * @param array   $context      The context of this ad selection
 *                              - used for companion positioning
 *                              - and excluding banner/campaigns from this ad-call
 * @param boolean $richmedia    Does this invocation method allow for serving 3rd party/html ads
 * @param string  $ct0          The 3rd party click tracking URL to redirect to after logging
 * @param string  $loc          The "current page" URL
 * @param string  $referer      The "referring page" URL
 * @return array                An array containing selected banner information, including generated HTML
 *                      example:
 *                      Array
 *                      (
 *                          [html] =>
 *                              <div id='m3_7e8d56ca8e5231613e0c41ab149b8cab' style='display: inline;'><a href='http://d.dev.m3.net/ck.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=123__zoneid=567__cb=7ff857d85a' target='_blank'><img src='http://max.images.example.net/backup_banner_468x60.gif' width='468' height='60' alt='' title='' border='0'></a></div>
 *                              <script type='text/javascript'>
 *                                  var fo = new FlashObject('http://max.images.example.net/banner_468x60.swf?clickTARGET=_blank&clickTAG=http://delivery.max.example.com/ck.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=123__zoneid=567__cb=7ff857d85a', 'mymovie', '468', '60', '6');
 *                                  //fo.addParam('wmode','transparent');
 *                                  fo.write('m3_7e8d56ca8e5231613e0c41ab149b8cab');
 *                              </script><div id='beacon_123' style='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden;'><img src='http://delivery.max.example.com/lg.php?bannerid=123&amp;campaignid=4&amp;zoneid=567&amp;source=&amp;block=0&amp;capping=0&amp;session_capping=0&amp;loc=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Ftest%2Finvocationh.html&amp;referer=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Ftest%2F&amp;cb=7ff857d85a' width='0' height='0' alt='' style='width: 0px; height: 0px;'></div>
 *                          [bannerid] => 123
 *                          [contenttype] => swf
 *                          [alt] =>
 *                          [width] => 468
 *                          [height] => 60
 *                          [url] => http://www.example.net/landing_page/
 *                          [campaignid] => 4
 *                          [context] => Array
 *                              (
 *                              )
 *                      )
function MAX_adSelect($what, $campaignid = '', $target = '', $source = '', $withtext = 0, $charset = '', $context = array(), $richmedia = true, $ct0 = '', $loc = '', $referer = '')
    $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
    // For local mode and XML-RPC calls the some parameters are not set in the global scope
    // So we need to override the empty globals with the values passed into this function.
    if (empty($GLOBALS['source'])) {
        $GLOBALS['source'] = $source;
    if (empty($GLOBALS['loc'])) {
        $GLOBALS['loc'] = $loc;
    // Store the original zone, campaign or banner IDs for later use
    $originalZoneId = null;
    if (strpos($what, 'zone:') === 0) {
        $originalZoneId = intval(substr($what, 5));
    } elseif (strpos($what, 'campaignid:') === 0) {
        $originalCampaignId = intval(substr($what, 11));
    } elseif (strpos($what, 'bannerid:') === 0) {
        $originalBannerId = intval(substr($what, 9));
    $userid = MAX_cookieGetUniqueViewerId();
    MAX_cookieAdd($conf['var']['viewerId'], $userid, _getTimeYearFromNow());
    $outputbuffer = '';
    // Set flag
    $found = false;
    // Reset followed zone chain
    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['followedChain'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'] = array();
    // Reset considered ads set
    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['considered_ads'] = array();
    $first = true;
    global $g_append, $g_prepend;
    $g_append = '';
    $g_prepend = '';
    if (!empty($what)) {
        while ($first || $what != '' && $found == false) {
            $first = false;
            // Get first part, store second part
            $ix = strpos($what, '|');
            if ($ix === false) {
                $remaining = '';
            } else {
                $remaining = substr($what, $ix + 1);
                $what = substr($what, 0, $ix);
            if (strpos($what, 'zone:') === 0) {
                $zoneId = intval(substr($what, 5));
                $row = _adSelectZone($zoneId, $context, $source, $richmedia);
            } else {
                // Expand paths to regular statements
                if (strpos($what, '/') > 0) {
                    if (strpos($what, '@') > 0) {
                        list($what, $append) = explode('@', $what);
                    } else {
                        $append = '';
                    $separate = explode('/', $what);
                    $expanded = '';
                    $collected = array();
                    while (list(, $v) = each($separate)) {
                        $expanded .= ($expanded != '' ? ',+' : '') . $v;
                        $collected[] = $expanded . ($append != '' ? ',+' . $append : '');
                    $what = strtok(implode('|', array_reverse($collected)), '|');
                    $remaining = strtok('') . ($remaining != '' ? '|' . $remaining : '');
                $row = _adSelectDirect($what, $campaignid, $context, $source, $richmedia, $remaining == '');
            if (is_array($row) && empty($row['default'])) {
                // Log the ad request
                MAX_Delivery_log_logAdRequest($row['bannerid'], $row['zoneid'], $row);
                if (($row['adserver'] == 'max' || $row['adserver'] == '3rdPartyServers:ox3rdPartyServers:max') && preg_match("#{$conf['webpath']['delivery']}.*zoneid=([0-9]+)#", $row['htmltemplate'], $matches) && !stristr($row['htmltemplate'], $conf['file']['popup'])) {
                    // The ad selected was an OpenX HTML ad on the same server... do internal redirecty stuff
                    $GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'][] = $row;
                    $found = false;
                    $what = "zone:{$matches[1]}";
                } else {
                    $found = true;
            } else {
                // Log the ad request
                MAX_Delivery_log_logAdRequest(null, $originalZoneId, null);
                $what = $remaining;
    // Return the banner information
    if ($found) {
        $zoneId = empty($row['zoneid']) ? 0 : $row['zoneid'];
        // For internal redirected creatives, make sure that any appended code in the adChain is appended
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['adChain'] as $index => $ad) {
                if ($ad['ad_id'] != $row['ad_id'] && !empty($ad['append'])) {
                    $row['append'] .= $ad['append'];
        $outputbuffer = MAX_adRender($row, $zoneId, $source, $target, $ct0, $withtext, $charset, true, true, $richmedia, $loc, $referer, $context);
        $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => $row['bannerid'], 'contenttype' => $row['contenttype'], 'alt' => $row['alt'], 'width' => $row['width'], 'height' => $row['height'], 'url' => $row['url'], 'campaignid' => $row['campaignid'], 'clickUrl' => $row['clickUrl'], 'logUrl' => $row['logUrl'], 'aSearch' => $row['aSearch'], 'aReplace' => $row['aReplace'], 'bannerContent' => $row['bannerContent'], 'clickwindow' => $row['clickwindow'], 'aRow' => $row, 'context' => _adSelectBuildContext($row, $context), 'iframeFriendly' => (bool) $row['iframe_friendly']);
        // Init block/capping fields to avoid notices below
        $row += array('block_ad' => 0, 'cap_ad' => 0, 'session_cap_ad' => 0, 'block_campaign' => 0, 'cap_campaign' => 0, 'session_cap_campaign' => 0, 'block_zone' => 0, 'cap_zone' => 0, 'session_cap_zone' => 0);
        // If ad-logging is disabled, the log beacon won't be sent, so set the capping at request
        if (MAX_Delivery_cookie_cappingOnRequest()) {
            if ($row['block_ad'] > 0 || $row['cap_ad'] > 0 || $row['session_cap_ad'] > 0) {
                MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Ad', $row['bannerid'], $row['block_ad'], $row['cap_ad'], $row['session_cap_ad']);
            if ($row['block_campaign'] > 0 || $row['cap_campaign'] > 0 || $row['session_cap_campaign'] > 0) {
                MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Campaign', $row['campaign_id'], $row['block_campaign'], $row['cap_campaign'], $row['session_cap_campaign']);
            if ($row['block_zone'] > 0 || $row['cap_zone'] > 0 || $row['session_cap_zone'] > 0) {
                MAX_Delivery_cookie_setCapping('Zone', $row['zoneid'], $row['block_zone'], $row['cap_zone'], $row['session_cap_zone']);
            // Store the last view action event om the cookie as well (if required)
            MAX_Delivery_log_setLastAction(0, array($row['bannerid']), array($zoneId), array($row['viewwindow']));
    } else {
        // Blank impression beacon
        if (!empty($zoneId)) {
            $logUrl = _adRenderBuildLogURL(array('ad_id' => 0, 'placement_id' => 0), $zoneId, $source, $loc, $referer, '&');
            $g_append = str_replace('{random}', MAX_getRandomNumber(), MAX_adRenderImageBeacon($logUrl)) . $g_append;
        // No banner found
        if (!empty($row['default'])) {
            // Return the default banner
            if (empty($target)) {
                $target = '_blank';
                // Default
            $outputbuffer = $g_prepend . '<a href=\'' . $row['default_banner_destination_url'] . '\' target=\'' . $target . '\'><img src=\'' . $row['default_banner_image_url'] . '\' border=\'0\' alt=\'\'></a>' . $g_append;
            $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => '', 'default_banner_image_url' => $row['default_banner_image_url']);
        } else {
            if (!empty($conf['defaultBanner']['imageUrl'])) {
                // Return the default banner
                if (empty($target)) {
                    $target = '_blank';
                    // Default
                $outputbuffer = "{$g_prepend}<img src='{$conf['defaultBanner']['imageUrl']}' border='0' alt=''>{$g_append}";
                $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => '', 'default_banner_image_url' => $conf['defaultBanner']['imageUrl']);
            } else {
                // No default banner was returned, return no banner
                $outputbuffer = $g_prepend . $g_append;
                $output = array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => '');
    // post adSelect hook
    OX_Delivery_Common_hook('postAdSelect', array(&$output));
    return $output;