$allSearchFields = GetTableData($strTableName, '.googleLikeFields', array());
// proccess fields and create sql
foreach ($allSearchFields as $f) {
    $fType = GetFieldType($f, $strTableName);
    // filter fields by type
    if (!IsCharType($fType) && !IsNumberType($fType) && !IsGuid($fType) || IsTextType($fType)) {
    // get suggest for field
    if (($searchField == '' || $searchField == GoodFieldName($f)) && CheckFieldPermissions($f)) {
        $where = "";
        $having = "";
        if (!$gQuery->IsAggrFuncField(GetFieldIndex($f) - 1)) {
            $where = $searchClauseObj->getSuggestWhere($f, $fType, $suggestAllContent, $searchFor);
        } elseif ($gQuery->IsAggrFuncField(GetFieldIndex($f) - 1)) {
            $having = $searchClauseObj->getSuggestWhere($f, $fType, $suggestAllContent, $searchFor);
        // prepare common vals
        $sqlHead = "SELECT DISTINCT " . GetFullFieldName($f) . " ";
        $oHaving = $gQuery->Having();
        $sqlHaving = $oHaving->toSql($gQuery);
        $sqlGroupBy = $gQuery->GroupByToSql();
        $where = whereAdd($where, $strSecuritySql);
        $strSQL = gSQLWhere_having($sqlHead, $gsqlFrom, $gsqlWhereExpr, $sqlGroupBy, $sqlHaving, $where, $having);
        $strSQL .= " ORDER BY 1 ";
        $rs = db_query($strSQL, $conn);
        $i = 0;
        while ($row = db_fetch_numarray($rs)) {
            $val = $row[0];
 function getNextPrevRecordKeys(&$data, $securityMode, &$next, &$prev)
     global $conn;
     $next = array();
     $prev = array();
     if (@$_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"]) {
     $prevExpr = "";
     $nextExpr = "";
     $where_next = "";
     $where_prev = "";
     $order_next = "";
     $order_prev = "";
     $arrFieldForSort = array();
     $arrHowFieldSort = array();
     $query = GetQueryObject($this->tName);
     $where = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_where"];
     if (!strlen($where)) {
         $where = SecuritySQL($securityMode);
     $having = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_having"];
     $orderindexes = GetTableData($this->tName, ".orderindexes", array());
     $strOrderBy = GetTableData($this->tName, ".strOrderBy", '');
     // calc indexes of the key fields
     $keyIndexes = array();
     $tKeys = GetTableKeys($this->tName);
     foreach ($tKeys as $k) {
         $ki = GetFieldIndex($k, $this->tName);
         if ($ki) {
             $keyIndexes[] = $ki;
     if (!count($keyIndexes)) {
         $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"] = 1;
     // get current ordering info
     if (@$_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrFieldForSort"] && @$_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrHowFieldSort"]) {
         $arrFieldForSort = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrFieldForSort"];
         $arrHowFieldSort = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrHowFieldSort"];
     } else {
         //	get default order
         if (count($orderindexes)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($orderindexes); $i++) {
                 $arrFieldForSort[] = $orderindexes[$i][0];
                 $arrHowFieldSort[] = $orderindexes[$i][1];
         } elseif ($strOrderBy != '') {
             $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"] = 1;
         // add key fields
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($keyIndexes); $i++) {
             if (array_search($keyIndexes[$i], $arrFieldForSort) === false) {
                 $arrFieldForSort[] = $keyIndexes[$i];
                 $arrHowFieldSort[] = "ASC";
         $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrFieldForSort"] = $arrFieldForSort;
         $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrHowFieldSort"] = $arrHowFieldSort;
     if (!count($arrFieldForSort)) {
         $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"] = 1;
     //	make  next & prev ORDER BY strings
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrFieldForSort); $i++) {
         if (!GetFieldByIndex($arrFieldForSort[$i], $this->tName)) {
         if ($order_next == "") {
             $order_next = " ORDER BY ";
             $order_prev = " ORDER BY ";
         } else {
             $order_next .= ",";
             $order_prev .= ",";
         $order_next .= $arrFieldForSort[$i] . " " . $arrHowFieldSort[$i];
         $order_prev .= $arrFieldForSort[$i] . " " . ($arrHowFieldSort[$i] == "DESC" ? "ASC" : "DESC");
     // make next & prev where expressions
     $tail = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrFieldForSort); $i++) {
         $fieldName = GetFieldByIndex($arrFieldForSort[$i], $this->tName);
         if (!$fieldName) {
         if (!$query->HasGroupBy()) {
             $fullName = GetFullFieldName($fieldName, $this->tName);
         } else {
             $fullName = $fieldName;
         $asc = $arrHowFieldSort[$i] == "ASC";
         if (!is_null($data[$fieldName])) {
             //	current field value is not null
             $value = make_db_value($fieldName, $data[$fieldName], "", "", $this->tName);
             $nextop = $asc ? ">" : "<";
             $prevop = $asc ? "<" : ">";
             $nextExpr = $fullName . $nextop . $value;
             $prevExpr = $fullName . $prevop . $value;
             if ($nextop == "<") {
                 $nextExpr .= " or " . $fullName . " IS NULL";
             } else {
                 $prevExpr .= " or " . $fullName . " IS NULL";
             if ($i < count($arrFieldForSort) - 1) {
                 $nextExpr .= " or " . $fullName . "=" . $value;
                 $prevExpr .= " or " . $fullName . "=" . $value;
         } else {
             //	current field value is null
             if ($asc) {
                 $nextExpr = $fullName . " IS NOT NULL";
             } else {
                 $prevExpr = $fullName . " IS NOT NULL";
             if ($i < count($arrFieldForSort) - 1) {
                 if ($nextExpr != "") {
                     $nextExpr .= " or ";
                 $nextExpr .= $fullName . " IS NULL";
                 if ($prevExpr != "") {
                     $prevExpr .= " or ";
                 $prevExpr .= $fullName . " IS NULL";
         if ($nextExpr == "") {
             $nextExpr = " 1=0 ";
         if ($prevExpr == "") {
             $prevExpr = " 1=0 ";
         // append expression to where clause
         if ($i > 0) {
             $where_next .= " AND ";
             $where_prev .= " AND ";
         $where_next .= "(" . $nextExpr;
         $where_prev .= "(" . $prevExpr;
         $tail .= ")";
     $where_next = $where_next . $tail;
     $where_prev = $where_prev . $tail;
     if ($where_next == "" or $order_next == "" or $where_prev == "" or $order_prev == "") {
         $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"] = 1;
     //		make the resulting query
     if ($query === null) {
     if (!$query->HasGroupBy()) {
         $oWhere = $query->Where();
         $where = whereAdd($where, $oWhere->toSql($query));
         $where_next = whereAdd($where_next, $where);
         $where_prev = whereAdd($where_prev, $where);
         $sql_next = $query->toSql($where_next, $order_next);
         $sql_prev = $query->toSql($where_prev, $order_prev);
     } else {
         $oWhere = $query->Where();
         $oHaving = $query->Having();
         $where = whereAdd($where, $oWhere->toSql($query));
         $having = whereAdd($having, $oHaving->toSql($query));
         $sql = "select * from (" . $query->toSql($where, "", $having) . ") prevnextquery";
         $sql_next = $sql . " WHERE " . $where_next . $order_next;
         $sql_prev = $sql . " WHERE " . $where_prev . $order_prev;
     //	add record count options
     $sql_next = AddTop($sql_next, 1);
     $sql_prev = AddTop($sql_prev, 1);
     $res_next = db_query($sql_next, $conn);
     if ($res_next) {
         if ($row_next = db_fetch_array($res_next)) {
             foreach ($tKeys as $i => $k) {
                 $next[$i + 1] = $row_next[$k];
     $res_prev = db_query($sql_prev, $conn);
     if ($row_prev = db_fetch_array($res_prev)) {
         foreach ($tKeys as $i => $k) {
             $prev[$i + 1] = $row_prev[$k];
function GetFieldByIndex($index, $table = "")
    global $strTableName, $tables_data;
    if (!$table) {
        $table = $strTableName;
    if (!array_key_exists($table, $tables_data)) {
        return null;
    foreach ($tables_data[$table] as $key => $value) {
        if (!is_array($value) || !array_key_exists("Index", $value)) {
        if ($value["Index"] == $index and GetFieldIndex($key)) {
            return $key;
    return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
    $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => '');
    echo my_json_encode($returnJSON);
$id = postvalue("id");
$field = postvalue("field");
if (!CheckFieldPermissions($field)) {
    $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => 'Error: You have not permission for read this text');
    echo my_json_encode($returnJSON);
if (!$gQuery->HasGroupBy()) {
    // Do not select any fields except current (full text) field.
    // If query has 'group by' clause then other fields are used in it and we may not simply cut 'em off.
    // Just don't do anything in that case.
$keysArr = GetTableData($strTableName, '.Keys', array());
$keys = array();
foreach ($keysArr as $ind => $k) {
    $keys[$k] = postvalue("key" . ($ind + 1));
$where = KeyWhere($keys);
$secOpt = GetTableData($strTableName, '.nSecOptions', array());
if ($secOpt == ADVSECURITY_VIEW_OWN) {
    $where = whereAdd($where, SecuritySQL("Search"));
$sql = gSQLWhere($where);
$rs = db_query($sql, $conn);
if (!$rs || !($data = db_fetch_array($rs))) {
    $returnJSON = array("success" => false, "error" => 'Error: Wrong SQL query');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Builde order params
 function buildOrderParams()
     //orderlinkattrs for fields
     $order_ind = -1;
     //Array fields for sort
     $this->arrFieldForSort = array();
     //Array how fields sort
     $this->arrHowFieldSort = array();
     $arrImplicitSortFields = array();
     $key = array();
     //Session field for sort
     if (@$_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrFieldForSort"]) {
         $this->arrFieldForSort = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrFieldForSort"];
     //Session how field sort
     if (@$_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrHowFieldSort"]) {
         $this->arrHowFieldSort = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_arrHowFieldSort"];
     //Session key fields for sort
     if (@$_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_key"]) {
         $key = $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_key"];
     } else {
         $tKeys = GetTableKeys($this->tName);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($tKeys); $i++) {
             if (GetFieldIndex($tKeys[$i])) {
                 $key[] = GetFieldIndex($tKeys[$i]);
         $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_key"] = $key;
     $lenkey = count($key);
     if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_order"])) {
         $this->arrFieldForSort = array();
         $this->arrHowFieldSort = array();
         if (count($this->gOrderIndexes)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->gOrderIndexes); $i++) {
                 $this->arrFieldForSort[] = $this->gOrderIndexes[$i][0];
                 $this->arrHowFieldSort[] = $this->gOrderIndexes[$i][1];
         } elseif ($this->gstrOrderBy != '') {
             $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"] = 1;
         //add sorting on key fields
         if (count($key) && $this->moveNext) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $lenkey; $i++) {
                 $idsearch = array_search($key[$i], $this->arrFieldForSort);
                 if ($idsearch === false) {
                     $this->arrFieldForSort[] = $key[$i];
                     $this->arrHowFieldSort[] = "ASC";
                     $arrImplicitSortFields[] = $key[$i];
     $lenArr = count($this->arrFieldForSort);
     //Sorting defined on the sheet
     if (@$_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_orderby"]) {
         $order_field = GetFieldByGoodFieldName(substr($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_orderby"], 1));
         $order_dir = substr($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_orderby"], 0, 1);
         $order_ind = GetFieldIndex($order_field);
         if ($order_ind) {
             if (!@$_REQUEST["a"] and !@$_REQUEST["goto"] and !@$_REQUEST["pagesize"]) {
                 if (@$_REQUEST["ctrl"]) {
                     $idsearch = array_search($order_ind, $this->arrFieldForSort);
                     if ($idsearch === false) {
                         if ($order_dir == "a") {
                             $this->arrFieldForSort[] = $order_ind;
                             $this->arrHowFieldSort[] = "ASC";
                         } else {
                             $this->arrFieldForSort[] = $order_ind;
                             $this->arrHowFieldSort[] = "DESC";
                     } else {
                         $this->arrHowFieldSort[$idsearch] = $order_dir == "a" ? "ASC" : "DESC";
                 } else {
                     $this->arrFieldForSort = array();
                     $this->arrHowFieldSort = array();
                     if (!empty($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_orderNo"])) {
                         unset($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_orderNo"]);
                     $_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"] = 0;
                     if ($order_dir == "a") {
                         $this->arrFieldForSort[] = $order_ind;
                         $this->arrHowFieldSort[] = "ASC";
                     } else {
                         $this->arrFieldForSort[] = $order_ind;
                         $this->arrHowFieldSort[] = "DESC";
     $lenArr = count($this->arrFieldForSort);
     //Draw pictures of fields for sorting
     $condition = true;
     if (!count($this->arrFieldForSort)) {
         $condition = false;
     } elseif (!$this->arrFieldForSort[0]) {
         $condition = false;
     if ($condition) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $lenArr; $i++) {
             $order_field = GetFieldByIndex($this->arrFieldForSort[$i]);
             $order_dir = $this->arrHowFieldSort[$i] == "ASC" ? "a" : "d";
             $idsearch = array_search($this->arrFieldForSort[$i], $arrImplicitSortFields);
             if ($idsearch === false) {
                 $this->xt->assign_section(GoodFieldName($order_field) . "_fieldheader", "", "<img " . ($this->is508 == true ? "alt=\" \" " : "") . "src=\"images/" . ($order_dir == "a" ? "up" : "down") . ".gif\" border=0>");
             // default ASC for key fields
             if ($idsearch !== false && in_array(GetFieldIndex($order_field), $arrImplicitSortFields)) {
                 $orderlinkattrs = $this->setLinksAttr(GoodFieldName($order_field));
             } else {
                 $orderlinkattrs = $this->setLinksAttr(GoodFieldName($order_field), $order_dir);
             $this->xt->assign(GoodFieldName($order_field) . "_orderlinkattrs", $orderlinkattrs);
     //Shape sorting line for a request
     if ($lenArr > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $lenArr; $i++) {
             $this->strOrderBy .= GetFieldByIndex($this->arrFieldForSort[$i]) ? ($this->strOrderBy != "" ? ", " : " ORDER BY ") . $this->arrFieldForSort[$i] . " " . $this->arrHowFieldSort[$i] : "";
     if ($_SESSION[$this->sessionPrefix . "_noNextPrev"] == 1) {
         $this->strOrderBy = $this->gstrOrderBy;
 function SQLStatement($sql, $order, $pagesize, $connection, &$searchClauseObj, &$params)
     // copy properties to object
     RunnerApply($this, $params);
     $this->searchClauseObj = $searchClauseObj;
     if (!is_array($sql)) {
         die('Invalid sql parameter');
     global $reportCaseSensitiveGroupFields;
     $this->_originalSql = $sql;
     $start = 0;
     $fields = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->repGroupFields); $i++) {
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->fieldsArr); $j++) {
             if ($this->repGroupFields[$i]['strGroupField'] == $this->fieldsArr[$j]['name']) {
                 $add = array();
                 $add['name'] = $this->fieldsArr[$j]['name'];
                 if (IsNumberType(GetFieldType($this->fieldsArr[$j]['name'], $this->tName))) {
                     $add['type'] = 'numeric';
                 } elseif (IsCharType(GetFieldType($this->fieldsArr[$j]['name'], $this->tName))) {
                     $add['type'] = 'char';
                     $add['case_sensitive'] = $reportCaseSensitiveGroupFields;
                 } elseif (IsDateFieldType(GetFieldType($this->fieldsArr[$j]['name'], $this->tName))) {
                     $add['type'] = 'date';
                 } else {
                     $add['type'] = 'char';
                 $add['interval'] = $this->repGroupFields[$i]['groupInterval'];
                 $add['viewformat'] = $this->fieldsArr[$j]['viewFormat'];
                 $add['rowsinsummary'] = 1;
                 if ($this->fieldsArr[$j]['totalMax'] || $this->fieldsArr[$j]['totalMin'] || $this->fieldsArr[$j]['totalAvg'] || $this->fieldsArr[$j]['totalSum']) {
                 if ($this->repLayout == REPORT_STEPPED) {
                     $add['rowsinheader'] = 1;
                 } elseif ($this->repLayout == REPORT_BLOCK) {
                     $add['rowsinheader'] = 0;
                 } elseif ($this->repLayout == REPORT_OUTLINE || $this->repLayout == REPORT_ALIGN) {
                     if ($j == count($this->fieldsArr) - 1) {
                         $add['rowsinheader'] = 2;
                     } else {
                         $add['rowsinheader'] = 1;
                 } elseif ($this->repLayout == REPORT_TABULAR) {
                     $add['rowsinheader'] = 0;
                 $fields[] = $add;
     $this->_hasGroups = count($fields) > 0;
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $f = create_reportfield($field['name'], $field['type'], $field['interval'], 'grp');
         $start = $f->setStart($start);
         if (isset($field['case_sensitive'])) {
         if (isset($field['rowsinsummary'])) {
             $f->_rowsInSummary = $field['rowsinsummary'];
         if (isset($field['rowsinheader'])) {
             $f->_rowsInHeader = $field['rowsinheader'];
         $f->_viewFormat = $field['viewformat'];
         $this->_fields[] = $f;
     // order
     if ($order) {
         $order_in = array();
         $order_out = array();
         $order_old = array();
         foreach ($order as $o) {
             $order_in[] = $o[2] . ' as ' . cached_ffn('originalorder' . $o[0]);
             $order_out[] = cached_ffn('originalorder' . $o[0]) . ' ' . $o[1];
             $groupField = false;
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->repGroupFields); $i++) {
                 for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->fieldsArr); $j++) {
                     if ($this->repGroupFields[$i]['strGroupField'] == $this->fieldsArr[$j]['name']) {
                         $fieldIndex = GetFieldIndex($this->repGroupFields[$i]['strGroupField']);
                         if ($fieldIndex == $o[0]) {
                             $n = $this->repGroupFields[$i]['groupOrder'] - 1;
                             $this->_fields[$n]->_orderBy = $o[1];
                             $groupField = true;
             //	don't add group fields to the $order_old
             if (!$groupField) {
                 $order_old[] = $o[2] . ' ' . $o[1];
         $this->_order_in = join(', ', $order_in);
         $this->_order_out = join(', ', $order_out);
         $this->_order_old = join(', ', $order_old);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->fieldsArr); $i++) {
         if ($this->fieldsArr[$i]['totalMax']) {
             $this->_aggregates[] = 'MAX(' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name']) . ') as ' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name'] . "MAX");
         if ($this->fieldsArr[$i]['totalMin']) {
             $this->_aggregates[] = 'MIN(' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name']) . ') as ' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name'] . "MIN");
         if ($this->fieldsArr[$i]['totalAvg']) {
             if (!IsDateFieldType(GetFieldType($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name'], $this->tName))) {
                 $this->_aggregates[] = 'AVG(' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name']) . ') as ' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name'] . "AVG");
                 $this->_aggregates[] = 'COUNT(' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name']) . ') as ' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name'] . "NAVG");
         if ($this->fieldsArr[$i]['totalSum']) {
             if (!IsDateFieldType(GetFieldType($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name'], $this->tName))) {
                 $this->_aggregates[] = 'SUM(' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name']) . ') as ' . cached_ffn($this->fieldsArr[$i]['name'] . "SUM");
     $this->_reportSummary = $this->repPageSummary || $this->repGlobalSummary;
     $this->_pagesize = $pagesize;