public static function loginsession($username){ $info = operate::getoneline("member","username='******'"); $_SESSION['username']=$info['username']; $_SESSION['id']=$info['id']; $_SESSION['qq']=$info['qq']; $_SESSION['phone']=$info['phone']; $_SESSION['Email']=$info['Email']; }
public static function insertonearray($table, $date) { $name = array(); $data = array(); foreach ($date as $key => $val) { $name[] = $key; $data[] = $val; } return operate::insertoneline($table, $name, $data); }
<?php include './conn/comment.php'; if (isset($_GET['ac'])) { if ($_GET['ac'] == "logout") { session_unset(); $errtime = "3"; $errurl = "/"; $errcon = "退出成功"; include './tpl/succ.tpl'; } if ($_GET['ac'] == "login") { if ($loginfo = operate::getoneline('member', 'username="******" or email="' . $_POST['username'] . '"', 'id,password')) { if ($_POST['password'] == $loginfo['password']) { operate::login($loginfo['id']); $errtime = 3; $errurl = "/"; $errcon = "登录成功!"; include "./tpl/succ.tpl"; } else { $errcon = "密码错误,请重试"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } } else { $errtime = 3; $errcon = "不存在该用户!"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } } $PATH = "./tpl/" . $_GET['ac'] . '.tpl'; if (file_exists($PATH)) {
<?php header("Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8"); $pid = $_GET['pid']; define('ACCESS', '1'); include '../conn/connect.php'; include '../conn/operate.php'; $sql = "select id,city from city where parentid={$pid}"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $i = 0; while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $i++; echo "<option value=" . $rows['0'] . ">"; echo $rows['1']; echo "</option>"; } if ($i == 0) { $cityone = operate::getoneline('city', 'id=' . $pid, 'city'); echo "<option value=" . $pid . ">{$cityone['0']}</option>"; } ?>
<?php error_reporting(0); define("ACCESS", 1); session_start(); include "./conn/conn.php"; include "./conn/operater.php"; if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { $login = $_SESSION['userid']; $user = operate::getoneline('member', 'id=' . $_SESSION['userid']); } else { $login = 0; }
<?php include './conn/comment.php'; if (!$login) { $errtime = 3; $errcon = "请先登陆!"; $errurl = "/action.php?ac=logininfo"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } if (!isset($_GET['db'])) { exit; } $_GET['db'] += 0; $table = operate::getoneline('materialtable', 'id=' . $_GET['db'] . ' and uid=' . $login); if (!$table) { $errcon = "不存在该表"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } operate::deletedata('materialTable', 'id=' . $_GET['db']); $errurl = 'material.php'; $errcon = "删除成功"; include "./tpl/succ.tpl";
<div class="cover-page-list fl wfs bcf2"> <div class="place fz12" style="padding-left:20px;"> 您现在的位置:<a href=".">首页</a> <code>></code> <a href="#">手工艺众筹</a></div> <div class="regist-process-wrapper"> <div class="nearby-process-body fl wfs"> <div class="blank"></div> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <ul class="thumbnails"> <?php $iteminfo[] = operate::getmuchlinesql("`groupchou`", ""); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($iteminfo[0]); $i++) { ?> <li class="span4"> <div class="thumbnail"> <img alt="300x200" src="<?php echo $iteminfo[0][$i]['img']; ?> " height="400" width="400" /> <div class="caption"> <h3> <?php echo $iteminfo[0][$i]['name']; ?> </h3>
<?php include './conn/comment.php'; if (!$login) { $errtime = 3; $errcon = "请先登陆!"; $errurl = "/action.php?ac=logininfo"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } if (!isset($_GET['db'])) { exit; } $_GET['db'] += 0; $table = operate::getoneline('materialtable', 'id=' . $_GET['db'] . ' and uid=' . $login); if (!$table) { $errcon = "不存在该表"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } $content = unserialize($table['info']); ?> <section class="panel panel-default" style="margin-left:15%;width:70%;margin-top:5%"> <header class="panel-heading font-bold">添加新数据</header> <div class="panel-body"> <form class="bs-example form-horizontal" method="POST"> <?php $i = 1; foreach ($content as $item) { echo '<div class="form-group"><label class="col-lg-2 control-label">' . $item . '</label><div class="col-lg-10"><input type="text" class="form-control" name="t' . $i . '"></div></div>'; $i++; } ?>
<?php include './conn/comment.php'; if (!$login) { $errtime = 3; $errcon = "请先登陆!"; $errurl = "/action.php?ac=logininfo"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { exit; } $_GET['id'] += 0; $info = operate::getoneline('material', 'id=' . $_GET['id']); if (!$info) { $errcon = "不存在信息"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } $table = operate::getoneline('materialtable', 'id=' . $info['mid'] . ' and uid=' . $login); if (!$table) { $errcon = "不存在该表"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } operate::deletedata('material', 'id=' . $_GET['id']); $errcon = "删除成功"; include "./tpl/succ.tpl";
} if (isset($_POST['username'])) { define('ACCESS', '1'); include 'conn/connect.php'; include 'conn/operate.php'; if (trim($_POST['username']) == "" || trim($_POST['password']) == "") { $errurl = "javascript:window.history.go(-1)"; $errinfo = "用户名和密码不能为空!"; include 'templete/err.html'; } if (@(!mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('select id from member where username = "******" and password="******"')))) { $errurl = "javascript:window.history.go(-1)"; $errinfo = "用户名或者密码错误!"; include 'templete/err.html'; } operate::loginsession($_POST['username']); header("Location: member.php"); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <title>登录 - Handicrafts</title> <?php include 'templete\\header.html'; ?> <script> function userLogin() {
if (!$login) { $errtime = 3; $errcon = "请先登陆!"; $errurl = "/action.php?ac=logininfo"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { exit; } $_GET['id'] += 0; $info = operate::getoneline('material', 'id=' . $_GET['id']); if (!$info) { $errcon = "不存在信息"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } $table = operate::getoneline('materialtable', 'id=' . $info['mid'] . ' and uid=' . $login); if (!$table) { $errcon = "不存在该表"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } $content = unserialize($table['info']); $edit = unserialize($info['info']); ?> <section class="panel panel-default" style="margin-left:15%;width:70%;margin-top:5%"> <header class="panel-heading font-bold">编辑数据</header> <div class="panel-body"> <form class="bs-example form-horizontal" method="POST"> <?php $i = 1; foreach ($content as $item) { echo '<div class="form-group"><label class="col-lg-2 control-label">' . $item . '</label><div class="col-lg-10"><input type="text" class="form-control" name="t' . $i . '" value="';
.input-group label{padding:2% 0;position:absolute;color:#595757} .input-group input{margin-left:10em;padding:3% 5% ;box-sizing:border-box;background:#efeff0;border:0;border-radius:5px;color:#595757;width:100%} .odform button{ background:#CC0000 ;color:#00FF00;text-align:center;border:0;border-radius:10px;padding:3%;width:100%;font-size:16px} .odform .cal{background-image:url(style/images/daetixian-cal.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:95% center;background-size:auto 50%} .odform .xl{background-image:url(style/images/daetixian-xl.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:95% center;background-size:auto 20%} </style> <?php $id = $_GET['id']; // echo $id; $userinfo = operate::getoneline("member", "username='******'username'] . "'"); $iteminfo = operate::getoneline("crafts", "id={$id}"); include "templete/header.html"; // echo $iteminfo['type']; // echo $userinfo['qq']; ?> <div class="blank"></div> <div class="module fl wfs"> <div class="cover-page-details fl wfs bcf2"> <div class="cover-page-wrapper"> <div class="place fz12" style="padding-left:20px;"> <a href=".">主页</a> <code>></code> <a href="#"><?php echo $iteminfo['type']; ?> </a> <code>></code> <?php echo $iteminfo['name'];
alert('请输入合理的金额!'); window.location.href="groupchou.php"; </script> <?php } else { ?> <script> alert('参与成功!'); </script> <?php operate::updateonelinesql("`groupchou`", "hasChou", $item['hasChou'], "id={$id}"); operate::updateonelinesql("`groupchou`", "participate_num", $item['participate_num'], "id={$id}"); echo $id; operate::insertoneline("`member_has_chou`", array("membername", "groupid", "money"), array($user, $id, $money)); } } //echo var_dump($iteminfo); //echo var_dump($iteminfo); ?> <script> window.location.href="groupchou.php"; </script> <div class="cover-page-list fl wfs bcf2"> <div class="place fz12" style="padding-left:20px;"> 您现在的位置:<a href=".">首页</a> <code>></code> <a href="#">手工艺众筹 - <?php
<?php //入口 目录+文件 include './conn/comment.php'; if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $errcon = "网址有误,请确定后重试"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } $_GET['id'] += 0; $table = operate::getoneline('materialtable', 'id=' . $_GET['id']); $content = unserialize($table['info']); if (!$table) { $errcon = "不存在该表"; include "./tpl/err.tpl"; } include "./tpl/materials.tpl";
<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <title>标题 - Handicrafts</title> <?php define('ACCESS', '1'); // session_start(); include 'conn/connect.php'; include 'conn/operate.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['orderlist'])) { $errurl = "javascript:window.history.go(-1)"; $errinfo = "购物车为空!"; include 'templete/err.html'; } else { include 'templete\\header.html'; $orderlist = $_SESSION['orderlist']; echo var_dump($orderlist); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($orderlist); $i++) { operate::insertoneline("`order`", array("productName", "price", "number", "buyername", "buyerphone", "buyeraddress", "sellername", "sellerphone", "selleraddress", "comments", "time1"), array($orderlist[$i][0], $orderlist[$i][1], $orderlist[$i][2], $orderlist[$i][3], $orderlist[$i][4], $orderlist[$i][5], $orderlist[$i][6], $orderlist[$i][7], $orderlist[$i][8], $orderlist[$i][9], $orderlist[$i][10])); } unset($_SESSION['orderlist']); ?> <script> alert("订单提交成功!"); window.location="award.php"; </script> <?php }
} if (isset($_POST['add'])) { //添加 $filed = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key != "add" && $key != "t1") { $filed[] = $value; } } $info = serialize($filed); operate::insertoneline('material', array('mid', 'title', 'info'), array($_GET['db'], $_POST['t1'], $info)); $errcon = "添加成功"; include "./tpl/succ.tpl"; } if (isset($_POST['edit'])) { //修改 $filed = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key != "edit" && $key != "t1") { $filed[] = $value; } } $info = serialize($filed); operate::updateoneline('material', array('title', 'info'), array($_POST['t1'], $info), 'id=' . $_POST['edit']); $errcon = "修改成功"; include "./tpl/succ.tpl"; } $content = unserialize($table['info']); $data = operate::getmuchlinesql('select * from material where mid=' . $table[0] . ' order by id desc limit 30'); include "./tpl/database.tpl"; }
<?php header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); define('ACCESS', '1'); session_start(); include 'conn/connect.php'; include 'conn/operate.php'; $_POST['title'] = '测试标题'; $_POST['money'] = '100'; $pic = 'picxx'; $id = 55; $place = "北京邮电大学宏福校区"; $post_string = "key=ba8a19891a7cb1bc3e2f3411d01d9035&tableid=548fbe84e4b0d0b861454b2c&loctype=2&data={'_name'='sb振东','_address'='北京邮电大学宏福校区','img'='" . $pic . "','id'='" . $id . "','money'='" . $_POST['money'] . "'}"; //$post_string="key=ba8a19891a7cb1bc3e2f3411d01d9035&tableid=548fbe84e4b0d0b861454b2c&loctype=2&data={'_name'='".$_POST['title']."','_address'='".$place."','img'='".$pic."','id'='".$id."','money'='".$_POST['money']."'}"; //echo operate::file_get_contents_post('',$post_string); //$post_string="key=ba8a19891a7cb1bc3e2f3411d01d9035&tableid=548fbe84e4b0d0b861454b2c&loctype=2&data={'_name'='".$_POST['title']."','_address'='".$place."','img'='".$pic."','id'='".$id."','money'='".$_POST['money']."'}"; echo operate::file_get_contents_post('', $post_string); ?> <!--$post_string="key=ba8a19891a7cb1bc3e2f3411d01d9035&tableid=tableid&loctype=2&data={'_name'='".$_POST['title']."','_address'='".$place."','img'='"."$pic"."','id'='"."$id"."','money'='"."$_POST['money']"."'}";
if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path); } if (move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $path . $fileName)) { $pic = $fileName; } else { //上传失败 } } //API存储信息 $cityone = $_POST['address']; $title = '发布' . $_SESSION['username'] . ' ' . $_POST['title']; $con = mysql_query('select count(id) from `crafts`'); $con = mysql_fetch_row($con); //echo $con[0]; operate::insertoneline('crafts', array('id', 'name', 'title', 'type', 'img', 'price', 'seller', 'description', 'selleradd', 'store', 'phone'), array($con[0] + 1000, $title, $title, '需求发布', $path . $pic, $_POST['money'], $_SESSION['username'], $_POST['content'], $cityone, $cityone, $_SESSION['phone'])); $errurl = "member.php?act=myrenting"; $errinfo = "恭喜您,发布成功!"; include 'templete/err.html'; } } } ?> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <title>用户中心 - Handicrafts</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/css/member-center.css"> <?php include 'templete\\header.html';