  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $translator = $this->get('translator');
     $emailAddress = $request->request->get('email_address');
     $account = $this->container->get('accountService')->getAccountForEmailAddress($emailAddress);
     if (null === $account || Account::REGISTERED != $account->getType()) {
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans("Sorry, there is no account with the email address '%email%'.", array('%email%' => $emailAddress)));
         return $this->findView();
     $encoder = $this->get('security.encoder_factory')->getEncoder($account);
     $minLength = $this->get('settingsService')->get('zenmagick.base.security.authentication.minPasswordLength', 8);
     $newPassword = Toolbox::random($minLength, Toolbox::RANDOM_MIXED);
     $newEncodedPassword = $encoder->encodePassword($newPassword);
     // update account password (encrypted)
     $this->container->get('accountService')->setAccountPassword($account->getId(), $newEncodedPassword);
     // send email (clear text)
     $settingsService = $this->container->get('settingsService');
     $message = $this->container->get('messageBuilder')->createMessage('password_forgotten', true, $request, array('password' => $newPassword));
     $message->setSubject($translator->trans('Forgotten Password - %store_name%', array('%store_name%' => $settingsService->get('storeName'))))->setTo($emailAddress, $account->getFullName())->setFrom($settingsService->get('storeEmail'));
     $this->container->get('event_dispatcher')->dispatch('password_changed', new GenericEvent($this, array('controller' => $this, 'account' => $account, 'clearPassword' => $newPassword)));
     // report success
     $this->get('session.flash_bag')->success($translator->trans('A new password has been sent to your email address.'));
     return $this->findView('success');
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function encodePassword($raw, $salt = null)
     $password = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $password .= Toolbox::random(Toolbox::RANDOM_MIXED);
     $salt = substr(md5($password), 0, 2);
     $password = md5($salt . $raw) . ':' . $salt;
     return $password;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $email = $request->request->get('email');
     $adminUserService = $this->container->get('adminUserService');
     $user = $adminUserService->getUserForEmail($email);
     $translator = $this->get('translator');
     if (null === $user) {
         $message = $translator->trans("Sorry, there is no account with that email address '%s'.", array('%email%' => $email));
         return $this->findView();
     $encoder = $this->get('security.encoder_factory')->getEncoder($user);
     $minLength = $this->get('settingsService')->get('zenmagick.base.security.authentication.minPasswordLength', 8);
     $newPassword = Toolbox::random($minLength, Toolbox::RANDOM_MIXED);
     $newEncrpytedPassword = $encoder->encodePassword($newPassword);
     $message = $this->container->get('messageBuilder')->createMessage('reset_password', false, $request, array('newPassword' => $newPassword));
     $message->setSubject($translator->trans('New password request'))->setTo($email)->setFrom($this->container->get('settingsService')->get('storeEmail'));
     // report success
     $this->get('session.flash_bag')->success($translator->trans('A new password has been sent to your email address.'));
     return $this->findView('success');
예제 #4
  * Method to generate a cart ID
  * @param length of ID to generate
  * @return string cart ID
 public function generate_cart_id($length = 5)
     return \ZenMagick\Base\Toolbox::random($length, 'digits');
예제 #5
  * Event callback to inject the required JS.
 public function onFinaliseContent($event)
     $request = $event->getArgument('request');
     $trackingType = $this->get('trackingType');
     if (in_array($request->getRequestId(), array('product_info', 'shopping_cart')) && null !== $this->recommendationsLoadedFor) {
         // TODO: won't work with minify
         $scriptFile = 'ga' == $trackingType ? 'liftsuggest.js' : 'liftsuggest_traditional.js';
         $protocol = $request->isSecure() ? 'https://' : 'http://';
         $code1 = sprintf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%swww.liftsuggest.com/js/%s?cache=%s"></script>', $protocol, $scriptFile, Toolbox::random(10, Toolbox::RANDOM_DIGITS));
         $code2 = $this->getTrackerCode($request);
         if (Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('debug'))) {
             $code1 = str_replace('<script', '<!--script', $code1);
             $code1 = str_replace('</script>', '/script-->', $code1);
             $code2 = str_replace('<script', '<!--script', $code2);
             $code2 = str_replace('</script>', '/script-->', $code2);
         $content = $event->getArgument('content');
         if ('ga' == $trackingType) {
             $content = preg_replace('/<\\/head>/', $code1 . '</head>', $content, 1);
             $content = preg_replace('/pageTracker._trackPageview\\(/', $code2 . 'pageTracker._trackPageview(', $content, 1);
         } elseif ('as' == $trackingType) {
             $content = preg_replace('/<\\/body>/', $code1 . $code2 . '</body>', $content, 1);
         $event->setArgument('content', $content);
예제 #6
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processGet($request)
     $translator = $this->get('translator');
     $orderId = $request->query->get('order');
     $id = $request->query->get('id');
     if (null == $orderId || null == $id) {
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans('Download not found'));
         return $this->findView('error');
     $languageId = $request->getSession()->getLanguageId();
     $order = $this->container->get('orderService')->getOrderForId($orderId, $languageId);
     $account = $this->getUser();
     if ($account->getId() != $order->getAccountId()) {
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans('Order not found'));
         return $this->findView('error');
     $product = null;
     foreach ($order->getDownloads() as $download) {
         if ($download->getId() == $id) {
             $product = $download;
     if (null == $product || !$product->isDownloadable()) {
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans('No such download or download has expired.'));
         return $this->findView('error');
     if ($product->getMaxDays() > 0) {
         // ignore for unlimited downloads
         $query = "UPDATE %table.orders_products_download% SET download_count = download_count - 1\n                WHERE orders_products_download_id = :id";
         \ZMRuntime::getDatabase()->updateObj($query, array('id' => $id), 'orders_products_download');
     $settingsService = $this->container->get('settingsService');
     $downloadBaseDir = $settingsService->get('downloadBaseDir');
     $fileName = $product->getFilename();
     $filePath = $downloadBaseDir . '/' . $fileName;
     $fileSize = $product->getFilesize();
     $outputFileName = basename(str_replace(' ', '_', $fileName));
     // Download by redirect.
     // @todo only works on windows >= Vista. Should have a warning somewhere.
     if ($settingsService->get('downloadByRedirect')) {
         // @todo use web accessible cache sub directory for downloadPubDir
         $pubDir = $settingsService->get('downloadPubDir');
         if (empty($pubDir) || !is_writeable($pubDir)) {
             $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans('Could not write to public download directory.'));
             return $this->findView('error');
          *  @todo this seems like an obvious race condition when more than one download is happening.
          *  But i have heard no reports of it causing problems. INVESTIGATE!!
         $pubLocalDir = '.' . Toolbox::random(32);
         mkdir($pubDir . '/' . $pubLocalDir, 0777, true);
         $target = $pubDir . '/' . $pubLocalDir . '/' . $outputFileName;
         $link = @symlink($filePath, $target);
         if ($link) {
             $url = $this->getRequest()->getUriForPath($target);
             return new RedirectResponse($url, 303);
     // Streaming downloads.
     // @todo offer a generic streaming method on the controller
     // and rely on HttpFoundation\Response
     if (headers_sent()) {
         $msg = 'Could not send download because headers were already sent.';
         throw new ZMException($msg);
     ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
      * Now send the file with header() magic
      * The "must-revalidate" and expiry times are used to prevent caching and fraudulent re-acquiring of files w/o redownloading.
      * Certain browsers require certain header combinations, especially when related to SSL mode and caching
      * @todo rely on HttpFoundation\Response
      * @copyright the zencart developers
     header('Expires: Mon, 22 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT');
     header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D,d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
     if (preg_match('/msie/i', $request->server->get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'))) {
         header('Pragma: public');
         header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
         header('Cache-Control: private', FALSE);
         header('Cache-Control: max-age=1');
         // stores for only 1 second, which helps allow SSL downloads to work more reliably in IE
     } else {
         header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
         header('Pragma: no-cache');
     // force file to be downloaded.
     header('Content-Type: application/x-octet-stream');
     header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
     header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
     header('Content-Type: application/download');
     header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . urlencode($outputFileName) . '"');
     if ($fileSize > 0) {
         header('Content-Length: ' . (string) $fileSize);
     if (!$settingsService->get('downloadInChunks')) {
     } else {
         $fp = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             echo fread($fp, 4096);
         return null;