  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $shoppingCart = $this->get('shoppingCart');
     $checkoutHelper = $shoppingCart->getCheckoutHelper();
     $settingsService = $this->container->get('settingsService');
     if (!$checkoutHelper->verifyHash($request)) {
         return $this->findView('check_cart');
     if ('free_free' == $_SESSION['shipping']) {
         // <johnny> When does this actually happen?
         $this->get('logger')->warn('fixing free_free shipping method info');
         $translator = $this->get('translator');
         $_SESSION['shipping'] = array('title' => $translator->trans('Free Shipping'), 'cost' => 0, 'id' => 'free_free');
     if (null !== ($viewId = $checkoutHelper->validateCheckout($request, false))) {
         return $this->findView($viewId);
     if (null !== ($viewId = $checkoutHelper->validateAddresses($request, true))) {
         return $this->findView($viewId);
     if (null != ($comments = $request->request->get('comments'))) {
     if ($settingsService->get('isConditionsMessage') && !Toolbox::asBoolean($request->request->get('conditions'))) {
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans('Please confirm the terms and conditions bound to this order by ticking the box below.'));
         return $this->findView();
     if (null != ($paymentMethod = $request->request->get('payment'))) {
         $request->getSession()->set('payment', $paymentMethod);
     return $this->processGet($request);
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function execute()
     if (!$plugin || !$plugin->isEnabled()) {
         return true;
     $plugin = $this->getPlugin();
     $scheduledOrders = self::findScheduledOrders();
     $scheduleEmailTemplate = Runtime::getSettings()->get('plugins.subscriptions.email.templates.schedule', 'checkout');
     $orderService = $this->container->get('orderService');
     $translator = $this->container->get('translator');
     foreach ($scheduledOrders as $scheduledOrderId) {
         // 1) copy
         $newOrder = self::copyOrder($scheduledOrderId);
         // load the new order as proper ZenMagick\StoreBundle\Entity\Order\Order instance for further use
         $order = $orderService->getOrderForId($newOrder->getOrderId(), $this->container->get('session')->getLanguageId());
         if (null === $order) {
             $this->container->get('logger')->err('copy order failed for scheduled order: ' . $scheduledOrderId);
         // 2) update shipping/billing from account to avoid stale addresses
         if ('account' == $plugin->get('addressPolicy')) {
             $account = $this->container->get('accountService')->getAccountForId($order->getAccountId());
             if (null === $account) {
                 $this->container->get('logger')->warn('invalid accountId on order: ' . $order->getId());
             $defaultAddressId = $account->getDefaultAddressId();
             $defaultAddress = $this->container->get('addressService')->getAddressForId($defaultAddressId);
         // 3) update subscription specific data
         $order->set('subscriptionOrderId', $scheduledOrderId);
         $order->set('subscription', false);
         // 4) Create history entry if enabled
         if (Toolbox::asBoolean($plugin->get('orderHistory'))) {
             $status = Beans::getBean('ZenMagick\\StoreBundle\\Entity\\Order\\OrderStatusHistory');
             $comment = $translator->trans('Scheduled order for subscription #%s', array('%id%' => $scheduledOrderId));
         // 5) Update subscription order with next schedule date
         // calculate new subscription_next_order based on current subscription_next_order, as we might not run on the same day
         $sql = "UPDATE %table.orders%\n                    SET subscription_next_order = DATE_ADD(subscription_next_order, INTERVAL " . zm_subscriptions::schedule2SQL($order->get('schedule')) . ")\n                    WHERE orders_id = :orderId";
         $args = array('orderId' => $scheduledOrderId);
         ZMRuntime::getDatabase()->updateObj($sql, $args, 'orders');
         if (!Toolbox::isEmpty($scheduleEmailTemplate)) {
             $this->sendOrderEmail($order, $scheduleEmailTemplate);
         // event
         $this->container->get('event_dispatcher')->dispatch('create_order', new GenericEvent($this, array('orderId' => $order->getId())));
     return true;
     * Event callback to add required JS.
    public function onFinaliseContent($event)
        $request = $event->getArgument('request');
        if ('store_locator' == $request->getRequestId()) {
            $storeKey = $this->get('storeKey');
            $location = $this->get('location');
            $zoom = $this->get('zoom');
            $markerText = $this->get('marker_text');
            $controls = Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('controls'));
            $script = '
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=' . $storeKey . '"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  google.load("maps", "2.x");
  function load_locator_map()
    var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("locator_map"));
    ' . ($controls ? 'map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());/*map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());*/' : '') . '
    map.setCenter(new GLatLng(' . $location . '), ' . $zoom . ');
    var marker = new GMarker(map.getCenter());
    ' . (!empty($markerText) ? 'marker.openInfoWindowHtml("' . $markerText . '")' : '') . '
            $content = $event->getArgument('content');
            $content = preg_replace('/<\\/body>/', $script . '</body>', $content, 1);
            $event->setArgument('content', $content);
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $globalProductSubscriber = Toolbox::asBoolean($request->request->get('product_global', false));
     $account = $this->getUser();
     $isGlobalUpdate = false;
     if ($globalProductSubscriber != $account->isGlobalProductSubscriber()) {
         $this->container->get('accountService')->setGlobalProductSubscriber($account->getId(), $globalProductSubscriber);
         $isGlobalUpdate = true;
     $notifyType = $request->request->get('notify_type');
     $subscribedProducts = $request->request->get('notify', array());
     if (!$isGlobalUpdate && 'set' == $notifyType) {
         // if global update is on, products are not listed in the form,
         // therefore, they would all be removed if updated!
         $account = $this->container->get('accountService')->setSubscribedProductIds($account, $subscribedProducts);
     $message = $this->get('translator')->trans('Your product subscriptions have been updated.');
     switch ($notifyType) {
         case 'add':
             $account = $this->container->get('accountService')->addSubscribedProductIds($account, $subscribedProducts);
             return new RedirectResponse($request->headers->get('referer'));
         case 'remove':
             $account = $this->container->get('accountService')->removeSubscribedProductIds($account, $subscribedProducts);
             return new RedirectResponse($request->headers->get('referer'));
     return $this->findView('success', array('currentAccount' => $account));
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $newsletterSubscriber = Toolbox::asBoolean($request->request->get('newsletter_general', false));
     $account = $this->getUser();
     if ($newsletterSubscriber != $account->isNewsletterSubscriber()) {
     $this->get('session.flash_bag')->success($this->get('translator')->trans('Your newsletter subscription has been updated.'));
     return $this->findView('success', array('currentAccount' => $account));
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processGet($request)
     //TODO: this should be POST!!
     $productGroupPricing = Beans::getBean('ZenMagick\\plugins\\productGroupPricing\\model\\ProductGroupPricing');
     if (Toolbox::asBoolean($request->getParameter('delete'))) {
         // delete
     return $this->findView(null, array('productGroupPricing' => $productGroupPricing));
예제 #7
  * Run cron.
  * <p>This method is used by all methods to execute cron jobs.</p>
  * <p>All output is captured and logged.</p>
 public function runCron()
     $cron = new CronJobs($this->getConfigPath('etc/crontab.txt'), $this->getConfigPath('etc/cronhistory.txt'));
     if ($cron->isTimeToRun()) {
         // update timestamp to stop other instances from running
         foreach ($cron->getJobs(false, Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('missedRuns'))) as $job) {
     $this->container->get('logger')->debug('Cron: ' . ob_get_clean());
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @todo allow cancel at any time
 public function processGet($request)
     $translator = $this->get('translator');
     if (!Toolbox::asBoolean($this->getPlugin()->get('customerCancel'))) {
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans('Insufficient permission'));
         return $this->findView();
     $orderId = $request->query->getInt('orderId');
     $order = $this->container->get('orderService')->getOrderForId($orderId, $request->getSession()->getLanguageId());
     $account = $order->getAccount();
     // make sure this is an allowed order
     if ($order->getAccountId() != $order->getAccountId()) {
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->error($translator->trans('Invalid order selected'));
         return $this->findView();
     $plugin = $this->getPlugin();
     // check for number of scheduled orders
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(orders_id) AS total FROM %table.orders%\n                WHERE subscription_order_id = :subscriptionOrderId";
     $results = \ZMRuntime::getDatabase()->querySingle($sql, array('subscriptionOrderId' => $orderId), 'orders', Connection::MODEL_RAW);
     if ($results['total'] < $plugin->get('minOrders')) {
         $message = $translator->trans('This subscription can only be canceled after a minimum of %count% orders', array('%count%' => $plugin->get('minOrders')));
         return $this->findView();
     $cancelDeadline = $plugin->get('cancelDeadline');
     if (0 < $cancelDeadline) {
         // this will return only a result if subscription_next_order is more than $cancelDeadline days in the future
         $sql = "SELECT orders_id\n                    FROM %table.orders%\n                    WHERE orders_id = :orderId\n                      AND DATE_SUB(subscription_next_order, INTERVAL " . $cancelDeadline . " DAY) >= CURDATE()";
         $result = \ZMRuntime::getDatabase()->querySingle($sql, array('orderId' => $orderId), 'orders', Connection::MODEL_RAW);
         if (null == $result) {
             $message = $translator->trans("Can't cancel less than %count% days before next subscription", array('%count%' => $cancelDeadline));
             return $this->findView();
     $sql = "UPDATE %table.orders%\n                SET is_subscription_canceled = :subscriptionCanceled\n                WHERE orders_id = :orderId";
     \ZMRuntime::getDatabase()->updateObj($sql, array('orderId' => $orderId, 'subscriptionCanceled' => true), 'orders');
     $this->get('session.flash_bag')->success($translator->trans('Subscription canceled!'));
     $settingsService = $this->container->get('settingsService');
     $emailTemplate = $settingsService->get('plugins.subscriptions.email.templates.cancel', 'subscription_cancel');
     $this->sendCancelEmail($order, $emailTemplate, $account->getEmail());
     $adminEmail = $plugin->get('adminEmail');
     if (empty($adminEmail)) {
         $adminEmail = $settingsService->get('storeEmail');
     if (!Toolbox::isEmpty($adminEmail)) {
         $this->sendCancelEmail($order, $cancelEmailTemplate, $adminEmail);
     return $this->findView();
예제 #9
  * Event handler.
 public function onFinaliseContent($event)
     $request = $event->getArgument('request');
     $trackerCode = $this->getTrackerCodeGa($request);
     $checkoutCode = $this->getCheckoutCodeGa($request);
     $code = !empty($checkoutCode) ? $checkoutCode : $trackerCode;
     $code .= $this->getConversionCode($request);
     if (Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('debug'))) {
         $code = str_replace('<script', '<!--script', $code);
         $code = str_replace('</script>', '/script-->', $code);
     $content = $event->getArgument('content');
     $content = preg_replace('/<\\/body>/', $code . '</body>', $content, 1);
     $event->setArgument('content', $content);
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getViewData($request)
     if (!Toolbox::asBoolean($request->getParameter('other', false))) {
         $sql = "SELECT count(ci.customers_info_source_id) AS count, s.sources_name AS name, s.sources_id as sourceId\n                    FROM %table.customers_info% ci LEFT JOIN %table.sources% s ON s.sources_id = ci.customers_info_source_id\n                    GROUP BY s.sources_id\n                    ORDER BY ci.customers_info_source_id DESC";
         $isOther = false;
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT count(ci.customers_info_source_id) as count, so.sources_other_name as name\n                  FROM %table.customers_info% ci, %table.sources_other% so\n                  WHERE ci.customers_info_source_id = " . ID_SOURCE_OTHER . " AND so.customers_id = ci.customers_info_id\n                  GROUP BY so.sources_other_name\n                  ORDER BY so.sources_other_name DESC";
         $isOther = true;
     $sourceStats = \ZMRuntime::getDatabase()->fetchAll($sql, array(), array('sources'), 'ZenMagick\\Base\\ZMObject');
     $resultSource = new ZMArrayResultSource('ZenMagick\\Base\\ZMObject', $sourceStats);
     $resultList = Beans::getBean('ZMResultList');
     $resultList->setPageNumber($request->query->get('page', 1));
     return array('resultList' => $resultList, 'isOther' => $isOther);
예제 #11
  * Populate all available fields from the given request.
  * @param ZenMagick\Http\Request request The current request.
 public function populate($request)
     $this->id = $request->getParameter('groupPricingId', '0');
     $this->productId = $request->get('productId');
     $this->groupId = $request->getParameter('groupId', '0');
     $this->discount = $request->getParameter('discount', '0');
     $this->type = $request->getParameter('type', '%');
     $this->allowSaleSpecial = Toolbox::asBoolean($request->getParameter('allowSaleSpecial', false));
     $startDate = $request->getParameter('startDate');
     if (empty($startDate)) {
         // default to current date
         $startDate = new \DateTime();
     $localeService = $this->container->get('localeService');
     $this->startDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($localeService->getFormat('date', 'short'), $startDate);
     $this->endDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat($localeService->getFormat('date', 'short'), $request->getParameter('endDate'));
예제 #12
  * Pull either a Gravatar URL or complete image tag for a specified email address.
  * @param  string $email The email address
  * @param  string $s     Size in pixels, defaults to 80px [ 1 - 512 ]
  * @param  string $d     Default imageset to use [ 404 | mm | identicon | monsterid | wavatar ]
  * @param  string $r     Maximum rating (inclusive) [ g | pg | r | x ]
  * @param  boole  $img   True to return a complete IMG tag False for just the URL
  * @param  array  $atts  Optional, additional key/value attributes to include in the IMG tag
  * @return String containing either just a URL or a complete image tag
  * @source http://gravatar.com/site/implement/images/php/
 private function pullGravatar($email, $s = 80, $d = 'mm', $r = 'g', $img = false, $atts = array())
     $request = $this->container->get('request');
     $url = $request->isSecure() ? 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/' : 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/';
     $url .= md5(strtolower(trim($email)));
     $url .= "?s={$s}&d={$d}&r={$r}";
     if (Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('forceReload'))) {
         $url .= '&ts=' . time();
     if ($img) {
         $url = '<img src="' . $url . '"';
         foreach ($atts as $key => $val) {
             $url .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '"';
         $url .= ' />';
     return $url;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $orderId = $request->request->getInt('orderId');
     $cancel = $request->request->get('cancel');
     $hard = Toolbox::asBoolean($request->request->get('hard'), false);
     if (0 != $orderId && 'cancel' == $cancel) {
         $sql = "UPDATE %table.orders%\n                    SET is_subscription_canceled = :subscriptionCanceled, is_subscription = :subscription\n                    WHERE orders_id = :orderId";
         \ZMRuntime::getDatabase()->updateObj($sql, array('orderId' => $orderId, 'subscriptionCanceled' => true, 'subscription' => !$hard), 'orders');
         $this->get('session.flash_bag')->success($this->get('translator')->trans("Subscription canceled!"));
     $order = $this->container->get('orderService')->getOrderForId($orderId, $request->getSession()->getLanguageId());
     $emailTemplate = $this->container->get('settingsService')->get('plugins.subscriptions.email.templates.cancel', 'subscription_cancel');
     $email = $order->getAccount()->getEmail();
     if (!Toolbox::isEmpty($email)) {
         $this->sendCancelEmail($order, $emailTemplate, $email);
     return $this->findView('success');
예제 #14
  * Init done callback.
  * <p>Setup additional validation rules; this is done here to avoid getting in the way of
  * custom global/theme validation rule setups.</p>
 public function onContainerReady($event)
     $request = $event->getArgument('request');
     $disableRegistered = Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('disableRegistered'));
     if ($disableRegistered && $request->getSession()->isRegistered()) {
         // skip
     // check if we need to do anything for this request...
     $requestId = $request->getRequestId();
     if (true == $this->get($requestId) && isset($this->pageConfig[$requestId])) {
         $form = $this->pageConfig[$requestId][1];
         // active for this page
         $this->captchaEnabled = true;
         $rules = array(array('ZMRequiredRule', RECAPTCHA_FIELD, 'Please enter the captcha.'), array("ZMWrapperRule", RECAPTCHA_FIELD, 'The entered captcha is not correct.', array($this, 'vRecaptcha')));
         $this->container->get('zmvalidator')->addRules($form, $rules);
  * Update plugin status.
 public function setPluginStatus($rpcRequest)
     $data = $rpcRequest->getData();
     $pluginId = $data->pluginId;
     $status = Toolbox::asBoolean($data->status);
     $rpcResponse = $rpcRequest->createResponse();
     $pluginService = $this->container->get('pluginService');
     $translator = $this->get('translator');
     if (null == ($plugin = $pluginService->getPluginForId($pluginId, true))) {
         $rpcResponse->addMessage($translator->trans('Invalid plugin id'), 'error');
     } else {
         $configPrefix = PluginsController::prefix($plugin);
         $configService = $this->container->get('configService');
         $this->container->get('configService')->updateConfigValue($configPrefix . PluginOptionsLoader::KEY_ENABLED, $status);
         $rpcResponse->addMessage($translator->trans('Status updated'), 'success');
     return $rpcResponse;
  * Set page property.
 public function setEZPageProperty($rpcRequest)
     $data = $rpcRequest->getData();
     $pageId = $data->pageId;
     $languageId = $data->languageId;
     $property = $data->property;
     $value = $data->value;
     if (in_array($property, array('NewWin', 'SSL', 'header', 'sidebox', 'footer', 'toc'))) {
         $value = Toolbox::asBoolean($value);
     $rpcResponse = $rpcRequest->createResponse();
     $ezPageService = $this->container->get('ezPageService');
     if (null != ($ezPage = $ezPageService->getPageForId($pageId, $languageId))) {
         Beans::setAll($ezPage, array($property => $value));
     } else {
     return $rpcResponse;
예제 #17
  * Check if prices are tax inclusive.
  * @return boolean <code>true</code> if included, <code>false</code> if not.
 public function isIncludeTax()
     return Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('includeTax'));
예제 #18
  * Check if guest checkout should be handled as well.
  * @return boolean <code>true</code> if enabled.
 public function isEnableOnGuestCheckout()
     return Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('enableOnGuestCheckout'));
예제 #19
  * Set the auto search flag.
  * <p>If enabled, the controller will automatically run a search even if only the keyword is set.
  * This allows to create simple URLs that run a search.</p>
  * @param boolean autoSearch The new value.
 public function setAutoSearch($autoSearch)
     $this->autoSearch = Toolbox::asBoolean($autoSearch);
예제 #20
  * Returns <code>true</code> if the account has subscribed to newsletter.
  * @return boolean <code>true</code> if newsletter subsricption ias active, <code>false</code> if not.
 public function isNewsletterSubscriber()
     return Toolbox::asBoolean($this->newsletter);
예제 #21
  * Check if this request is an Ajax request.
  * <p>This default implementation will check for a 'X-Requested-With' header. Subclasses are free to
  * extend and override this method for custom Ajax detecting.</p>
  * @return boolean <code>true</code> if this request is considered an Ajax request.
 public function isXmlHttpRequest()
     $ajax = $this->getParameter('ajax', null);
     return $ajax != null ? Toolbox::asBoolean($ajax) : parent::isXmlHttpRequest();
예제 #22
  * Enable/disable displaying all available banners in the given group.
  * @param boolean value The new value.
 public function setShowAll($value)
     $this->showAll = Toolbox::asBoolean($value);
예제 #23
  * Set secure flag.
  * @param boolean secure <code>true</code> to create a secure redirect.
 public function setSecure($secure)
     $this->secure = Toolbox::asBoolean($secure);
예제 #24
  * Event callback to inject the required JS.
 public function onFinaliseContent($event)
     $request = $event->getArgument('request');
     $trackingType = $this->get('trackingType');
     if (in_array($request->getRequestId(), array('product_info', 'shopping_cart')) && null !== $this->recommendationsLoadedFor) {
         // TODO: won't work with minify
         $scriptFile = 'ga' == $trackingType ? 'liftsuggest.js' : 'liftsuggest_traditional.js';
         $protocol = $request->isSecure() ? 'https://' : 'http://';
         $code1 = sprintf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%swww.liftsuggest.com/js/%s?cache=%s"></script>', $protocol, $scriptFile, Toolbox::random(10, Toolbox::RANDOM_DIGITS));
         $code2 = $this->getTrackerCode($request);
         if (Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get('debug'))) {
             $code1 = str_replace('<script', '<!--script', $code1);
             $code1 = str_replace('</script>', '/script-->', $code1);
             $code2 = str_replace('<script', '<!--script', $code2);
             $code2 = str_replace('</script>', '/script-->', $code2);
         $content = $event->getArgument('content');
         if ('ga' == $trackingType) {
             $content = preg_replace('/<\\/head>/', $code1 . '</head>', $content, 1);
             $content = preg_replace('/pageTracker._trackPageview\\(/', $code2 . 'pageTracker._trackPageview(', $content, 1);
         } elseif ('as' == $trackingType) {
             $content = preg_replace('/<\\/body>/', $code1 . $code2 . '</body>', $content, 1);
         $event->setArgument('content', $content);
예제 #25
  * Get the formatted attribute string.
  * @param ZenMagick\Http\Request request The current request.
  * @param boolean addValue Optional flag to include/exclude the value; default is <code>true</code>.
  * @param boolean addName Optional flag to include/exclude the name; default is <code>true</code>.
  * @return string All set (and allowed) attributes as formatted HTML string.
 public function getAttributeString($request, $addValue = true, $addName = true)
     $html = Runtime::getContainer()->get('htmlTool');
     $attr = '';
     if ($addName) {
         $attr = ' name="' . $this->getName() . ($this->isMultiValue() ? '[]' : '') . '"';
     $class = $this->getClass();
     if (!empty($class)) {
         $attr .= ' class="' . $class . '"';
     foreach ($this->getProperties() as $name => $value) {
         if (in_array($name, $this->attributeNames)) {
             if (in_array($name, self::$NO_VAL_ATTR)) {
                 if (Toolbox::asBoolean($this->get($name))) {
                     $attr .= ' ' . $name . '="' . $name . '"';
             } else {
                 $value = $this->encode ? $html->encode($value) : $value;
                 $attr .= ' ' . $name . '="' . $value . '"';
     if ($addValue) {
         $value = $this->encode ? $html->encode($this->getValue()) : $this->getValue();
         $attr .= ' value="' . $value . '"';
     return $attr;
예제 #26
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $role = $request->request->get('role');
     // changed permissions
     $permissons = $request->request->get('perm');
     // new permissions
     $requestIds = $request->request->get('requestId', array());
     $nperms = $request->request->get('nperm', array());
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($requestIds); ++$ii) {
         if (!empty($requestIds[$ii]) && Toolbox::asBoolean($nperms[$ii])) {
             $permissons[] = $requestIds[$ii];
     // figure out the overlap between the current perms and the submitted ones
     $this->container->get('sacsPermissionService')->setPermissionsForRole($role, $permissons);
     return $this->findView();
예제 #27
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function processPost($request)
     $action = $request->request->get('action');
     $multiAction = $request->request->get('multiAction');
     $pluginId = $request->request->get('pluginId');
     $multiPluginId = $request->request->get('multiPluginId');
     // convert single action into multi
     if (null != $action && null != $pluginId) {
         $multiPluginId = array($pluginId);
     } else {
         $action = $multiAction;
         $multiPluginId = explode(',', $multiPluginId);
     $pluginService = $this->container->get('pluginService');
     // force loading all
     $viewId = null;
     $loggingService = $this->container->get('logger');
     $translator = $this->get('translator');
     foreach ($multiPluginId as $pluginId) {
         if ('install' == $action) {
             if (null != ($plugin = $pluginService->getPluginForId($pluginId)) && !$plugin->isInstalled()) {
                 $loggingService->debug('install plugin: ' . $plugin->getId());
                 $message = $translator->trans('Plugin %name% installed successfully', array('%name%' => $plugin->getName()));
                 $viewId = 'success-install';
         } elseif ('uninstall' == $action) {
             $keepSettings = Toolbox::asBoolean($request->request->get('keepSettings', false));
             if (null != ($plugin = $pluginService->getPluginForId($pluginId)) && $plugin->isInstalled()) {
                 $loggingService->debug('un-install plugin: ' . $plugin->getId() . '; keepSettings: ' . ($keepSettings ? 'true' : 'false'));
                 $this->remove($plugin, $keepSettings);
                 $message = $translator->trans('Plugin %name% un-installed successfully', array('%name%' => $plugin->getName()));
                 $viewId = 'success-uninstall';
         } elseif ('upgrade' == $action) {
             if (null != ($plugin = $pluginService->getPluginForId($pluginId)) && $plugin->isInstalled()) {
                 $loggingService->debug('upgrade plugin: ' . $plugin->getId());
                 $message = $translator->trans('Plugin %name% upgraded successfully', array('%name%' => $plugin->getName()));
                 $viewId = 'success-upgrade';
         } elseif ('update' == $action) {
             if (null != ($plugin = $pluginService->getPluginForId($pluginId)) && $plugin->isInstalled()) {
                 $configPrefix = self::prefix($plugin);
                 $configService = $this->container->get('configWidgetService');
                 foreach ($this->widgets($plugin->getOptions()) as $widget) {
                     if ($widget instanceof FormWidget && null !== ($value = $request->request->get($widget->getName()))) {
                         if (!$widget->compare($value)) {
                             // value changed, use widget to (optionally) format value
                             $configService->updateConfigValue(strtoupper($configPrefix . $widget->getName()), $widget->getStringValue());
         } elseif ('enable' == $action) {
             if (null != ($plugin = $pluginService->getPluginForId($pluginId)) && $plugin->isInstalled()) {
                 $loggingService->debug('enable plugin: ' . $plugin->getId());
                 $this->setStatus($plugin, true);
                 $message = $translator->trans('Plugin %name% enabled successfully', array('%name%' => $plugin->getName()));
                 $viewId = 'success-enable';
         } elseif ('disable' == $action) {
             if (null != ($plugin = $pluginService->getPluginForId($pluginId)) && $plugin->isInstalled()) {
                 $loggingService->debug('disable plugin: ' . $plugin->getId());
                 $this->setStatus($plugin, false);
                 $message = $translator->trans('Plugin %name% disabled successfully', array('%name%' => $plugin->getName()));
                 $viewId = 'success-disable';
     // do this last once all changes are made
     return $this->findView($viewId);
  * Set create default address flag.
  * @param boolean value The new value.
 public function setCreateDefaultAddress($value)
     // make sure we convert to boolean; typically this would be set via a bean definition
     $this->createDefaultAddress = Toolbox::asBoolean($value);
     $this->container->get('logger')->debug('createDefaultAddress set to: ' . $this->createDefaultAddress);
예제 #29
 public function setSsl($value)
     $this->ssl = Toolbox::asBoolean($value);
     return $this;
예제 #30
  * Set the open flag.
  * @parm boolean open The new value.
 public function setOpen($open)
     $this->open = Toolbox::asBoolean($open);