예제 #1
     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        // Setting up help:
        $this->cli_help['name'] = 'rte_images -- Looking up all occurencies of RTEmagic images in the database and check existence of parent and copy files on the file system plus report possibly lost files of this type.';
        $this->cli_help['description'] = trim('
- a perfect integrity of the reference index table (always update the reference index table before using this tool!)
- that all RTEmagic image files in the database are registered with the soft reference parser "images"
- images found in deleted records are included (means that you might find lost RTEmagic images after flushing deleted records)

The assumptions are not requirements by the TYPO3 API but reflects the de facto implementation of most TYPO3 installations.
However, many custom fields using an RTE will probably not have the "images" soft reference parser registered and so the index will be incomplete and not listing all RTEmagic image files.
The consequence of this limitation is that you should be careful if you wish to delete lost RTEmagic images - they could be referenced from a field not parsed by the "images" soft reference parser!

Automatic Repair of Errors:
- Will search for double-usages of RTEmagic images and make copies as required.
- Lost files can be deleted automatically by setting the value "lostFiles" as an optional parameter to --AUTOFIX, but otherwise delete them manually if you do not recognize them as used somewhere the system does not know about.

Manual repair suggestions:
- Missing files: Re-insert missing files or edit record where the reference is found.
        $this->cli_help['examples'] = '/.../cli_dispatch.phpsh lowlevel_cleaner rte_images -s -r
Reports problems with RTE images';
예제 #2
     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        // Setting up help:
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--echotree level', 'When "level" is set to 1 or higher you will see the page of the page tree outputted as it is traversed. A value of 2 for "level" will show even more information.');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--pid id', 'Setting start page in page tree. Default is the page tree root, 0 (zero)');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--depth int', 'Setting traversal depth. 0 (zero) will only analyse start page (see --pid), 1 will traverse one level of subpages etc.');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--flush-live', 'If set, not only published versions from Live workspace are flushed, but ALL versions from Live workspace (which are offline of course)');
        $this->cli_help['name'] = 'versions -- To find information about versions and workspaces in the system';
        $this->cli_help['description'] = trim('
Traversing page tree and finding versions, categorizing them by various properties.
Published versions from the Live workspace are registered. So are all offline versions from Live workspace in general. Further, versions in non-existing workspaces are found.

Automatic Repair:
- Deleting (completely) published versions from LIVE workspace OR _all_ offline versions from Live workspace (toogle by --flush-live)
- Resetting workspace for versions where workspace is deleted. (You might want to run this tool again after this operation to clean out those new elements in the Live workspace)
- Deleting unused placeholders
        $this->cli_help['examples'] = '';
     * Constructor
     * @return  void
    function tx_l10nmgr_index()
        // Load the extension's configuration
        $this->extensionConfiguration = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['l10nmgr']);
        $this->disallowDoktypes = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->extensionConfiguration['disallowDoktypes']);
        // Setting up help:
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--echotree level', 'When "level" is set to 1 or higher you will see the page of the page tree outputted as it is traversed. A value of 2 for "level" will show even more information.');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--pid id_list', 'Setting start page in page tree. Default is the page tree root, 0 (zero). You can specify a list of ids, eg "22,7,3" if you like. If you specify a negative id (eg. -1) nothing is index, but the index table is just flushed.');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--workspace id', 'Setting workspace uid for the session. Default is "0" for live workspace. The translation index depends on the workspace.');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--depth int', 'Setting traversal depth. 0 (zero) will only analyse start page (see --pid), 1 will traverse one level of subpages etc.');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--noFlush', 'If set, the index for the workspace will not be flushed. Normally you want to flush the index as a part of the process to make sure the rebuild of the index is empty before building it. But in cases you build individual parts of the tree you may like to use this option.');
        $this->cli_options[] = array('--bypassFilter', 'If set, the external filter will not be called. The external filter allows other extensions to block certain records from getting processed. For instance TemplaVoila provides such a filter than will make sure records which are not used on a page are not indexed.');
        $this->cli_help['name'] = 'tx_l10nmgr_index -- Building translation index';
        $this->cli_help['description'] = trim('
Traversing page tree and building an index of translation needs
        $this->cli_help['examples'] = '';