예제 #1
 public function get()
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $model = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Blog');
     //$id = $input->get('id', null, 'INT');
     $id = 0;
     $search = $input->get('search', '', 'STRING');
     $featured = $input->get('featured', 0, 'INT');
     $tags = $input->get('tags', 0, 'INT');
     $user_id = $input->get('user_id', 0, 'INT');
     $posts = array();
     // If we have an id try to fetch the user
     $blog = EasyBlogHelper::table('Blog');
     $modelPT = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('PostTag');
     if ($tags) {
         $rows = $model->getTaggedBlogs($tags);
     } else {
         if ($featured) {
             $rows = $this->getfeature_Blog();
             $sorting = $this->plugin->params->get('sorting', 'featured');
         } else {
             if ($user_id) {
                 $blogs = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Blog');
                 $rows = $blogs->getBlogsBy('blogger', $user_id, 'latest');
             } else {
                 //to get latest blog
                 //$sorting	= $this->plugin->params->get( 'sorting' , 'latest' );
                 //$rows 	= $model->getBlogsBy( $sorting , '' , $sorting , 0, EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, $search );
                 $rows = $model->getBlogsBy('', '', 'latest', 0, EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, null, true, array(), false, false, true, '', '', null, 'listlength', false);
                 //$rows = EB::formatter('list', $rows, false);
     $rows = EB::formatter('list', $rows, false);
     //data mapping
     foreach ($rows as $k => $v) {
         //$item = EB::helper( 'simpleschema' )->mapPost($v,'', 100, array('text'));
         $scm_obj = new EasyBlogSimpleSchema_plg();
         $item = $scm_obj->mapPost($v, '', 100, array('text'));
         $item->tags = $modelPT->getBlogTags($item->postid);
         $item->isowner = $v->created_by == $this->plugin->get('user')->id ? true : false;
         if ($v->blogpassword != '') {
             $item->ispassword = true;
         } else {
             $item->ispassword = false;
         $item->blogpassword = $v->blogpassword;
         $model = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Ratings');
         $ratingValue = $model->getRatingValues($item->postid, 'entry');
         $item->rate = $ratingValue;
         $item->isVoted = $model->hasVoted($item->postid, 'entry', $this->plugin->get('user')->id);
         if ($item->rate->ratings == 0) {
             $item->rate->ratings = -2;
         $posts[] = $item;
예제 #2
 public function get()
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $model = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Blog');
     $config = EasyBlogHelper::getConfig();
     $id = $input->get('id', null, 'INT');
     // If we have an id try to fetch the user
     $blog = EasyBlogHelper::table('Blog');
     if (!$id) {
         $this->plugin->setResponse($this->getErrorResponse(404, 'Blog id cannot be blank'));
     if (!$blog->id) {
         $this->plugin->setResponse($this->getErrorResponse(404, 'Blog not found'));
     //format data for get image using function
     $post = EB::post($blog->id);
     // $post->bind($row);
     $post = EB::formatter('entry', $post);
     $scm_obj = new EasyBlogSimpleSchema_plg();
     $item = $scm_obj->mapPost($post, '<p><br><pre><a><blockquote><strong><h2><h3><em><ul><ol><li><iframe>');
     //$item = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper( 'SimpleSchema' )->mapPost($blog, '<p><br><pre><a><blockquote><strong><h2><h3><em><ul><ol><li><iframe>');
     $item->isowner = $blog->created_by == $this->plugin->get('user')->id ? true : false;
     $item->allowcomment = $blog->allowcomment;
     $item->allowsubscribe = $blog->subscription;
     // Tags
     $modelPT = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('PostTag');
     $item->tags = $modelPT->getBlogTags($blog->id);
     //created by vishal - for show extra images
     //$item->text = preg_replace('/"images/i', '"'.JURI::root().'images', $item->text );
     //$item->text = str_replace('href="','href="'.JURI::root(),$item->text);
     //$item->text = str_replace('src="','src="'.JURI::root(),$item->text);
예제 #3
 public function get()
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $model = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Blog');
     $category = EasyBlogHelper::table('Category', 'Table');
     $id = $input->get('id', null, 'INT');
     $search = $input->get('search', null, 'STRING');
     $posts = array();
     if (!isset($id)) {
         $categoriesmodel = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Categories');
         $categories = $categoriesmodel->getCategoryTree('ordering');
     // private category shouldn't allow to access.
     $privacy = $category->checkPrivacy();
     if (!$category->id || !$privacy->allowed) {
         $this->plugin->setResponse($this->getErrorResponse(404, 'Category not found'));
     //new code
     $category = EB::table('Category');
     //get the nested categories
     $category->childs = null;
     // Build nested childsets
     EB::buildNestedCategories($category->id, $category, false, true);
     $catIds = array();
     $catIds[] = $category->id;
     EB::accessNestedCategoriesId($category, $catIds);
     // Get the category model
     $model = EB::model('Category');
     // Get total posts in this category
     $category->cnt = $model->getTotalPostCount($category->id);
     // Get teamblog posts count
     // $teamBlogCount = $model->getTeamBlogCount($category->id);
     $limit = EB::call('Pagination', 'getLimit', array(EBLOG_PAGINATION_CATEGORIES));
     // Get the posts in the category
     $data = $model->getPosts($catIds, $limit);
     $rows = EB::formatter('list', $data);
     foreach ($rows as $k => $v) {
         //$item = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper( 'SimpleSchema' )->mapPost($v, '', 100, array('text'));
         $scm_obj = new EasyBlogSimpleSchema_plg();
         $item = $scm_obj->mapPost($v, '', 100, array('text'));
         $item->isowner = $v->created_by == $this->plugin->get('user')->id ? true : false;
         if ($v->blogpassword != '') {
             $item->ispassword = true;
         } else {
             $item->ispassword = false;
         $item->blogpassword = $v->blogpassword;
         $model = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Ratings');
         $ratingValue = $model->getRatingValues($item->postid, 'entry');
         $item->rate = $ratingValue;
         $item->isVoted = $model->hasVoted($item->postid, 'entry', $this->plugin->get('user')->id);
         if ($item->rate->ratings == 0) {
             $item->rate->ratings = -2;
         $posts[] = $item;