저자: Anna Walasek (anna.walasek@lakion.com)
상속: extends Sylius\Behat\Page\SymfonyPageInterface
예제 #1
  * @Given I should be able to go to the summary page again
 public function iShouldBeAbleToGoToTheSummaryPageAgain()
     Assert::true($this->completePage->isOpen(), 'Checkout summary page should be opened, but it is not.');
예제 #2
  * @Then there should be information about no payment methods available for my order
 public function thereShouldBeInformationAboutNoPaymentMethodsAvailableForMyOrder()
     Assert::true($this->selectPaymentPage->hasNoAvailablePaymentMethodsWarning(), 'There should be warning about no available payment methods, but it does not.');
예제 #3
  * @Then I should have :paymentMethodName payment method available as the last choice
 public function iShouldHavePaymentMethodAvailableAsLastChoice($paymentMethodName)
     $paymentMethods = $this->selectPaymentPage->getPaymentMethods();
     $lastPaymentMethod = end($paymentMethods);
     Assert::same($paymentMethodName, $lastPaymentMethod);