 * Shows the message field.
 * The function echoes the textarea where the user
 * may input the ticket description. The field can be
 * either a textarea or a WYSIWYG depending on the plugin settings.
 * The WYSIWYG editor uses TinyMCE with a minimal configuration.
 * @since  3.0.0
 * @param  array  $editor_args Arguments used for TinyMCE
 * @return void
function wpas_get_message_textarea($editor_args = array())
     * Check if the description field should use the WYSIWYG editor
     * @var string
    $textarea_class = true === ($wysiwyg = boolval(wpas_get_option('frontend_wysiwyg_editor'))) ? 'wpas-wysiwyg' : 'wpas-textarea';
    if (true === $wysiwyg) {
        $editor_defaults = apply_filters('wpas_ticket_editor_args', array('media_buttons' => false, 'textarea_name' => 'wpas_message', 'textarea_rows' => 10, 'tabindex' => 2, 'editor_class' => wpas_get_field_class('wpas_message', $textarea_class, false), 'quicktags' => false, 'tinymce' => array('toolbar1' => 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,hr,|,bullist,numlist,|,link,unlink', 'toolbar2' => '')));
<div class="wpas-submit-ticket-wysiwyg"><?php 
        wp_editor(wpas_get_field_value('wpas_message'), 'wpas-ticket-message', apply_filters('wpas_reply_wysiwyg_args', $editor_defaults));
    } else {
         * Define if the body can be submitted empty or not.
         * @since  3.0.0
         * @var boolean
        $can_submit_empty = apply_filters('wpas_can_message_be_empty', false);
		<div class="wpas-submit-ticket-wysiwyg">
			<textarea <?php 
        wpas_get_field_class('wpas_message', $textarea_class);
 id="wpas-ticket-message" name="wpas_message" placeholder="<?php 
        echo apply_filters('wpas_form_field_placeholder_wpas_message', __('Describe your problem as accurately as possible', 'wpas'));
" rows="10" <?php 
        if (false === $can_submit_empty) {
        echo wpas_get_field_value('wpas_message');
예제 #2

		<div <?php 
_e('Subject', 'wpas');
			<input name="wpas_title" type="text" <?php 
echo wpas_get_field_value('wpas_title', true);
" placeholder="<?php 
echo apply_filters('wpas_form_field_placeholder_wpas_title', __('What is this about?', 'wpas'));
" required>

 * The wpas_submission_form_inside_after_subject hook has to be placed
 * right after the subject field.
 * This hook is very important as this is where the custom fields are hooked.
 * Without this hook custom fields would not display at all.