setTarget() 공개 메소드

Set translation language we are transleting to.
public setTarget ( string $target ) : TranslateClient
$target string Language code
리턴 TranslateClient
예제 #1
  * Creates a translation.
  * @param Model  $locale
  * @param string $text
  * @param Model  $parentTranslation
  * @return Model
 protected function firstOrCreateTranslation(Model $locale, $text, $parentTranslation = null)
     // We'll check to see if there's a cached translation
     // first before we try and hit the database.
     $cachedTranslation = $this->getCacheTranslation($locale, $text);
     if ($cachedTranslation instanceof Model) {
         return $cachedTranslation;
     // Check if auto translation is enabled. If so we'll run
     // the text through google translate and
     // save it, then cache it.
     if ($parentTranslation && $this->autoTranslateEnabled()) {
         $googleTranslate = new TranslateClient();
         try {
             $text = $googleTranslate->translate($text);
         } catch (ErrorException $e) {
             // Request to translate failed, set the text
             // to the parent translation
             $text = $parentTranslation->translation;
         } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
             // Looks like something other than text was passed in,
             // we'll set the text to the parent translation
             // for this exception as well
             $text = $parentTranslation->translation;
     $translation = $this->translationModel->firstOrCreate([$locale->getForeignKey() => $locale->getKey(), $this->translationModel->getForeignKey() => isset($parentTranslation) ? $parentTranslation->getKey() : null, 'translation' => $text]);
     // Cache the translation so it's retrieved faster next time
     return $translation;
예제 #2
function translate($text, $lang)
    $tr = new TranslateClient();
    // Default is from 'auto' to 'en'
    // Translate from English
    // Translate to Georgian
    echo $tr->translate($text);
예제 #3
function translateTest()
    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    echo "<h1>Translation</h1>";
    $tr = new TranslateClient();
    // Default is from 'auto' to 'en'
    // Translate from English
    // Translate to Georgian
    echo "Ciao a tutti ==> ";
    echo $tr->translate('Ciao a tutti!');
예제 #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function setTarget($target)
     return $this->client->setTarget($target);
예제 #5
 public static function fetchFromGoogle()
     $trans_command = new Command();
     $trans_command->option('i')->aka('in')->describedAs("Input Language")->required()->default("en");
     $trans_command->option('o')->aka('out')->describedAs("Output Language");
     echo "Translate from {$trans_command['in']} to " . (isset($trans_command['out']) ? $trans_command['out'] : 'all') . "\n";
     $tr = new TranslateClient();
     $langauges = Language::search()->exec();
     $untranslated_phrases = PhraseReplacement::search()->where('is_translated', 'No')->exec();
     foreach ($untranslated_phrases as $i => $phrase) {
         /* @var $phrase PhraseReplacement */
         /* @var $original PhraseOriginal */
         /* @var $langauge Language */
         $langauge = $langauges[$phrase->language_id];
         $translator = $tr->setTarget($langauge->code);
         $original = PhraseOriginal::search()->where('original_id', $phrase->original_id)->execOne();
         $output = $translator->translate($original->value);
         $phrase->value = $output;
         $phrase->is_translated = "Yes";