public function onActivate(Item $item, Player $player = null) { if ($player instanceof Player and $player->getFood() < 20) { ++$this->meta; $player->setFood($player->getFood() + 2); if ($this->meta >= 0x6) { $this->getLevel()->setBlock($this, new Air(), true); } else { $this->getLevel()->setBlock($this, $this, true); } return true; } return false; }
public function onActivate(Item $item, Player $player = null) { if ($player instanceof Player and $player->getFood() < 20) { $player->getServer()->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new EntityEatBlockEvent($player, $this)); if (!$ev->isCancelled()) { $player->setFood($player->getFood() + 2); ++$this->meta; if ($this->meta >= 0x6) { $this->getLevel()->setBlock($this, new Air(), true); } else { $this->getLevel()->setBlock($this, $this, true); } return true; } } return false; }
public function TeleportToTeamSpawn(Player $p, $team, $arena) { $p->setHealth(20); $p->setFood(20); $p->setGamemode(0); $p->getInventory()->clearAll(); $p->setExpLevel(0); $config = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "Arenas/" . $arena . ".yml", Config::YAML); $welt = $config->getNested("Spawn." . $team . ".Welt"); $x = $config->getNested("Spawn." . $team . ".X"); $y = $config->getNested("Spawn." . $team . ".Y"); $z = $config->getNested("Spawn." . $team . ".Z"); $yaw = $config->getNested("Spawn." . $team . ".Yaw"); $pitch = $config->getNested("Spawn." . $team . ".Pitch"); if ($p->getLevel() != $this->getServer()->getLevelByName($welt)) { $p->teleport($this->getServer()->getLevelByName($welt)->getSafeSpawn(), 0, 0); } $p->teleport(new Vector3($x, $y, $z), $yaw, $pitch); }