getCopy() 공개 메소드

We need to instantiate it with a different from and to state since either one of those states can be the regex states. All other fields need to be copied. Override this method in a subclass to add other fields. By using 'new static' we are already instantiating a possible subclass.
public getCopy ( State $from, State $to ) : Transition
$from State
$to State
리턴 Transition
  * @test
 public function shouldBeAbleToCopy()
     $a = new State('a');
     $b = new State('b');
     $a_copy = new State('a');
     $b_copy = new State('b');
     $event = 'my-event';
     $rule = 'foo-rule';
     $command = 'foo-command';
     $description = 'foobar';
     $gc = function () {
         echo "guard callable";
         return true;
     $tc = function () {
         echo "transition callable";
     $t = new Transition($a, $b, $event, $rule, $command, $gc, $tc);
     $copy = $t->getCopy($a_copy, $b_copy);
     $this->assertNotSame($a, $a_copy);
     $this->assertNotSame($b, $b_copy);
     $this->assertNotSame($copy, $t);
     $this->assertEquals($description, $copy->getDescription());
     $this->assertEquals($rule, $copy->getRuleName());
     $this->assertEquals($command, $copy->getCommandName());
     $this->assertEquals($event, $copy->getEvent());
     $this->assertEquals($t->getName(), $copy->getName());
     $this->assertEquals($t->getGuardCallable(), $copy->getGuardCallable());
     $this->assertEquals($gc, $copy->getGuardCallable());
     $this->assertEquals($tc, $copy->getTransitionCallable());
  * Add a fully configured transition to the machine.
  * It is possible to add transition that have 'regex' states: states that
  * have a name in the format of 'regex:/<regex-here>/' or 'not-regex:/<regex-here>/'. 
  * When adding a transition with a regex state, it will be matched against all currently
  * known states if there is a match. If you just want to use regex transitions, 
  * it might be preferable to store some states via 'addState' first, so the 
  * Self transitions for regex states are disallowed by default
  * since you would probably only want to do that explicitly. Regex states
  * can be both the 'to' and the 'from' state of a transition.
  * Transitions from a 'final' type of state are not allowed.
  * the order in which transitions are added matters insofar that when a
  * StateMachine::run() is called, the first Transition for the current State
  * will be tried first.
  * Since a transition has complete knowledge about it's states,
  * the addition of a transition will also trigger the adding of the
  * to and from state on this class.
  * this method can also be used to add a Transition directly (instead of via
  * a loader). Make sure that transitions that share a common State use the same
  * instance of that State object and vice versa.
  * @param Transition $transition  
  * @param boolean $allow_self_transition_by_regex optional: to allow regexes to set a self transition.
  * @return int a count of how many transitions were added. In case of a regex transition this might be
  *              multiple and in case a transition already exists it might be 0.
 public function addTransition(Transition $transition, $allow_self_transition_by_regex = false)
     $from = $transition->getStateFrom();
     $to = $transition->getStateTo();
     $all_states = $this->getStates();
     // check if we have regex states in the transition and get either the
     // original state back if it's not a regex, or all currently known
     // states that match the regex.
     $all_from = Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($from, $all_states);
     $all_to = Utils::getAllRegexMatchingStates($to, $all_states);
     $contains_regex = $from->isRegex() || $to->isRegex();
     $non_regex_transition = $transition;
     $count = 0;
     // loop trought all possible 'from' states
     foreach ($all_from as $from) {
         // loop through all possible 'to' states
         foreach ($all_to as $to) {
             if ($contains_regex && $from->getName() === $to->getName() && !$allow_self_transition_by_regex) {
                 // disallow self transition for regexes and from final states unless it is explicitely allowed.
             if ($contains_regex) {
                  * get a copy of the current transition that has a regex (so
                  * we have a non-regex state) and delegate to $transition to
                  * get that copy in case it's a subclass of transition and
                  * we need to copy specific fields
                 $non_regex_transition = $transition->getCopy($from, $to);
             if ($this->addTransitionWithoutRegex($non_regex_transition)) {
     return $count;