getName() 공개 메소드

Returns the type name.
public getName ( ) : string
리턴 string Type name
  * @param string $typeName
  * @return \Elastica\Type
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function deleteMapping($typeName)
     $type = new Elastica\Type($this->index, $typeName);
     if ($type->exists()) {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new \Exception('Could not delete type ' . $type->getName() . '');
     $type = new Elastica\Type($this->index, $typeName);
     return $type;
 public function getMappingProperties(Type $type)
     $array = array('name' => array('type' => 'multi_field', 'fields' => array('partial_name' => array('search_analyzer' => 'standard', 'index_analyzer' => 'shop', 'type' => 'string'), 'full_name' => array('type' => 'string'))), 'image' => array('type' => 'string', 'index' => 'no'));
     switch ($type->getName()) {
         case 'book':
             $array += array('author' => array('type' => 'string'));
         case 'dvd':
             $array += array('released' => array('type' => 'date'));
     return $array;
예제 #3
  * @group unit
 public function testToArrayFromReference()
     $client = $this->_getClient();
     $index = new Index($client, 'test');
     $type = new Type($index, 'helloworld');
     $field = 'image';
     $query = new Image();
     $query->setFieldFeature($field, 'CEDD');
     $query->setFieldHash($field, 'BIT_SAMPLING');
     $query->setFieldBoost($field, 100);
     $query->setImageByReference($field, $index->getName(), $type->getName(), 10);
     $jsonString = '{"image":{"image":{"feature":"CEDD","hash":"BIT_SAMPLING","boost":100,"index":"test","type":"helloworld","id":10,"path":"image"}}}';
     $this->assertEquals($jsonString, json_encode($query->toArray()));
예제 #4
 protected function setUp()
     $typeName = Cache::TYPE_NAME;
     $this->type = $this->prophesize('\\Elastica\\Type');
     $this->type->request(Argument::any(), Argument::cetera())->willReturn(true);
     $this->index = $this->prophesize('\\Elastica\\Index');
     $nsDoc = new Document('DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[]', [Cache::VALUE_FIELD => serialize($this->namespaceId)]);
     $this->client = $this->prophesize('\\Elastica\\Client');
     $this->cache = new Cache($this->client->reveal(), ['index' => $this->indexName]);
 private function updateWarmers($warmers)
     $type = $this->pageType->getName();
     foreach ($warmers as $name => $contents) {
         // The types field comes back on warmers but it can't be sent back in
         $this->outputIndented("\tUpdating {$name}...");
         $name = urlencode($name);
         $path = "{$type}/_warmer/{$name}";
         try {
             $this->pageType->getIndex()->request($path, 'PUT', $contents);
         } catch (ResponseException $e) {
             if (preg_match('/dynamic scripting for \\[.*\\] disabled/', $e->getResponse()->getError())) {
                 $this->output("couldn't create dynamic script!\n");
                 return Status::newFatal(new RawMessage("Couldn't create the dynamic script required for Cirrus to work properly.  " . "For now, Cirrus requires dynamic scripting.  It'll switch to sandboxed Groovy when it " . "updates to support Elasticsearch 1.3.1 we promise.  For now enable dynamic scripting and " . "keep Elasticsearch safely not accessible to people you don't trust.  You should always " . "do that, but especially when dynamic scripting is enabled."));
     return Status::newGood();
예제 #6
  * @group functional
 public function testParentMapping()
     $index = $this->_createIndex();
     $childtype = new Type($index, 'childtype');
     $childmapping = new Mapping($childtype, array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => true)));
     $data = $childmapping->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals('parenttype', $data[$childtype->getName()]['_parent']['type']);
     $parenttype = new Type($index, 'parenttype');
     $parentmapping = new Mapping($parenttype, array('name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => true)));
 private function reindexInternal(Type $type, Type $oldType, $children, $childNumber, $chunkSize, $retryAttempts)
     $filter = null;
     $messagePrefix = "";
     if ($childNumber === 1 && $children === 1) {
         $this->outputIndented("\t\tStarting single process reindex\n");
     } else {
         if ($childNumber >= $children) {
             $this->error("Invalid parameters - childNumber >= children ({$childNumber} >= {$children}) ", 1);
         $messagePrefix = "\t\t[{$childNumber}] ";
         $this->outputIndented($messagePrefix . "Starting child process reindex\n");
         // Note that it is not ok to abs(_uid.hashCode) because hashCode(Integer.MIN_VALUE) == Integer.MIN_VALUE
         $filter = new \CirrusSearch\Extra\Filter\IdHashMod($children, $childNumber);
     $properties = $this->mappingConfig[$oldType->getName()]['properties'];
     try {
         $query = new Query();
         $query->setFields(array('_id', '_source'));
         if ($filter) {
             $query->setQuery(new \Elastica\Query\Filtered(new \Elastica\Query\MatchAll(), $filter));
         // Note here we dump from the current index (using the alias) so we can use Connection::getPageType
         $result = $oldType->search($query, array('search_type' => 'scan', 'scroll' => '1h', 'size' => $chunkSize));
         $totalDocsToReindex = $result->getResponse()->getData();
         $totalDocsToReindex = $totalDocsToReindex['hits']['total'];
         $this->outputIndented($messagePrefix . "About to reindex {$totalDocsToReindex} documents\n");
         $operationStartTime = microtime(true);
         $completed = 0;
         $self = $this;
         Util::iterateOverScroll($this->index, $result->getResponse()->getScrollId(), '1h', function ($results) use($properties, $retryAttempts, $messagePrefix, $self, $type, &$completed, $totalDocsToReindex, $operationStartTime) {
             $documents = array();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $documents[] = $self->buildNewDocument($result, $properties);
             $self->withRetry($retryAttempts, $messagePrefix, 'retrying as singles', function () use($self, $type, $messagePrefix, $documents) {
                 $self->sendDocuments($type, $messagePrefix, $documents);
             $completed += sizeof($results);
             $rate = round($completed / (microtime(true) - $operationStartTime));
             $this->outputIndented($messagePrefix . "Reindexed {$completed}/{$totalDocsToReindex} documents at {$rate}/second\n");
         }, 0, $retryAttempts, function ($e, $errors) use($self, $messagePrefix) {
             $self->sleepOnRetry($e, $errors, $messagePrefix, 'fetching documents to reindex');
         $this->outputIndented($messagePrefix . "All done\n");
     } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) {
         // Note that we can't fail the master here, we have to check how many documents are in the new index in the master.
         $type = get_class($e);
         $message = ElasticsearchIntermediary::extractMessage($e);
         LoggerFactory::getInstance('CirrusSearch')->warning("Search backend error during reindex.  Error type is '{type}' and message is:  {message}", array('type' => $type, 'message' => $message));
  * @param array $document
  * @param string $type
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function addDocumentToElastic(array $document, $type = 'issue')
     switch ($type) {
         case 'issue':
             if (isset($document['custom_fields'])) {
                 foreach ($document['custom_fields'] as $customField) {
                     switch ($customField['id']) {
                         case 4:
                             $document['typo3_version'] = isset($customField['value']) ? $customField['value'] : '-';
                         case 5:
                             $document['php_version'] = isset($customField['value']) ? $customField['value'] : '-';
                         case 8:
                             $document['complexity'] = isset($customField['value']) ? $customField['value'] : '-';
                         case 15:
                             $document['isregression'] = isset($customField['value']) ? true : false;
                         case 18:
                             $document['focus']['name'] = isset($customField['value']) ? $customField['value'] : '-';
             $document['updated_on'] = $this->fixDateFormat($document['updated_on']);
             $document['created_on'] = $this->fixDateFormat($document['created_on']);
             $type = new Elastica\Type($this->elasticIndex, 'issue');
             try {
                 $testIfDocExists = $type->getDocument($document['id']);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $message = new \WMDB\Forger\Utilities\Slack\Message();
         case 'review':
             $type = new Elastica\Type($this->elasticIndex, 'review');
         case 'user':
             $type = new Elastica\Type($this->elasticIndex, 'user');
     $doc = new Elastica\Document($document['id'], $document);
     GeneralUtility::writeLine('+' . $type->getName() . ':' . $document['id'] . ' ', 'green', false);