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Elastica manager for creating, rotating, populating and managing ElasticSearch indexes using Elastica client library

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FF-Elastica-Manager is php library for creating, rotating, populating and managing ElasticSearch indexes using Elastica client library.

Work in progress

This package is still under development, however these features are already implemented


  • Index creation with user config and mapping
  • Index data population using data provider
  • One document update/insert/delete
  • Index utils: delete, indexExists, addAlias, removeAlias
  • Iterator. Batch iterator iterates through index data (using ES scan/scroll functionality) and performs user specified closure
  • Examples: ShopConfiguration.php, ShopDataProvider.php Go to example directory

Todo: Index copy/clone, index rotate (copy and change alias), Symfony2 Console component commands


The recommended way to install package is through composer. Create a composer.json in your project root-directory:

    "require": {
        "darklow/ff-elastica-manager": "*"

and run curl -s | php to get composer or run php composer.phar install to install package


ElasticaManager package contains of following classes:

  1. ElasticaManager - working with indexes and elasticsearch server
  2. IndexManager - create, delete, manage specific index
  3. Batch Iterator - iterates through index data (using ES scan/scroll functionality) and performs user specified closure

For every index you want to manage, you have to create two classes:

  1. Configuration - Configuration class which provides necessary info for ElasticSearch index:

    • Index default name - default name of the index (can be overridden on IndexManager initiation)
    • Index default alias name
    • Index types - ElasticSearch index type name(s)
    • Index configuration - number of shards and replicas, analysis analyzers and filters
    • Mapping properties - fields and its types for each/all ElasticSearch type
    • Mapping params - params like _all => [ enabled => false] and so on
  2. DataProvider - Data provider class which provides all the data needed to populate whole index or just one document. Following methods must be implemented:

    • getData($typeName = null) - Method must return iterable result/array for all the data or one type only if specified
    • iterationRowTransform($data, $typeName = null) - Method must convert iteration row data to DataProviderDocument object which contains three variables
      • id - DocumentID
      • typeName - ElasticSearch index type name
      • data - Array for document source data
    • getTotal($typeName = null) - Optional method. Must return count for all the data or one type only if specified used. Used for iteration closures.
    • getIterationClosure() - Optional method. Must return callback for iteration: function ($i, $total)
    • getDocumentData() - Method must return same type of data as one iteration row in getData()

Example of both classes can be found in example directory

When you have setup up everything, working with indexes is really easy:

IndexManager Example

// Get IndexManager
$shopIndexManager = $elasticaManager->getIndexManager('shop');

// Use IndexManager

Every time you create index, your configuration and mappings are used and once populated your data is in the index.

Batch iterator Example

// Get IndexManager
$shopIndexManager = $elasticaManager->getIndexManager('shop');

// Get iterator instance
$iterator = $shopIndexManager->getIterator();

// Specify query
$query = new Elastica\Query(new Elastica\Query\MatchAll());

// Define closure
$closure = function (DataProviderDocument $doc, $i, $total) {
	// Do whatever you like with $doc->getData()

// Start iterating
$iterator->iterate($query, $closure);

Read more on how to setup initial classes in documentation.


Read full documentation on how to initiate and use ElasticaManager and IndexManager here:

Documentation wiki


'FF-Elastica-Manager' is licensed under the MIT license.


Elastica manager for creating, rotating, populating and managing ElasticSearch indexes using Elastica client library






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