public function Queryorder($transaction_id) { $input = new WxPayOrderQuery(); $input->SetTransaction_id($transaction_id); $result = WxPayApi::orderQuery($input); \Log::info("query:" . json_encode($result)); if (array_key_exists("return_code", $result) && array_key_exists("result_code", $result) && $result["return_code"] == "SUCCESS" && $result["result_code"] == "SUCCESS") { // 处理订单 $pay = \App\Pay::find($result['out_trade_no']); $pay->pay($result['transaction_id']); if ($pay->state < 2) { $pay->state = '2'; $pay->bak_id = '0'; $pay->other_id = $result['transaction_id']; $pay->save(); } else { if ($pay->state == 2) { $pay->bak_id++; $pay->save(); } } return true; } return false; }
public function index(Request $request) { //get info for this payment $payTypeInfo = Pay::find(Pay::PAY_TYPE_MOBIO); //calc promo period $promoUntilDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + $payTypeInfo->pay_promo_period, date('Y'))); //get incoming params $message = isset($request->message) ? $request->message : null; $item = isset($request->item) ? $request->item : null; $fromnum = isset($request->fromnum) ? $request->fromnum : null; $extid = isset($request->extid) ? $request->extid : null; $servID = isset($request->servID) ? $request->servID : null; //check if ping is comming from allowed ips $mobio_remote_address = explode(',', $payTypeInfo->pay_allowed_ip); if (in_array($request->ip(), $mobio_remote_address)) { $sms_reply = trans('payment_mobio.There is error, please contact us.'); $item = trim($item); if (!empty($item)) { try { $pay_type = mb_strtolower(mb_substr($item, 0, 1)); //make ad vip if ($pay_type == 'a') { $ad_id = mb_substr($item, 1); $adInfo = Ad::find($ad_id); if (!empty($adInfo)) { //update ad $adInfo->ad_promo = 1; $adInfo->ad_promo_until = $promoUntilDate; $adInfo->save(); //add money to wallet $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_mobio.Payment via Mobio SMS')]; Wallet::create($wallet_data); //subtract money from wallet $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => -$payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate])]; Wallet::create($wallet_data); $sms_reply = trans('payment_mobio.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate]); Cache::flush(); } } //add money to wallet if ($pay_type == 'w') { $user_id = mb_substr($item, 1); $userInfo = User::find($user_id); if (!empty($userInfo)) { //save money to wallet $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $userInfo->user_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_mobio.Add Money to Wallet via Mobio SMS')]; Wallet::create($wallet_data); $sms_reply = trans('payment_mobio.You have added :money to your wallet.', ['money' => number_format($payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 2) . config('dc.site_price_sign')]); Cache::flush(); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { } } file_get_contents("{$servID}&tonum={$fromnum}&extid={$extid}&message=" . urlencode($sms_reply)); } }
public function index(Request $request) { $sms_reply = trans('payment_fortumo.There is error, please contact us.'); //get info for this payment $payTypeInfo = Pay::find(Pay::PAY_TYPE_FORTUMO); //calc promo period $promoUntilDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + $payTypeInfo->pay_promo_period, date('Y'))); //get incoming params $message = isset($request->message) ? $request->message : null; $status = isset($request->status) ? $request->status : null; $billing_type = isset($request->billing_type) ? $request->billing_type : null; //check if ping is comming from allowed ips $fortumo_remote_address = explode(',', $payTypeInfo->pay_allowed_ip); if (in_array($request->ip(), $fortumo_remote_address) && $this->check_signature($request->all(), $payTypeInfo->pay_secret)) { $message = trim($message); if (!empty($message) && (preg_match("/OK/i", $status) || preg_match("/MO/i", $billing_type) && preg_match("/pending/i", $status))) { try { $pay_type = mb_strtolower(mb_substr($message, 0, 1)); //make ad vip if ($pay_type == 'a') { $ad_id = mb_substr($message, 1); $adInfo = Ad::find($ad_id); if (!empty($adInfo)) { //update ad $adInfo->ad_promo = 1; $adInfo->ad_promo_until = $promoUntilDate; $adInfo->save(); //add money to wallet $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Payment via Fortumo SMS')]; Wallet::create($wallet_data); //subtract money from wallet $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $adInfo->user_id, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'sum' => -$payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate])]; Wallet::create($wallet_data); $sms_reply = trans('payment_fortumo.Your ad #:ad_id is Promo Until :date.', ['ad_id' => $ad_id, 'date' => $promoUntilDate]); Cache::flush(); } } //add money to wallet if ($pay_type == 'w') { $user_id = mb_substr($message, 1); $userInfo = User::find($user_id); if (!empty($userInfo)) { //save money to wallet $wallet_data = ['user_id' => $userInfo->user_id, 'sum' => $payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 'wallet_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'wallet_description' => trans('payment_fortumo.Add Money to Wallet via Fortumo SMS')]; Wallet::create($wallet_data); $sms_reply = trans('payment_fortumo.You have added :money to your wallet.', ['money' => number_format($payTypeInfo->pay_sum, 2) . config('dc.site_price_sign')]); Cache::flush(); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { } } } echo $sms_reply; }
public function edit(Request $request) { $id = 0; if (isset($request->id)) { $id = $request->id; } try { $modelData = Pay::findOrFail($id); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { session()->flash('message', trans('admin_common.Invalid Payment Option')); return redirect(url('admin/pay')); } /** * form is submitted check values and save if needed */ if ($request->isMethod('post')) { /** * validate data */ $rules = ['pay_name' => 'required|max:255', 'pay_sum' => 'required|numeric|not_in:0', 'pay_promo_period' => 'required|numeric|not_in:0', 'pay_info_url' => 'required|max:255', 'pay_sms_prefix' => 'max:255', 'pay_description' => 'required', 'pay_ord' => 'required|numeric', 'pay_allowed_ip' => 'max:255', 'pay_number' => 'max:255', 'pay_secret' => 'max:255']; $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { $this->throwValidationException($request, $validator); } /** * get data from form */ $data = $request->all(); if (isset($data['pay_active'])) { $data['pay_active'] = 1; } else { $data['pay_active'] = 0; } /** * save or update */ $modelData->update($data); /** * clear cache, set message, redirect to list */ Cache::flush(); session()->flash('message', trans('admin_common.Payment Option saved')); return redirect(url('admin/pay')); } return view('', ['modelData' => $modelData]); }
public function thanks(Request $request) { $secret_key = env('CITRUSGATEWAY_SECRETKEY'); $data = ''; $flag = true; $fields = ['TxId', 'TxStatus', 'amount', 'pgTxnNo', 'issuerRefNo', 'authIdCode', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'pgRespCode', 'addressZip']; $fill_data = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($request->has($field)) { $data .= $request->get($field); } $fill_data[$field] = $request->get($field, ''); } Pay::create($fill_data); $signature = $request->get('signature', ''); $txnID = $request->get('TxId', ''); $txnStatus = $request->get('TxStatus', ''); $response_signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $data, $secret_key); if ($signature != '' && strcmp($signature, $response_signature) != 0) { $flag = false; } return view('thanks', compact('flag', 'txnID', 'txnStatus')); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $pay = Pay::find($id); $pay->delete($id); return redirect()->route('pay.index'); }
public function postAddofferbalance(OrderCSP $request) { $user = $request->user(); $res = ['response' => 'YES', 'status' => 0]; $offer_id = $request->input('offer_id'); $product_amount = $request->input('product_amount'); $item = Order::item($offer_id, $product_amount); $shop_id = $request->input('shop_id'); $coupon_id = $request->input('coupon_id'); $mobile = $request->input('mobile'); $touch = $request->input('touch'); $sex = $request->input('sex'); $response = Offer::apiCheck($item, $shop_id, $coupon_id); if ($response) { $params = ['item_id' => $shop_id, 'item' => $item, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'touch' => $touch, 'sex' => $sex]; if ($coupon_id) { $params['coupon_id'] = $coupon_id; } $order = Order::apiCreateZd($params); if ($order) { $odrno = $order->odrno; $pay = Pay::apiBalance($odrno); if ($pay) { $res['status'] = 1; $res['msgSuccess'] = '支付成功!'; } else { $res['msgError'] = '支付失败!'; } } else { $res['msgError'] = '网络延迟,稍后重试'; } } else { $res['msgError'] = '订单信息错误'; } return response()->json($res); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * Check, before buy * @return Response */ public function postCheckcart(Request $request) { if (\Auth::check()) { //MENU $mainMenu = Category::getParentMenu(); $allMenu = Category::getAllMenu($mainMenu); //HOT PRODUCTS. $hotProduct = Product::hotProduct(); //DISCOUNT PRODUCTS. $discountProduct = Product::discountProduct(); //PAY $pay = Pay::find($request->get('pay')); if ($request->get('pay') == 2) { $account_number = true; } else { $account_number = false; } //SHIP $ship = Ship::find($request->get('ship')); if (\Session::has('giohang')) { \Session::put('pay', $pay->id); \Session::put('ship', $ship->id); return view('fornindex.shopping_cart_detail', compact('account_number', 'ship', 'pay', 'data', 'allMenu', 'hotProduct', 'discountProduct')); } else { echo 'vui long chon san pham!!!'; } } else { return redirect('auth/login'); } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $transaction = Transaction::find($id); $customer = Customer::lists('name', 'id'); $ship = Ship::lists('name', 'id'); $pay = Pay::lists('name', 'id'); return view('transactions.edit', compact('transaction', 'customer', 'ship', 'pay')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { Pay::create(['name' => $faker->name]); } }