function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name) { global $gantry; $class = ( $node->attributes('class') ? 'class="'.$node->attributes('class').'"' : 'class="inputbox"' ); $mode = $node->attributes('mode'); if (!isset($mode)) $mode = 'dropdown'; $options = array(); if (!array_key_exists($name,$gantry->presets)) { return JText::_('Unable to find the preset information'); } foreach ($gantry->presets[$name] as $preset_name => $preset_value) { $val = $preset_name; $text = $preset_value['name']; $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $val, JText::_($text)); } if (!defined('GANTRY_PRESET')) { gantry_import('core.gantryjson'); $this->template = end(explode(DS, $gantry->templatePath)); gantry_addScript($gantry->gantryUrl.'/admin/widgets/preset/js/preset.js'); gantry_addScript($gantry->gantryUrl.'/admin/widgets/preset/js/preset-saver.js'); gantry_addInlineScript('var Presets = {};var PresetsKeys = {};'); if (isset($gantry->customPresets[$name])) { gantry_addInlineScript('var CustomPresets = '.GantryJSON::encode($gantry->customPresets[$name]).';'); } define('GANTRY_PRESET', 1); } $this->presets = $gantry->originalPresets[$name]; gantry_addInlineScript($this->populatePresets($name)); if ($mode == 'dropdown') { include_once('selectbox.php'); gantry_addInlineScript("window.addEvent('domready', PresetDropdown.init.bind(PresetDropdown, '$name'));"); $selectbox = new JElementSelectBox; $node->addAttribute('preset', true); return $selectbox->fetchElement($name, $value, $node, $control_name, $options); } else { gantry_addInlineScript("window.addEvent('domready', Scroller.init.bind(Scroller, '$name'));"); return $this->scrollerLayout($name, $value, $node, $control_name); } }
public function getInput() { /** @var $gantry Gantry */ global $gantry; $name = (string) $this->element['name']; $class = $this->element['class'] ? 'class="' . $this->element['class'] . '"' : 'class="inputbox"'; $mode = $this->element['mode']; if (!isset($mode)) { $mode = 'dropdown'; } $options = array(); if (!array_key_exists($name, $gantry->presets)) { return 'Unable to find the preset information'; } foreach ($gantry->presets[$name] as $preset_name => $preset_value) { $val = $preset_name; $text = $preset_value['name']; if (!array_key_exists('disabled', $preset_value)) { $preset_value['disabled'] = 'false'; } $options[] = GantryHtmlSelect::option((string) $val, JText::_(trim((string) $text)), 'value', 'text', (string) $preset_value['disabled'] == 'true'); } if (!defined('GANTRY_PRESET')) { gantry_import('core.gantryjson'); $template_path_parts = explode('/', $gantry->templatePath); $this->template = end($template_path_parts); $gantry->addScript($gantry->gantryUrl . '/admin/widgets/preset/js/preset.js'); $gantry->addScript($gantry->gantryUrl . '/admin/widgets/preset/js/preset-saver.js'); $gantry->addInlineScript('var Presets = {};var PresetsKeys = {};'); if (isset($gantry->customPresets[$name])) { $gantry->addInlineScript('var CustomPresets = ' . GantryJSON::encode($gantry->customPresets[$name]) . ';'); } else { $gantry->addInlineScript('var CustomPresets = {};'); } define('GANTRY_PRESET', 1); } $this->presets = $gantry->originalPresets[$name]; $gantry->addInlineScript($this->populatePresets((string) $this->element['name'])); if ($mode == 'dropdown') { include_once 'selectbox.php'; $gantry->addDomReadyScript("PresetDropdown.init('" . $name . "');"); $selectbox = new JElementSelectBox(); $node->addAttribute('preset', true); return $selectbox->fetchElement($name, $value, $node, $control_name, $options); } else { $gantry->addDomReadyScript("Scroller.init('" . $name . "');"); return $this->scrollerLayout($this->element); } }
* @license GNU/GPLv2 only * * Gantry uses the Joomla Framework (, a GNU/GPLv2 content management system * */ defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); gantry_import('core.gantryjson'); global $gantry; $file = $gantry->custom_presets_file; $action = JRequest::getString('action'); if ($action == 'add') { $data = GantryJSON::decode(JRequest::getString('presets-data'), false); if (!file_exists($file)) { $handle = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($handle, ""); } gantry_import('core.gantryini'); $newEntry = GantryINI::write($file, $data); if ($newEntry) echo "success"; } else if ($action == 'delete') { $presetTitle = JRequest::getString('preset-title'); $presetKey = JRequest::getString('preset-key'); if (!$presetKey || !$presetTitle) return "error";
protected static function _endString(&$encode, $position, &$pos) { do { $position = strpos($encode, '"', $position + 1); } while ($position !== false && GantryJSON::_slashedChar($encode, $position - 1)); if ($position === false) { JError::raiseWorning(500, 'Invalid JSON'); } return $position - $pos; }
} $sidebars[$key] = $sb; } gantry_save_override_sidebars_widgets($override_id, $sidebars); die('1'); } die('-1'); break; case 'widgets-save': gantry_widgets_save(); die; break; case 'widgets-mass-actions': $tmp = array(); $data = stripcslashes($_POST['data']); foreach (GantryJSON::decode($data) as $d) { array_push($tmp, $d); } foreach ($tmp as $widget_instance) { $instance_array = get_object_vars($widget_instance); $id_base = $instance_array['id_base']; $widget_number = $instance_array['widget_number']; foreach ($instance_array as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^widget-' . $id_base . '\\[' . $widget_number . '\\]/', $key)) { $subkey = preg_replace('/^widget-' . $id_base . '/', '', $key); preg_match_all('/\\[(\\S+)\\]/U', $subkey, $matches); $sub_array_keys = $matches[1]; $post_eval = '$_POST[\'widget-' . $id_base . '\']'; foreach ($sub_array_keys as $subarraykey) { $post_eval .= '[\'' . $subarraykey . '\']'; }
<?php /** * @version 1.26 September 14, 2012 * @author RocketTheme * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 RocketTheme, LLC * @license GNU/GPLv2 only */ defined('GANTRY_VERSION') or die; gantry_import('core.gantryjson'); gantry_import('core.utilities.gantrytemplateinfo'); global $gantry; $action = $_POST['gantry_action']; if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { die('-1'); } if ($action == 'get_base_values') { $passed_array = array(); foreach ($gantry->_working_params as $param) { $param_name = GantryTemplateInfo::get_field_id($param['name'], 'template-options'); $passed_array[$param_name] = $param['value']; } $outdata = GantryJSON::encode($passed_array); //$outdata = str_replace('\\\\\\' , '\\', $outdata); echo $outdata; } else { return "error"; }
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 RocketTheme, LLC * @license GNU/GPLv2 only * */ defined('GANTRY_VERSION') or die; gantry_import('core.gantryjson'); global $gantry; $file = $gantry->custom_presets_file; $action = $_POST['action']; // if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) die('-1'); if ($action == 'add') { $jsonstring = stripslashes($_POST['presets-data']); $data = GantryJSON::decode($jsonstring, false); foreach ($data['presets'] as &$preset) { foreach ($preset as $key => &$value) { if (GantryJSON::isJson($value)) { $value = str_replace(chr(34), chr(39), $value); } } } if (!file_exists($file)) { $handle = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($handle, ""); } gantry_import('core.gantryini'); $newEntry = GantryINI::write($file, $data); gantry_import('core.utilities.gantrycache'); $cache = GantryCache::getInstance(); $cache->clear('gantry', 'gantry'); if ($newEntry) { echo "success";
$posName = $param['name'] == "mainbodyPosition" ? "sidebar" : str_replace("Position", "", $param['name']); $realCount = $gantry->countModules($posName); if ($posName == 'sidebar') { $realCount += 1; } $module_counts[$posName] = $realCount; } } $out->module_counts = $module_counts; $app =& JApplication::getInstance('site', array(), 'J'); $menus = $app->getMenu(); $menu = $menus->getItem($id); $out->tree = array(); foreach ($menu->tree as $treeid) { if ($treeid == $id) { break; } $out->tree[$treeid] = $gantry->readMenuItemParams($treeid, true); } $outdata = GantryJSON::encode($out); $outdata = str_replace('\\\\\\', '\\', $outdata); echo $outdata; } elseif ($action == 'push') { $data = JRequest::getString('menuitems-data'); $data = GantryJSON::decode($data, false); foreach ($data as $menuitem => $content) { $gantry->writeMenuItemParams($menuitem, $content); } } else { return "error"; }
* @version 1.26 September 14, 2012 * @author RocketTheme * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 RocketTheme, LLC * @license GNU/GPLv2 only */ defined('GANTRY_VERSION') or die; gantry_import('core.gantryjson'); global $gantry; $file = $gantry->custom_presets_file; $action = $_POST['gantry_action']; if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { die('-1'); } if ($action == 'add') { $jsonstring = stripslashes($_POST['presets-data']); $data = GantryJSON::decode($jsonstring, false); if (!file_exists($file)) { $handle = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($handle, ""); } gantry_import('core.gantryini'); $newEntry = GantryINI::write($file, $data); gantry_import('core.utilities.gantrycache'); $cache = GantryCache::getInstance(); $cache->clear('gantry', 'gantry'); if ($newEntry) { echo "success"; } } else { if ($action == 'delete') { $presetTitle = $_POST['preset-title'];