public function testCustomType()
     $mapper = \Amiss\Sql\Factory::createMapper();
     $mapper->addTypeHandler(new TestCustomFieldTypeHandler(), 'foo');
     $deps = \Amiss\Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
         /** :amiss = true; */
         class TestCustomFieldTypeModel
             /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc" }}; */
             public $testCustomFieldTypeRecordId;
              * :amiss = {"field": {"type": "foo bar"}};
             public $yep1;
     ', (object) ['mapper' => $mapper]);
     $class = $deps->classes['TestCustomFieldTypeModel'];
     $r = new $class();
     $r->yep1 = 'foo';
     $r = $deps->manager->getById($class, 1);
     // this will have passed through the prepareValueForDb first, then
     // through the handleValueFromDb method
     $this->assertEquals('value-db-foo', $r->yep1);
예제 #2
    public function testInsertGeneratesGuid()
        $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
             * :amiss = {
             *     "on": {
             *         "beforeInsert": ["generateGuid"]
             *     },
             *     "primary": "id"
             * };
            class AutoGuid {
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"type": "autoinc"}}; */
                public $id;
                /** :amiss = {"field": true}; */
                public $guid;

                public function generateGuid() {
                    $this->guid = \\Amiss\\Functions::guid();
        $cls = "{$d->ns}\\AutoGuid";
        $o = new $cls();
        $o = $d->manager->get($cls);
예제 #3
    function setUp()
        $d = $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
            /** :amiss = true; */
            class TestParent {
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true}}; */ public $id;
                private $children = "nope";

                /** :amiss = {"has": {"type": "many", "of": "{{ns}}TestChild", "to": "parentId"}}; */
                public function getChildren()   { return $this->children; }
                public function setChildren($v) { $this->children = $v; }

            /** :amiss = true; */
            class TestChild {
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true}}; */ public $id;
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"index": true}};   */ public $parentId;

                private $parent = "nope";

                /** :amiss = {"has": {"type": "one", "of": "{{ns}}TestParent", "from": "parentId"}}; */
                public function getParent()   { return $this->parent; }
                public function setParent($v) { $this->parent = $v; }
        $this->deps->manager->insertTable($d->classes['TestParent'], ['id' => 1]);
        $this->deps->manager->insertTable($d->classes['TestChild'], ['id' => 1, 'parentId' => 1]);
        $this->deps->manager->insertTable($d->classes['TestChild'], ['id' => 2, 'parentId' => 1]);
예제 #4
 public function testDeleteEvents()
     $events = ['beforeDelete', 'afterDelete'];
     $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom($this->makeClass($events));
     $class = $deps->classes['Test'];
     $deps->connector->exec("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES(1);");
     $record = $class::getById(1);
     $this->assertEquals($events, $record->events);
예제 #5
 public function testObjectToPropertiesWithGetters()
     $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
         /** :amiss = true; */
         class Pants {
             /** :amiss = {"field": true}; */
             function getId() { return $this->id; }
             function setId($v) { $this->id = $v; }
     $c = $deps->ns . "\\Pants";
     $pants = new $c();
     $props = $deps->mapper->mapObjectToProperties($pants);
     $this->assertEquals(['id' => 1], $props);
예제 #6
     * @group acceptance
     * @group manager 
     * @group exists
    public function testExistsKeySingle()
        $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
            /** :amiss = true; */
            class Pants {
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"index": {"key": true}}}; */
                public $slug;

                /** :amiss = {"field": true}; */
                public $name;
        $class = $deps->classes['Pants'];
        $deps->manager->insertTable($class, ['slug' => 'yes', 'name' => 'Yep!']);
        $this->assertTrue($deps->manager->exists($class, 'yes', 'slug'));
        $this->assertFalse($deps->manager->exists($class, 'nup', 'slug'));
예제 #7
    function testSelectDateForcedTime()
        $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
            /** :amiss = true; */
            class Pants {
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc"}}; */
                public $id;

                /** :amiss = {"field": {"type": "date"}}; */
                public $date;
        $d->connector->exec("INSERT INTO pants(`date`) VALUES('2014-01-01');");
        $date = new \DateTime('2014-01-01T12:00:00Z');
        $result = $d->manager->getList($d->classes['Pants'], '{date}>=:date', ['date' => $date]);
        $this->assertCount(1, $result);
예제 #8
    function testDecimalToDb()
        $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
            /** :amiss = true; */
            class Pants {
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc"}}; */
                public $id;

                /** :amiss = {"field": {"type": "decimal"}}; */
                public $num;
        $c = $d->ns . '\\Pants';
        $obj = new $c();
        $obj->num = Decimal::fromString("1.23456");
        $out = $d->connector->query("SELECT num FROM pants")->fetchColumn(0);
        $this->assertEquals("1.23456", $out);
예제 #9
    function testMetaAfterDelete()
        $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
             * :amiss = {"on": {"afterDelete": ["a"]}};
            class Pants {
                /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc"}}; */
                public $id;

                function a() { $this->id = 99; }
        $cls = $d->classes['Pants'];
        $d->manager->insertTable($cls, ['id' => 94]);
        $d->manager->on['afterDelete'][] = function ($object) {
            $object->id -= 5;
        $o = new $cls();
        $o->id = 1;
        $d->manager->insert($o, $d->manager->getMeta($cls));
        // delete
        $o = $d->manager->getById($cls, 1);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $o->id);
        // It will change in the instance
        $this->assertEquals(94, $o->id);
        // It should not exist in the DB
        $o = $d->manager->getById($cls, 1);
        // but the other one should
        $this->assertTrue($d->manager->exists($cls, 94));
예제 #10
 protected static function managerNestedSetNote($classes)
     $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom($classes);
     $deps->nsManager = \Amiss\Ext\NestedSet\Manager::createWithDefaults($deps->manager);
     return $deps;
예제 #11
  * @group acceptance
  * @group manager 
  * @group getById
 public function testGetByIdArgs()
     $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom('
         /** :amiss = {}; */
         class Pants {
             /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true}}; */
             public $id;
             function __construct($a, $b) {
                 $this->a = $a;
                 $this->b = $b;
     $d->manager->insertTable($d->classes['Pants'], ['id' => 100]);
     $result = $d->manager->getById($d->classes['Pants'], 100, ['args' => ['ding', 'dong']]);
     $this->assertEquals(100, $result->id);
     $this->assertEquals("ding", $result->a);
     $this->assertEquals("dong", $result->b);