public function setUp() { $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteDefault(); if ($this->deps->connector->engine != 'sqlite') { return $this->markTestSkipped(); } }
function setUp() { $this->deps = $deps = Test\Factory::managerArraysModelCustom(['Pants' => ['table' => 'yep', 'class' => 'stdClass', 'fields' => ['foo' => true, 'bar' => true, 'baz' => true]]]); $deps->manager->insertTable('Pants', ['foo' => 'abc', 'bar' => '123', 'baz' => '!!!']); $deps->manager->insertTable('Pants', ['foo' => 'bcd', 'bar' => '234', 'baz' => '@@@']); $deps->manager->insertTable('Pants', ['foo' => 'cde', 'bar' => '345', 'baz' => '###']); }
public function testCustomType() { $mapper = \Amiss\Sql\Factory::createMapper(); $mapper->addTypeHandler(new TestCustomFieldTypeHandler(), 'foo'); $deps = \Amiss\Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** :amiss = true; */ class TestCustomFieldTypeModel { /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc" }}; */ public $testCustomFieldTypeRecordId; /** * :amiss = {"field": {"type": "foo bar"}}; */ public $yep1; } ', (object) ['mapper' => $mapper]); $class = $deps->classes['TestCustomFieldTypeModel']; $r = new $class(); $r->yep1 = 'foo'; $deps->manager->save($r); $r = $deps->manager->getById($class, 1); // this will have passed through the prepareValueForDb first, then // through the handleValueFromDb method $this->assertEquals('value-db-foo', $r->yep1); }
public function setUp() { $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerArraysModelCustom(['Test' => ['class' => 'stdClass', 'fields' => ['id' => ['primary' => true], 'linkedId' => ['index' => true]], 'relations' => ['link' => ['one', 'of' => 'Test', 'from' => 'linkedId', 'mode' => 'auto']]]]); $this->deps->manager->insertTable('Test', ['id' => 1, 'linkedId' => 2]); $this->deps->manager->insertTable('Test', ['id' => 2, 'linkedId' => 2]); $this->deps->manager->connector->queries = 0; }
public function setUp() { $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerModelDemo(); $this->manager = $this->deps->manager; $this->artist = $this->manager->get(Demo\Artist::class, 'artistId=?', array(1)); $this->assertEquals('Limozeen', $this->artist->name); }
/** * @covers Amiss\Sql\Manager::groupBy */ public function testGroupBy() { $deps = Test\Factory::managerModelDemo(); $indexed = $deps->manager->groupBy($this->objects, 'name'); $expected = ['a' => [$this->objects[0]], 'b' => [$this->objects[1], $this->objects[2]]]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $indexed); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteDefault(); $this->manager = $this->deps->manager; TableBuilder::create($this->deps->connector, $this->deps->mapper, [MappedFieldNameLeft::class, MappedFieldNameAssoc::class, MappedFieldNameRight::class]); }
function setUp() { $d = $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** :amiss = true; */ class TestParent { /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true}}; */ public $id; private $children = "nope"; /** :amiss = {"has": {"type": "many", "of": "{{ns}}TestChild", "to": "parentId"}}; */ public function getChildren() { return $this->children; } public function setChildren($v) { $this->children = $v; } } /** :amiss = true; */ class TestChild { /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true}}; */ public $id; /** :amiss = {"field": {"index": true}}; */ public $parentId; private $parent = "nope"; /** :amiss = {"has": {"type": "one", "of": "{{ns}}TestParent", "from": "parentId"}}; */ public function getParent() { return $this->parent; } public function setParent($v) { $this->parent = $v; } } '); $this->deps->manager->insertTable($d->classes['TestParent'], ['id' => 1]); $this->deps->manager->insertTable($d->classes['TestChild'], ['id' => 1, 'parentId' => 1]); $this->deps->manager->insertTable($d->classes['TestChild'], ['id' => 2, 'parentId' => 1]); }
public function testInsertGeneratesGuid() { $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** * :amiss = { * "on": { * "beforeInsert": ["generateGuid"] * }, * "primary": "id" * }; */ class AutoGuid { /** :amiss = {"field": {"type": "autoinc"}}; */ public $id; /** :amiss = {"field": true}; */ public $guid; public function generateGuid() { $this->guid = \\Amiss\\Functions::guid(); } } '); $cls = "{$d->ns}\\AutoGuid"; $o = new $cls(); $d->manager->insert($o); $this->assertNotEmpty($o->guid); $o = $d->manager->get($cls); $this->assertNotEmpty($o->guid); }
/** * Ensures the signature for table insertion works * Amiss\Sql\Manager->insert( string $table , array $values ) * * @group acceptance * @group manager */ public function testInsertTable() { $deps = Test\Factory::managerModelDemo(); $this->assertEquals(0, $deps->manager->count(Demo\Artist::class, 'slug="insert-table-test"')); $id = $deps->manager->insertTable(Demo\Artist::class, array('name' => 'Insert Table Test', 'slug' => 'insert-table-test', 'artistTypeId' => 1)); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $id); $this->assertEquals(1, $deps->manager->count(Demo\Artist::class, 'slug="insert-table-test"')); }
public function setUp() { $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerModelDemo(); $this->manager = $this->deps->manager; $this->artist = $this->deps->manager->get(Demo\Artist::class, 'artistId=?', array(1)); if (!$this->artist) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Unexpected test data"); } }
public function testDeleteEvents() { $events = ['beforeDelete', 'afterDelete']; $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom($this->makeClass($events)); $class = $deps->classes['Test']; $class::setManager($deps->manager); $deps->connector->exec("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES(1);"); $record = $class::getById(1); $record->delete(); $this->assertEquals($events, $record->events); }
/** * @covers Amiss\Sql\Manager::indexBy */ public function testIndexByAllowedNulls() { $deps = Test\Factory::managerModelDemo(); $obj1 = new \Amiss\Demo\Artist(); $obj1->name = null; $obj2 = new \Amiss\Demo\Artist(); $obj2->name = 'a'; $indexed = $deps->manager->indexBy([$obj1, $obj2], 'name', null, null, !'ignoreNulls'); $expected = ['' => $obj1, 'a' => $obj2]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $indexed); }
function setUp() { $map = ['Pants' => ['class' => 'stdClass', 'table' => 'pants', 'fields' => ['id' => ['primary' => true, 'type' => 'autoinc']], 'relations' => ['other' => ['one', 'of' => 'Other']]], 'Other' => ['class' => 'stdClass', 'table' => 'other', 'fields' => ['id' => ['primary' => true, 'type' => 'autoinc']]]]; $map['Trou'] = $map['Pants']; $map['Trou']['table'] = 'trou'; unset($map['Trou']['relations']); $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerArraysModelCustom($map); $manager = $this->deps->manager; $manager->insertTable('Other', ['id' => 1]); $manager->insertTable('Trou', ['id' => 1]); }
function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $mappings = ['foo' => ['table' => 'foo', 'class' => 'stdClass', 'fields' => ['fooId' => true, 'foo' => true]], 'bar' => ['table' => 'bar', 'class' => 'stdClass', 'fields' => ['barId' => true, 'fooId' => true, 'bar' => true]]]; $this->deps = Factory::managerArraysModelCustom($mappings); $this->deps->mapper->mappings['baz'] = ['table' => 'baz', 'class' => 'stdClass', 'fields' => ['fooId' => true, 'barId' => true, 'foo' => true, 'bar' => true]]; $this->deps->connector->query("\n CREATE VIEW baz AS\n SELECT bar.fooId, bar.barId,, FROM bar\n INNER JOIN foo ON foo.fooId = bar.fooId\n "); $this->deps->manager->insertTable('foo', ['fooId' => 1, 'foo' => 'a']); $this->deps->manager->insertTable('foo', ['fooId' => 2, 'foo' => 'b']); $this->deps->manager->insertTable('bar', ['fooId' => 1, 'barId' => 1, 'bar' => 'a']); $this->deps->manager->insertTable('bar', ['fooId' => 1, 'barId' => 2, 'bar' => 'b']); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerArraysModelCustom(['Parent' => ['class' => 'stdClass', 'table' => 't1', 'fields' => ['id' => ['primary' => true], 'orderedId' => ['index' => true]], 'relations' => ['ordered' => ['one', 'of' => 'Ordered', 'from' => 'orderedId']]], 'Ordered' => ['class' => 'stdClass', 'table' => 't2', 'primary' => 'id', 'fields' => ['id' => true, 'yep' => true, 'sort' => true], 'defaultOrder' => 'sort']]); $this->manager = $this->deps->manager; $this->manager->insertTable('Ordered', ['id' => 1, 'yep' => 2, 'sort' => 3]); $this->manager->insertTable('Ordered', ['id' => 2, 'yep' => 2, 'sort' => 2]); $this->manager->insertTable('Ordered', ['id' => 3, 'yep' => 2, 'sort' => 1]); $this->manager->insertTable('Parent', ['id' => 1, 'orderedId' => 2]); $this->manager->insertTable('Parent', ['id' => 2, 'orderedId' => 1]); $this->manager->insertTable('Parent', ['id' => 3, 'orderedId' => 3]); }
public function setUp() { $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteDefault(); if ($this->deps->connector->engine == 'sqlite') { $this->deps->connector->execAll(["CREATE TABLE test_embed_one_parent(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, child TEXT)", "CREATE TABLE test_embed_many_parent(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, children TEXT)"]); } elseif ($this->deps->connector->engine == 'mysql') { $this->deps->connector->execAll(["CREATE TABLE test_embed_one_parent(id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, child TEXT)", "CREATE TABLE test_embed_many_parent(id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, children TEXT)"]); } // To test against either mysql or sqlite, we need to encode as well. $embed = new Type\Embed($this->deps->mapper); $encoder = new Type\Encoder('serialize', 'unserialize', $embed); $this->deps->mapper->addTypeHandler($encoder, 'embed'); }
public function testObjectToPropertiesWithGetters() { $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** :amiss = true; */ class Pants { /** :amiss = {"field": true}; */ function getId() { return $this->id; } function setId($v) { $this->id = $v; } } '); $c = $deps->ns . "\\Pants"; $pants = new $c(); $pants->setId(1); $props = $deps->mapper->mapObjectToProperties($pants); $this->assertEquals(['id' => 1], $props); }
function testSelectDateForcedTime() { $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** :amiss = true; */ class Pants { /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc"}}; */ public $id; /** :amiss = {"field": {"type": "date"}}; */ public $date; } '); $d->connector->exec("INSERT INTO pants(`date`) VALUES('2014-01-01');"); $date = new \DateTime('2014-01-01T12:00:00Z'); $result = $d->manager->getList($d->classes['Pants'], '{date}>=:date', ['date' => $date]); $this->assertCount(1, $result); }
/** * @group acceptance * @group manager * @group exists */ public function testExistsKeySingle() { $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** :amiss = true; */ class Pants { /** :amiss = {"field": {"index": {"key": true}}}; */ public $slug; /** :amiss = {"field": true}; */ public $name; } '); $class = $deps->classes['Pants']; $deps->manager->insertTable($class, ['slug' => 'yes', 'name' => 'Yep!']); $this->assertTrue($deps->manager->exists($class, 'yes', 'slug')); $this->assertFalse($deps->manager->exists($class, 'nup', 'slug')); }
public function setUp() { $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteDefault(); $this->manager = $this->deps->manager; $this->ns = 'Amiss\\Demo\\AssocDifferentFieldColumn'; $tb = TableBuilder::create($this->manager->connector, $this->manager->mapper, [$this->ns . '\\Event', $this->ns . '\\Artist', $this->ns . '\\EventArtist']); $manager = $this->manager; $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\Event', ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'event1']); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\Event', ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'event2']); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\Event', ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'event3']); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\Artist', ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'artist1']); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\Artist', ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'artist2']); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\Artist', ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'artist3']); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\EventArtist', ['eventId' => 1, 'artistId' => 1]); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\EventArtist', ['eventId' => 1, 'artistId' => 2]); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\EventArtist', ['eventId' => 2, 'artistId' => 2]); $manager->insertTable($this->ns . '\\EventArtist', ['eventId' => 2, 'artistId' => 3]); }
function testDecimalToDb() { $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** :amiss = true; */ class Pants { /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc"}}; */ public $id; /** :amiss = {"field": {"type": "decimal"}}; */ public $num; } '); $c = $d->ns . '\\Pants'; $obj = new $c(); $obj->num = Decimal::fromString("1.23456"); $d->manager->insert($obj); $out = $d->connector->query("SELECT num FROM pants")->fetchColumn(0); $this->assertEquals("1.23456", $out); }
public function testCreateTable() { $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteDefault(); $deps->mapper->addTypeHandler(new \Amiss\Sql\Type\Autoinc(), 'autoinc'); $deps->mapper->defaultTableNameTranslator = function ($name) { return 'test_' . $name; }; try { \Amiss\Demo\Active\DemoRecord::_reset(); \Amiss\Demo\Active\DemoRecord::setManager($deps->manager); TableBuilder::create($deps->connector, $deps->mapper, Demo\Active\EventRecord::class); $er = new Demo\Active\EventRecord(); $er->name = 'foo bar'; $er->slug = 'foobar'; $er->save(); $this->assertTrue(true); } finally { \Amiss\Demo\Active\DemoRecord::_reset(); } }
function testMetaAfterDelete() { $d = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom(' /** * :amiss = {"on": {"afterDelete": ["a"]}}; */ class Pants { /** :amiss = {"field": {"primary": true, "type": "autoinc"}}; */ public $id; function a() { $this->id = 99; } } '); $cls = $d->classes['Pants']; $d->manager->insertTable($cls, ['id' => 94]); $d->manager->on['afterDelete'][] = function ($object) { $object->id -= 5; }; $o = new $cls(); $o->id = 1; $d->manager->insert($o, $d->manager->getMeta($cls)); // delete $o = $d->manager->getById($cls, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $o->id); $d->manager->delete($o); // It will change in the instance $this->assertEquals(94, $o->id); // It should not exist in the DB $o = $d->manager->getById($cls, 1); $this->assertNull($o); // but the other one should $this->assertTrue($d->manager->exists($cls, 94)); }
/** * @group acceptance * @group manager * @group getById */ public function testGetByIdMultiNamed() { $d = Test\Factory::managerArraysModelCustom(['Pants' => ['class' => 'stdClass', 'primary' => ['foo', 'bar'], 'fields' => ['foo' => true, 'bar' => true]]]); $d->manager->insertTable('Pants', ['foo' => 2, 'bar' => 1]); $result = $d->manager->getById('Pants', ['bar' => 1, 'foo' => 2]); $this->assertEquals(2, $result->foo); $this->assertEquals(1, $result->bar); }
protected static function managerNestedSetNote($classes) { $deps = Test\Factory::managerNoteModelCustom($classes); $deps->nsManager = \Amiss\Ext\NestedSet\Manager::createWithDefaults($deps->manager); return $deps; }
public function setUp() { $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerModelDemo(); $this->manager = $this->deps->manager; }
public function setUp() { $this->deps = \Amiss\Test\Factory::managerActiveDemo(); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->deps = Test\Factory::managerActiveDemo(); $this->manager = $this->deps->manager; }
function testCreate() { $d = Test\Factory::managerArraysModelCustom(['Pants' => ['table' => 'ORDER BY', 'class' => 'stdClass', 'fields' => ['foo' => true]]]); return $d; }