예제 #1
파일: rest.php 프로젝트: HarriLu/gallery3
 public function __call($function, $args)
     try {
         $input = Input::instance();
         $request = new stdClass();
         switch ($method = strtolower($input->server("REQUEST_METHOD"))) {
             case "get":
                 $request->params = (object) $input->get();
                 $request->params = (object) $input->post();
                 if (isset($_FILES["file"])) {
                     $request->file = upload::save("file");
         if (isset($request->params->entity)) {
             $request->params->entity = json_decode($request->params->entity);
         if (isset($request->params->members)) {
             $request->params->members = json_decode($request->params->members);
         $request->method = strtolower($input->server("HTTP_X_GALLERY_REQUEST_METHOD", $method));
         $request->access_key = $input->server("HTTP_X_GALLERY_REQUEST_KEY");
         if (empty($request->access_key) && !empty($request->params->access_key)) {
             $request->access_key = $request->params->access_key;
         $request->url = url::abs_current(true);
         if ($suffix = Kohana::config('core.url_suffix')) {
             $request->url = substr($request->url, 0, strlen($request->url) - strlen($suffix));
         $handler_class = "{$function}_rest";
         $handler_method = $request->method;
         if (!class_exists($handler_class) || !method_exists($handler_class, $handler_method)) {
             throw new Rest_Exception("Bad Request", 400);
         $response = call_user_func(array($handler_class, $handler_method), $request);
         if ($handler_method == "post") {
             // post methods must return a response containing a URI.
             header("HTTP/1.1 201 Created");
             header("Location: {$response['url']}");
     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
         // Note: this is totally insufficient because it doesn't take into account localization.  We
         // either need to map the result values to localized strings in the application code, or every
         // client needs its own l10n string set.
         throw new Rest_Exception("Bad Request", 400, $e->validation->errors());
     } catch (Kohana_404_Exception $e) {
         throw new Rest_Exception("Not Found", 404);
예제 #2
 public function add_photo($id)
     $album = ORM::factory("item", $id);
     access::required("view", $album);
     access::required("add", $album);
     // The Flash uploader not call /start directly, so simulate it here for now.
     if (!batch::in_progress()) {
     $form = $this->_get_add_form($album);
     // Uploadify adds its own field to the form, so validate that separately.
     $file_validation = new Validation($_FILES);
     $file_validation->add_rules("Filedata", "upload::valid", "upload::required", "upload::type[" . implode(",", legal_file::get_extensions()) . "]");
     if ($form->validate() && $file_validation->validate()) {
         $temp_filename = upload::save("Filedata");
         try {
             $item = ORM::factory("item");
             $item->name = substr(basename($temp_filename), 10);
             // Skip unique identifier Kohana adds
             $item->title = item::convert_filename_to_title($item->name);
             $item->parent_id = $album->id;
             $path_info = @pathinfo($temp_filename);
             if (array_key_exists("extension", $path_info) && legal_file::get_movie_extensions($path_info["extension"])) {
                 $item->type = "movie";
                 log::success("content", t("Added a movie"), html::anchor("movies/{$item->id}", t("view movie")));
             } else {
                 $item->type = "photo";
                 log::success("content", t("Added a photo"), html::anchor("photos/{$item->id}", t("view photo")));
             module::event("add_photos_form_completed", $item, $form);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // The Flash uploader has no good way of reporting complex errors, so just keep it simple.
             Kohana_Log::add("error", $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
             // Ugh.  I hate to use instanceof, But this beats catching the exception separately since
             // we mostly want to treat it the same way as all other exceptions
             if ($e instanceof ORM_Validation_Exception) {
                 Kohana_Log::add("error", "Validation errors: " . print_r($e->validation->errors(), 1));
             header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
             print "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage();
         print "FILEID: {$item->id}";
     } else {
         header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
         print "ERROR: " . t("Invalid upload");
예제 #3
파일: system.php 프로젝트: HarriLu/gallery3
  * Create a file with a unique file name.
  * This helper is similar to the built-in tempnam.
  * It allows the caller to specify a prefix and an extension.
  * It always places the file in TMPPATH.
  * Unless specified with the $delete_later argument, it will be marked
  * for deletion at shutdown using system::delete_later.
 static function temp_filename($prefix = "", $extension = "", $delete_later = true)
     do {
         $basename = tempnam(TMPPATH, $prefix);
         if (!$basename) {
             return false;
         $filename = "{$basename}.{$extension}";
         $success = !file_exists($filename) && @rename($basename, $filename);
         if (!$success) {
     } while (!$success);
     if ($delete_later) {
     return $filename;
예제 #4
 public function add()
     $form = watermark::get_add_form();
     // For TEST_MODE, we want to simulate a file upload.  Because this is not a true upload, Forge's
     // validation logic will correctly reject it.  So, we skip validation when we're running tests.
     if (TEST_MODE || $form->validate()) {
         $file = $_POST["file"];
         // Forge prefixes files with "uploadfile-xxxxxxx" for uniqueness
         $name = preg_replace("/uploadfile-[^-]+-(.*)/", '$1', basename($file));
         try {
             list($width, $height, $mime_type, $extension) = photo::get_file_metadata($file);
             // Sanitize filename, which ensures a valid extension.  This renaming prevents the issues
             // addressed in ticket #1855, where an image that looked valid (header said jpg) with a
             // php extension was previously accepted without changing its extension.
             $name = legal_file::sanitize_filename($name, $extension, "photo");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             message::error(t("Invalid or unidentifiable image file"));
         rename($file, VARPATH . "modules/watermark/{$name}");
         module::set_var("watermark", "name", $name);
         module::set_var("watermark", "width", $width);
         module::set_var("watermark", "height", $height);
         module::set_var("watermark", "mime_type", $mime_type);
         module::set_var("watermark", "position", $form->add_watermark->position->value);
         module::set_var("watermark", "transparency", $form->add_watermark->transparency->value);
         message::success(t("Watermark saved"));
         log::success("watermark", t("Watermark saved"));
         json::reply(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("admin/watermarks")));
     } else {
         // rawurlencode the results because the JS code that uploads the file buffers it in an
         // iframe which entitizes the HTML and makes it difficult for the JS to process.  If we url
         // encode it now, it passes through cleanly.  See ticket #797.
         json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => rawurlencode((string) $form)));
     // Override the application/json mime type.  The dialog based HTML uploader uses an iframe to
     // buffer the reply, and on some browsers (Firefox 3.6) it does not know what to do with the
     // JSON that it gets back so it puts up a dialog asking the user what to do with it.  So force
     // the encoding type back to HTML for the iframe.
     // See: http://jquery.malsup.com/form/#file-upload
     header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . Kohana::CHARSET);
예제 #5
 public function add()
     $form = watermark::get_add_form();
     // For TEST_MODE, we want to simulate a file upload.  Because this is not a true upload, Forge's
     // validation logic will correctly reject it.  So, we skip validation when we're running tests.
     if (TEST_MODE || $form->validate()) {
         $file = $_POST["file"];
         // Forge prefixes files with "uploadfile-xxxxxxx" for uniqueness
         $name = preg_replace("/uploadfile-[^-]+-(.*)/", '$1', basename($file));
         try {
             list($width, $height, $mime_type, $extension) = photo::get_file_metadata($file);
             // Sanitize filename, which ensures a valid extension.  This renaming prevents the issues
             // addressed in ticket #1855, where an image that looked valid (header said jpg) with a
             // php extension was previously accepted without changing its extension.
             $name = legal_file::sanitize_filename($name, $extension, "photo");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             message::error(t("Invalid or unidentifiable image file"));
         rename($file, VARPATH . "modules/watermark/{$name}");
         module::set_var("watermark", "name", $name);
         module::set_var("watermark", "width", $width);
         module::set_var("watermark", "height", $height);
         module::set_var("watermark", "mime_type", $mime_type);
         module::set_var("watermark", "position", $form->add_watermark->position->value);
         module::set_var("watermark", "transparency", $form->add_watermark->transparency->value);
         message::success(t("Watermark saved"));
         log::success("watermark", t("Watermark saved"));
         json::reply(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("admin/watermarks")));
     } else {
         json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string) $form));
     // Override the application/json mime type for iframe compatibility.  See ticket #2022.
     header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" . Kohana::CHARSET);
예제 #6
  * Process the uploaded file.  This handles the interface with Kohana's upload and validation
  * code, and marks the new temp file for deletion on shutdown.  It returns the temp file path
  * (tmp_name) and filename (name), analogous to their respective $_FILES elements.
  * If the upload is invalid, it will throw an exception.  Note that no type-checking (e.g. jpg,
  * mp4,...) is performed here.
  * @TODO: consider moving this to a common controller which is extended by various uploaders.
  * @param  string name of $_FILES input
  * @return array  array($tmp_name, $name)
 private function _process_upload($file)
     // Validate file data.  At this point, any file extension is still valid.
     $file_validation = new Validation($_FILES);
     $file_validation->add_rules($file, "upload::valid", "upload::required");
     if (!$file_validation->validate()) {
         throw new Exception(t("Invalid upload"));
     // Save temp file and mark for deletion when done.
     $tmp_name = upload::save($file);
     // Get uploaded filename.  This is different than tmp_name since it hasn't been uniquified.
     $name = $_FILES[$file]["name"];
     return array($tmp_name, $name);