public function header() { $base = system::OLIV_PROTOCOL() . system::OLIV_HOST() . system::OLIV_BASE(); $o = "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>"; // set page to utf-8 $o .= "<base href='{$base}'>"; // link base referenz $o .= "<title>" . status::oliv_page() . "</title>"; // page title in browser $o .= "<link href='" . OLIVImage::_(system::OLIV_ICON()) . "' type='image/x-icon' rel='shortcut icon'>"; // icon in browser return $o; }
public static function makeUrl($lang, $url) { $valArray = array(); if ($url) { $routeArray = array(system::OLIV_PROTOCOL() . system::OLIV_HOST() . system::OLIV_BASE() . system::OLIV_SCRIPT_NAME()); if ($lang) { array_push($routeArray, $lang); } else { $lang = status::lang(); } // use friendly name for url $path = OLIVRoute::makePath($url); // tranlsate and combine path foreach ($path as $entry) { array_push($valArray, OLIVRoute::translateFriendlyName($lang, $entry)); } $val = implode("/", $valArray); if ($val) { array_push($routeArray, $val); } return implode("/", $routeArray); } }