예제 #1
 private static function outputSlideshow()
     $stdout = "";
     // -------------------
     // -- Construct configuration parameters
     // -------------------
     if (preg_match("~.*/" . PHOTO_URI . "/(.*)/index.php\$~U", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], $tmp)) {
         self::$subdir = PHOTO_URI . "/" . $tmp[1];
     } else {
         self::$subdir = PHOTO_URI . "/nordita";
     self::$imgpath = PATH_PHOTOS . "/" . $GLOBALS["documentClass"]->getPageCrumb();
     if (!file_exists(INCLEVEL . self::$imgpath)) {
         return "<p style='color:#f2bcbc'><strong>&#187;</strong> <em>No images were found!</em></p>\r\n";
     self::$filenames = self::collectFilenames();
     self::$numberOfImages = count(self::$filenames);
     if (self::$numberOfImages == 0) {
         return "<p style='color:#f2bcbc'><strong>&#187;</strong> <em>No images were found!</em></p>\r\n";
     if (isset(self::$thumbWidth)) {
         self::$thumbsHorizontally = min(self::$thumbsHorizontally, floor(self::$thumbs_table_width / self::$thumbWidth));
     } else {
         self::$thumbHeight = 64;
         self::$thumbWidth = 64;
     self::$thumbsMaxDisplayed = self::$thumbsVertically * self::$thumbsHorizontally;
     self::$copyright = "(c)" . " " . (!empty(self::$copyright) ? self::$copyright : "2001-" . date("Y")) . " " . (!empty(self::$photographer) ? self::$photographer : "Nordita") . "";
     functions::gpc_declare_input("tum", "false", true);
     self::$showThumbnails = $GLOBALS["tum"];
     functions::gpc_declare_input("nr", 1);
     self::$nr = $GLOBALS["nr"] < 0 || $GLOBALS["nr"] > self::$numberOfImages ? 1 : $GLOBALS["nr"];
     // -------------------
     // -- Output slideshow
     // -------------------
     $stdout .= "<div id='slideshow'>\r\n\r\n";
     if (self::$enableVerboseDisplay) {
         if (self::$showThumbnails && !empty(self::$eventDate)) {
             $stdout .= "<h3>" . self::$eventDate . "</h3>\r\n\r\n";
         if (self::$showThumbnails && !empty(self::$introText)) {
             $stdout .= "<p><strong>" . self::$introText . "</strong></p>\r\n";
         if (self::$showThumbnails && !empty(self::$photographer)) {
             $stdout .= "<p><i>Photos</i>: " . self::$copyright . ".</p>\r\n";
     if (self::$showThumbnails) {
         $stdout .= self::outputThumbnails();
     } else {
         $stdout .= self::outputOneImage();
     $stdout .= "</div> <!-- end slideshow -->\r\n\r\n";
     return $stdout;
예제 #2
파일: slideshow.php 프로젝트: rb26/zenphoto
    static function getShow($heading, $speedctl, $albumobj, $imageobj, $width, $height, $crop, $shuffle, $linkslides, $controls, $returnpath, $imagenumber)
        global $_zp_gallery, $_zp_gallery_page;
        setOption('slideshow_' . $_zp_gallery->getCurrentTheme() . '_' . stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page), 1);
        if (!$albumobj->isMyItem(LIST_RIGHTS) && !checkAlbumPassword($albumobj)) {
            return '<div class="errorbox" id="message"><h2>' . gettext('This album is password protected!') . '</h2></div>';
        $slideshow = '';
        $numberofimages = $albumobj->getNumImages();
        // setting the image size
        if ($width) {
            $wrapperwidth = $width;
        } else {
            $width = $wrapperwidth = getOption("slideshow_width");
        if ($height) {
            $wrapperheight = $height;
        } else {
            $height = $wrapperheight = getOption("slideshow_height");
        if ($numberofimages == 0) {
            return '<div class="errorbox" id="message"><h2>' . gettext('No images for the slideshow!') . '</h2></div>';
        $option = getOption("slideshow_mode");
        // jQuery Cycle slideshow config
        // get slideshow data
        $showdesc = getOption("slideshow_showdesc");
        // slideshow display section
        $validtypes = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'mov', '3gp');
        $slideshow .= '
				<script type="text/javascript">
				// <!-- <![CDATA[
				$(function() {
				var ThisGallery = "' . html_encode($albumobj->getTitle()) . '";
				var ImageList = new Array();
				var TitleList = new Array();
				var DescList = new Array();
				var ImageNameList = new Array();
				var DynTime=(' . (int) getOption("slideshow_timeout") . ');
        $images = $albumobj->getImages(0);
        if ($shuffle) {
        for ($imgnr = 0, $cntr = 0, $idx = $imagenumber; $imgnr < $numberofimages; $imgnr++, $idx++) {
            if (is_array($images[$idx])) {
                $filename = $images[$idx]['filename'];
                $album = newAlbum($images[$idx]['folder']);
                $image = newImage($album, $filename);
            } else {
                $filename = $images[$idx];
                $image = newImage($albumobj, $filename);
            $ext = slideshow::is_valid($filename, $validtypes);
            if ($ext) {
                if ($crop) {
                    $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $width, $height, $width, $height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                } else {
                    $maxwidth = $width;
                    $maxheight = $height;
                    getMaxSpaceContainer($maxwidth, $maxheight, $image);
                    $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $maxwidth, $maxheight, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                $slideshow .= 'ImageList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . $img . '";' . "\n";
                $slideshow .= 'TitleList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . js_encode($image->getTitle()) . '";' . "\n";
                if ($showdesc) {
                    $desc = $image->getDesc();
                    $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                    $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                    $slideshow .= 'DescList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . js_encode($desc) . '";' . "\n";
                } else {
                    $slideshow .= 'DescList[' . $cntr . '] = "";' . "\n";
                if ($idx == $numberofimages - 1) {
                    $idx = -1;
                $slideshow .= 'ImageNameList[' . $cntr . '] = "' . urlencode($filename) . '";' . "\n";
        $slideshow .= "\n";
        $numberofimages = $cntr;
        $slideshow .= '
				var countOffset = ' . $imagenumber . ';
				var totalSlideCount = ' . $numberofimages . ';
				var currentslide = 2;
				function onBefore(curr, next, opts) {
				if (opts.timeout != DynTime) {
				opts.timeout = DynTime;
		if (!opts.addSlide)
		var currentImageNum = currentslide;
		if (currentImageNum == totalSlideCount) {
		opts.addSlide = null;
		var relativeSlot = (currentslide + countOffset) % totalSlideCount;
		if (relativeSlot == 0) {relativeSlot = totalSlideCount;}
		var htmlblock = "<span class=\\"slideimage\\"><h4><strong>" + ThisGallery + ":</strong> ";
		htmlblock += TitleList[currentImageNum]  + " (" + relativeSlot + "/" + totalSlideCount + ")</h4>";
        if ($linkslides) {
            if (MOD_REWRITE) {
                $slideshow .= 'htmlblock += "<a href=\\"' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '/"+ImageNameList[currentImageNum]+"' . getOption('mod_rewrite_image_suffix') . '\\">";';
            } else {
                $slideshow .= 'htmlblock += "<a href=\\"index.php?album=' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '&image="+ImageNameList[currentImageNum]+"\\">";';
        $slideshow .= ' htmlblock += "<img src=\\"" + ImageList[currentImageNum] + "\\"/>";';
        if ($linkslides) {
            $slideshow .= ' htmlblock += "</a>";';
        $slideshow .= 'htmlblock += "<p class=\\"imgdesc\\">" + DescList[currentImageNum] + "</p></span>";';
        $slideshow .= 'opts.addSlide(htmlblock);';
        $slideshow .= '}';
        $slideshow .= '
				function onAfter(curr, next, opts){
        if (!$albumobj->isMyItem(LIST_RIGHTS)) {
            $slideshow .= '
					//Only register at hit count the first time the image is viewed.
					if ($(next).attr("viewed") != 1) {
					$.get("' . FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/slideshow/slideshow-counter.php?album=' . pathurlencode($albumobj->name) . '&img="+ImageNameList[opts.currSlide]);
					$(next).attr("viewed", 1 );
        $slideshow .= '}';
        $slideshow .= '
				fx:     "' . getOption("slideshow_effect") . '",
				speed:   "' . getOption("slideshow_speed") . '",
				timeout: DynTime,
				next:   "#next",
				prev:   "#prev",
				cleartype: 1,
				before: onBefore,
				after: onAfter

		$("#speed").change(function () {
		DynTime = this.value;
		return false;

		$("#pause").click(function() { $("#slides").cycle("pause"); return false; });
		$("#play").click(function() { $("#slides").cycle("resume"); return false; });

		});	// Documentready()
		// ]]> -->
		<div id="slideshow" style="height:' . ($wrapperheight + 40) . 'px; width:' . $wrapperwidth . 'px;">
        // 7/21/08dp
        if ($speedctl) {
            $slideshow .= '<div id="speedcontrol">';
            // just to keep it away from controls for sake of this demo
            $minto = getOption("slideshow_speed");
            while ($minto % 500 != 0) {
                $minto += 100;
                if ($minto > 10000) {
                // emergency bailout!
            $dflttimeout = (int) getOption("slideshow_timeout");
            /* don't let min timeout = speed */
            $thistimeout = $minto == getOption("slideshow_speed") ? $minto + 250 : $minto;
            $slideshow .= 'Select Speed: <select id="speed" name="speed">';
            while ($thistimeout <= 60000) {
                // "around" 1 minute :)
                $slideshow .= "<option value={$thistimeout} " . ($thistimeout == $dflttimeout ? " selected='selected'>" : ">") . round($thistimeout / 1000, 1) . " sec</option>";
                /* put back timeout to even increments of .5 */
                if ($thistimeout % 500 != 0) {
                    $thistimeout -= 250;
                $thistimeout += $thistimeout < 1000 ? 500 : ($thistimeout < 10000 ? 1000 : 5000);
            $slideshow .= '</select> </div>';
        if ($controls) {
            $slideshow .= '
					<div id="controls">
					<a href="#" id="prev" title="' . gettext("Previous") . '"></a>
					<a href="' . html_encode($returnpath) . '" id="stop" title="' . gettext("Stop and return to album or image page") . '"></a>
					<a href="#" id="pause" title="' . gettext("Pause (to stop the slideshow without returning)") . '"></a>
					<a href="#" id="play" title="' . gettext("Play") . '"></a>
					<a href="#" id="next" title="' . gettext("Next") . '"></a>
        $slideshow .= '
				<div id="slides" class="pics">
        if ($cntr > 1) {
            $cntr = 1;
        for ($imgnr = 0, $idx = $imagenumber; $imgnr <= $cntr; $idx++) {
            if ($idx >= $numberofimages) {
                $idx = 0;
            if (is_array($images[$idx])) {
                $folder = $images[$idx]['folder'];
                $dalbum = newAlbum($folder);
                $filename = $images[$idx]['filename'];
                $image = newImage($dalbum, $filename);
                $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . ALBUM_FOLDER_EMPTY . $folder . "/" . $filename;
            } else {
                $folder = $albumobj->name;
                $filename = $images[$idx];
                //$filename = $animage;
                $image = newImage($albumobj, $filename);
                $imagepath = FULLWEBPATH . ALBUM_FOLDER_EMPTY . $folder . "/" . $filename;
            $ext = slideshow::is_valid($filename, $validtypes);
            if ($ext) {
                $slideshow .= '<span class="slideimage"><h4><strong>' . $albumobj->getTitle() . gettext(":") . '</strong> ' . $image->getTitle() . ' (' . ($idx + 1) . '/' . $numberofimages . ')</h4>';
                if ($ext == "3gp") {
                    $slideshow .= '</a>
							<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="352" height="304" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
							<param name="src" value="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '"/>
							<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
							<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" />
							<param name="controller" value="true" />
							<embed src="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '" width="352" height="304" autoplay="false" controller"true" type="video/quicktime"
							pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" cache="true"></embed>
                } elseif ($ext == "mov") {
                    $slideshow .= '</a>
							<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="640" height="496" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
							<param name="src" value="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '"/>
							<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
							<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" />
							<param name="controller" value="true" />
							<embed src="' . pathurlencode(internalToFilesystem($imagepath)) . '" width="640" height="496" autoplay="false" controller"true" type="video/quicktime"
							pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" cache="true"></embed>
                } else {
                    if ($linkslides) {
                        $slideshow .= '<a href="' . html_encode($image->getLink()) . '">';
                    if ($crop) {
                        $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $width, $height, $width, $height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                    } else {
                        $maxwidth = $width;
                        $maxheight = $height;
                        getMaxSpaceContainer($maxwidth, $maxheight, $image);
                        $img = $image->getCustomImage(NULL, $maxwidth, $maxheight, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                    $slideshow .= '<img src="' . html_encode(pathurlencode($img)) . '" alt="" />';
                    if ($linkslides) {
                        $slideshow .= '</a>';
                if ($showdesc) {
                    $desc = $image->getDesc();
                    $desc = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $desc);
                    $desc = str_replace("\r", '<br />', $desc);
                    $slideshow .= '<p class="imgdesc">' . $desc . '</p>';
                $slideshow .= '</span>';
        $slideshow .= '
        return $slideshow;
예제 #3
	PHP image slideshow - auto version - PHP5
// set the absolute path to the directory containing the images
define('IMGDIR', 'C:\\wamp\\www\\upload\\wallpaper\\Dormitory\\');
// same but for www
define('WEBIMGDIR', 'http://localhost/upload/wallpaper/Dormitory/');
// set session name for slideshow "cookie"
define('SS_SESSNAME', 'slideshow_sess');
// global error variable
$err = '';
// start img session
// init slideshow class
$ss = new slideshow($err);
if (($err = $ss->init()) != '') {
    header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
    echo $err;
// get image files from directory
// set variables, done.
list($curr, $caption, $first, $prev, $next, $last) = $ss->run();
	slideshow class, can be used stand-alone
class slideshow
    private $files_arr = NULL;