/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function cleanup() { $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array('title' => $this->nodeTitle1), TRUE); node_delete_multiple(array_keys($nodes)); $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array('title' => $this->nodeTitle2), TRUE); node_delete_multiple(array_keys($nodes)); }
/** * Verify that date fields are imported correctly. When no timezone is * explicitly provided with the source data, we want the displayed time on the * Drupal site to match that in the source data. To validate that, we make * sure we have set a consistent timezone at the PHP and Drupal levels, and * that the format used on the page is not locale-dependent (no day or month * names). Then, we can just look for the desired date/time strings in the * node page. */ function testDateImport() { date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); variable_set('date_default_timezone', 'America/Los_Angeles'); variable_set('date_format_medium', 'Y-m-d H:i'); $migration = Migration::getInstance('DateExample'); $result = $migration->processImport(); $this->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Variety term import returned RESULT_COMPLETED')); $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array('type' => 'date_migrate_example'), TRUE); $this->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 2, t('Two sample nodes created')); $node = reset($rawnodes); $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $node->nid); $this->assertText('2011-05-12 19:43', t('Simple date field found')); $this->assertText('2011-06-13 18:32 to 2011-07-23 10:32', t('Date range field found')); $this->assertText('2011-07-22 12:13', t('Datestamp field found')); $this->assertText('2011-08-01 00:00 to 2011-09-01 00:00', t('Datestamp range field found')); $this->assertText('2011-11-18 15:00', t('Datetime field with +9 timezone found')); $this->assertText('2011-10-30 14:43 to 2011-12-31 17:59', t('Datetime range field with -5 timezone found')); $this->assertText('2011-11-25 09:01', t('First date repeat instance found')); $this->assertText('2011-12-09 09:01', t('Second date repeat instance found')); $this->assertNoText('2011-12-23 09:01', t('Skipped date repeat instance not found')); $this->assertText('2012-05-11 09:01', t('Last date repeat instance found')); $node = next($rawnodes); $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $node->nid); $this->assertText('2012-06-21 15:32', t('First date value found')); $this->assertText('2012-12-02 11:08', t('Second date value found')); $this->assertText('2004-02-03 01:15', t('Start for first date range found')); $this->assertText('2005-03-04 22:11', t('End for first date range found')); $this->assertText('2014-09-01 17:21', t('Start for second date range found')); $this->assertText('2015-12-23 00:01', t('End for first second range found')); }
/** * Creates four nodes and ensures that they are loaded correctly. */ function testNodeMultipleLoad() { $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1)); $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1)); $node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article', 'promote' => 0)); $node4 = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'page', 'promote' => 0)); // Confirm that promoted nodes appear in the default node listing. $this->drupalGet('node'); $this->assertText($node1->label(), 'Node title appears on the default listing.'); $this->assertText($node2->label(), 'Node title appears on the default listing.'); $this->assertNoText($node3->label(), 'Node title does not appear in the default listing.'); $this->assertNoText($node4->label(), 'Node title does not appear in the default listing.'); // Load nodes with only a condition. Nodes 3 and 4 will be loaded. $nodes = entity_load_multiple_by_properties('node', array('promote' => 0)); $this->assertEqual($node3->label(), $nodes[$node3->id()]->label(), 'Node was loaded.'); $this->assertEqual($node4->label(), $nodes[$node4->id()]->label(), 'Node was loaded.'); $count = count($nodes); $this->assertTrue($count == 2, format_string('@count nodes loaded.', array('@count' => $count))); // Load nodes by nid. Nodes 1, 2 and 4 will be loaded. $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(1, 2, 4)); $count = count($nodes); $this->assertTrue(count($nodes) == 3, format_string('@count nodes loaded', array('@count' => $count))); $this->assertTrue(isset($nodes[$node1->id()]), 'Node is correctly keyed in the array'); $this->assertTrue(isset($nodes[$node2->id()]), 'Node is correctly keyed in the array'); $this->assertTrue(isset($nodes[$node4->id()]), 'Node is correctly keyed in the array'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $this->assertTrue(is_object($node), 'Node is an object'); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function build() { $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('status', 1)->condition('type', 'team_member')->sort('field_order', 'ASC'); $nids = $query->execute(); $nodes = node_load_multiple($nids); //$nodes = entity_load_multiple('node', $nids); $ind = 1; $output = '<div class="tabbable tabs-left tabcordion"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs">'; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $class = $ind == 1 ? 'active' : ''; $output .= '<li class="' . $class . '"><a data-target="#team_member_tab' . $ind . '" data-toggle="tab">' . $node->title->value . '<span>' . $node->get('field_designation')->value . '</span></a></li>'; $ind++; } $ind = 1; $output .= '</ul> <div class="tab-content">'; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $class = $ind == 1 ? 'active' : ''; if (is_object($node->field_image->entity)) { $path = $node->field_image->entity->getFileUri(); $url = ImageStyle::load('person_picture')->buildUrl($path); $tab_content_html = '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-3"><img src="' . $url . '" alt=""></div><div class="col-md-9">' . $node->get('body')->value . '</div> </div>'; } else { $tab_content_html = '<div>' . $node->get('body')->value . '</div>'; } $output .= '<div class="tab-pane ' . $class . '" id="team_member_tab' . $ind . '"> ' . $tab_content_html . ' </div>'; $ind++; } $output .= '</div> </div>'; return array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $output, '#attached' => array('library' => array('barney_river_utilities/tabcordion', 'barney_river_utilities/tabcordion_hook'))); }
function getRelatedPosts($ntype, $nid) { $nids = db_query("SELECT n.nid, title FROM {node} n WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = :type AND n.nid <> :nid ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,2", array(':type' => $ntype, ':nid' => $nid))->fetchCol(); $nodes = node_load_multiple($nids); $return_string = ''; if (!empty($nodes)) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { $field_image = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_image_blog'); $return_string .= '<li class="item content-in col-md-6"><div class="widget-post-wrap">'; $return_string .= '<div class="thumb"><a href="' . url("node/" . $node->nid) . '">'; $return_string .= '<img src="' . file_create_url($node->field_image['und'][0]['uri']) . '" alt="' . $node->title . '">'; $return_string .= '</a></div>'; $return_string .= '<div class="article-content-wrap">'; $return_string .= '<h4 class="title"><a href="' . url("node/" . $node->nid) . '">'; $return_string .= $node->title . '</a></h4>'; $return_string .= '<div class="excerpt">' . substr($node->body['und'][0]['value'], 0, 100) . '...' . '</div>'; $return_string .= '<div class="meta-bottom">'; /* $return_string .= '<div class="post-cat"><span><i class="fa fa-folder"></i></span>'.strip_tags(render($content['field_blog_category']),'<a>').'</div>';*/ $return_string .= '<div class="post-date"><span><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i></span>' . format_date($node->created, 'custom', 'M j,Y') . '</div>'; $return_string .= '<div class="meta-comment"><span><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i></span><a href="' . url("node/" . $node->nid) . '">' . $node->comment_count . '</a></div>'; $return_string .= '</div></div>'; $return_string .= '<a class="bk-cover-link" href="' . url("node/" . $node->nid) . '"></a></div>'; $return_string .= '</li>'; } } return $return_string; }
public function actionList() { $sels = new Sels(); $easyNewsall = array(); $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'clue')->propertyOrderBy('nid', 'DESC')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->range(0, 20); if (isset($_POST['lastnewsid'])) { $query->propertyCondition('nid', $_POST['lastnewsid'], '<'); } $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($result['node'])) { $news_items_nids = array_keys($result['node']); $news = node_load_multiple($news_items_nids); } foreach ($news as $new) { $easyNews['id'] = $new->nid; $easyNews['title'] = $new->title; $easyNews['img1'] = str_replace("public://", BigImg, $new->field_tux['und'][0]['uri']); array_push($easyNewsall, $easyNews); } $sels->articles = $easyNewsall; $jsonObj = CJSON::encode($sels); /* if(isset($key)) $cache->set($key,$jsonObj,0,new CDbCacheDependency('select max(id) from tbl_dblogs')); */ echo $jsonObj; }
private function scanReports () { $this->affected = array(); $query = new \EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node'); $query->propertyCondition('type', NODE_TYPE_REPORT); $query->addTag('DANGEROUS_ACCESS_CHECK_OPT_OUT'); $result = $query->execute(); $reportNids = isset($result['node']) ? array_keys($result['node']) : NULL; $reportNodes = node_load_multiple($reportNids); foreach ( $reportNodes as $node ) { $datasetName = get_node_field_value($node,'field_report_dataset_sysnames'); if ( empty($datasetName) ) { $patient = array( 'info' => array( 'reportNodeId' => $node->nid, 'reportTitle' => $node->title, 'published' => $node->status, 'type' => $node->type, 'datasetName' => $datasetName ), 'notes' => 'Dataset field is empty.' ); $this->attachTreatment($patient); $this->affected[] = $patient; continue; } // lookup dataset $datasourceQuery = new \EntityFieldQuery(); $datasourceQuery->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node'); $datasourceQuery->propertyCondition('type', NODE_TYPE_DATASET); $datasourceQuery->addTag('DANGEROUS_ACCESS_CHECK_OPT_OUT'); $datasourceQuery->fieldCondition('field_dataset_sysname', 'value', $datasetName); $datasourceQuery->fieldCondition('field_dataset_datasource', 'value', get_node_field_value($node,'field_report_datasource')); $datasourceEntities = $datasourceQuery->execute(); $datasource_nids = isset($datasourceEntities['node']) ? array_keys($datasourceEntities['node']) : NULL; if (count($datasource_nids) != 1) { $patient = array( 'info' => array( 'reportNodeId' => $node->nid, 'reportTitle' => $node->title, 'published' => $node->status, 'type' => $node->type, 'datasetName' => $datasetName ), 'notes' => 'Dataset does not exist.' ); $this->attachTreatment($patient); $this->affected[] = $patient; continue; } } }
/** * Get all project (nodes) from Drupal * * @param string $url * @return string $data */ function _ten_thousand_feet_get_all_projects() { try { return node_load_multiple(array(), array('type' => 'project')); } catch (Exception $e) { # Log the exception to watchdog. watchdog_exception('database', $e); } }
/** * Override the behavior of title(). Get the title of the node. */ public function titleQuery() { $titles = array(); $nodes = node_load_multiple($this->value); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $titles[] = String::checkPlain($node->label()); } return $titles; }
/** * Loads all nodes that have associated images. * @return Array of nodes */ function loadNodesWithImages() { $query = db_select('file_usage', 'u'); $query->join('node', 'n', 'u.id = n.nid'); $query->fields('u', ['id'])->condition('n.status', NODE_PUBLISHED); $result = $query->execute(); $nids = array_keys($result->fetchAllAssoc('id')); return node_load_multiple($nids); }
public function preRender($values) { $nids = array(); foreach ($values as $row) { $nids[] = $row->{$this->field_alias}; } if (!empty($nids)) { $this->nodes = node_load_multiple($nids); } }
/** * Displays the list of department nodes and their contact info */ function _cob_directory() { $d = node_load_multiple([], ['type' => 'department']); usort($d, function ($a, $b) { if ($a->title == $b->title) { return 0; } return $a->title < $b->title ? -1 : 1; }); return theme('cob_directory', ['departments' => $d]); }
/** * Tests the Drupal 6 term-node association to Drupal 8 migration. */ public function testTermNode() { $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(1, 2), TRUE); $node = $nodes[1]; $this->assertEqual(count($node->vocabulary_1_i_0_), 1); $this->assertEqual($node->vocabulary_1_i_0_[0]->target_id, 1); $node = $nodes[2]; $this->assertEqual(count($node->vocabulary_2_i_1_), 2); $this->assertEqual($node->vocabulary_2_i_1_[0]->target_id, 2); $this->assertEqual($node->vocabulary_2_i_1_[1]->target_id, 3); }
protected function getContent($type = 'page') { $content = array(); $result = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('type', $type)->condition('status', 1)->execute(); if (!empty($result)) { $nodes = node_load_multiple($result); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $content[] = ['title' => $node->getTitle(), 'url' => $node->url()]; } } return $content; }
/** * Visit a node page given its type and title. * * @param string $type * The node type. * @param string $title * The node title. * * @Then I visit the :type content with title :title */ public function visitContentPage($type, $title) { $nodes = node_load_multiple([], ['title' => $title, 'type' => $type], TRUE); if (!$nodes) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Node of type '{$type}' and title '{$title}' not found."); } // Get node path without any base path by setting 'base_url' and 'absolute'. $node = array_shift($nodes); $path = 'node/' . $node->nid; cache_clear_all($path, 'cache_path'); $path = url($path, ['base_url' => '', 'absolute' => TRUE]); // Visit newly created node page. $this->visitPath($path); }
/** * Implements hook_block_view(); * Define what a block defined in hook_block_info has to display */ function modulestarter_block_view($delta) { $block = array(); if ($delta == 'modulestarter_article_list') { // appelle de notre classe métier pour générer le contenu d'un bloc $article = new modulestarter_article(); $block['subject'] = t('Module starter example block'); // #theme is the template to used for rendering. // #articles and others keys will be arguments passed to the theme function. // @see hook_theme $block['content'] = array('#theme' => 'modulestarter_article_list', '#articles' => node_load_multiple($article->get_list())); } return $block; }
/** * Override the behavior of title(). Get the title of the revision. */ public function titleQuery() { $titles = array(); $results = $this->database->query('SELECT nr.vid, nr.nid, npr.title FROM {node_revision} nr WHERE nr.vid IN (:vids)', array(':vids' => $this->value))->fetchAllAssoc('vid', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $nids = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $nids[] = $result['nid']; } $nodes = node_load_multiple(array_unique($nids)); foreach ($results as $result) { $nodes[$result['nid']]->set('title', $result['title']); $titles[] = String::checkPlain($nodes[$result['nid']]->label()); } return $titles; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function build() { $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->condition('status', 1)->condition('type', 'slideshow_slide')->sort('field_order', 'ASC'); $nids = $query->execute(); $nodes = node_load_multiple($nids); $ind = 0; $output_slide_add_logo = $output_slide = $output_slide_bullet = $output = ''; $logo = theme_get_setting('logo', 'zircon'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $output_slide_add_logo = ""; $class = $ind == 0 ? 'active' : ''; $output_slide_bullet .= '<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="' . $ind . '" class="' . $class . '"></li>'; $path = $node->field_image->entity->url(); if ($node->field_add_logo->entity) { $logo_path = explode("public://", $node->field_add_logo->entity->uri->value); $output_slide_add_logo = '<div class="logo_on_slider"> <img src="sites/default/files/' . $logo_path[1] . '" alt="Logo"> </div>'; } $output_slide .= '<div class="item ' . $class . '"> <img src="' . $path . '" alt=""> ' . $output_slide_add_logo . ' </div>'; $ind++; } $output_slide_bullet_wrap = $ind > 1 ? '<ol class="carousel-indicators">' . $output_slide_bullet . '</ol>' : ''; $output = '<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"> <!-- Indicators --> ' . $output_slide_bullet_wrap . ' <!-- Wrapper for slides --> <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"> ' . $output_slide . ' </div> <!-- Left and right controls --> <a class="left carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" role="button" data-slide="prev"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Previous</span> </a> <a class="right carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" role="button" data-slide="next"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Next</span> </a> </div>'; return array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => $output); }
public static function findEntities ( array $params = array() ) { $sql = 'SELECT entityId, entityType FROM {gd_role_permission} '; $binds = array(); $where = array(); if ( !empty($params) ) { foreach ( $params as $key => $value ) { $binds[':'.$key] = $value; $where[] = $key .' = :'.$key; } } if ( !empty($where) ) { $sql .= 'WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$where); } $result = db_query($sql,$binds); if ( !$result || !$result->rowCount() ) { return array(); } $results = $result->fetchAll(); $entities = array(); if ( isset($params['entityType']) && $params['entityType'] === 'datasource' ) { $datasources = gd_datasource_get_all(); foreach ( $datasources as $datasourceName => $DS ) { foreach ( $results as $record ) { if ( $record->entityId === $datasourceName ) { $entities[$datasourceName] = $DS; } } } } else if ( isset($params['entityType']) && $params['entityType'] === 'dashboard' ) { $dashboard_nids = array(); foreach ( $results as $record ) { $dashboard_nids[] = $record->entityId; } $entities = node_load_multiple($dashboard_nids); } else { throw new \Exception('Unsupported EntityType'); } return $entities; }
public static function getExportables($datasourceName) { if ( $datasourceName != gd_datasource_get_active() ) { gd_datasource_set_active($datasourceName); } $metamodel = data_controller_get_metamodel(); // get datasets $datasetNids = array(); foreach ($metamodel->datasets as $dataset) { if (!isset($dataset->nid)) { continue; } $datasetNids[] = $dataset->nid; } return node_load_multiple($datasetNids); }
/** * Test upload migration from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8. */ function testUpload() { $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(1, 2), TRUE); $node = $nodes[1]; $this->assertEqual(count($node->upload), 1); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[0]->target_id, 1); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[0]->description, 'file 1-1-1'); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[0]->isDisplayed(), FALSE); $node = $nodes[2]; $this->assertEqual(count($node->upload), 2); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[0]->target_id, 3); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[0]->description, 'file 2-3-3'); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[0]->isDisplayed(), FALSE); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[1]->target_id, 2); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[1]->isDisplayed(), TRUE); $this->assertEqual($node->upload[1]->description, 'file 2-3-2'); }
private function scanReportConfigs () { $this->affected = array(); $query = new \EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node'); $query->propertyCondition('type', NODE_TYPE_REPORT); $query->propertyCondition('status', NODE_PUBLISHED); $query->addTag('DANGEROUS_ACCESS_CHECK_OPT_OUT'); $result = $query->execute(); $reportNids = isset($result['node']) ? array_keys($result['node']) : NULL; $reportNodes = node_load_multiple($reportNids); foreach ( $reportNodes as $node ) { \LogHelper::log_info(t('Inspecting report @nid', array('@nid' => $node->nid))); $reportConfigText = get_node_field_value($node, 'field_report_conf', 0, 'value', FALSE); $reportConfig = isset($reportConfigText) ? json_decode($reportConfigText) : NULL; if (!isset($reportConfig)) { \LogHelper::log_info('Report configuration is EMPTY'); continue; } // loop through filters if (!empty($reportConfig->model->filters)) { foreach ($reportConfig->model->filters as $key => $value) { $result = $this->detectInvalidFilter($value); if ($result) { $patient = array( 'info' => array( 'reportNodeId' => $node->nid, 'reportTitle' => $node->title, 'filter' => $value, 'published' => $node->status, 'configPath' => 'model/filters' ), 'notes' => $result ); $this->attachTreatment($patient); $this->affected[] = $patient; } } } } }
/** * Implements EntityReferenceHandler::getReferencableEntities(). */ public function getReferencableEntities($match = NULL, $match_operator = 'CONTAINS', $limit = 0) { $nids = array_keys(oa_teams_get_teams_for_space()); $teams = node_load_multiple($nids); $options = array(OA_TEAM_TYPE => array()); $count = 0; foreach ($teams as $nid => $team) { $count++; $label = $this->getLabel($team); if (!$match || stripos($label, $match) !== FALSE) { $options[OA_TEAM_TYPE][$nid] = check_plain($this->getLabel($team)); } if ($limit && $count == $limit) { break; } } return $options; }
public function actionList() { if (isset($_POST['uid'])) { $tids = user_load($_POST['uid'])->field__danwei; } else { $tids = array(); $tids['und'][0]['tid'] = '62'; } //var_dump($tids); $sels = new Sels(); $easyNewsall = array(); $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'sup')->propertyOrderBy('nid', 'DESC')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->range(0, 20); if (isset($_POST['lastnewsid'])) { $query->propertyCondition('nid', $_POST['lastnewsid'], '<'); } $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($result['node'])) { $news_items_nids = array_keys($result['node']); $news = node_load_multiple($news_items_nids); foreach ($news as $new) { //$power=false; //echo '标题:'.$new->title.'<br>'; //var_dump($new->field__danwei['und']); //var_dump($tids['und']); foreach ($tids['und'] as $tid) { //echo '$tid:'.$tid.'<br>'; if (in_array($tid, $new->field__danwei['und'])) { //$power=true; $easyNews['id'] = $new->nid; $easyNews['title'] = $new->title; $easyNews['img1'] = str_replace("public://", BigImg, $new->field_tux['und'][0]['uri']); $easyNews['label'] = $new->field_biaoqian['und'][0]['value']; array_push($easyNewsall, $easyNews); break; } } } } $sels->articles = $easyNewsall; $jsonObj = CJSON::encode($sels); echo $jsonObj; }
/** * Tests the Drupal 6 book structure to Drupal 8 migration. */ public function testBook() { $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(4, 5, 6, 7, 8)); $this->assertEqual($nodes[4]->book['bid'], 4); $this->assertEqual($nodes[4]->book['pid'], 0); $this->assertEqual($nodes[5]->book['bid'], 4); $this->assertEqual($nodes[5]->book['pid'], 4); $this->assertEqual($nodes[6]->book['bid'], 4); $this->assertEqual($nodes[6]->book['pid'], 5); $this->assertEqual($nodes[7]->book['bid'], 4); $this->assertEqual($nodes[7]->book['pid'], 5); $this->assertEqual($nodes[8]->book['bid'], 8); $this->assertEqual($nodes[8]->book['pid'], 0); $tree = \Drupal::service('book.manager')->bookTreeAllData(4); $this->assertEqual($tree['49990 4']['link']['nid'], 4); $this->assertEqual($tree['49990 4']['below']['50000 5']['link']['nid'], 5); $this->assertEqual($tree['49990 4']['below']['50000 5']['below']['50000 6']['link']['nid'], 6); $this->assertEqual($tree['49990 4']['below']['50000 5']['below']['50000 7']['link']['nid'], 7); $this->assertIdentical($tree['49990 4']['below']['50000 5']['below']['50000 6']['below'], array()); $this->assertIdentical($tree['49990 4']['below']['50000 5']['below']['50000 7']['below'], array()); }
/** * Getter callback for skills property. */ function redesign_activity_property_skills_getter_callback($item) { $skill_list = array(); if ($item->type == 'activity') { // Start a new EFQ $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'skill')->fieldCondition('field_activity', 'target_id', $item->nid, '='); $result = $query->execute(); // If results are returned, it will be in node key if (isset($result['node'])) { $nids = array_keys($result['node']); // Load all the nodes that were returned. $skills = node_load_multiple($nids, array('type' => 'skill')); $skill_list = array(); // Build array of node titles. foreach ($skills as $skill) { // Unlinked title of the node. $skill_list[] = entity_label('node', $skill); } } } return $skill_list; }
public function actionList($pageSize, $pageNo) { $sels = new Sels(); $easyNewsall = array(); $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')->entityCondition('bundle', 'sr')->propertyCondition('status', 1)->fieldOrderBy('field_riq', 'value', 'DESC')->range($pageNo * $pageSize, $pageSize); $result = $query->execute(); if (isset($result['node'])) { $news_items_nids = array_keys($result['node']); $news = node_load_multiple($news_items_nids); } foreach ($news as $new) { $easyNews = new EasyNews(); $easyNews->id = $new->nid; $easyNews->title = $new->title; $easyNews->label = $new->field_status['und'][0]['value']; $easyNews->subTitle = ""; $easyNews->img1 = str_replace("public://", BigImg, $new->field_tux['und'][0]['uri']); array_push($easyNewsall, $easyNews); } $sels->articles = $easyNewsall; $jsonObj = CJSON::encode($sels); echo $jsonObj; }
/** * @method: * This is used to load all referenced node given the node ids */ private function _load_referenced_nodes($node_ids = array()) { $nodes = node_load_multiple($node_ids); return $nodes; }
// Echo what was returned. echo httprl_pr($results); ?> Load nodes 50-100 using httprl_batch_callback and node_load_multiple as user 1. <?php // List of nodes to load; 50-100. $nids = range(50, 100); // Run not parallel if background callbacks are disabled. if (!httprl_is_background_callback_capable()) { // Run node_load_multiple as user 1 $current_account = $GLOBALS['user']->uid; $GLOBALS['user'] = user_load(1); $results = node_load_multiple($nids); // Set global user back. $GLOBALS['user'] = $current_account; } else { // Set options. $options = array('context' => array('uid' => 1)); // Queue & Execute requests. $results = httprl_batch_callback('node_load_multiple', $nids, $options); } // Echo what was returned. echo httprl_pr($results); ?> Run a function in the background. Notice that there is no return.
/** * Get a node from the database based on its title. * * @param $title * A node title, usually generated by $this->randomName(). * @param $reset * (optional) Whether to reset the internal node_load() cache. * * @return * A node entity matching $title. */ function backdropGetNodeByTitle($title, $reset = FALSE) { $nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array('title' => $title), $reset); // Load the first node returned from the database. $returned_node = reset($nodes); return $returned_node; }