예제 #1
  * Wrapper for creating a support group.
  * It will check if the support group doesn't exist yet, if the tag or name already exists then NAME_TAKEN  or TAG_TAKEN will be returned.
  * If the name is bigger than 20 characters or smaller than 4 and the tag greater than 7 or smaller than 2 a SIZE_ERROR will be returned.
  * Else it will return SUCCESS
  * @return a string that specifies if it was a success or not (SUCCESS, SIZE_ERROR, NAME_TAKEN or TAG_TAKEN )
 public static function createSupportGroup($name, $tag, $groupemail, $imap_mailserver, $imap_username, $imap_password)
     //error_log( "Error at line " . __LINE__ . " in file " . __FILE__);
     if (strlen($name) <= 21 && strlen($name) >= 4 && strlen($tag) <= 8 && strlen($tag) >= 2) {
         $notExists = self::supportGroup_EntryNotExists($name, $tag);
         //error_log( "Error at line " . __LINE__ . " in file " . __FILE__);
         if ($notExists == "SUCCESS") {
             $sGroup = new self();
             $values = array('Name' => $name, 'Tag' => $tag, 'GroupEmail' => $groupemail, 'IMAP_MailServer' => $imap_mailserver, 'IMAP_Username' => $imap_username, 'IMAP_Password' => $imap_password);
             //encrypt password!
             global $cfg;
             $crypter = new MyCrypt($cfg['crypt']);
             $enc_password = $crypter->encrypt($values['IMAP_Password']);
             //error_log( "Error at line " . __LINE__ . " in file " . __FILE__);
         } else {
             //error_log( "Error at line " . __LINE__ . " in file " . __FILE__);
             //return NAME_TAKEN  or TAG_TAKEN
             return $notExists;
     } else {
         //error_log( "Error at line " . __LINE__ . " in file " . __FILE__);
         //RETURN ERROR that indicates SIZE
         return "SIZE_ERROR";
예제 #2
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
  * @return Product
 public static function createFromXML(SimpleXMLElement $xml)
     <product default="true" name="bpack 24/7">
       <price price20To30="750" price10To20="650" price5To10="550" price2To5="450" priceLessThan2="350" countryIso2Code="BE"/>
       <option visiblity="NOT_VISIBLE_BY_CONSUMER_OPTIONAL" price="0" name="Saturday"/>
       <option visiblity="NOT_VISIBLE_BY_CONSUMER_OPTIONAL" price="0" name="Info &quot;Distributed&quot;"/>
       <option visiblity="NOT_VISIBLE_BY_CONSUMER_OPTIONAL" price="0" name="Insurance"/>
     $attributes = $xml->attributes();
     $children = $xml->children();
     $product = new self();
     $product->setDefault($attributes['default'] == 'true');
     if (isset($children->price)) {
         foreach ($children->price as $priceXml) {
     if (isset($children->option)) {
         foreach ($children->option as $optionXml) {
     return $product;
예제 #3
 public static function newInstance($name, $container)
     $instance = new self();
     return $instance;
예제 #4
파일: Property.php 프로젝트: nhp/shopware-4
     * fromReflection()
     * @param Zend_Reflection_Property $reflectionProperty
     * @return Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Property
    public static function fromReflection(Zend_Reflection_Property $reflectionProperty)
        $property = new self();


        $allDefaultProperties = $reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getDefaultProperties();


        if ($reflectionProperty->getDocComment() != '') {

        if ($reflectionProperty->isStatic()) {

        if ($reflectionProperty->isPrivate()) {
        } elseif ($reflectionProperty->isProtected()) {
        } else {


        return $property;
예제 #5
     * fromReflection()
     * @param  MethodReflection $reflectionMethod
     * @return MethodGenerator
    public static function fromReflection(MethodReflection $reflectionMethod)
        $method = new self();


        if ($reflectionMethod->getDocComment() != '') {


        if ($reflectionMethod->isPrivate()) {
        } elseif ($reflectionMethod->isProtected()) {
        } else {



        foreach ($reflectionMethod->getParameters() as $reflectionParameter) {


        return $method;
예제 #6
파일: Class.php 프로젝트: lortnus/zf1
 public static function fromReflection(ZendL_Reflection_Class $reflectionClass)
     $class = new self();
     if ($reflectionClass->getDocComment() != '') {
     if ($parentClass = $reflectionClass->getParentClass()) {
     $properties = array();
     foreach ($reflectionClass->getProperties() as $reflectionProperty) {
         if ($reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getName() == $class->getName()) {
             $properties[] = ZendL_Tool_CodeGenerator_Php_Property::fromReflection($reflectionProperty);
     $methods = array();
     foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods() as $reflectionMethod) {
         if ($reflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getName() == $class->getName()) {
             $methods[] = ZendL_Tool_CodeGenerator_Php_Method::fromReflection($reflectionMethod);
     return $class;
예제 #7
  * Creates a new Guild object with attributes
  * @param $name string Name of the guild
  * @param $banner string Banner of the guild
  * @return Guild The newly created guild
 public static function withAttributes($name, $banner)
     $instance = new self();
     return $instance;
예제 #8
파일: Method.php 프로젝트: theolymp/diem
 public static function fromReflection(Zend_Reflection_Method $reflectionMethod)
     $method = new self();
     if ($reflectionMethod->getDocComment() != '') {
     if ($reflectionMethod->isPrivate()) {
     } elseif ($reflectionMethod->isProtected()) {
     } else {
     foreach ($reflectionMethod->getParameters() as $reflectionParameter) {
     $body = $reflectionMethod->getBody();
     $body2 = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $body);
     $body2 = preg_replace("|^\n\\s{4}|muU", "\n", $body2);
     $body2 = preg_replace("|^\\s{4}|muU", "", $body2);
     //    $body2 = str_replace(' ', '.', $body2);
     //dmDebug::kill($body, "\n".$body2);
     return $method;
예제 #9
  * @param array $data
  * @return Route
 public static function __set_state($data)
     $route = new self($data['pattern'], $data['callback'], $data['args'], $data['requirements']);
     if (isset($data['name'])) {
     return $route;
예제 #10
  * fromReflection()
  * @param Zend_Reflection_Docblock_Tag $reflectionTagReturn
  * @return Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Docblock_Tag_License
 public static function fromReflection(Zend_Reflection_Docblock_Tag $reflectionTagLicense)
     $returnTag = new self();
     return $returnTag;
예제 #11
 public static function initWithArray($array)
     $instance = new self(NULL, NULL, NULL);
     return $instance;
예제 #12
파일: ReturnTag.php 프로젝트: rikaix/zf2
  * fromReflection()
  * @param \Zend\Code\Reflection\ReflectionDocblockTag $reflectionTagReturn
  * @return \Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ReturnTag
 public static function fromReflection(\Zend\Code\Reflection\DocBlock\TagInterface $reflectionTagReturn)
     $returnTag = new self();
     // @todo rename
     return $returnTag;
예제 #13
  * fromReflection()
  * @param Zend_Reflection_Docblock_Tag $reflectionTagReturn
  * @return Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Docblock_Tag_Return
 public static function fromReflection(Zend_Reflection_Docblock_Tag $reflectionTagReturn)
     $returnTag = new self();
     // @todo rename
     return $returnTag;
예제 #14
파일: Item.php 프로젝트: lucasmro/clearsale
  * Criar Item com campos obrigatórios preenchidos
  * @param string $id - Código do Produto
  * @param string $name - Nome do Produto
  * @param float $value - Valor Unitário
  * @param integer $quantity - Quantidade
  * @return Item
 public static function create($id, $name, $value, $quantity)
     $instance = new self();
     return $instance;
예제 #15
파일: Config.php 프로젝트: sfie/pimcore
  * @param $name
  * @return Model\Tool\CustomReport\Config
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function getByName($name)
     $code = new self();
     if (!$code->load()) {
         throw new \Exception("sql report definition : " . $name . " does not exist");
     return $code;
예제 #16
  * @static
  * @param  $name
  * @return Tool_Tag_Config
 public static function getByName($name)
     $tag = new self();
     if (!$tag->load()) {
         throw new Exception("tag definition : " . $name . " does not exist");
     return $tag;
예제 #17
  * @static
  * @param  $name
  * @return Asset_Image_Thumbnail_Config
 public static function getByName($name)
     $pipe = new self();
     if (!$pipe->load()) {
         throw new Exception("video thumbnail definition : " . $name . " does not exist");
     return $pipe;
예제 #18
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public static function buildFromResponse(stdClass $response)
     $bank = new self();
     $bank->setCode(isset($response->code) ? $response->code : null);
     $bank->setName(isset($response->name) ? $response->name : null);
     $bank->setLogoUrl(isset($response->logo) ? $response->logo : null);
     $bank->raw = $response;
     return $bank;
예제 #19
  * @return Config
 public static function getPreviewConfig()
     $config = new self();
     $config->setItems(array(array("method" => "scaleByWidth", "arguments" => array("width" => 500))));
     return $config;
예제 #20
  * @param $name
  * @return Config
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function getByName($name)
     $letter = new self();
     if (!$letter->load()) {
         throw new \Exception("newsletter definition : " . $name . " does not exist");
     return $letter;
예제 #21
  * Build Artsit with URI and name
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param  string $uri  Artist URI
  * @param  string $name Artist name
  * @return Artist
 public static function build($uri, $name)
     // create Artist instance
     $artistItem = new self();
     // update informations
     $artistItem->setUri((string) $uri);
     $artistItem->setName((string) $name);
     // return artist instance
     return $artistItem;
예제 #22
 public static function createFromArray(array $data)
     $movement = new self();
     $movement->setId(isset($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : null);
     $movement->setDate(new \DateTime($data['date']));
     $movement->setAmount(new \InFog\SimpleFinance\Types\Money($data['amount']));
     $movement->setName(new \InFog\SimpleFinance\Types\SmallString($data['name']));
     $movement->setDescription(new \InFog\SimpleFinance\Types\Text($data['description']));
     return $movement;
예제 #23
  * @param CurrencyEntity $currency
  * @return Currency
 public static function createFromCurrencyEntity(CurrencyEntity $currency)
     $struct = new self();
     return $struct;
예제 #24
  * fromReflection()
  * @param Zend_Reflection_Docblock_Tag $reflectionTagParam
  * @return Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Docblock_Tag
 public static function fromReflection(Zend_Reflection_Docblock_Tag $reflectionTagParam)
     $paramTag = new self();
     // @todo rename
     return $paramTag;
예제 #25
  * @param $name
  * @return GroupConfig
 public static function getByName($name)
     try {
         $config = new self();
         return $config;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
예제 #26
 public static function __set_state($array)
     $businessEntity = new self();
     return $businessEntity;
예제 #27
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $condition
  * @param string $action
  * @param int    $priority
  * @param string $description
  * @return Rule
 public static function factory($name, $condition, $action, $priority = 0, $description = '')
     $rule = new self();
     return $rule;
예제 #28
  * Creates a stuff with attributes
  * @param $owner Charac The stuff owner
  * @param $name string Name of the stuff
  * @param $rarity integer Rarity of the stuff
  * @param $level integer Level of the stuff
  * @param $weight integer Weight of the stuff
  * @return Stuff The newly created stuff
 public static function withAttributes($owner, $name, $rarity, $level, $weight)
     $instance = new self();
     return $instance;
예제 #29
 public static function initWithArray($array)
     $instance = new self(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
     return $instance;
예제 #30
  * @param $name
  * @return GroupConfig
 public static function getByName($name, $storeId = 1)
     try {
         $config = new self();
         $config->setStoreId($storeId ? $storeId : 1);
         return $config;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {