예제 #1
  * Charge les hiérarchies CsARR filles
  * @return self[]
 function loadRefsChildHierarchies()
     $where["code"] = "LIKE '{$this->code}.__'";
     $hierarchie = new self();
     $hierarchies = $hierarchie->loadList($where);
     return $this->_ref_child_hierarchies = $hierarchies;
  * Charge les prestations journalières de l'établissement
  * pour un éventuel type d'hospitalisation donné
  * @param string $type Type d'hospitalisation
  * @return self[]
 static function loadCurrentList($type = null)
     $prestation = new self();
     $where = array("group_id" => "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'");
     if ($type) {
         $where[] = "type_hospi IS NULL OR type_hospi = '{$type}'";
     return $prestation->loadList($where, "nom");
  * Load user preferences as an associative array
  * @param null $user_id The user to load the preferences from
  * @return array
 static function get($user_id = null, $restricted = false)
     $where["user_id"] = "IS NULL";
     if ($user_id) {
         $where["user_id"] = "= '{$user_id}'";
         $where["value"] = "IS NOT NULL";
     if ($restricted) {
         $where["restricted"] = "= '1'";
     $preferences = array();
     $pref = new self();
     /** @var self[] $list */
     $list = $pref->loadList($where);
     foreach ($list as $_pref) {
         $preferences[$_pref->key] = $_pref->value;
     return $preferences;
 static function loadAllFor($libelles)
     $libelles = array_map("strtoupper", $libelles);
     // Initialisation du tableau
     $colors_by_libelle = array();
     foreach ($libelles as $_libelle) {
         $color = new self();
         $color->libelle = $_libelle;
         $colors_by_libelle[$_libelle] = $color;
     $color = new self();
     $where = array();
     $libelles = array_map("addslashes", $libelles);
     $where["libelle"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($libelles);
     foreach ($color->loadList($where) as $_color) {
         $colors_by_libelle[$_color->libelle] = $_color;
     return $colors_by_libelle;
예제 #5
  * Load unread messages
  * @param null $user_id user to load, null = current
  * @return CUserMessageDest[]
 static function loadNewMessages($user_id = null)
     $dests = array();
     if (CModule::getActive("messagerie")) {
         $dest = new self();
         if ($dest->_ref_module->mod_version < 0.3) {
             CAppUI::stepAjax("CModule%s-msg-pls_update_module", UI_MSG_WARNING, $dest->_ref_module->mod_name);
             return $dests;
         $user = CMediusers::get($user_id);
         $where = array();
         $where["to_user_id"] = " = '{$user->_id}'";
         $where["datetime_sent"] = " IS NOT NULL";
         $where["datetime_read"] = " IS NULL";
         /** @var CUserMessageDest[] $dests */
         $dests = $dest->loadList($where);
         foreach ($dests as $_dest) {
     return $dests;
  * Get list types tree
  * @return array
 static function getListTypesTree()
     $object = new self();
     $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
     $targets = array();
     $by_type = array();
     foreach ($object->_specs["type"]->_locales as $type => $trad) {
         if ($type != "intervention") {
             /** @var CSalle|CBlocOperatoire $_object */
             $_object = $type == "ouverture_salle" || $type == "fermeture_salle" ? new CSalle() : new CBlocOperatoire();
             $_targets = $_object->loadGroupList();
             array_unshift($_targets, $_object);
             $targets[$type] = array_combine(CMbArray::pluck($_targets, "_id"), $_targets);
             $where = array("type" => "= '{$type}'", "group_id" => "= '{$group_id}'", "check_list_group_id" => " IS NULL");
             $by_type[$type] = $object->loadList($where, "title");
     return array($targets, $by_type);
예제 #7
  * @param null|int    $user_id
  * @param null|string $date_start
  * @param null|string $date_end
  * @param array       $object_classes
  * @return CBrisDeGlace[] $briss
 static function loadBrisForUser($user_id = null, $date_start = null, $date_end = null, $object_classes = array())
     $date_start = $date_start ? $date_start : CMbDT::date();
     $date_end = $date_end ? $date_end : $date_start;
     $bris = new self();
     $ds = $bris->getDS();
     $where = array();
     $where["date"] = " BETWEEN '{$date_start} 00:00:00' AND '{$date_end} 23:59:59' ";
     if (count($object_classes)) {
         $where["object_class"] = $ds->prepareIn($object_classes);
     if ($user_id) {
         $where["user_id"] = " = '{$user_id}'";
     /** @var CBrisDeGlace[] $briss */
     $briss = $bris->loadList($where, "date DESC");
     return $briss;
  * Get categories tree
  * @param bool $operation see operations
  * @return array
 static function getCategoriesTree($operation = false)
     $object = new self();
     $target_classes = CDailyCheckList::getNonHASClasses($operation);
     $targets = array();
     $by_class = array();
     foreach ($target_classes as $_class) {
         if ($_class != "COperation") {
             /** @var CSalle|CBlocOperatoire $_object */
             $_object = new $_class();
             //$_targets = $_object->loadGroupList();
             $_targets = $_object->loadList();
             array_unshift($_targets, $_object);
             $targets[$_class] = array_combine(CMbArray::pluck($_targets, "_id"), $_targets);
         $where = array("target_class" => "= '{$_class}'");
         if ($_class == "COperation") {
             $where["list_type_id"] = ' IS NOT NULL';
         /** @var CDailyCheckItemCategory[] $_list */
         $_list = $object->loadList($where, "target_id+0, title");
         // target_id+0 to have NULL at the beginning
         $by_object = array();
         foreach ($_list as $_category) {
             $_key = $_category->target_id ? $_category->target_id : "all";
             $by_object[$_key][$_category->_id] = $_category;
         $by_class[$_class] = $by_object;
     return array($targets, $by_class);
  * Get all the instant data for an object
  * @param CMbObject $object The object to get timed data of
  * @return self[]
 static function getAllFor(CMbObject $object)
     $graph = new self();
     $where = array("owner_class" => "= '{$object->_class}'", "owner_id" => "= '{$object->_id}'");
     return $graph->loadList($where, "title");
  * Get all pakcs from an object
  * @param CMbObject $object        The object to get the packs of
  * @param bool      $with_disabled List disabled items
  * @return self[]
 static function getAllFor(CMbObject $object, $with_disabled = false)
     $pack = new self();
     $where = array("owner_class" => "= '{$object->_class}'", "owner_id" => "= '{$object->_id}'");
     if (!$with_disabled) {
         $where["disabled"] = "= '0'";
     return $pack->loadList($where, "title");
  * Get events for an object
  * @param CMbObject|string $object                     Object or GUID
  * @param string           $event_name                 Event name
  * @param string           $type                       Type: required, disabled or conditional
  * @param array            $exclude_ex_class_event_ids List of class events' ids
  * @return CExClassEvent[]
 static function getForObject($object, $event_name, $type = "required", $exclude_ex_class_event_ids = array())
     static $events_cache = array();
     if (is_string($object)) {
         $object = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($object);
     if ($type == "required" && !CValue::read($object->_spec->events[$event_name], "auto", false)) {
         return array();
     $ex_class_event = new self();
     $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
     $ds = $ex_class_event->_spec->ds;
     $key = "{$object->_class}/{$event_name}/{$group_id}/{$type}";
     if (isset($events_cache[$key])) {
         $ex_class_events = $events_cache[$key];
     } else {
         $where = array("ex_class_event.host_class" => $ds->prepare("=%", $object->_class), "ex_class_event.event_name" => $ds->prepare("=%", $event_name), "ex_class_event.disabled" => $ds->prepare("=%", 0), "ex_class.conditional" => $ds->prepare("=%", 0), $ds->prepare("ex_class.group_id = % OR group_id IS NULL", $group_id));
         $ljoin = array("ex_class" => "ex_class.ex_class_id = ex_class_event.ex_class_id");
         switch ($type) {
             case "disabled":
                 $where["ex_class_event.disabled"] = 1;
             case "conditional":
                 $where["ex_class.conditional"] = 1;
         /** @var CExClassEvent[] $ex_class_events */
         $ex_class_events = $ex_class_event->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
         $events_cache[$key] = $ex_class_events;
     foreach ($ex_class_events as $_id => $_ex_class_event) {
         if (isset($exclude_ex_class_event_ids[$_id]) || !$_ex_class_event->checkConstraints($object)) {
         } else {
             $_ex_class_event->_host_object = $object;
     return $ex_class_events;
예제 #12
  * Charge les médecins identiques
  * @param bool $strict_cp Stricte sur la recherche par code postal
  * @return self[]
 function loadExactSiblings($strict_cp = true)
     $medecin = new self();
     $where = array();
     $where["nom"] = $this->_spec->ds->prepare(" = %", $this->nom);
     $where["prenom"] = $this->_spec->ds->prepare(" = %", $this->prenom);
     if (!$strict_cp) {
         $cp = substr($this->cp, 0, 2);
         $where["cp"] = " LIKE '{$cp}___'";
     } else {
         $where["cp"] = " = '{$this->cp}'";
     $siblings = $medecin->loadList($where);
     return $siblings;
예제 #13
  * Find all therapeutes for a patient 
  * @param ref $patient_id  Patient
  * @param ref $function_id May restrict to a function
  * @return CMediusers[]
 static function getAllTherapeutes($patient_id, $function_id = null)
     // Filter on patient
     $join["sejour"] = "sejour.sejour_id = evenement_ssr.sejour_id";
     $where["patient_id"] = "= '{$patient_id}'";
     // Filter on function
     if ($function_id) {
         $join["users_mediboard"] = "users_mediboard.user_id = evenement_ssr.therapeute_id";
         $where["function_id"] = "= '{$function_id}'";
     // Load grouped
     $group = "therapeute_id";
     $evenement = new self();
     $evenements = $evenement->loadList($where, null, null, $group, $join);
     // Load therapeutes
     $therapeutes = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($evenements, "therapeute_id");
     foreach ($therapeutes as $_therapeute) {
     return $therapeutes;
예제 #14
  * @param string $object_class
  * @param CTag   $parent
  * @param array  $tree
  * @return array
 static function getTree($object_class, CTag $parent = null, &$tree = array())
     $tag = new self();
     $where = array("object_class" => "= '{$object_class}'", "parent_id" => $parent && $parent->_id ? "= '{$parent->_id}'" : "IS NULL");
     $tree["parent"] = $parent;
     $tree["children"] = array();
     /** @var self[] $tags */
     $tags = $tag->loadList($where, "name");
     foreach ($tags as $_tag) {
         self::getTree($object_class, $_tag, $sub_tree);
         $tree["children"][] = $sub_tree;
     return $tree;
예제 #15
  * Upgrade all modules
  * @return void
 static function upgradeAll()
     $module = new self();
     /** @var self[] $installed */
     $installed = $module->loadList();
     $upgradeables = array();
     foreach ($installed as $_module) {
         $setupClass = "CSetup{$_module->mod_name}";
         if (!class_exists($setupClass)) {
         /** @var CSetup $setup */
         $setup = new $setupClass();
         if ($_module->_upgradable) {
             $upgradeables[$_module->mod_name] = array("module" => $_module, "setup" => $setup);
     foreach ($upgradeables as $_upgrade) {
         /** @var CModule $_module */
         $_module = $_upgrade["module"];
         /** @var CSetup $_setup */
         $_setup = $_upgrade["setup"];
         if ($_module->mod_version = $_setup->upgrade($_module->mod_version)) {
             $_module->mod_type = $_setup->mod_type;
             if ($_setup->mod_version == $_module->mod_version) {
                 CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '%s' à la version %s", UI_MSG_OK, $_module->mod_name, $_setup->mod_version);
             } else {
                 CAppUI::setMsg("Installation de '{$_module->mod_name}' à la version {$_module->mod_version} sur {$_setup->mod_version}", UI_MSG_WARNING, true);
         } else {
             CAppUI::setMsg("Module '%s' non mis à jour", UI_MSG_WARNING, $_module->mod_name);
  * Get a group's stock locations
  * @param int $group_id Group ID
  * @return CStoredObject[]
 static function getGroupStockLocations($group_id)
     $where = "\r\n      (product_stock_location.object_id = '{$group_id}' AND product_stock_location.object_class = 'CGroups') OR \r\n      (service.group_id = '{$group_id}' AND product_stock_location.object_class = 'CService') OR \r\n      (bloc_operatoire.group_id = '{$group_id}' AND product_stock_location.object_class = 'CBlocOperatoire')";
     $ljoin = array("service" => "service.service_id = product_stock_location.object_id", "bloc_operatoire" => "bloc_operatoire.bloc_operatoire_id = product_stock_location.object_id");
     $sl = new self();
     return $sl->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
예제 #17
  * Get suppliers
  * @param bool $also_inactive Load also inactive ones
  * @return CSociete[]
 static function getSuppliers($also_inactive = true)
     $societe = new self();
     $list = $societe->loadList(null, "name");
     foreach ($list as $_id => $_societe) {
         if (!($_societe->_is_supplier || $also_inactive && !$_societe->_is_manufacturer)) {
     return $list;
예제 #18
  * Mass load mechanism for forward references of an object collection
  * @param CMbObject[] $objects Array of objects
  * @param string      $tag     Tag
  * @return self[] Loaded collection, null if unavailable, with ids as keys of guids for meta references
 static function massGetMatchFor($objects, $tag)
     if (!count($objects)) {
         return array();
     $object = reset($objects);
     $idex = new self();
     $where["object_class"] = " = '{$object->_class}'";
     $where["tag"] = " = '{$tag}'";
     $where["object_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(CMbArray::pluck($objects, "_id"));
     $group = "object_id";
     return $idex->loadList($where, null, null, $group);
예제 #19
  * Load groups with given permission
  * @param int $permType Permission level
  * @return self[]
 static function loadGroups($permType = PERM_READ)
     $group = new self();
     $groups = $group->loadList(null, "text");
     self::filterByPerm($groups, $permType);
     return $groups;
예제 #20
  * Load all salutation from a given class
  * @param string       $object_class Target object class
  * @param integer|null $object_id    Target object ID
  * @param int          $perm         Permission needed on owners
  * @param integer|null $owner_id     Specific owner ID
  * @return CSalutation[]
 static function loadAllSalutations($object_class, $object_id = null, $perm = PERM_EDIT, $owner_id = null)
     if (!$owner_id) {
         $users = new CMediusers();
         $users = $users->loadListWithPerms($perm, array('actif' => "= '1'"));
         $user_ids = $users ? CMbArray::pluck($users, '_id') : array(CMediusers::get()->_id);
     } else {
         $user_ids = array($owner_id);
     /** @var CSalutation $salutation */
     $salutation = new self();
     $ds = $salutation->_spec->ds;
     $where = array('owner_id' => $ds->prepareIn($user_ids), 'object_class' => $ds->prepare('= ?', $object_class));
     if ($object_id) {
         $where['object_id'] = $ds->prepare('= ?', $object_id);
     return $salutation->loadList($where);
  * Get chronological list
  * @param COperation $interv  Intervention
  * @param int        $pack_id Pack ID
  * @return CObservationResultSet[]
 static function getChronological(COperation $interv, $pack_id)
     $result_set = new self();
     $where = array("observation_result_set.context_class" => "= '{$interv->_class}'", "observation_result_set.context_id" => "= '{$interv->_id}'");
     $order = array("observation_result_set.datetime", "observation_result_set.observation_result_set_id");
     $pack = new CSupervisionGraphPack();
     $graph_links = $pack->loadRefsGraphLinks();
     $list_by_datetime = array();
     $graphs = self::massLoadFwdRef($graph_links, "graph_id");
     /** @var self[] $list */
     $list = $result_set->loadList($where, $order);
     $grid = array();
     // Build the data structure
     $count = 0;
     $labels = array();
     foreach ($graphs as $_graph) {
         if ($_graph instanceof CSupervisionGraph) {
             $_axes = $_graph->loadRefsAxes();
             self::massCountBackRefs($_axes, "series");
             foreach ($_axes as $_axis) {
                 $_series = $_axis->loadRefsSeries();
                 $count += count($_series);
                 foreach ($_series as $_serie) {
                     $labels[] = $_serie;
         } elseif ($_graph instanceof CSupervisionTimedData || $_graph instanceof CSupervisionTimedPicture) {
             $labels[] = $_graph;
     self::massCountBackRefs($list, "observation_results");
     // Fill the data structure
     foreach ($list as $_set) {
         $results = $_set->loadRefsResults();
         self::massLoadFwdRef($results, "file_id");
         foreach ($results as $_result) {
         $p = 0;
         $_row = array_fill(0, $count, null);
         foreach ($graphs as $_graph) {
             if ($_graph instanceof CSupervisionGraph) {
                 $_axes = $_graph->_ref_axes;
                 foreach ($_axes as $_axis) {
                     $_series = $_axis->_ref_series;
                     foreach ($_series as $_serie) {
                         foreach ($results as $_result) {
                             if ($_result->value_type_id == $_serie->value_type_id && $_result->unit_id == $_serie->value_unit_id) {
                                 $_row[$p] = $_result;
             } elseif ($_graph instanceof CSupervisionTimedData || $_graph instanceof CSupervisionTimedPicture) {
                 foreach ($results as $_result) {
                     if ($_result->value_type_id == $_graph->value_type_id && $_result->unit_id == null) {
                         $_row[$p] = $_result;
         $grid[$_set->datetime] = $_row;
         $list_by_datetime[$_set->datetime] = $_set;
     return array($list, $grid, $graphs, $labels, $list_by_datetime);
  * Get related constant values
  * @param string[]  $selection Constants selection
  * @param CPatient  $patient   Related patient
  * @param CMbObject $context   Related context
  * @param null      $date_min  Minimal date
  * @param null      $date_max  Maximal date
  * @param null      $limit     Limit count
  * @return self[]
 static function getRelated($selection, CPatient $patient, CMbObject $context = null, $date_min = null, $date_max = null, $limit = null)
     $where = array("patient_id" => " = '{$patient->_id}'");
     if ($context) {
         $where["context_class"] = " = '{$context->_class}'";
         $where["context_id"] = " = '{$context->_id}'";
     $whereOr = array();
     foreach ($selection as $name) {
         if ($name[0] === "_") {
         $whereOr[] = "`{$name}` IS NOT NULL";
     $where[] = implode(" OR ", $whereOr);
     if ($date_min) {
         $where[] = "datetime >= '{$date_min}'";
     if ($date_max) {
         $where[] = "datetime <= '{$date_max}'";
     $constantes = new self();
     return array_reverse($constantes->loadList($where, "datetime DESC", $limit), true);
예제 #23
  * get the plage list between 2 days or for one day
  * @param string      $chir_id    chir of plage
  * @param string      $date_start date of start
  * @param string|null $date_end   date of end (if null, check only for start)
  * @return CPlageconsult[]
 function loadForDays($chir_id, $date_start, $date_end = null)
     $plage = new self();
     $where = array();
     $chir = new CMediusers();
     $where["date"] = $date_end ? "BETWEEN '{$date_start}' AND '{$date_end}' " : " = '{$date_start}'";
     $where[] = " chir_id = '{$chir_id}' OR remplacant_id = '{$chir_id}'";
     return $plage->loadList($where, "debut ASC, fin ASC, chir_id");
예제 #24
  * Chargement des droits du user
  * @param int $user_id The user to load the perms of
  * @return self[]
 static function loadExactPerms($user_id = null)
     $perm = new self();
     $where = array("user_id" => "= '{$user_id}'");
     return $perm->loadList($where);
예제 #25
  * @param array $user_ids list of user's id
  * @param date  $date date targeted
  * @return CPlageConge[]
 static function loadForIdsForDate($user_ids, $date)
     $plage = new self();
     $ds = $plage->getDS();
     $where = array();
     $where["user_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($user_ids);
     $where[] = " '{$date}' BETWEEN date_debut AND date_fin ";
     $plages = $plage->loadList($where);
     return $plages;
예제 #26
  * Récupération des salles activers pour les stats
  * @param int $salle_id Limitation du retour à une seule salle
  * @param int $bloc_id  Limitation du retour à un seul bloc
  * @return self[]
 static function getSallesStats($salle_id = null, $bloc_id = null)
     $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
     $where = array();
     $where['stats'] = " = '1'";
     $ljoin = array();
     if ($salle_id) {
         $where['salle_id'] = " = '{$salle_id}'";
     } elseif ($bloc_id) {
         $where['bloc_id'] = "= '{$bloc_id}'";
     } else {
         $where['bloc_operatoire.group_id'] = "= '{$group_id}'";
         $ljoin['bloc_operatoire'] = 'bloc_operatoire.bloc_operatoire_id = sallesbloc.bloc_id';
     $salle = new self();
     return $salle->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin);
예제 #27
  * Chargement des types d'ufs
  * @param string $object_class classe concernée
  * @return array()
 static function getUFs($object_class = null)
     $uf = new self();
     $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
     $tab_ufs = array("hebergement" => $uf->loadList(array("type" => "= 'hebergement'", "group_id" => "= '{$group_id}'"), "libelle"), "medicale" => $uf->loadList(array("type" => "= 'medicale'", "group_id" => "= '{$group_id}'"), "libelle"), "soins" => $uf->loadList(array("type" => "= 'soins'", "group_id" => "= '{$group_id}'"), "libelle"));
     if ($object_class == "CChambre" || $object_class == "C**t") {
     } elseif ($object_class == "CService") {
     } elseif ($object_class == "CMediusers" || $object_class == "CFunctions") {
     return $tab_ufs;
예제 #28
  * load catalogues with same identifier
  * @return self[]
 function getSiblings()
     $examen = new self();
     $where = array();
     $where["identifiant"] = "= '{$this->identifiant}'";
     $where["examen_labo_id"] = "!= '{$this->examen_labo_id}'";
     return $this->_ref_siblings = $examen->loadList($where);
  * load the list of access for a sejour
  * @param $sejour
  * @param $page
  * @return CLogAccessMedicalData[]
 static function loadListForSejour($sejour, $page = 0, $step = 50)
     $log = new self();
     $where = array();
     $where["object_class"] = " = '{$sejour->_class}'";
     $where["object_id"] = " = '{$sejour->_id}' ";
     $logs = $log->loadList($where, "datetime DESC", "{$page}, {$step}");
     return $logs;