예제 #1
    $sql = "SELECT tas.id, tas.name, pro.id, pro.name, tas.priority, tas.status, tas.due_date\r\n    FROM " . $tableCollab["tasks"] . " tas, " . $tableCollab["projects"] . " pro\r\n    WHERE tas.status IN (2,3) \r\n    AND tas.project = pro.id\r\n    AND tas.assigned_to = '{$staffid}'\r\n    ORDER BY tas.due_date, tas.status";
    $rows = mysql_query($sql, $res);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rows)) {
        if ($row[6] < $datenow) {
            $content .= task_row($row, $late_task_color);
        } elseif ($row[6] == $datenow) {
            $content .= task_row($row, $today_task_color);
        } else {
            $content .= task_row($row, $normal_task_color);
    $content .= task_footer();
    // set up the email object
    $tasknotice = new notification();
    $tasknotice->From = $from_email;
    $tasknotice->FromName = $from_name;
    $tasknotice->Subject = $subject_txt;
    $tasknotice->Body = $content;
    // $tasknotice->getUserinfo($staffid,"to");
    if ($send_html) {
        $tasknotice->AltBody = "this message uses html entities, but you prefer plain text !";
    // send the email
    if (!$tasknotice->Send()) {
        echo "Message was not sent\n";
        echo "Mailer Error: " . $tasknotice->ErrorInfo . "\n\n";