$mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_support_team_new2"];
            $subject = $mail->partSubject . ": " . $requestDetail->sr_id[0];
            $body = $mail->partMessage . "";
            $body .= "" . $requestDetail->sr_pro_name[0] . "";
        $body .= "\n\n" . $strings["id"] . " : " . $requestDetail->sr_id[0] . "\n" . $strings["subject"] . " : " . $requestDetail->sr_subject[0] . "\n" . $strings["status"] . " : " . $requestStatus[$requestDetail->sr_status[0]] . "\n" . $strings["details"] . " : ";
        if ($listTeam->tea_mem_profil[$i] == 3) {
            $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=projects_site/home.php%3Fproject=" . $requestDetail->sr_project[0] . "\n\n";
        } else {
            $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=support/viewrequest.php%3Fid={$num} \n\n";
        if ($listTeam->tea_mem_email_work[$i] != "") {
            $mail->Subject = $subject;
            $mail->Priority = "3";
            $mail->Body = $body;
            $mail->AddAddress($listTeam->tea_mem_email_work[$i], $listTeam->tea_mem_name[$i]);
} else {
    $tmpquery = "WHERE mem.id = '1'";
    $userDetail = new request();
    if ($userDetail->mem_email_work[0] != "") {
        $mail->partSubject = $strings["support"] . " " . $strings["support_id"];
        $mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_support_request_new2"];
        $subject = $mail->partSubject . ": " . $requestDetail->sr_id[0];
        $body = $mail->partMessage . "";
        $body .= "" . $requestDetail->sr_subject[0] . "";
        $body .= "\n\n" . $strings["id"] . " : " . $requestDetail->sr_id[0] . "\n" . $strings["subject"] . " : " . $requestDetail->sr_subject[0] . "\n" . $strings["status"] . " : " . $requestStatus[$requestDetail->sr_status[0]] . "\n" . $strings["details"] . " : ";
예제 #2
    $mail = new notification();
    $mail->getUserinfo($idSession, "from");
    $mail->partSubject = $strings["noti_prioritytaskchange1"];
    $mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_prioritytaskchange2"];
    if ($projectNoti->pro_org_id[0] == "1") {
        $projectNoti->pro_org_name[0] = $strings["none"];
    $complValue = $taskNoti->tas_completion[0] > 0 ? $taskNoti->tas_completion[0] . "0 %" : $taskNoti->tas_completion[0] . " %";
    $idStatus = $taskNoti->tas_status[0];
    $idPriority = $taskNoti->tas_priority[0];
    $body = $mail->partMessage . "\n\n" . $strings["task"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_name[0] . "\n" . $strings["start_date"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_start_date[0] . "\n" . $strings["due_date"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_due_date[0] . "\n" . $strings["completion"] . " : " . $complValue . "\n" . $strings["priority"] . " : {$priority[$idPriority]}\n" . $strings["status"] . " : {$status[$idStatus]}\n" . $strings["description"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_description[0] . "\n\n" . $strings["project"] . " : " . $projectNoti->pro_name[0] . " (" . $projectNoti->pro_id[0] . ")\n" . $strings["organization"] . " : " . $projectNoti->pro_org_name[0] . "\n\n" . $strings["noti_moreinfo"] . "\n";
    if ($taskNoti->tas_mem_organization[0] == "1") {
        $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=tasks/viewtask.php%3Fid={$id}";
    } else {
        if ($taskNoti->tas_mem_organization[0] != "1" && $projectNoti->pro_published[0] == "0" && $taskNoti->tas_published[0] == "0") {
            $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=projects_site/home.php%3Fproject=" . $projectNoti->pro_id[0];
    $body .= "\n\n" . $mail->footer;
    $subject = $mail->partSubject . " " . $taskNoti->tas_name[0];
    $mail->Subject = $subject;
    if ($taskNoti->tas_priority[0] == "4" || $taskNoti->tas_priority[0] == "5") {
        $mail->Priority = "1";
    } else {
        $mail->Priority = "3";
    $mail->Body = $body;
    $mail->AddAddress($listNotifications->not_mem_email_work[0], $listNotifications->not_mem_name[0]);
예제 #3
    $sql = "SELECT tas.id, tas.name, pro.id, pro.name, tas.priority, tas.status, tas.due_date\r\n    FROM " . $tableCollab["tasks"] . " tas, " . $tableCollab["projects"] . " pro\r\n    WHERE tas.status IN (2,3) \r\n    AND tas.project = pro.id\r\n    AND tas.assigned_to = '{$staffid}'\r\n    ORDER BY tas.due_date, tas.status";
    $rows = mysql_query($sql, $res);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rows)) {
        if ($row[6] < $datenow) {
            $content .= task_row($row, $late_task_color);
        } elseif ($row[6] == $datenow) {
            $content .= task_row($row, $today_task_color);
        } else {
            $content .= task_row($row, $normal_task_color);
    $content .= task_footer();
    // set up the email object
    $tasknotice = new notification();
    $tasknotice->From = $from_email;
    $tasknotice->FromName = $from_name;
    $tasknotice->Subject = $subject_txt;
    $tasknotice->Body = $content;
    // $tasknotice->getUserinfo($staffid,"to");
    if ($send_html) {
        $tasknotice->AltBody = "this message uses html entities, but you prefer plain text !";
    // send the email
    if (!$tasknotice->Send()) {
        echo "Message was not sent\n";
        echo "Mailer Error: " . $tasknotice->ErrorInfo . "\n\n";
 * Copyright (c) 2003 by the NetOffice developers
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
$mail = new notification();
$mail->getUserinfo($_SESSION['idSession'], "from");
$tmpquery = "WHERE sr.id = '{$id}'";
$requestDetail = new request();
$tmpquery = "WHERE mem.id = '" . $requestDetail->sr_user[0] . "'";
$userDetail = new request();
$mail->partSubject = $strings["support"] . " " . $strings["support_id"];
$mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_support_status2"];
$subject = $mail->partSubject . ": " . $requestDetail->sr_id[0];
$body = $mail->partMessage . "";
$body .= "\n\n" . $strings["id"] . " : " . $requestDetail->sr_id[0] . "\n" . $strings["subject"] . " : " . $requestDetail->sr_subject[0] . "\n" . $strings["status"] . " : " . $requestStatus[$requestDetail->sr_status[0]] . "\n" . $strings["details"] . " : ";
if ($listTeam->tea_mem_profil[$i] == 3) {
    $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=projects_site/home.php%3Fproject=" . $requestDetail->sr_project[0] . "\n\n";
} else {
    $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=support/viewrequest.php%3Fid={$num} \n\n";
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Priority = "3";
$mail->Body = $body;
$mail->AddAddress($userDetail->mem_email_work[0], $userDetail->mem_name[0]);
예제 #5
$mail = new notification();
$mail->message_type = "alt";
// Get list of members and notification settings
$query = "SELECT {$membersTable}.id, \n                 {$membersTable}.name,\n                 {$membersTable}.email_work\n          FROM   {$membersTable}, {$notificationsTable} \n          WHERE  {$membersTable}.id = {$notificationsTable}.member\n          AND    {$notificationsTable}.dailyAlert = 0";
// Gpet result
// Loop to retrieve all rows
while ($alert->fetch()) {
    // Set member
    $assignedTo = $row[0];
    // Clear all recipients in TO array
    // Set email info
    $mail->FromName = $row[1];
    $mail->From = $row[2];
    $mail->AddAddress($row[2], $row[1]);
    $mail->Subject = $strings['daily_alert_subject'];
    // Set default priority until otherwise notified
    $mail->Priority = "3";
    // Initialize body
    $body = '';
    // Initialize counts
    $taskCount = 0;
    $subtaskCount = 0;
    // See if there are any tasks pending
    $query = "SELECT {$tasksTable}.id,\n                     {$tasksTable}.name,\n                     {$tasksTable}.priority, \n                     {$tasksTable}.status, \n                     {$tasksTable}.completion,\n                     {$tasksTable}.start_date, \n                     {$tasksTable}.due_date,\n                     {$tasksTable}.description,\n                     {$projectsTable}.id, \n                     {$projectsTable}.name\n              FROM  {$tasksTable}, {$projectsTable}, {$membersTable}\n              WHERE {$tasksTable}.assigned_to = " . $assignedTo . "\n              AND {$tasksTable}.status != 1 \n              AND {$tasksTable}.due_date = '" . $today . "'\n              AND {$tasksTable}.project = {$projectsTable}.id\n              AND {$tasksTable}.assigned_to = {$membersTable}.id\n              ORDER BY {$tasksTable}.priority";
    // Create email body with link
    while ($alertSub->fetch()) {
        // Set task body
        if ($taskCount == 0) {