예제 #1
 $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=download-config}">{LNG_DOWNLOAD}</a>';
 $a[] = '{LNG_CATEGORY}';
 // แสดงผล
 $content[] = '<div class=breadcrumbs><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $a) . '</li></ul></div>';
 $content[] = '<section>';
 $content[] = '<header><h1 class=icon-category>' . $title . '</h1></header>';
 // หมวดหมู่
 $content[] = '<div class=subtitle>{LNG_DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY_DETAIL}</div>';
 $content[] = '<dl id=config_category class=editinplace_list>';
 $sql = "SELECT `id`,`category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`";
 foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) {
     $id = $item['id'];
     $row = '<dd id=config_category_' . $id . '>';
     $row .= '<span class=no>[' . $item['category_id'] . ']</span>';
     $row .= '<span class=icon-delete id=config_category_delete_' . $id . ' title="{LNG_DELETE} {LNG_CATEGORY}"></span>';
     $row .= '{LNG_CATEGORY} <span id=config_category_name_' . $id . ' title="{LNG_CLICK_TO} {LNG_EDIT}">' . htmlspecialchars(gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic')) . '</span>';
     $row .= '</dd>';
     $content[] = $row;
 $content[] = '</dl>';
 // submit
 $content[] = '<div class=submit>';
 $content[] = '<a id=config_category_add class="button large add"><span class=icon-plus>{LNG_ADD_NEW} {LNG_CATEGORY}</span></a>';
 $content[] = '</div>';
 $content[] = '</section>';
 $content[] = '<script>';
 $content[] = '$G(window).Ready(function(){';
 $content[] = "inintModuleCategory('config_category', '{$index['id']}', 'download');";
 $content[] = '});';
 $content[] = '</script>';
 // หน้านี้
예제 #2
파일: write.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS
 // breadcrumb ของ โมดูล
 $m = $install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_text'];
 $breadcrumbs['MODULE'] = gcms::breadcrumb('', gcms::getURL($index['module']), $install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_tooltip'], $m == '' ? $index['module'] : $m, $breadcrumb);
 // หมวด
 $categories = array();
 $categories[0] = '<option value=0>{LNG_NO_CATEGORY}</option>';
 $sql = "SELECT `category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['module_id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`";
 $list = $cache->get($sql);
 if (!$list) {
     $list = $db->customQuery($sql);
     $cache->save($sql, $list);
 foreach ($list as $item) {
     if ($isAdmin || $cat == $item['category_id']) {
         $sel = $cat == $item['category_id'] ? ' selected' : '';
         $categories[$item['category_id']] = "<option value={$item['category_id']}{$sel}>" . gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic') . "</option>";
 if (sizeof($categories) > 1) {
 // antispam
 $register_antispamchar = gcms::rndname(32);
 $_SESSION[$register_antispamchar] = gcms::rndname(4);
 // แสดงผล
 $patt = array('/{BREADCRUMS}/', '/<MEMBER>(.*)<\\/MEMBER>/s', '/<UPLOAD>(.*)<\\/UPLOAD>/s', '/{CATEGORIES}/', '/{(LNG_[A-Z0-9_]+)}/e', '/{LOGIN_PASSWORD}/', '/{LOGIN_EMAIL}/', '/{ANTISPAM}/', '/{ANTISPAMVAL}/', '/{SIZE}/', '/{TYPE}/', '/{MODULEID}/');
 $replace = array();
 $replace[] = implode("\n", $breadcrumbs);
 $replace[] = $isMember ? '' : '$1';
 $replace[] = $index['img_upload_type'] == '' ? '' : '$1';
 $replace[] = implode("\n", $categories);
예제 #3
 $content[] = '<div class=comment id=result_download_name>{LNG_DOWNLOAD_NAME_COMMENT}</div>';
 $content[] = '</div>';
 // download_description
 $content[] = '<div class=item>';
 $content[] = '<label for=download_description>{LNG_DESCRIPTION}</label>';
 $content[] = '<span class="g-input icon-file"><input type=text id=download_description name=download_description title="{LNG_DOWNLOAD_DESCRIPTION_COMMENT}" value="' . $index['detail'] . '"></span>';
 $content[] = '<div class=comment id=result_download_description>{LNG_DOWNLOAD_DESCRIPTION_COMMENT}</div>';
 $content[] = '</div>';
 // category
 $sql = "SELECT `category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['module_id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`";
 $content[] = '<div class=item>';
 $content[] = '<label for=download_category>{LNG_CATEGORY}</label>';
 $content[] = '<span class="g-input icon-category"><select name=download_category id=download_category title="{LNG_CATEGORY_SELECT}">';
 foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) {
     $sel = $item['category_id'] == $index['category_id'] ? ' selected' : '';
     $content[] = '<option value=' . $item['category_id'] . $sel . '>' . gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic') . '</option>';
 $content[] = '</select></span>';
 $content[] = '<div class=comment id=result_download_category>{LNG_CATEGORY_SELECT}</div>';
 $content[] = '</div>';
 // download_file
 $content[] = '<div class=item>';
 $content[] = '<label for=download_file>{LNG_DOWNLOAD_FILE}</label>';
 $content[] = '<span class="g-input icon-world"><input type=text id=download_file name=download_file title="{LNG_DOWNLOAD_FILE_COMMENT}" value="' . $index['file'] . '"></span>';
 $content[] = '<div class=comment id=result_download_file>{LNG_DOWNLOAD_FILE_COMMENT}</div>';
 $content[] = '</div>';
 // download_upload
 $content[] = '<div class=item>';
 $t = str_replace(array('{TYPE}', '{SIZE}'), array(str_replace(',', ', ', $config['download_file_typies']), gcms::formatFileSize($config['download_upload_size'])), $lng['LNG_DOWNLOAD_FILE_BROWSER_COMMENT']);
 $content[] = '<label for=download_upload>{LNG_BROWSE_FILE}</label>';
 $content[] = '<span class="g-input icon-upload"><input type=file class=g-file id=download_upload name=download_upload title="' . $t . '" placeholder="' . $index['file'] . '"></span>';
예제 #4
 $totalpage = round($count[0]['count'] / $list_per_page);
 $totalpage += $totalpage * $list_per_page < $count[0]['count'] ? 1 : 0;
 $page = max(1, $page > $totalpage ? $totalpage : $page);
 $start = $list_per_page * ($page - 1);
 // คำนวณรายการที่แสดง
 $s = $start < 0 ? 0 : $start + 1;
 $e = min($count[0]['count'], $s + $list_per_page - 1);
 $patt2 = array('/{SEARCH}/', '/{COUNT}/', '/{PAGE}/', '/{TOTALPAGE}/', '/{START}/', '/{END}/');
 $replace2 = array($search, $count[0]['count'], $page, $totalpage, $s, $e);
 // save cookie
 setCookie('document_listperpage', $list_per_page, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365);
 // หมวดหมู่
 $categories = array();
 $sql = "SELECT `category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`";
 foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) {
     $categories[$item['category_id']] = gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic');
 // title
 $m = ucwords($index['module']);
 $title = "{$lng['LNG_CREATE']}-{$lng['LNG_EDIT']} {$lng['LNG_CONTENTS']} {$m}";
 $a = array();
 $a[] = '<span class=icon-documents>{LNG_MODULES}</span>';
 $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=document-config&id=' . $index['id'] . '}">' . $m . '</a>';
 if ($cat > 0) {
     $a[] = $categories[$cat];
 $a[] = '{LNG_CONTENTS}';
 // แสดงผล
 $content[] = '<div class=breadcrumbs><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $a) . '</li></ul></div>';
 $content[] = '<section>';
 $content[] = '<header><h1 class=icon-list>' . $title . '</h1></header>';
예제 #5
파일: getnews.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS
 $bg = 'bg2';
 foreach ($datas as $i => $item) {
     if ($i > 0 && $i % $match[2] == 0) {
         $widget[] = '</div><div class="row ' . $styles . 'view">';
     $bg = $bg == 'bg1' ? 'bg2' : 'bg1';
     $replace = array();
     $replace[] = "{$bg} background" . rand(0, 5);
     if ($config['module_url'] == '1') {
         $replace[] = gcms::getURL($index['module'], $item['alias']);
     } else {
         $replace[] = gcms::getURL($index['module'], '', 0, $item['id']);
     $replace[] = $item['topic'];
     $replace[] = $item['description'];
     $replace[] = gcms::ser2Str($item, 'category');
     $replace[] = gcms::mktime2date($item['create_date'], 'd M Y');
     $replace[] = $item['member_id'];
     $replace[] = $item['displayname'] == '' ? $item['email'] : $item['displayname'];
     $replace[] = $item['status'];
     $replace[] = number_format($item['comments']);
     $replace[] = number_format($item['visited']);
     if ($item['picture'] != '' && is_file(DATA_PATH . "document/{$item['picture']}")) {
         $replace[] = DATA_URL . "document/{$item['picture']}";
     } else {
         $replace[] = WEB_URL . "/{$index['default_icon']}";
     if ($item['create_date'] > $valid_date && $item['comment_date'] == 0) {
         $replace[] = 'new';
     } elseif ($item['last_update'] > $valid_date || $item['comment_date'] > $valid_date) {
         $replace[] = 'update';
예제 #6
파일: list.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS
     $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND'];
     $content = '<div class=error>' . $title . '</div>';
 } else {
     $index = $index[0];
     // ค่าที่ส่งมา
     $id = isset($_REQUEST['cat']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['cat'] : 0;
     // หมวดทั้งหมด
     $categories = array();
     $sql = "SELECT `category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['module_id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`";
     $saved = $cache->get($sql);
     if (!$saved) {
         $saved = $db->customQuery($sql);
         $cache->save($sql, $saved);
     foreach ($saved as $category) {
         $categories[$category['category_id']] = gcms::ser2Str($category, 'topic');
     // breadcrumbs
     $breadcrumb = gcms::loadtemplate($index['module'], '', 'breadcrumb');
     $breadcrumbs = array();
     // หน้าหลัก
     $breadcrumbs['HOME'] = gcms::breadcrumb('icon-home', WEB_URL . '/index.php', $install_modules[$module_list[0]]['menu_tooltip'], $install_modules[$module_list[0]]['menu_text'], $breadcrumb);
     // โมดูล
     if (isset($install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_text'])) {
         $m = $install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_text'];
         $t = $install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_tooltip'];
     } else {
         $m = ucwords($index['module']);
         $t = $m;
     $canonical = gcms::getURL($index['module']);
예제 #7
파일: list.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS
             $canonical = gcms::getURL($index['module']);
             $breadcrumbs['MODULE'] = gcms::breadcrumb('', $canonical, $t, $m, $breadcrumb);
         // อ่าน config
         gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index);
 if (!$index) {
     $title = $lng['LNG_DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND'];
     $content = '<div class=error>' . $title . '</div>';
 } else {
     if ($cat_count == 1) {
         $index['topic'] = gcms::ser2Str($index, 'topic');
         $index['description'] = gcms::ser2Str($index, 'description');
         $index['icon'] = gcms::ser2Str($index, 'icon');
     // category
     if ($cat_count == 1 && $index['topic'] != '') {
         $breadcrumbs['CATEGORY'] = gcms::breadcrumb('', gcms::getURL($index['module'], '', (int) $index['category_id']), $index['description'], $index['topic'], $breadcrumb);
     $splitpage = '';
     $list = array();
     if ($cat_count > 0 || $index['categories'] == 0 || $index['category_display'] == 0) {
         // เลือกหมวดมา หรือไม่มีหมวด หรือปิดการแสดงผลหมวดหมู่ แสดงรายการเรื่อง
         include ROOT_PATH . 'modules/document/stories.php';
         $template = 'list';
     } else {
         // ลิสต์รายชื่อหมวด
         include ROOT_PATH . 'modules/document/categories.php';
         $template = 'category';
예제 #8
파일: view.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS
         $sql .= " WHERE I.`module_id`={$index['module_id']} AND I.`language` IN ('" . LANGUAGE . "','') LIMIT 1";
         $mo = $cache->get($sql);
         if (!$mo) {
             $mo = $db->customQuery($sql);
             $cache->save($sql, $mo);
         $m = $mo[0]['topic'];
         $t = $mo[0]['topic'];
     $canonical = gcms::getURL($index['module']);
     $breadcrumbs['MODULE'] = gcms::breadcrumb('', $canonical, $t, $m, $breadcrumb);
 // category
 $category = gcms::ser2Str($index, 'category');
 if (!empty($category)) {
     $breadcrumbs['CATEGORY'] = gcms::breadcrumb('', gcms::getURL($index['module'], '', $index['category_id']), gcms::ser2Str($index, 'cat_tooltip'), $category, $breadcrumb);
 // ความคิดเห็น
 $comments = array();
 if ($canReply) {
     $patt = array('/(edit-{QID}-{RID}-{NO}-{MODULE})/', '/(delete-{QID}-{RID}-{NO}-{MODULE})/', '/{DETAIL}/', '/{UID}/', '/{DISPLAYNAME}/', '/{STATUS}/', '/{DATE}/', '/{DATEISO}/', '/{IP}/', '/{NO}/', '/{RID}/');
     $skin = gcms::loadtemplate($index['module'], 'document', 'commentitem');
     // query
     $sql = "SELECT C.*,U.`status`";
     $sql .= ",(CASE WHEN ISNULL(U.`id`) THEN C.`email` WHEN U.`displayname`='' THEN U.`email` ELSE U.`displayname` END) AS `displayname`";
     $sql .= " FROM `" . DB_COMMENT . "` AS C";
     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . DB_USER . "` AS U ON U.`id`=C.`member_id`";
     $sql .= " WHERE C.`index_id`='{$index['id']}' AND C.`module_id`='{$index['module_id']}'";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY C.`id` ASC";
     if (isset($_REQUEST['visited'])) {
         $datas = $db->customQuery($sql);
예제 #9
파일: index.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS

// widgets/categories/index.php
if (defined('MAIN_INIT') && preg_match('/^[a-z]{4,}$/', $module) && isset($install_modules[$module])) {
    $index = $install_modules[$module];
    $sql = "SELECT `category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['module_id']}' ORDER BY `category_id` DESC";
    $datas = $cache->get($sql);
    if (!$datas) {
        $datas = $db->customQuery($sql);
        $cache->save($sql, $datas);
    foreach ($datas as $item) {
        $widget[] = '<li><a href="' . gcms::getURL($index['module'], '', $item['category_id']) . '">' . gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic') . '</a></li>';
    if (sizeof($widget) > 0) {
        $widget = '<ul>' . implode("\n", $widget) . '</ul>';
예제 #10
// modules/document/categories.php
if (defined('MAIN_INIT') && is_array($index)) {
    // list รายการหมวดหมู่
    $listitem = gcms::loadtemplate($index['module'], 'document', 'categoryitem');
    $patt = array('/{THUMB}/', '/{URL}/', '/{TOPIC}/', '/{COUNT}/', '/{COMMENTS}/', '/{DETAIL}/');
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['id']}' AND `published`='1' ORDER BY `category_id` DESC";
    $datas = $cache->get($sql);
    if (!$datas) {
        $datas = $db->customQuery($sql);
        $cache->save($sql, $datas);
    foreach ($datas as $item) {
        $replace = array();
        $icon = gcms::ser2Str($item, 'icon');
        if ($icon != '' && is_file(DATA_PATH . "document/{$icon}")) {
            $replace[] = DATA_URL . "document/{$icon}";
        } else {
            $replace[] = WEB_URL . "/{$index['default_icon']}";
        $replace[] = gcms::getURL($index['module'], '', $item['category_id']);
        $replace[] = gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic');
        $replace[] = $item['c1'];
        $replace[] = $item['c2'];
        $replace[] = gcms::ser2Str($item, 'detail');
        $list[] = preg_replace($patt, $replace, $listitem);
    // canonical
    if ($index['module'] != $module_list[0]) {
        $canonical = gcms::getURL($index['module']);
예제 #11
파일: view.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS
 $breadcrumbs = array();
 // หน้าหลัก
 $breadcrumbs['HOME'] = gcms::breadcrumb('icon-home', WEB_URL . '/index.php', $install_modules[$module_list[0]]['menu_tooltip'], $install_modules[$module_list[0]]['menu_text'], $breadcrumb);
 // โมดูล
 if (isset($install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_text'])) {
     $m = $install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_text'];
     $t = $install_modules[$index['module']]['menu_tooltip'];
 } else {
     $m = ucwords($index['module']);
     $t = $m;
 $canonical = gcms::getURL($index['module']);
 $breadcrumbs['MODULE'] = gcms::breadcrumb('', $canonical, $t, $m, $breadcrumb);
 // อัลบัม
 $canonical = gcms::getURL($index['module'], '', 0, 0, "id={$index['category_id']}");
 $index['category'] = gcms::ser2Str($index, 'category');
 $breadcrumbs['CATEGORY'] = gcms::breadcrumb('', $canonical, $index['category'], $index['category'], $breadcrumb);
 // แสดงผล list รายการ
 $patt = array('/{BREADCRUMS}/', '/{NAME}/', '/{POSITION}/', '/{CATEGORY}/', '/{DETAIL}/', '/{ADDRESS}/', '/{PHONE}/', '/{EMAIL}/', '/{PICTURE}/');
 $replace = array();
 $replace[] = implode("\n", $breadcrumbs);
 $replace[] = $index['name'];
 $replace[] = $index['position'];
 $replace[] = $index['category'];
 $replace[] = $index['detail'];
 $replace[] = $index['address'];
 $replace[] = $index['phone'];
 $replace[] = $index['email'];
 $replace[] = $index['picture'] != '' && is_file(DATA_PATH . "personnel/{$index['picture']}") ? DATA_URL . "personnel/{$index['picture']}" : WEB_URL . '/modules/personnel/img/noicon.jpg';
 $content = preg_replace($patt, $replace, gcms::loadtemplate($index['module'], 'personnel', 'view'));
 // ตัวแปรหลังจากแสดงผลแล้ว
예제 #12
파일: index.php 프로젝트: phannack/GCMS
                $widget[] = '<a class=position href="' . gcms::getUrl($module['module'], '', 0, 0, "cat={$item['category_id']}") . '">' . $item['position'] . '</a>';
                $widget[] = '</p>';
                $widget[] = '</div>';
        $widget[] = '</div>';
        // group
        if ($match[3] == 'menu') {
            $widget[] = '<nav class=sidemenu><ul>';
            $sql = "SELECT `category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$module['id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`";
            $saved = $cache->get($sql);
            if (!$saved) {
                $saved = $db->customQuery($sql);
                $cache->save($sql, $saved);
            foreach ($saved as $item) {
                $url = gcms::getURL($module['module'], '', 0, 0, "cat={$item['category_id']}");
                $widget[] = '<li><a href="' . $url . '"><span>' . gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic') . '</span></a></li>';
            $widget[] = '</ul></nav>';
        $widget[] = '<script>';
        $widget[] = 'inintPersonnelWidget("widget_personnel");';
        $widget[] = '</script>';
        $widget = implode('', $widget);
    } else {
        $widget = '';
} else {
    $widget = '';