$module = $match[1]; $value = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'value', 0); } else { $action = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'action', ''); $id = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'id', ''); $value = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'value', 0); $module = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'module', 0); } // โมดูลที่เรียก $index = $db->getRec(DB_MODULES, $module); if ($index) { // config gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index); // ตรวจสอบ เจ้าของ แอดมิน $sql = "SELECT `id`,`picture` FROM `" . DB_INDEX . "` WHERE `id` IN({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'"; if (!gcms::canConfig($index, 'moderator') && !gcms::isAdmin()) { $sql .= ' AND `member_id`=' . (int) $_SESSION['login']['id']; } $ids = array(); foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) { $ids[$item['id']] = $item['picture']; } if (sizeof($ids) > 0) { $id = implode(',', array_keys($ids)); if ($action == 'delete') { // ลบ (บทความ) foreach ($ids as $i => $item) { @unlink(DATA_PATH . "document/{$item}"); } $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_COMMENT . "` WHERE `index_id` IN ({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'"); $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_INDEX . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'");
$list = array(); if ($cat_count > 0 || $index['categories'] == 0 || $index['category_display'] == 0) { // เลือกหมวดมา หรือไม่มีหมวด หรือปิดการแสดงผลหมวดหมู่ แสดงรายการเรื่อง include ROOT_PATH . 'modules/document/stories.php'; $template = 'list'; } else { // ลิสต์รายชื่อหมวด include ROOT_PATH . 'modules/document/categories.php'; $template = 'category'; } // แสดงผลหน้าเว็บ $patt = array('/{BREADCRUMS}/', '/{LIST}/', '/{NEWTOPIC}/', '/{CATEGORY}/', '/{TOPIC}/', '/{DETAIL}/', '/{SPLITPAGE}/', '/{LANGUAGE}/', '/{MODULE}/'); $replace = array(); $replace[] = implode("\n", $breadcrumbs); $replace[] = sizeof($list) > 0 ? '<div class="row iconview">' . implode("\n", $list) . '</div>' : ''; $replace[] = is_file(ROOT_PATH . 'modules/document/write.php') && gcms::canConfig($index, 'can_write') ? '' : 'hidden'; $replace[] = $cat; $replace[] = $index['topic']; $replace[] = gcms::getVars($index, 'detail', ''); $replace[] = $splitpage; $replace[] = LANGUAGE; $replace[] = $index['module']; if (sizeof($list) > 0) { $content = preg_replace($patt, $replace, gcms::loadtemplate($index['module'], 'document', $template)); } else { $content = preg_replace($patt, $replace, gcms::loadtemplate($index['module'], 'document', 'empty')); } // title,keywords,description $title = $index['topic']; $keywords = $index['keywords']; $description = $index['description'];
<?php // modules/board/admin_config.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && $isMember) { // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก $sql = "SELECT `id`,`module`,`config` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `id`=" . (int) $_GET['id'] . " AND `owner`='board' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); $index = sizeof($index) == 1 ? $index[0] : false; if ($index) { // อ่าน config ของโมดูล gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index); // ตรวจสอบสถานะที่สามารถเข้าหน้านี้ได้ if (!gcms::canConfig($index, 'can_config')) { $index = false; } } if (!$index) { $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND']; $content[] = '<aside class=error>' . $title . '</aside>'; } else { // title $m = ucwords($index['module']); $title = "{$lng['LNG_CONFIG']} {$m}"; $a = array(); $a[] = '<span class=icon-board>{LNG_MODULES}</span>'; $a[] = $m; $a[] = '{LNG_CONFIG}'; // แสดงผล $content[] = '<div class=breadcrumbs><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $a) . '</li></ul></div>'; $content[] = '<section>'; $content[] = '<header><h1 class=icon-config>' . $title . '</h1></header>';
<?php // modules/gallery/admin_action.php header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // inint include '../../bin/inint.php'; $ret = array(); // referer, member if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::canConfig($config, 'gallery_can_write')) { if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') { $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR'; } else { $action = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'action', ''); $ids = array(); foreach (explode(',', $_POST['id']) as $id) { $ids[] = (int) $id; } if (sizeof($ids) > 0) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); if ($action == 'delete') { // ลบอัลบัม, ตรวจสอบ id $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_GALLERY_ALBUM . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$ids}) AND `module_id`=(SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `owner`='gallery')"; $ids = array(); foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) { // ลบโฟลเดอร์และรูป gcms::rm_dir(DATA_PATH . "gallery/{$item['id']}/"); // id ที่ลบ $ids[] = $item['id']; } if (sizeof($ids) > 0) { $ids = implode(',', $ids);
<?php // modules/personnel/admin_category.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && gcms::canConfig($config, 'personnel_can_config')) { // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `owner`='personnel' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); if (sizeof($index) == 1) { $index = $index[0]; // title $title = "{$lng['LNG_CREATE']} - {$lng['LNG_EDIT']} {$lng['LNG_PERSONNEL_CATEGORY']}"; $a = array(); $a[] = '<span class=icon-modules>{LNG_MODULES}</span>'; $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=personnel-config&id=0}">{LNG_PERSONNEL}</a>'; $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=personnel-category&id=0}">{LNG_PERSONNEL_CATEGORY}</a>'; // แสดงผล $content[] = '<div class=breadcrumbs><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $a) . '</li></ul></div>'; $content[] = '<section>'; $content[] = '<header><h1 class=icon-customer>' . $title . '</h1></header>'; // หมวดหมู่ $content[] = '<div class=subtitle>{LNG_PERSONNEL_CATEGORY_COMMENT}</div>'; $content[] = '<dl id=config_category class=editinplace_list>'; $sql = "SELECT `id`,`category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`"; foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) { $id = $item['id']; $row = '<dd id=config_category_' . $id . '>'; $row .= '<span class=no>[' . $item['category_id'] . ']</span>'; $row .= '<span class=icon-delete id=config_category_delete_' . $id . ' title="{LNG_DELETE} {LNG_CATEGORY}"></span>'; $row .= '{LNG_CATEGORY} <span id=config_category_name_' . $id . ' title="{LNG_CLICK_TO} {LNG_EDIT}">' . htmlspecialchars(gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic')) . '</span>'; $row .= '</dd>'; $content[] = $row;
<?php // modules/download/admin_category.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && gcms::canConfig($config, 'download_can_config')) { // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `owner`='download' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); if (sizeof($index) == 1) { $index = $index[0]; // title $title = "{$lng['LNG_CREATE']} - {$lng['LNG_EDIT']} {$lng['LNG_CATEGORY']}"; $a = array(); $a[] = '<span class=icon-download>{LNG_MODULES}</span>'; $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=download-config}">{LNG_DOWNLOAD}</a>'; $a[] = '{LNG_CATEGORY}'; // แสดงผล $content[] = '<div class=breadcrumbs><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $a) . '</li></ul></div>'; $content[] = '<section>'; $content[] = '<header><h1 class=icon-category>' . $title . '</h1></header>'; // หมวดหมู่ $content[] = '<div class=subtitle>{LNG_DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY_DETAIL}</div>'; $content[] = '<dl id=config_category class=editinplace_list>'; $sql = "SELECT `id`,`category_id`,`topic` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `module_id`='{$index['id']}' ORDER BY `category_id`"; foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) { $id = $item['id']; $row = '<dd id=config_category_' . $id . '>'; $row .= '<span class=no>[' . $item['category_id'] . ']</span>'; $row .= '<span class=icon-delete id=config_category_delete_' . $id . ' title="{LNG_DELETE} {LNG_CATEGORY}"></span>'; $row .= '{LNG_CATEGORY} <span id=config_category_name_' . $id . ' title="{LNG_CLICK_TO} {LNG_EDIT}">' . htmlspecialchars(gcms::ser2Str($item, 'topic')) . '</span>'; $row .= '</dd>'; $content[] = $row;
// ไม่พบรายการหรือยังไม่ได้ติดตั้ง $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND']; $content = '<div class=error>' . $title . '</div>'; } elseif (empty($config['edocument_can_upload']) || !gcms::canConfig($config, 'edocument_can_upload')) { // ไม่สามารถอัปโหลดได้ $title = $lng['ACTION_FORBIDDEN']; $content = '<div class=error>' . $title . '</div>'; } else { $index = $index[0]; // login $login = gcms::getVars($_SESSION, 'login', array('id' => 0, 'status' => -1, 'email' => '', 'password' => '')); if ($id > 0) { // เจ้าของ $canEdit = $index['sender_id'] == $login['id']; // ผู้ดูแล $moderator = gcms::canConfig($config, 'edocument_moderator'); // เจ้าของหรือผู้ดูแล แก้ไขได้ $canEdit = $canEdit || $moderator; // ผู้รับเอกสาร $reciever = explode(',', $index['reciever']); } else { $index['document_no'] = sprintf($config['edocument_format_no'], (int) $index['document_no'] + 1); $index['topic'] = ''; $index['detail'] = ''; $index['ext'] = ''; $index['id'] = 0; $reciever = array(); } if ($id == 0 || $canEdit) { // antispam $antispam = gcms::rndname(32);
// modules/document/admin_setup.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && $isMember) { unset($url_query['qid']); // โมดูลที่เรียก $id = gcms::getVars($_GET, 'id', 0); // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `id`={$id} AND `owner`='document' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); $index = sizeof($index) == 1 ? $index[0] : false; if ($index) { // อ่าน config ของโมดูล gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index); // ตรวจสอบสถานะที่สามารถเข้าหน้านี้ได้ $can_write = gcms::canConfig($index, 'can_write'); $moderator = gcms::canConfig($index, 'moderator'); if (!$moderator && !$can_write) { $index = false; } } if (!$index) { $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND']; $content[] = '<aside class=error>' . $title . '</aside>'; } else { // ค่าที่ส่งมา $q = array(); // หมวดที่เลือก $cat = gcms::getVars($_GET, 'cat', 0); if ($cat > 0) { $q[] = "P.`category_id`={$cat}"; }
<?php // modules/personnel/admin_inint.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && $isAdmin && (sizeof($install_owners['personnel']) == 0 || !defined('DB_PERSONNEL'))) { // เมนูติดตั้ง $admin_menus['tools']['install']['personnel'] = '<a href="index.php?module=install&modules=personnel"><span>Personnel</span></a>'; } else { // เมนูแอดมิน if (gcms::canConfig($config, 'personnel_can_config')) { $admin_menus['modules']['personnel']['category'] = '<a href="index.php?module=personnel-category"><span>{LNG_PERSONNEL_CATEGORY}</span></a>'; } else { unset($admin_menus['modules']['personnel']['config']); unset($admin_menus['modules']['personnel']['category']); } if (gcms::canConfig($config, 'personnel_can_config')) { $admin_menus['modules']['personnel']['setup'] = '<a href="index.php?module=personnel-setup"><span>{LNG_PERSONNEL_LIST}</span></a>'; $admin_menus['modules']['personnel']['write'] = '<a href="index.php?module=personnel-write"><span>{LNG_ADD_NEW} {LNG_PERSONNEL}</span></a>'; } else { unset($admin_menus['modules']['personnel']['setup']); } }
if (isset($_POST['id'])) { foreach (explode(',', $_POST['id']) as $id) { $ids[] = (int) $id; } $id = implode(',', $ids); } } // ตรวจสอบ module $index = $db->getRec(DB_MODULES, $module); if ($index) { if (in_array($index['owner'], array('document', 'board'))) { // config gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index); $admin = gcms::canConfig($index, 'can_config'); } else { $admin = gcms::canConfig($config, $index['owner'] . '_can_config'); } if ($admin && $action == 'delete') { // ลบหมวดหมู่, ตรวจสอบรายการที่เลือก และลบ icon ของหมวด $ids = array(); $categories = array(); $sql = "SELECT `id`,`icon` FROM `" . DB_CATEGORY . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'"; foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) { foreach (gcms::ser2Array($item, 'icon') as $icon) { if (is_file(DATA_PATH . "{$index['owner']}/{$icon}")) { // ลบไอคอนของหมวด unlink(DATA_PATH . "{$index['owner']}/{$icon}"); } } // รายการที่ลบ category_detail $ids[] = $item['id'];
<?php // modules/video/admin_config_save.php header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // inint include '../../bin/inint.php'; $ret = array(); // referer, admin if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::canConfig($config, 'video_can_config')) { if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') { $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR'; } else { // โหลด config ใหม่ $config = array(); if (is_file(CONFIG)) { include CONFIG; } // ค่าที่ส่งมา $config['google_api_key'] = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'google_api_key', ''); $config['video_cols'] = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'config_cols', 0); $config['video_rows'] = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'config_rows', 0); $config['video_can_write'] = isset($_POST['config_can_write']) ? $_POST['config_can_write'] : array(); $config['video_can_write'][] = 1; $config['video_can_config'] = isset($_POST['config_can_config']) ? $_POST['config_can_config'] : array(); $config['video_can_config'][] = 1; // บันทึก config.php if (gcms::saveconfig(CONFIG, $config)) { $ret['error'] = 'SAVE_COMPLETE'; $ret['location'] = 'reload'; } else { $ret['error'] = 'DO_NOT_SAVE';
<?php // modules/event/admin_inint.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && $isAdmin && (sizeof($install_owners['event']) == 0 || !defined('DB_EVENTCALENDAR'))) { // เมนูติดตั้ง $admin_menus['tools']['install']['event'] = '<a href="index.php?module=install&modules=event"><span>Event Calendar</span></a>'; } else { // เมนูแอดมิน if (!gcms::canConfig($config, 'event_can_config')) { unset($admin_menus['modules']['event']['config']); } if (gcms::canConfig($config, 'event_can_write')) { $admin_menus['modules']['event']['setup'] = '<a href="index.php?module=event-setup"><span>{LNG_EVENT_LIST}</span></a>'; } else { unset($admin_menus['modules']['event']['setup']); } }
<?php // modules/edocument/admin_config_save.php header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // inint include '../../bin/inint.php'; $ret = array(); // referer, admin if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::canConfig($config, 'edocument_can_config')) { if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') { $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR'; } else { $error = false; // ตรวจสอบชนิดของไฟล์ $file_typies = strtolower(preg_replace('/[\\s]/', '', $_POST['config_file_typies'])); if ($file_typies != '') { foreach (explode(',', $file_typies) as $item) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]{2,6}$/u', $item)) { $error = true; } } } $edocument_format_no = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'config_format_no'); // ตรวจสอบค่าที่ส่งมา $ret['ret_config_format_no'] = ''; $ret['ret_config_file_typies'] = ''; if ($edocument_format_no == '') { $ret['error'] = 'EDOCUMENT_FORMAT_NO_EMPTY'; $ret['input'] = 'config_format_no'; $ret['ret_config_format_no'] = 'EDOCUMENT_FORMAT_NO_EMPTY'; } elseif ($file_typies == '') {
<?php // modules/download/admin_inint.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && $isAdmin && (sizeof($install_owners['download']) == 0 || !defined('DB_DOWNLOAD'))) { // เมนูติดตั้ง $admin_menus['tools']['install']['download'] = '<a href="index.php?module=install&modules=download"><span>Download</span></a>'; } else { // เมนูแอดมิน if (!gcms::canConfig($config, 'download_can_config')) { unset($admin_menus['modules']['download']['config']); unset($admin_menus['modules']['download']['category']); } if (gcms::canConfig($config, 'download_can_upload')) { $admin_menus['modules']['download']['setup'] = '<a href="index.php?module=download-setup"><span>{LNG_DOWNLOAD_FILES}</span></a>'; $admin_menus['modules']['download']['write'] = '<a href="index.php?module=download-write"><span>{LNG_UPLOAD}</span></a>'; } else { unset($admin_menus['modules']['download']['setup']); } }
<?php // modules/edocument/admin_config.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && gcms::canConfig($config, 'edocument_can_config')) { // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `owner`='edocument' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); if (sizeof($index) == 0) { $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND']; $content[] = '<aside class=error>' . $title . '</aside>'; } else { $index = $index[0]; // title $title = "{$lng['LNG_CONFIG']} {$lng['LNG_EDOCUMENT']}"; $a = array(); $a[] = '<span class=icon-edocument>{LNG_MODULES}</span>'; $a[] = '{LNG_EDOCUMENT}'; $a[] = '{LNG_CONFIG}'; // แสดงผล $content[] = '<div class=breadcrumbs><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $a) . '</li></ul></div>'; $content[] = '<section>'; $content[] = '<header><h1 class=icon-config>' . $title . '</h1></header>'; // form $content[] = '<form id=setup_frm class=setup_frm method=post action=index.php autocomplete=off>'; $content[] = '<fieldset>'; $content[] = '<legend><span>{LNG_MAIN_CONFIG}</span></legend>'; // edocument_format_no $content[] = '<div class=item>'; $content[] = '<label for=config_format_no>{LNG_EDOCUMENT_NO} :</label>'; $content[] = '<span class="g-input icon-config"><input type=text id=config_format_no name=config_format_no value="' . $config['edocument_format_no'] . '" size=100 title="{LNG_EDOCUMENT_FORMAT_NO_COMMENT}"></span>'; $content[] = '<div class=comment id=result_config_format_no>{LNG_EDOCUMENT_FORMAT_NO_COMMENT}</div>';
<?php // modules/event/admin_write_save.php header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // inint include '../../bin/inint.php'; $ret = array(); // ตรวจสอบ referer และ สมาชิก if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::canConfig($config, 'event_can_write')) { if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') { $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR'; } else { // ค่าที่ส่งมา $save['topic'] = gcms::getTags($_POST['write_topic']); $keywords = gcms::getTags($_POST['write_keywords']); $save['keywords'] = $db->sql_clean(gcms::cutstring(preg_replace('/[\'\\"\\r\\n\\s]{1,}/isu', ' ', $keywords == '' ? $save['topic'] : $keywords), 149)); $description = trim(gcms::getVars($_POST, 'write_description', '')); $save['description'] = $db->sql_trim_str(gcms::cutstring(gcms::html2txt($description == '' ? $_POST['write_detail'] : $description), 149)); $save['detail'] = gcms::ckDetail($_POST['write_detail']); $save['published_date'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_published_date'); $save['published'] = $_POST['write_published'] == '1' ? '1' : '0'; $save['begin_date'] = "{$_POST['write_d']} {$_POST['write_h']}:{$_POST['write_m']}:00"; $save['color'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_color'); $id = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'write_id', 0); if ($id > 0) { // ตรวจสอบโมดูล หรือ เรื่องที่เลือก (แก้ไข) $sql = "SELECT I.`module_id`,M.`module`"; $sql .= " FROM `" . DB_EVENTCALENDAR . "` AS I"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN `" . DB_MODULES . "` AS M ON M.`owner`='event' AND M.`id`=I.`module_id`"; $sql .= " WHERE I.`id`='{$id}'"; $sql .= " LIMIT 1";
<?php // modules/gallery/admin_upload.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && gcms::canConfig($config, 'gallery_can_write')) { // อัลบัมที่แก้ไข $id = gcms::getVars($_GET, 'id', 0); // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก if ($id > 0) { $sql = "SELECT C.`id`,C.`topic`,M.`module` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` AS M"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN `" . DB_GALLERY_ALBUM . "` AS C ON C.`module_id`=M.`id` AND C.`id`={$id}"; $sql .= " WHERE M.`owner`='gallery' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); } if ($id == 0 || sizeof($index) == 0) { $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND']; $content[] = '<aside class=error>' . $title . '</aside>'; } else { $index = $index[0]; // guploads $javascript['guploads'] = '<script src=' . WEB_URL . '/widgets/guploads/script.js></script>'; // title $title = "{$lng['LNG_ADD']} - {$lng['LNG_DELETE']} {$lng['LNG_IMAGE']}"; $a = array(); $a[] = '<span class=icon-gallery>{LNG_MODULES}</span>'; $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=gallery-config&id=0}">{LNG_GALLERY}</a>'; $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=gallery-album&id=0}">{LNG_GALLERY_ALBUM}</a>'; $a[] = '{LNG_GALLERY_UPLOAD}'; // แสดงผล $content[] = '<div class=breadcrumbs><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $a) . '</li></ul></div>'; $content[] = '<section>'; $content[] = '<header><h1 class=icon-upload>' . $title . ' {LNG_GALLERY_ALBUM} ' . $index['topic'] . '</h1></header>';
$totalpage = round($count['count'] / $config['edocument_listperpage']); $totalpage += $totalpage * $config['edocument_listperpage'] < $count['count'] ? 1 : 0; $page = $page > $totalpage ? $totalpage : $page; $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page; $start = $config['edocument_listperpage'] * ($page - 1); // list รายการ $sql = "SELECT D.*,U.`fname`,U.`lname`,U.`email`,U.`status` FROM `" . DB_EDOCUMENT . "` AS D"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN `" . DB_USER . "` AS U ON U.`id`=D.`sender_id`"; $sql .= " {$where} ORDER BY D.`last_update` DESC LIMIT {$start},{$config['edocument_listperpage']}"; $datas = $cache->get($sql); if (!$datas) { $datas = $db->customQuery($sql); $cache->save($sql, $datas); } // ผู้ดุแล $moderator = $isAdmin || gcms::canConfig($config, 'edocument_moderator'); // อ่านรายการลงใน $list $list = array(); $patt = array('/(edit\\s{ID})/', '/(report\\s{ID})/', '/(delete\\s{ID})/', '/{ID}/', '/{NAME}/', '/{EXT}/', '/{ICON}/', '/{DETAIL}/', '/{DATE}/', '/{NO}/', '/{SIZE}/', '/{SENDER}/', '/{STATUS}/', '/{UID}/'); $listitem = gcms::loadtemplate($index['module'], 'edocument', 'listitem'); foreach ($datas as $item) { $replace = array(); $replace[] = $moderator || $login_id == $item['sender_id'] ? '\\1' : 'hidden'; $replace[] = $moderator || $login_id == $item['sender_id'] ? '\\1' : 'hidden'; $replace[] = $moderator || $login_id == $item['sender_id'] ? '\\1' : 'hidden'; $replace[] = $item['id']; $replace[] = $item['topic']; $replace[] = $item['ext']; $replace[] = WEB_URL . '/skin/ext/' . (is_file(ROOT_PATH . "skin/ext/{$item['ext']}.png") ? $item['ext'] : 'file') . '.png'; $replace[] = $item['detail']; $replace[] = gcms::mktime2date($item['last_update'], 'd M Y');
<?php // modules/video/admin_inint.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && $isAdmin && (sizeof($install_owners['video']) == 0 || !defined('DB_VIDEO'))) { // เมนูติดตั้ง $admin_menus['tools']['install']['video'] = '<a href="index.php?module=install&modules=video"><span>Video</span></a>'; } else { // เมนูแอดมิน if (!gcms::canConfig($config, 'video_can_config')) { unset($admin_menus['modules']['video']['config']); } if (gcms::canConfig($config, 'video_can_write')) { $admin_menus['modules']['video']['setup'] = '<a href="index.php?module=video-setup"><span>{LNG_VIDEO_LIST}</span></a>'; $admin_menus['modules']['video']['write'] = '<a href="index.php?module=video-write"><span>{LNG_ADD_NEW} {LNG_VIDEO}</span></a>'; } else { unset($admin_menus['modules']['video']['setup']); } }
<?php // modules/edocument/admin_setup.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && gcms::canConfig($config, 'edocument_moderator')) { unset($url_query['id']); // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก $sql = "SELECT `id`,`module` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `owner`='edocument' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); if (sizeof($index) == 0) { $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND']; $content[] = '<aside class=error>' . $title . '</aside>'; } else { $index = $index[0]; // sql $q = array("D.`module_id`='{$index['id']}'"); // ค้นหาจาก นามสกุลของไฟล์, เลขที่, ชื่อเอกสาร $search = $db->sql_trim_str($_GET, 'search'); if ($search != '') { $q[] = "(`ext`='{$search}' OR `document_no` LIKE '%{$search}%' OR `topic` LIKE '%{$search}%')"; $url_query['search'] = urlencode($search); } $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $q); // ทั้งหมด $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `" . DB_EDOCUMENT . "` AS D {$where}"; $count = $db->customQuery($sql); // รายการต่อหน้า $list_per_page = gcms::getVars('GET,COOKIE', 'count,edocument_listperpage', 30); $list_per_page = max(10, $list_per_page); // หน้าที่เลือก $page = max(1, gcms::getVars($_GET, 'page', 1)); // ตรวจสอบหน้าที่เลือกสูงสุด
<?php // modules/edocument/admin_write_save.php header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // inint include '../../bin/inint.php'; $ret = array(); // referer, admin if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::canConfig($config, 'edocument_moderator')) { if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') { $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR'; } else { // ค่าที่ส่งมา $save = array(); $save['document_no'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'edocument_no'); $save['topic'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'edocument_topic'); $save['detail'] = gcms::ckClean($_POST['edocument_detail']); if (isset($_POST['edocument_reciever'])) { $save['reciever'] = implode(',', $_POST['edocument_reciever']); } $id = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'write_id', 0); $file = $_FILES['edocument_file']; // ตรวจสอบค่าที่ส่งมา $error = false; $input = false; if ($id > 0) { // แก้ไข $sql = "SELECT D.*,M.`module`"; $sql .= " FROM `" . DB_EDOCUMENT . "` AS D"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN `" . DB_MODULES . "` AS M ON M.`id`=D.`module_id`"; $sql .= " WHERE D.`id`='{$id}' AND M.`owner`='edocument' LIMIT 1";
<?php // modules/download/admin_config_save.php header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // inint include '../../bin/inint.php'; $ret = array(); // referer, member if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::canConfig($config, 'download_can_config')) { if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') { $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR'; } else { // ตรวจสอบชนิดของไฟล์ $error = false; $file_typies = strtolower(preg_replace('/[\\s]/', '', $_POST['config_file_typies'])); if ($file_typies != '') { foreach (explode(',', $file_typies) as $item) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]{2,6}$/u', $item)) { $error = true; } } } // ตรวจสอบค่าที่ส่งมา $ret['ret_config_file_typies'] = ''; if ($file_typies == '') { $ret['error'] = 'DOWNLOAD_FILE_TYPIES_EMPTY'; $ret['input'] = 'config_file_typies'; $ret['ret_config_file_typies'] = 'DOWNLOAD_FILE_TYPIES_EMPTY'; } elseif ($error) { $ret['error'] = 'DOWNLOAD_FILE_TYPIES_INVALID'; $ret['input'] = 'config_file_typies';
<?php // modules/video/admin_setup.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && gcms::canConfig($config, 'video_can_write')) { unset($url_query['id']); // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` WHERE `owner`='video' LIMIT 1"; $index = $db->customQuery($sql); if (sizeof($index) == 0) { $title = $lng['LNG_DATA_NOT_FOUND']; $content[] = '<aside class=error>' . $title . '</aside>'; } else { $index = $index[0]; // default query $q = array(); $q[] = "`module_id`='{$index['id']}'"; // ข้อความค้นหา $search = preg_replace('/[\\+\\s]+/u', ' ', $db->sql_trim_str($_GET, 'search', '')); $searchs = array(); foreach (explode(' ', $search) as $item) { // แยกข้อความค้นหาออกเป็นคำๆ ค้นหาข้อความที่มีความยาวมากกว่า 2 ตัวอักษร if (mb_strlen($item) > 2) { $item = addslashes($item); $searchs[] = "`topic` LIKE '%{$item}%' OR `detail` LIKE '%{$item}%'"; } } // ค้นหา สำหรับส่งไปหน้าถัดไป if (sizeof($searchs) > 0) { $q[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $searchs) . ')'; $url_query['search'] = urlencode($search); }
<?php // modules/gallery/admin_inint.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && $isAdmin && (sizeof($install_owners['gallery']) == 0 || !defined('DB_GALLERY'))) { // เมนูติดตั้ง $admin_menus['tools']['install']['gallery'] = '<a href="index.php?module=install&modules=gallery"><span>Gallery</span></a>'; unset($admin_menus['modules']['gallery']['config']); } else { // เมนูแอดมิน if (!gcms::canConfig($config, 'gallery_can_config')) { unset($admin_menus['modules']['gallery']['config']); } if (gcms::canConfig($config, 'gallery_can_write')) { $admin_menus['modules']['gallery']['album'] = '<a href="index.php?module=gallery-album"><span>{LNG_GALLERY_ALBUM}</span></a>'; $admin_menus['modules']['gallery']['write'] = '<a href="index.php?module=gallery-write"><span>{LNG_ADD_NEW} {LNG_GALLERY_ALBUM}</span></a>'; } }
$sql .= " WHERE Q.`id`='{$qid}' LIMIT 1"; } $index = $db->customQuery($sql); $ret = array(); if (sizeof($index) == 0) { $ret['error'] = 'ACTION_ERROR'; } else { $index = $index[0]; // config gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index); // login $login = gcms::getVars($_SESSION, 'login', array('id' => 0, 'status' => -1, 'email' => '', 'password' => '')); // สมาชิก $isMember = gcms::isMember(); // ผู้ดูแล $moderator = $isMember && gcms::canConfig($index, 'moderator'); if ($action == 'quote') { // อ้างอิง if ($index['detail'] == '') { $ret['detail'] = ''; } else { $ret['detail'] = rawurlencode('[quote' . ($rid > 0 ? " r={$no}]" : ']') . gcms::txtQuote($index['detail'], true) . '[/quote]'); } } elseif ($qid > 0 && in_array($action, array('pin', 'lock')) && $moderator) { if ($action == 'pin') { $ret['value'] = $index['pin'] == 0 ? 1 : 0; $db->edit(DB_BOARD_Q, $qid, array('pin' => $ret['value'])); $ret['title'] = $lng['LNG_' . ($ret['value'] == 0 ? '' : 'UN') . 'PIN']; $ret['error'] = 'BOARD_' . ($ret['value'] == 0 ? 'UN' : '') . 'PIN_SUCCESS'; } elseif ($action == 'lock') { $ret['value'] = $index['locked'] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
<?php // modules/personnel/admin_write_save.php header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // inint include '../../bin/inint.php'; $ret = array(); // referer, member if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::canConfig($config, 'personnel_can_write')) { if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') { $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR'; } else { $error = false; // ค่าที่ส่งมา $save = array(); $save['name'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_name'); $save['email'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_email'); $save['position'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_position'); $save['phone'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_phone'); $save['address'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_address'); $save['detail'] = $db->sql_trim_str($_POST, 'write_detail'); $save['category_id'] = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'write_category', 0); $save['order'] = min(99, max(0, (int) $_POST['write_order'])); $icon = $_FILES['write_picture']; $id = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'write_id', 0); // ตรวจสอบค่าที่ส่งมา if ($id > 0) { $sql = "SELECT C.*,M.`module` FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` AS M"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN `" . DB_PERSONNEL . "` AS C ON C.`module_id`=M.`id` AND C.`id`={$id}"; } else { $sql1 = "SELECT MAX(`id`)+1 FROM `" . DB_PERSONNEL . "` WHERE `module_id`=M.`id`";
<?php // modules/event/admin_write.php if (MAIN_INIT == 'admin' && gcms::canConfig($config, 'event_can_write')) { // รายการที่แก้ไข $id = gcms::getVars($_GET, 'id', 0); // หมวดที่เลือก $cat = gcms::getVars($_GET, 'cat', 0); if ($id > 0) { // แก้ไข $sql = "SELECT D.*,M.`owner`,M.`module`"; $sql .= " FROM `" . DB_EVENTCALENDAR . "` AS D"; $sql .= " INNER JOIN `" . DB_MODULES . "` AS M ON M.`owner`='event' AND M.`id`=D.`module_id`"; $sql .= " WHERE D.`id`='{$id}' LIMIT 1"; } else { // ใหม่ $sql = "SELECT M.`id` AS `module_id`,M.`module`,M.`owner`,{$cat} AS `category_id`,1 AS `published`"; $sql .= " FROM `" . DB_MODULES . "` AS M"; $sql .= " WHERE M.`owner`='event' LIMIT 1"; } $index = $db->customQuery($sql); if (sizeof($index) == 1) { $index = $index[0]; // title $a = array(); $a[] = '<span class=icon-event>{LNG_MODULES}</span>'; $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=event-config}">' . ucwords($index['module']) . '</a>'; $a[] = '<a href="{URLQUERY?module=event-setup}">{LNG_ALL_ITEMS}</a>'; if ($id > 0) { $a[] = '{LNG_EDIT}'; $title = "{$lng['LNG_EDIT']} {$lng['LNG_EVENT']} {$index['topic']}";