예제 #1
		$web = str_replace('%%downloadlink%%',$downloadLink,$dmpcfg['thankyoupagecode']);
		$web = str_replace('%%downloadname%%',$dmname,$web);
		echo $web;
		} else if ($mode == 'cart') {
			$order_id = JRequest::getInt('order_id',null,null,'int');
			$key = JRequest::getVar('key');
			$out = '';
			$document->addStylesheet(JURI::base() . 'components/com_docman/themes/default/css/theme.css');
			$web = $dm->cfg['thankyoupagecodeCart'];
			$order = $dm->getOrder(JRequest::getInt('order_id'));
			if ($order) {
				$ids = explode(",",$order->file_id);
				$out .= '';
				foreach ($ids as $id) {
					$item = $dm->getItem($id);
					if ($item->offlineGood == 0) {
					$out .= '<div class="dm_taskbar" style="float:none; padding-top:20px;"><ul><li style="float:none;"><a href="' . JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&Itemid=" . (int)JRequest::getVar('Itemid') . "&order_id=$order_id&id=$id&key=$key") . '" style="display:inline;">' . _DMP_DOWNLOAD . ' <b>' . $item->dmname . '</b></a></li></ul></div>';
					} else {
						$out .= '<div class="dm_taskbar" style="float:none; padding-top:20px;"><ul><li style="float:none;"><b>' . $item->dmname . '</b></li></ul></div>';
				$out .= '';
			$web = str_replace('%%cartDownloadList%%', $out, $web);
			echo $web;
	case "downloadslimit":
/*		$order_id = (int)$_GET['order_id'];
function bot_docmanpaypalprices2($params)
    global $mainframe, $_DOCMAN, $_DMUSER, $currency_symbols;
    $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $my = JFactory::getUser();
    require_once $_DOCMAN->getPath('classes', 'button');
    require_once $_DOCMAN->getPath('classes', 'token');
    $doc =& $params['doc'];
    $file =& $params['file'];
    $objDBDoc = $doc->objDBTable;
    $buttonStaysBuyNow = false;
    $objFormatData = $doc->objFormatData;
    if ($objFormatData->id > 0) {
        $currency = docmanpaypal::cfg('currency');
        $gid = $objFormatData->id;
        $item = docmanpaypal::getItem($gid);
        $database->setQuery("select price from #__docmanpaypal where id = '{$gid}' limit 1;");
        $price = $database->loadResult();
        $database->setQuery("select dmdescription from #__docman where id = {$gid} limit 1");
        $dmdescription = $database->loadResult();
        $document_price = number_format($price, 2);
        //free fownloads for user in specific groups
        if ($my->id > 0) {
            $tmp = docmanpaypal::cfg('free_for_usertypes');
            $tmp = explode(',', $tmp);
            if (in_array($my->usertype, $tmp)) {
                $price = 0;
            if (docmanpaypal::isInDOCmanFreeDownloadGroup()) {
                $price = 0;
        //free fownloads for user in specific groups END
        if ($price > 0) {
            $document_price = number_format($price, 2);
            $priceFormat = docmanpaypal::cfg('priceFormat');
            $priceFormatted = str_replace(array('%priceText%', '%price%', '%currency%'), array(_DMP_PRICE, $document_price, $currency), $priceFormat);
            $objFormatData->dmdescription = $priceFormatted . $dmdescription;
            $objFormatData->dmdescription = str_replace('%price%', $currency_symbols[$currency] . number_format($price, 2), $objFormatData->dmdescription);
            //$objFormatData->dmdescription = '<div id="DMP_PRICE_DIV"><span class="DMP_PRICE">' . _DMP_PRICE . '</span> <span class="DMP_PRICE_VALUE">' . $document_price . '</span> <span class="DMP_PRICE_CURRENCY">' . $currency . '</span></div>' . $dmdescription;
    $botParams = bot_docmanpaypalpricesParams2();
    $js = "javascript:if(confirm('" . _DML_ARE_YOU_SURE . "')) {window.location='%s'}";
    $buttons = array();
    $tmp = docmanpaypal::cfg('moreThanOnce');
    if ($tmp > 0 && $my->id > 0) {
        $database->setQuery("select order_id from #__docmanpaypalorders where buyer_id = " . $my->id . " and file_id = {$gid} OR file_id like '{$gid},%' or file_id like '%,{$gid},%' or file_id like '%,{$gid}' and completed = 1 order by order_id desc limit 1");
        $tmp = $database->loadResult();
        if ($tmp > 0) {
            $database->setQuery("select downloads from #__docmanpaypaldownloads where order_id = {$tmp} and id = {$gid} order by order_id desc limit 1");
            $downloads = $database->loadResult();
            if ($downloads < $item->downloadslimit && is_null($downloads) == false) {
                $price = 0;
            $buttonStaysBuyNow = docmanpaypal::cfg('buttonStaysBuyNow');
    //offline good update
    if ($item->offlineGood > 0) {
        $price = $item->price;
    if ($botParams->get('priceInBuyNow', 1)) {
        $priceInBuyNow = ' (' . $currency_symbols[$currency] . number_format($price, 2) . ')';
    if ($botParams->get('priceInTitle', 1) && $price > 0) {
        $objFormatData->dmname .= ' - ' . $currency_symbols[$currency] . number_format($price, 2);
    if ($price > 0) {
        if ($_DMUSER->canDownload($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('download', 1)) {
            if (docmanpaypal::cfg('useCart') > 0) {
                $buttons['addToCart'] = new DOCMAN_Button('addToCart', _DMP_ADD_TO_CART, 'javascript:addToCart(' . $gid . ');');
            if ($botParams->get('buynow', 1)) {
                $buttons['download'] = new DOCMAN_Button('download', _DMP_BUY_NOW . $priceInBuyNow, $doc->_formatLink('doc_download'));
    } else {
        if ($_DMUSER->canDownload($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('download', 1) and $buttonStaysBuyNow == 0) {
            $buttons['download'] = new DOCMAN_Button('download', _DML_BUTTON_DOWNLOAD, $doc->_formatLink('doc_download'));
        if ($_DMUSER->canDownload($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('download', 1) and $buttonStaysBuyNow == 1) {
            $buttons['download'] = new DOCMAN_Button('download', _DMP_BUY_NOW . $priceInBuyNow, $doc->_formatLink('doc_download'));
    //pdfPreview option
    if (pathinfo($objFormatData->dmfilename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'pdf' && docmanpaypal::cfg('pdfPreviewPages') > 0 && $price > 0) {
        $buttons['pdfPreview'] = new DOCMAN_Button('pdfPreview', _DMP_PDFPREVIEWBUTTON, JRoute::_('index.php?&option=com_docmanpaypal&task=pdfPreview&id=' . $gid));
    //custom buttons
    if ($item->buttons != '' && strpos($item->buttons, '|')) {
        $tmp = str_replace("\r", "", $item->buttons);
        $tmp = explode("\n", $tmp);
        foreach ($tmp as $tmp) {
            if (strpos($tmp, "|")) {
                $t = explode("|", $tmp);
                if (count($t) > 1) {
                    $buttons['btn' . $btn] = new DOCMAN_Button('btn' . $btn, $t[0], JRoute::_($t[1]));
    if ($_DMUSER->canDownload($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('view', 1) && $price == 0) {
        $viewtypes = trim($_DOCMAN->getCfg('viewtypes'));
        if ($viewtypes != '' && ($viewtypes == '*' || stristr($viewtypes, $file->ext))) {
            $link = $doc->_formatLink('doc_view', null, true, 'index2.php');
            $params = new DMmosParameters('popup=1');
            $buttons['view'] = new DOCMAN_Button('view', _DML_BUTTON_VIEW, $link, $params);
    if ($botParams->get('details', 1)) {
        $buttons['details'] = new DOCMAN_Button('details', _DML_BUTTON_DETAILS, $doc->_formatLink('doc_details'));
    if ($_DMUSER->canEdit($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('edit', 1)) {
        $buttons['edit'] = new DOCMAN_Button('edit', _DML_BUTTON_EDIT, $doc->_formatLink('doc_edit'));
    if ($_DMUSER->canMove($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('move', 1)) {
        $buttons['move'] = new DOCMAN_Button('move', _DML_BUTTON_MOVE, $doc->_formatLink('doc_move'));
    if ($_DMUSER->canDelete($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('delete', 1)) {
        $link = $doc->_formatLink('doc_delete', null, null, null, true);
        $buttons['delete'] = new DOCMAN_Button('delete', _DML_BUTTON_DELETE, sprintf($js, $link));
    if ($_DMUSER->canUpdate($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('update', 1)) {
        $buttons['update'] = new DOCMAN_Button('update', _DML_BUTTON_UPDATE, $doc->_formatLink('doc_update'));
    if ($_DMUSER->canReset($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('reset', 1)) {
        $buttons['reset'] = new DOCMAN_Button('reset', _DML_BUTTON_RESET, sprintf($js, $doc->_formatLink('doc_reset')));
    if ($_DMUSER->canCheckin($objDBDoc) and $objDBDoc->checked_out and $botParams->get('checkout', 1)) {
        $params = new DMmosParameters('class=checkin');
        $buttons['checkin'] = new DOCMAN_Button('checkin', _DML_BUTTON_CHECKIN, $doc->_formatLink('doc_checkin'), $params);
    if ($_DMUSER->canCheckout($objDBDoc) and !$objDBDoc->checked_out and $botParams->get('checkout', 1)) {
        $buttons['checkout'] = new DOCMAN_Button('checkout', _DML_BUTTON_CHECKOUT, $doc->_formatLink('doc_checkout'));
    if ($_DMUSER->canApprove($objDBDoc) and !$objDBDoc->approved and $botParams->get('approve', 1)) {
        $params = new DMmosParameters('class=approve');
        $link = $doc->_formatLink('doc_approve', null, null, null, true);
        $buttons['approve'] = new DOCMAN_Button('approve', _DML_BUTTON_APPROVE, $link, $params);
    if ($_DMUSER->canPublish($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('publish', 1)) {
        $params = new DMmosParameters('class=publish');
        $link = $doc->_formatLink('doc_publish', null, null, null, true);
        $buttons['publish'] = new DOCMAN_Button('publish', _DML_BUTTON_PUBLISH, $link, $params);
    if ($_DMUSER->canUnPublish($objDBDoc) and $botParams->get('publish', 1)) {
        $link = $doc->_formatLink('doc_unpublish', null, null, null, true);
        $buttons['unpublish'] = new DOCMAN_Button('unpublish', _DML_BUTTON_UNPUBLISH, $link);
    return $buttons;
예제 #3
//$sandbox = mysql_result(mysql_query("select value from $mosConfig_dbprefix" . "docmanpaypalconfig where name = 'sandbox'"),0);
if ($sandbox == 'No') {
	$p->paypal_url = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
} else {
	$p->paypal_url = 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
$componentdir = 'components/com_docmanpaypal';
// if there is not action variable, set the default action of 'process'
$request_action = JRequest::getVar('action');
if (empty($request_action)) $request_action = 'process'; 

switch ($request_action) {
   case 'process':      // Process and order...
   		if (is_numeric(JRequest::getVar('id')) and JRequest::getVar('id') > 0) { //SINGLE
   			$item = $dm->getItem(JRequest::getVar('id'));
   			$price = $item->price;
			$name = $item->dmname;
	 		$p->add_field('return', JURI::base() . "index.php?option=com_docmanpaypal&task=doc_download&mode=" . JRequest::getVar('mode') . "&gid=" . (int)JRequest::getVar('id') . "&order_id=$order_id&key=$key&Itemid=" . (int)JRequest::getVar('Itemid'));
			$p->add_field('cancel_return', JURI::base() . "index.php?option=com_docmanpaypal&task=order_canceled");
			//$p->add_field('notify_url', JURI::base() ."index.php?option=com_docmanpaypal&task=ipn&mode=single&action=ipn&merchant=PayPal");
			$p->add_field('notify_url', JURI::base() ."index.php?option=com_docmanpaypal&task=ipn&mode=single&action=ipn&Itemid=" . (int)JRequest::getVar('Itemid'));
			$p->add_field('item_name', $name);
			$p->add_field('item_number', $order_id);
			$p->add_field('amount', $price);
			//$p->add_field('upload',1);//fix when added cart
			$p->add_field('custom', base64_encode(serialize(array('my_id' => $my->id,'doc_id' => (int)JRequest::getVar('id'), 'order_id' => $order_id, 'key' => $key))));
			if ($cfg['useVat'] > 0) {
				$p->add_field('tax', $dm->vatCalc($price));
			if ($item->vendor_id == 0) {

$doc = JFactory::getDocument();

$doc->addStylesheet(JURI::base() . 'components/com_docmanpaypal/css/style.css');
$doc->addScript(JURI::base() . 'components/com_docmanpaypal/js/script.js');

$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$extension = 'com_docmanpaypal';
$lang->load($extension, JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_docmanpaypal');

include_once(JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/components/com_docmanpaypal/docmanpaypal.class.php');

$dm = new docmanpaypal();
$item = $dm->getItem($document->id);
$price = $item->price;

if ($price > 0 && $dm->canDownload($document->id,'',false) == false) {
	//$showAddToCart = true;
	$showBuyNow = true;
	$currencySymbol = $dm->currencies[$dm->cfg['currency']]['ASCII'];
	if ($dm->cfg['pdfPreviewPages'] > 0 && pathinfo($item->storage_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'pdf') {
		$showPreviewButton = true;

$show_download = true;
$priceFormat = money_format($price, 2);
if ($showBuyNow) {
	$show_download = false;
예제 #5
$classPath = JPATH_SITE . "/administrator/components/com_docmanpaypal/docmanpaypal.class.php";
//echo $classPath;
$dm = new docmanpaypal();
if (!$dm->constructRun) {

$doc_id = JRequest::getVar('id',null,null,'int');
$key = JRequest::getVar('key');
$order_id = JRequest::getVar('order_id',null,null,'int');

if (!$doc_id) {
	$doc_id = (int)JRequest::getVar('alias');
$item = $dm->getItem($doc_id);

$my = JFactory::getUser();

$dm->cfg = $dm->getConfig();
$price = $dm->getPrice($doc_id);

 * free for user /**
  * @author Deian
  * free for user type