
$doc->addStylesheet(JURI::base() . 'components/com_docmanpaypal/css/style.css');
$doc->addScript(JURI::base() . 'components/com_docmanpaypal/js/script.js');

$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$extension = 'com_docmanpaypal';
$lang->load($extension, JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_docmanpaypal');

include_once(JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/components/com_docmanpaypal/docmanpaypal.class.php');

$dm = new docmanpaypal();
$item = $dm->getItem($document->id);
$price = $item->price;

if ($price > 0 && $dm->canDownload($document->id,'',false) == false) {
	//$showAddToCart = true;
	$showBuyNow = true;
	$currencySymbol = $dm->currencies[$dm->cfg['currency']]['ASCII'];
	if ($dm->cfg['pdfPreviewPages'] > 0 && pathinfo($item->storage_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'pdf') {
		$showPreviewButton = true;

$show_download = true;
$priceFormat = money_format($price, 2);
if ($showBuyNow) {
	$show_download = false;
if ($showBuyNow) {
예제 #2

 * Free X seconds after registration
/*if (time() - strtotime($my->registerDate) <= $dm->cfg['free_download_after_seconds'] && $price > 0) {
	$price = 0;

 * The user is back from PayPal and has the order key, or it's the delivery email, can he download? Did he hit the download limit?
//if ($order_id > 0 && $price > 0) {
if ($price > 0) {
	$canDownload = $dm->canDownload($doc_id,$key);
	if ($canDownload == true) {
		$price = 0;

//Check if it's offline good, and take the user to buy now again.
if ($item->offlineGood > 0) {
	$price = $item->price;

 * If there is no reason that let's the user download for free, we redirect him to finish the order!
if ($price > 0) {