예제 #1
function cnRunDBUpgrade()
	global $wpdb, $connections;
	$urlPath = admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=' . $_GET['page'];
	// Check to ensure that the table exists
		echo '<h3>Upgrade the database structure...</h3>' . "\n";
		$dbVersion = $connections->options->getDBVersion();
		if (version_compare($dbVersion, '0.1.0', '<'))
			echo '<h4>Upgrade from database version ' . $connections->options->getDBVersion() . ' to database version 0.1.0 ' . ".</h4>\n";
			echo '<ul>';
			echo '<li>Changing "id" type-length/values to BIGINT(20)' . "</li>\n";
			if (!$wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE " . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . " CHANGE id id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT")) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "date_added"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'date_added', 'tinytext NOT NULL AFTER ts')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "entry_type"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'entry_type', 'tinytext NOT NULL AFTER date_added')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "honorable_prefix"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'honorable_prefix', 'tinytext NOT NULL AFTER entry_type')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "middle_name"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'middle_name', 'tinytext NOT NULL AFTER first_name')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "honorable_suffix"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'honorable_suffix', 'tinytext NOT NULL AFTER last_name')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "social"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'social', 'longtext NOT NULL AFTER im')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "added_by"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'added_by', 'bigint(20) NOT NULL AFTER options')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "edited_by"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'edited_by', 'bigint(20) NOT NULL AFTER added_by')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "owner"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'owner', 'bigint(20) NOT NULL AFTER edited_by')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "status"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'status', 'varchar(20) NOT NULL AFTER owner')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "contact_first_name"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'contact_first_name', 'tinytext NOT NULL AFTER department')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Adding Column... "contact_last_name"' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAddTableColumn(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'contact_last_name', 'tinytext NOT NULL AFTER contact_first_name')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '</ul>';
			echo '<h4>Adding default term relationship.</h4>';
			// Add the Uncategorized category to all previous entries.
			$term = $connections->term->getTermBy('slug', 'uncategorized', 'category');
			$entryIDs = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT id FROM " . CN_ENTRY_TABLE );
			$termID[] = $term->term_taxonomy_id;
			foreach ($entryIDs as $entryID)
				$connections->term->setTermRelationships($entryID, $termID, 'category');
		if (version_compare($dbVersion, '0.1.1', '<'))
			echo '<h4>Upgrade from database version ' . $connections->options->getDBVersion() . ' to database version 0.1.1 ' . ".</h4>\n";
			//echo '<h4>Setting all current entries to the "approved" status.' . "</h4>\n";
			/*$results = $connections->retrieve->entries();
			foreach ($results as $result)
				$entry = new cnEntry($result);
		if (version_compare($dbVersion, '0.1.2', '<'))
			echo '<h4>Upgrade from database version ' . $connections->options->getDBVersion() . ' to database version 0.1.2 ' . ".</h4>\n";
			//echo '<h4>Setting all current entries `entry_type` column.' . "</h4>\n";
			/*$results = $connections->retrieve->entries();
			foreach ($results as $result)
				$entry = new cnEntry($result);
		if (version_compare($dbVersion, '0.1.3', '<'))
			echo '<h4>Upgrade from database version ' . $connections->options->getDBVersion() . ' to database version ' . CN_DB_VERSION . ".</h4>\n";
			echo '<ul>';
			echo '<li>Changing column name from group_name to family_name...' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAlterTable(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'CHANGE COLUMN group_name family_name tinytext NOT NULL')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '</ul>';
		if (version_compare($dbVersion, '0.1.4', '<'))
			echo '<h4>Upgrade from database version ' . $connections->options->getDBVersion() . ' to database version ' . CN_DB_VERSION . ".</h4>\n";
			echo '<ul>';
			echo '<li>Changing column name from honorable_prefix to honorific_prefix...' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAlterTable(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'CHANGE COLUMN honorable_prefix honorific_prefix tinytext NOT NULL')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '<li>Changing column name from honorable_suffix to honorific_suffix...' . "</li>\n";
			if (cnAlterTable(CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'CHANGE COLUMN honorable_suffix honorific_suffix tinytext NOT NULL')) echo '<ul><li>SUCCESS</li></ul>';
			echo '</ul>';
		echo '<h4>Updating entries to the new database stucture.' . "</h4>\n";
		$results = $connections->retrieve->entries();
		foreach ($results as $result)
			$entry = new cnEntry($result);
		echo '<h4>Upgrade completed.' . "</h4>\n";
		echo '<h4><a href="' . $urlPath . '">Continue</a></h4>';
예제 #2
function processSetEntryVisibility()
	$permitted = array('public', 'private', 'unlisted');
	if (!in_array($_POST['action'], $permitted)) return FALSE;
	 * Check whether the current user can edit entries.
	if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry'))
		global $connections;
		foreach ($_POST['entry'] as $id)
			$entry = new cnEntry();
			$id = esc_attr($id);