/** * Process the content adding the entry dates details in place of the shortcode. * * @access private * @since 0.8 * @param array $atts The shortcode attributes array. * @param string $content The content captured between an open/close shortcode tag. * @param string $tag The shortcode tag. * * @return string The processed content. */ public function date($atts, $content = '', $tag = 'cn_date') { $out = ''; $defaults = array('preferred' => FALSE, 'type' => NULL); $atts = shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts, $tag); $search = array('%type%', '%date%'); $dates = $this->entry->getDates($atts); foreach ($dates as $date) { $replace = array('type' => $date->name, 'date' => $date->date); $out .= str_ireplace($search, $replace, $content); } return $out; }
/** * Outputs entry data JSON encoded in HTML data attribute. * This is an action called by the `cn_action_entry_after` hook. * * @access public * @since 0.8 * * @param array $atts Shortcode $atts passed by the `cn_action_entry_after` action hook. * @param cnEntry $entry An instance the the cnEntry object. * * @return string */ public static function JSON($atts, $entry) { $defaults = array('tag' => 'div', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'return' => FALSE, 'show_addresses' => TRUE, 'show_phone_numbers' => TRUE, 'show_email' => TRUE, 'show_im' => TRUE, 'show_social_media' => TRUE, 'show_links' => TRUE, 'show_dates' => TRUE, 'show_bio' => TRUE, 'show_notes' => TRUE); $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults); $data = array('type' => $entry->getEntryType(), 'id' => $entry->getId(), 'ruid' => $entry->getRuid(), 'slug' => $entry->getSlug(), 'name' => array('full' => $entry->getName($atts), 'prefix' => $entry->getHonorificPrefix(), 'first' => $entry->getFirstName(), 'middle' => $entry->getMiddleName(), 'last' => $entry->getLastName(), 'suffix' => $entry->getHonorificSuffix()), 'title' => $entry->getTitle(), 'organization' => $entry->getOrganization(), 'department' => $entry->getDepartment(), 'contact_name' => array('full' => $entry->getContactName(), 'first' => $entry->getContactFirstName(), 'last' => $entry->getContactLastName()), 'family_name' => $entry->getFamilyName(), 'family_members' => $entry->getFamilyMembers(), 'categories' => $entry->getCategory(), 'meta' => $entry->getMeta($atts)); if ($atts['show_addresses']) { $data['addresses'] = $entry->getAddresses($atts); } if ($atts['show_phone_numbers']) { $data['phone_numbers'] = $entry->getPhoneNumbers($atts); } if ($atts['show_email']) { $data['email_addresses'] = $entry->getEmailAddresses($atts); } if ($atts['show_im']) { $data['im'] = $entry->getIm($atts); } if ($atts['show_social_media']) { $data['social_media'] = $entry->getSocialMedia($atts); } if ($atts['show_links']) { $data['links'] = $entry->getLinks($atts); } if ($atts['show_dates']) { $data['dates'] = $entry->getDates($atts); } if ($atts['show_bio']) { $data['bio'] = $entry->getBio(); } if ($atts['show_notes']) { $data['notes'] = $entry->getNotes(); } $out = sprintf('<%1$s class="cn-entry-data-json" data-entry-data-json=\'%2$s\'></%1$s>', $atts['tag'], htmlspecialchars(json_encode($data), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $out = (empty($atts['before']) ? '' : $atts['before']) . $out . (empty($atts['after']) ? '' : $atts['after']) . PHP_EOL; return self::echoOrReturn($atts['return'], $out); }
/** * Renders the dates metabox. * * @access public * @since 0.8 * * @param cnEntry $entry An instance of the cnEntry object. * @param array $metabox The metabox options array from self::register(). * * @return string The dates metabox. */ public static function date($entry, $metabox) { echo '<div class="widgets-sortables ui-sortable" id="dates">', PHP_EOL; // --> Start template <-- \\ echo '<textarea id="date-template" style="display: none;">', PHP_EOL; self::dateField(new stdClass()); echo '</textarea>', PHP_EOL; // --> End template <-- \\ $dates = $entry->getDates(array(), FALSE); //print_r($dates); if (!empty($dates)) { foreach ($dates as $date) { $token = str_replace('-', '', cnUtility::getUUID()); echo '<div class="widget date" id="date-row-' . $token . '">', PHP_EOL; self::dateField($date, $token); echo '</div>', PHP_EOL; } } echo '</div>', PHP_EOL; echo '<p class="add"><a href="#" class="cn-add cn-button button" data-type="date" data-container="dates">', __('Add Date', 'connections'), '</a></p>', PHP_EOL; }