예제 #1
 public function set_cache_file_path()
     if ($this->isMobile() && isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMobile)) {
         if (class_exists("WpFcMobileCache") && isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMobileTheme)) {
             $wpfc_mobile = new WpFcMobileCache();
             $this->cacheFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/" . $wpfc_mobile->get_folder_name() . "" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
     } else {
         $this->cacheFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/all" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
         // qTranslate: in name.com/de REQUEST_URI is "/" instead of "/de" so need to check it
         // if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"]){
         // 	if(preg_match("/qtrans/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"])){
         // 		if(isset($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]) && $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]){
         // 			$this->cacheFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir()."/cache/all".$_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"];
         // 		}
         // 	}
         // }
         //     [HTTP_COOKIE] => qtrans_front_language=en; _ga=GA1.2.1550945439.1457456694; _gat_awxoapTracker=1
     $this->cacheFilePath = $this->cacheFilePath ? rtrim($this->cacheFilePath, "/") . "/" : "";
     if (strlen($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) > 1) {
         // for the sub-pages
         if (!preg_match("/\\.html/i", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
             if ($this->is_trailing_slash()) {
                 if (!preg_match("/\\/\$/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
                     $this->cacheFilePath = false;
             } else {
예제 #2
 public function set_cache_file_path()
     if ($this->isMobile()) {
         if (class_exists("WpFcMobileCache") && isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMobileTheme)) {
             $wpfc_mobile = new WpFcMobileCache();
             $this->cacheFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/" . $wpfc_mobile->get_folder_name() . "" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
     } else {
         $this->cacheFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/all" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
         // qTranslate: in name.com/de REQUEST_URI is "/" instead of "/de" so need to check it
         if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"]) {
             if (preg_match("/qtrans/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"])) {
                 if (isset($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]) && $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]) {
                     $this->cacheFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/all" . $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"];
     $this->cacheFilePath = $this->cacheFilePath ? rtrim($this->cacheFilePath, "/") . "/" : "";
예제 #3
 public function getHtaccess()
     $mobile = "";
     $loggedInUser = "";
     $ifIsNotSecure = "";
     if (isset($_POST["wpFastestCacheMobile"]) && $_POST["wpFastestCacheMobile"] == "on") {
         $mobile = "RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^.*(" . $this->getMobileUserAgents() . ").*\$ [NC]" . "\n";
     if (isset($_POST["wpFastestCacheLoggedInUser"]) && $_POST["wpFastestCacheLoggedInUser"] == "on") {
         $loggedInUser = "******" . "\n";
     if (!preg_match("/^https/i", get_option("home"))) {
         $ifIsNotSecure = "RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on";
     $data = "# BEGIN WpFastestCache" . "\n" . "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>" . "\n" . "RewriteEngine On" . "\n" . "RewriteBase /" . "\n" . $this->ruleForWpContent() . "\n" . $this->prefixRedirect() . $this->excludeRules() . "\n" . "RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !(" . $this->get_excluded_useragent() . ")" . "\n" . "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !POST" . "\n" . $ifIsNotSecure . "\n" . "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\\/){2}\$" . "\n" . "RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !.+" . "\n" . $loggedInUser . 'RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Wap-Profile} !^[a-z0-9\\"]+ [NC]' . "\n" . 'RewriteCond %{HTTP:Profile} !^[a-z0-9\\"]+ [NC]' . "\n" . $mobile;
     if (ABSPATH == "//") {
         $data = $data . "RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/" . WPFC_WP_CONTENT_BASENAME . "/cache/all/\$1/index.html -f" . "\n";
     } else {
         $data = $data . "RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/" . WPFC_WP_CONTENT_BASENAME . "/cache/all/\$1/index.html -f [or]" . "\n";
         $data = $data . "RewriteCond " . WPFC_WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/cache/all/" . $this->getRewriteBase(true) . "\$1/index.html -f" . "\n";
     $data = $data . 'RewriteRule ^(.*) "/' . $this->getRewriteBase() . WPFC_WP_CONTENT_BASENAME . '/cache/all/' . $this->getRewriteBase(true) . '$1/index.html" [L]' . "\n";
     //RewriteRule !/  "/wp-content/cache/all/index.html" [L]
     if (class_exists("WpFcMobileCache") && isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMobileTheme) && $this->options->wpFastestCacheMobileTheme) {
         $wpfc_mobile = new WpFcMobileCache();
         if ($this->isPluginActive('wptouch/wptouch.php') || $this->isPluginActive('wptouch-pro/wptouch-pro.php')) {
         } else {
         $data = $data . "\n\n\n" . $wpfc_mobile->update_htaccess($data);
     $data = $data . "</IfModule>" . "\n" . "<FilesMatch \"\\.(html|htm)\$\">" . "\n" . "AddDefaultCharset UTF-8" . "\n" . "<ifModule mod_headers.c>" . "\n" . "FileETag None" . "\n" . "Header unset ETag" . "\n" . "Header set Cache-Control \"max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\"" . "\n" . "Header set Pragma \"no-cache\"" . "\n" . "Header set Expires \"Mon, 29 Oct 1923 20:30:00 GMT\"" . "\n" . "</ifModule>" . "\n" . "</FilesMatch>" . "\n" . "# END WpFastestCache" . "\n";
     return preg_replace("/\n+/", "\n", $data);
예제 #4
 public function deleteCache($minified = false)
     if (class_exists("WpFcMobileCache")) {
         $wpfc_mobile = new WpFcMobileCache();
         wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 60, $this->slug() . "_TmpDelete_" . time());
     $deleted = false;
     $cache_path = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/all";
     $minified_cache_path = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/wpfc-minified";
     if (!is_dir($this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc")) {
         if (@mkdir($this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc", 0755, true)) {
         } else {
             $this->systemMessage = array("Permission of <strong>/wp-content/cache</strong> must be <strong>755</strong>", "error");
     if (is_dir($cache_path)) {
         rename($cache_path, $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc/" . time());
         $deleted = true;
     if (is_dir($minified_cache_path)) {
         if ($minified) {
             rename($minified_cache_path, $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc/m" . time());
             $deleted = true;
     if ($deleted) {
         wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 60, $this->slug() . "_TmpDelete_" . time());
         $this->systemMessage = array("All cache files have been deleted", "success");
         if ($this->isPluginActive("wp-fastest-cache-premium/wpFastestCachePremium.php")) {
             include_once $this->get_premium_path("logs.php");
             $log = new WpFastestCacheLogs("delete");
     } else {
         $this->systemMessage = array("Already deleted", "success");
예제 #5
 public function callback($buffer)
     $buffer = $this->checkShortCode($buffer);
     if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
         return $buffer;
     } else {
         if (preg_match("/Mediapartners-Google/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
             return $buffer;
         } else {
             if ($this->exclude_page()) {
                 return $buffer . "<!-- Wp Fastest Cache: Exclude Page -->";
             } else {
                 if ($this->is_xml($buffer)) {
                     return $buffer . "<!-- Wp Fastest Cache: XML Content -->";
                 } else {
                     if (is_user_logged_in() || $this->isCommenter()) {
                         return $buffer;
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]) && preg_match("/json/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"])) {
                             return $buffer;
                         } else {
                             if ($this->checkWoocommerceSession()) {
                                 if ($this->checkHtml($buffer)) {
                                     return $buffer;
                                 } else {
                                     return $buffer . "<!-- \$_COOKIE['wp_woocommerce_session'] has been set -->";
                             } else {
                                 if (defined('DONOTCACHEPAGE') && $this->isPluginActive('wordfence/wordfence.php')) {
                                     // for Wordfence: not to cache 503 pages
                                     return $buffer . "<!-- DONOTCACHEPAGE is defined as TRUE -->";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->isPasswordProtected($buffer)) {
                                         return $buffer . "<!-- Password protected content has been detected -->";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->isWpLogin($buffer)) {
                                             return $buffer . "<!-- wp-login.php -->";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($this->hasContactForm7WithCaptcha($buffer)) {
                                                 return $buffer . "<!-- This page was not cached because ContactForm7's captcha -->";
                                             } else {
                                                 if (is_404()) {
                                                     return $buffer;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($this->ignored()) {
                                                         return $buffer;
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($this->blockCache === true) {
                                                             return $buffer . "<!-- wpfcNOT has been detected -->";
                                                         } else {
                                                             if (isset($_GET["preview"])) {
                                                                 return $buffer . "<!-- not cached -->";
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if (preg_match("/\\?/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) && !preg_match("/\\/\\?fdx\\_switcher\\=true/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
                                                                     // for WP Mobile Edition
                                                                     return $buffer;
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($this->checkHtml($buffer)) {
                                                                         return $buffer . "<!-- html is corrupted -->";
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if ($this->isMobile()) {
                                                                             if (class_exists("WpFcMobileCache") && isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMobileTheme)) {
                                                                                 // wptouch: ipad is accepted as a desktop so no need to create cache if user agent is ipad
                                                                                 // https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wptouch-wptouch-wont-display-mobile-version-on-ipad?replies=12
                                                                                 if ($this->isPluginActive('wptouch/wptouch.php')) {
                                                                                     if (preg_match("/ipad/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                                                                                         return $buffer . "<!-- ipad user -->";
                                                                                 $wpfc_mobile = new WpFcMobileCache();
                                                                                 $cachFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/" . $wpfc_mobile->get_folder_name() . "" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
                                                                             } else {
                                                                                 return $buffer . "<!-- mobile user -->";
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             $cachFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/all" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
                                                                         //to show cache version of home page via php if htaccess rewrite rule does not work
                                                                         if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == "/") {
                                                                             if (file_exists($cachFilePath . "index.html")) {
                                                                                 if ($content = @file_get_contents($cachFilePath . "index.html")) {
                                                                                     return $content . "<!-- via php -->";
                                                                         $content = $buffer;
                                                                         if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineCss)) {
                                                                             require_once "css-utilities.php";
                                                                             $css = new CssUtilities($this, $content);
                                                                             $content = $css->combineCss();
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCss)) {
                                                                                 require_once "css-utilities.php";
                                                                                 $css = new CssUtilities($this, $content);
                                                                                 $content = $css->minifyCss();
                                                                         if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineJs) || isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyJs) || isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineJsPowerFul)) {
                                                                             require_once "js-utilities.php";
                                                                         if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineJs)) {
                                                                             preg_match("/<head(.*?)<\\/head>/si", $content, $head);
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyJs) && $this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyJs) {
                                                                                 $js = new JsUtilities($this, $head[1], true);
                                                                             } else {
                                                                                 $js = new JsUtilities($this, $head[1]);
                                                                             $tmp_head = $js->combine_js();
                                                                             $content = str_replace($head[1], $tmp_head, $content);
                                                                         if (class_exists("WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml")) {
                                                                             $powerful_html = new WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml();
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineJsPowerFul) && method_exists("WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml", "combine_js_in_footer")) {
                                                                                 if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyJs) && $this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyJs) {
                                                                                     $content = $powerful_html->combine_js_in_footer($this, true);
                                                                                 } else {
                                                                                     $content = $powerful_html->combine_js_in_footer($this);
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheRemoveComments)) {
                                                                                 $content = $powerful_html->remove_head_comments();
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyHtmlPowerFul)) {
                                                                                 $content = $powerful_html->minify_html();
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyJs) && method_exists("WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml", "minify_js_in_body")) {
                                                                                 $content = $powerful_html->minify_js_in_body($this);
                                                                         if ($this->err) {
                                                                             return $buffer . "<!-- " . $this->err . " -->";
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             $content = $this->cacheDate($content);
                                                                             $content = $this->minify($content);
                                                                             if ($this->cdn) {
                                                                                 $content = preg_replace_callback("/[\\'\"][^\\'\"]+" . preg_quote($this->cdn->originurl, "/") . "[^\\'\"]+[\\'\"]/i", array($this, 'cdn_replace_urls'), $content);
                                                                                 // url()
                                                                                 $content = preg_replace_callback("/url\\([^\\)]+\\)/i", array($this, 'cdn_replace_urls'), $content);
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheRenderBlocking) && method_exists("WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml", "render_blocking")) {
                                                                                 $content = $powerful_html->render_blocking($content);
                                                                             $content = str_replace("<!--WPFC_FOOTER_START-->", "", $content);
                                                                             $this->createFolder($cachFilePath, $content);
                                                                             return $buffer . "<!-- need to refresh to see cached version -->";
예제 #6
 public function deleteCache($minified = false)
     $created_tmpWpfc = false;
     $cache_deleted = false;
     $minifed_deleted = false;
     $cache_path = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/all";
     $minified_cache_path = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/wpfc-minified";
     if (class_exists("WpFcMobileCache")) {
         $wpfc_mobile = new WpFcMobileCache();
     if (!is_dir($this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc")) {
         if (@mkdir($this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc", 0755, true)) {
             $created_tmpWpfc = true;
         } else {
             $created_tmpWpfc = false;
             //$this->systemMessage = array("Permission of <strong>/wp-content/cache</strong> must be <strong>755</strong>", "error");
     } else {
         $created_tmpWpfc = true;
     if (is_dir($cache_path)) {
         if (@rename($cache_path, $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc/" . time())) {
             $cache_deleted = true;
     } else {
         $cache_deleted = true;
     if ($minified) {
         if (is_dir($minified_cache_path)) {
             if (@rename($minified_cache_path, $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/tmpWpfc/m" . time())) {
                 $minifed_deleted = true;
         } else {
             $minifed_deleted = true;
     } else {
         $minifed_deleted = true;
     if ($created_tmpWpfc && $cache_deleted && $minifed_deleted) {
         $this->systemMessage = array("All cache files have been deleted", "success");
         if ($this->isPluginActive("wp-fastest-cache-premium/wpFastestCachePremium.php")) {
             include_once $this->get_premium_path("logs.php");
             $log = new WpFastestCacheLogs("delete");
     } else {
         $this->systemMessage = array("Permissions Problem: <a href='http://www.wpfastestcache.com/warnings/delete-cache-problem-related-to-permission/' target='_blank'>Read More</a>", "error", array("light_box" => "delete_cache_permission_error"));
     // for ajax request
     if (isset($_GET["action"]) && in_array($_GET["action"], array("wpfc_delete_cache", "wpfc_delete_cache_and_minified"))) {
예제 #7
 public function callback($buffer)
     $buffer = $this->checkShortCode($buffer);
     if (preg_match("/Mediapartners-Google/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         return $buffer;
     } else {
         if ($this->exclude_page()) {
             return $buffer . "<!-- Wp Fastest Cache: Exclude Page -->";
         } else {
             if ($this->is_xml($buffer)) {
                 return $buffer . "<!-- Wp Fastest Cache: XML Content -->";
             } else {
                 if (is_user_logged_in() || $this->isCommenter()) {
                     return $buffer;
                 } else {
                     if (preg_match("/json/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"])) {
                         return $buffer;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->checkWoocommerceSession()) {
                             if ($this->checkHtml($buffer)) {
                                 return $buffer;
                             } else {
                                 return $buffer . "<!-- \$_COOKIE['wp_woocommerce_session'] has been set -->";
                         } else {
                             if (defined('DONOTCACHEPAGE') && $this->isPluginActive('wordfence/wordfence.php')) {
                                 // for Wordfence: not to cache 503 pages
                                 return $buffer . "<!-- DONOTCACHEPAGE is defined as TRUE -->";
                             } else {
                                 if ($this->isPasswordProtected($buffer)) {
                                     return $buffer . "<!-- Password protected content has been detected -->";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->isWpLogin($buffer)) {
                                         return $buffer;
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->hasContactForm7WithCaptcha($buffer)) {
                                             return $buffer . "<!-- This page was not cached because ContactForm7's captcha -->";
                                         } else {
                                             if (is_404()) {
                                                 return $buffer;
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($this->ignored()) {
                                                     return $buffer . "<!-- ignored -->";
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($this->blockCache === true) {
                                                         return $buffer . "<!-- wpfcNOT has been detected -->";
                                                     } else {
                                                         if (isset($_GET["preview"])) {
                                                             return $buffer . "<!-- not cached -->";
                                                         } else {
                                                             if (preg_match("/\\?/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
                                                                 return $buffer;
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($this->checkHtml($buffer)) {
                                                                     return $buffer . "<!-- html is corrupted -->";
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($this->isMobile()) {
                                                                         if (class_exists("WpFcMobileCache") && isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMobileTheme)) {
                                                                             $wpfc_mobile = new WpFcMobileCache();
                                                                             $cachFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/" . $wpfc_mobile->get_folder_name() . "" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             return $buffer . "<!-- mobile user -->";
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         $cachFilePath = $this->getWpContentDir() . "/cache/all" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
                                                                     //to show cache version of home page via php if htaccess rewrite rule does not work
                                                                     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == "/") {
                                                                         if (file_exists($cachFilePath . "index.html")) {
                                                                             if ($content = @file_get_contents($cachFilePath . "index.html")) {
                                                                                 return $content . "<!-- via php -->";
                                                                     $content = $this->cacheDate($buffer);
                                                                     if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineCss) && isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCss)) {
                                                                         require_once "css-utilities.php";
                                                                         $css = new CssUtilities($this, $content);
                                                                         $content = $css->combineCss($this, true);
                                                                         //to minify css files which are NOT "media='all'"
                                                                         $content = $css->minifyCss($this, true);
                                                                         $this->err = $css->getError();
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineCss)) {
                                                                             require_once "css-utilities.php";
                                                                             $css = new CssUtilities($this, $content);
                                                                             $content = $css->combineCss($this, false);
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyCss)) {
                                                                                 require_once "css-utilities.php";
                                                                                 $css = new CssUtilities($this, $content);
                                                                                 $content = $css->minifyCss($this, false);
                                                                                 $this->err = $css->getError();
                                                                     if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheCombineJs)) {
                                                                         $content = $this->combineJs($content, false);
                                                                     if (class_exists("WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml")) {
                                                                         $powerful_html = new WpFastestCachePowerfulHtml();
                                                                         if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheRemoveComments)) {
                                                                             $content = $powerful_html->remove_head_comments();
                                                                         if (isset($this->options->wpFastestCacheMinifyHtmlPowerFul)) {
                                                                             $content = $powerful_html->minify_html();
                                                                     if ($this->err) {
                                                                         return $buffer . "<!-- " . $this->err . " -->";
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         $content = $this->minify($content);
                                                                         $this->createFolder($cachFilePath, $content);
                                                                         return $buffer . "<!-- need to refresh to see cached version -->";