$footerError = iADMIN && checkrights("ERRO") && count($_errorHandler) > 0 && !defined('no_debugger') ? "<button title='" . $locale['err_102'] . "' id='turbo_debugger' class='btn btn-sm btn-default m-r-10'><i class='fa fa-bug fa-lg'></i></button><strong>\n\t " . str_replace(array("[ERROR_LOG_URL]", "[/ERROR_LOG_URL]"), array("<a href='" . ADMIN . "errors.php" . $aidlink . "'>", "</a>"), $locale['err_101']) . "\n\t </strong><span class='badge'>" . count($_errorHandler) . "</span>\n\n\t\t" . fusion_console() . "" : ''; if (!isset($fusion_jquery_tags)) { $fusion_jquery_tags = ''; } // Load layout require_once __DIR__ . (defined('ADMIN_PANEL') ? '/admin_layout.php' : '/layout.php'); // Catch the output $output = ob_get_contents(); //ob_start() called in maincore if (ob_get_length() !== FALSE) { ob_end_clean(); } // Do the final output manipulation $output = handle_output($output); // Search in output and replace normal links with SEF links if (!isset($_GET['aid']) && fusion_get_settings("site_seo") == 1) { \PHPFusion\Rewrite\Permalinks::getInstance()->handle_url_routing($output); if (isset($router) && $router->getFilePath() !== "error.php") { $output = \PHPFusion\Rewrite\Permalinks::getInstance()->getOutput($output); } } if (isset($permalink)) { unset($permalink); } // Output the final complete page content echo $output; $defender->remove_token(); if (ob_get_length() > 0) { // length is a number ob_end_flush(); }
/* $user_level = fusion_get_userdata("user_level"); if (fusion_get_settings("maintenance") == "1" && fusion_get_settings("maintenance_level") < $user_level) { if (fusion_get_settings("site_seo")) { redirect(FUSION_ROOT.BASEDIR."maintenance.php"); } else { redirect(BASEDIR."maintenance.php"); } }*/ // Code provided by Karrak $user_level = fusion_get_userdata("user_level"); if (fusion_get_settings("maintenance") == "1") { if (fusion_get_settings("maintenance_level") < $user_level or empty($user_level)) { if (fusion_get_settings("site_seo")) { redirect(FUSION_ROOT . BASEDIR . "maintenance.php"); } else { redirect(BASEDIR . "maintenance.php"); } } } if (fusion_get_settings("site_seo") == 1) { $permalink = \PHPFusion\Rewrite\Permalinks::getInstance(); } require_once INCLUDES . "breadcrumbs.php"; require_once INCLUDES . "header_includes.php"; require_once THEME . "theme.php"; require_once THEMES . "templates/render_functions.php"; if (iMEMBER) { dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_USERS . " SET user_lastvisit=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), user_ip='" . USER_IP . "', user_ip_type='" . USER_IP_TYPE . "' WHERE user_id='" . fusion_get_userdata("user_id") . "'"); } ob_start(); require_once THEMES . "templates/panels.php";
| Author: PHP-Fusion Development Team +--------------------------------------------------------+ | This program is released as free software under the | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of this license which you | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online | at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this | copyright header is strictly prohibited without | written permission from the original author(s). +--------------------------------------------------------*/ require_once "maincore.php"; if (!fusion_get_settings("maintenance")) { redirect("index.php"); } if (fusion_get_settings("site_seo") == 1 && !defined("IN_PERMALINK")) { \PHPFusion\Rewrite\Permalinks::getInstance()->handle_url_routing(""); } $info = array(); if (!iMEMBER) { switch (fusion_get_settings("login_method")) { case "2": $placeholder = $locale['global_101c']; break; case "1": $placeholder = $locale['global_101b']; break; default: $placeholder = $locale['global_101a']; } $user_name = isset($_POST['user_name']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['user_name'], "", "user_name") : ""; $user_password = isset($_POST['user_pass']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['user_pass'], "", "user_pass") : "";