예제 #1
 private function getChildrens($path)
     $children = array();
     //Get all direct children
     foreach (scandir($path) as $file) {
         $filepath = $path . "/" . $file;
         $filename = pathinfo($file)["filename"];
         $fileextension = substr(strrchr($filepath, '.'), 1);
         //Check if current path is a php-file
         if (is_file($filepath) && $fileextension == "php") {
             //Initialize view
             $view = new View($filename, $filepath, str_replace("app/pages", "", $path) . "/" . $filename);
             //If there's a folder with the same name, set them as childrens
             if (in_array($filename, scandir($path)) && is_dir($path . "/" . $filename)) {
                 $view->children = $this->getChildrens($path . "/" . $filename);
             //Then parse content
             //Add to array
             array_push($children, $view);
     return $children;
예제 #2
  * [initialize description]
  * {@inheritdoc } In addition, it loads Menu helper.
  * @return void
 public function initialize()
예제 #3
 function dispatch($content_only = false)
     Event::trigger('on_before_dispatch', $this);
     $session = Base::getSession();
     //if no action set, set it to index
     if (strlen(trim($this->action)) == 0) {
         $this->action = 'index';
     //set admin path
     $site = '';
     if ($this->site == 'admin') {
         $site = '\\Admin';
     //load the extension class
     $controller = !empty($this->controller) ? '\\Controllers\\' . Str::camilize($this->controller) : '\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension);
     $extension = !empty($this->extension) ? '\\Extensions\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension) : '';
     $classname = '\\GCore' . $site . $extension . $controller;
     $this->tvout = strlen(Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? Request::data('tvout') : $this->tvout;
     //set referer
     if (!$content_only) {
         if (!($this->controller == 'users' and ($this->action == 'login' or $this->action == 'logout' or $this->action == 'register')) and (!empty($this->extension) or !empty($this->controller)) and $this->tvout == 'index') {
             //$session->set('_referer', Url::current());
         } else {
             //$session->set('_referer', 'index.php');
     $G_User = $session->get('user', array());
     //check permissions
     $J_User = \JFactory::getUser();
     if (empty($J_User->groups) or empty($G_User['groups']) or array_values($J_User->groups) !== $G_User['groups'] or empty($G_User['inheritance'])) {
         $user_session = array();
         $user_session['id'] = $J_User->id;
         $user_session['name'] = $J_User->name;
         $user_session['username'] = $J_User->username;
         $user_session['email'] = $J_User->email;
         $user_session['last_login'] = $J_User->lastvisitDate;
         $user_session['logged_in'] = !$J_User->guest;
         $user_session['guest'] = $J_User->guest;
         $user_session['groups'] = empty($J_User->groups) ? array(1) : array_values($J_User->groups);
         $user_session['inheritance'] = array();
         if (!empty($J_User->groups)) {
             //sort groups
             $groups = \GCore\Admin\Models\Group::getInstance()->find('all', array('order' => 'Group.parent_id ASC'));
             $valid_groups = array_intersect($user_session['groups'], \GCore\Libs\Arr::getVal($groups, array('[n]', 'Group', 'id')));
             if (!empty($groups) and $valid_groups) {
                 foreach ($groups as $group) {
                     //if this group exists in the user's groups or its inheitance then add its parent_id
                     if (in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['groups']) or in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['inheritance'])) {
                         $user_session['inheritance'][] = $group['Group']['parent_id'];
                 //find the number of occurances of each group in the inheritane
                 $groups_counted = array_count_values($user_session['inheritance']);
                 //if the count of root parent (0 parent_id) is less than the count of user's groups then not all pathes have been found, reloop
                 if (count($user_session['groups']) and !isset($groups_counted[0]) or $groups_counted[0] < count($user_session['groups'])) {
                     goto reloop;
                 } else {
                     $user_session['inheritance'] = array_unique($user_session['inheritance']);
         if ($session->get('user', array()) !== $user_session) {
         $session->set('user', array_merge($session->get('user', array()), $user_session));
     //copy some config
     $mainframe = \JFactory::getApplication();
     //set timezone
     //site title
     \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_title', $mainframe->getCfg('sitename'));
     //$lang = \JFactory::getLanguage();
     //\GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_language', $lang->getTag());
     /*if(!Authorize::authorized($classname, $this->action)){
     //if the extension class not found or the action function not found then load an error
     if (!class_exists($classname) or !in_array($this->action, get_class_methods($classname)) and !in_array('__call', get_class_methods($classname)) or substr($this->action, 0, 1) == '_') {
         $this->controller = 'errors';
         $this->action = 'e404';
         //reset the controller
         //$classname = '\GCore\Controllers\Errors';
         $this->buffer = 'Page not found';
         \JError::raiseError(404, $this->buffer);
         //we need the rendered content only
         if ($content_only) {
     //load language file
     if (!empty($extension)) {
         Lang::load($site . $extension);
     //set theme
     $doc = Document::getInstance($this->site, $this->thread);
     $doc->theme = 'bootstrap3';
     $theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance();
     //load class and run the action
     ${$classname} = new $classname($this->site, $this->thread);
     $continue = ${$classname}->_initialize();
     //check and read cache
     if (!empty(${$classname}->cache)) {
         if (!is_array(${$classname}->cache)) {
             ${$classname}->cache = array();
         if (empty(${$classname}->cache['time'])) {
             ${$classname}->cache['time'] = Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900);
         if (empty(${$classname}->cache['title'])) {
             ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe($classname . '_' . $this->action);
         } else {
             ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe(${$classname}->cache['title']);
         if (empty(${$classname}->cache['key'])) {
             ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view';
         } else {
             ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view_' . ${$classname}->cache['key'];
         $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time']));
         $cached_view = $cache->get(${$classname}->cache['key']);
         $cached = false;
         if (!empty($cached_view)) {
             $cached = true;
             $continue = false;
             echo $cached_view;
     if ($continue !== false) {
         if ($this->reset === true) {
             $this->reset = false;
             goto reset;
         //initialize and render view
         $view = new View();
     //get the action output buffer
     $this->buffer = ob_get_clean();
     //check and save cache
     if (!empty(${$classname}->cache) and !$cached) {
         $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time']));
         $cache->set(${$classname}->cache['key'], $this->buffer);
     $this->buffer .= ob_get_clean();
     if ($this->tvout != 'ajax' and $doc->theme == 'bootstrap3') {
         $this->buffer = '<div class="gbs3">' . $this->buffer . '</div>';
예제 #4
    function dispatch($content_only = false)
        Event::trigger('on_before_dispatch', $this);
        $session = Base::getSession();
        //if no action set, set it to index
        if (strlen(trim($this->action)) == 0) {
            $this->action = 'index';
        //set admin path
        $site = '';
        if ($this->site == 'admin') {
            $site = '\\Admin';
        //load the extension class
        $controller = !empty($this->controller) ? '\\Controllers\\' . Str::camilize($this->controller) : '\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension);
        $extension = !empty($this->extension) ? '\\Extensions\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension) : '';
        $classname = '\\GCore' . $site . $extension . $controller;
        $this->tvout = strlen(Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? Request::data('tvout') : $this->tvout;
        //set referer
        if (!$content_only) {
            if (!($this->controller == 'users' and ($this->action == 'login' or $this->action == 'logout' or $this->action == 'register')) and (!empty($this->extension) or !empty($this->controller)) and $this->tvout == 'index') {
                //$session->set('_referer', Url::current());
            } else {
                //$session->set('_referer', 'index.php');
        $G_User = $session->get('user', array());
        //check permissions
        $J_User = \JFactory::getUser();
        if(empty($J_User->groups) OR empty($G_User['groups']) OR (array_values($J_User->groups) !== $G_User['groups']) OR empty($G_User['inheritance'])){
        	$user_session = array();
        	$user_session['id'] = $J_User->id;
        	$user_session['name'] = $J_User->name;
        	$user_session['username'] = $J_User->username;
        	$user_session['email'] = $J_User->email;
        	$user_session['last_login'] = $J_User->lastvisitDate;
        	$user_session['logged_in'] = !$J_User->guest;
        	$user_session['guest'] = $J_User->guest;
        	$user_session['groups'] = empty($J_User->groups) ? array(1) : array_values($J_User->groups);
        	$user_session['inheritance'] = array();
        		//sort groups
        		$groups = \GCore\Admin\Models\Group::getInstance()->find('all', array('order' => 'Group.parent_id ASC'));
        			foreach($groups as $group){
        				//if this group exists in the user's groups or its inheitance then add its parent_id
        				if(in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['groups']) OR in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['inheritance'])){
        					$user_session['inheritance'][] = $group['Group']['parent_id'];
        			//find the number of occurances of each group in the inheritane
        			$groups_counted = array_count_values($user_session['inheritance']);
        			//if the count of root parent (0 parent_id) is less than the count of user's groups then not all pathes have been found, reloop
        			if((count($user_session['groups']) AND !isset($groups_counted[0])) OR $groups_counted[0] < count($user_session['groups'])){
        				goto reloop;
        				$user_session['inheritance'] = array_unique($user_session['inheritance']);
        	if($session->get('user', array()) !== $user_session){
        	$session->set('user', array_merge($session->get('user', array()), $user_session));
        //set timezone
        //site title
        \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_title', get_bloginfo('name'));
        /*if(!Authorize::authorized($classname, $this->action)){
        //if the extension class not found or the action function not found then load an error
        if (!class_exists($classname) or !in_array($this->action, get_class_methods($classname)) and !in_array('__call', get_class_methods($classname)) or substr($this->action, 0, 1) == '_') {
            $this->controller = 'errors';
            $this->action = 'e404';
            //reset the controller
            //$classname = '\GCore\Controllers\Errors';
            $this->buffer = 'Page not found';
            //we need the rendered content only
            if ($content_only) {
        //load language file
        if (!empty($extension)) {
            Lang::load($site . $extension);
        //set theme
        $doc = Document::getInstance($this->site, $this->thread);
        $doc->theme = 'bootstrap3';
        //$theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance();
        //load class and run the action
        ${$classname} = new $classname($this->site, $this->thread);
        $continue = ${$classname}->_initialize();
        //check and read cache
        if (!empty(${$classname}->cache)) {
            if (!is_array(${$classname}->cache)) {
                ${$classname}->cache = array();
            if (empty(${$classname}->cache['time'])) {
                ${$classname}->cache['time'] = Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900);
            if (empty(${$classname}->cache['title'])) {
                ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe($classname . '_' . $this->action);
            } else {
                ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe(${$classname}->cache['title']);
            if (empty(${$classname}->cache['key'])) {
                ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view';
            } else {
                ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view_' . ${$classname}->cache['key'];
            $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time']));
            $cached_view = $cache->get(${$classname}->cache['key']);
            $cached = false;
            if (!empty($cached_view)) {
                $cached = true;
                $continue = false;
                echo $cached_view;
        if ($continue !== false) {
            if ($this->reset === true) {
                $this->reset = false;
                goto reset;
            //initialize and render view
            $view = new View();
        //get the action output buffer
        $this->buffer = ob_get_clean();
        //check and save cache
        if (!empty(${$classname}->cache) and !$cached) {
            $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time']));
            $cache->set(${$classname}->cache['key'], $this->buffer);
        $this->buffer .= ob_get_clean();
        //now load the theme files
        $theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance();
			$('[data-g-toggle="modal"]').on('click', function(e){
				$modal = $($(this).data('g-target'));
					'close_selector' : '[data-g-dismiss="modal"]',
			$('[data-g-toggle="dropdown"]').on('click', function(e){
        $js = ob_get_clean();
        if ($this->tvout != 'ajax' and strpos($doc->theme, 'bootstrap3') !== false) {
            $this->buffer = '<div class="gbs3">' . $this->buffer . '</div>';
예제 #5
파일: app.php 프로젝트: ejailesb/repo_empr
 function dispatch($content_only = false, $check_perm = true)
     Event::trigger('on_before_dispatch', $this);
     $session = Base::getSession();
     //if no action set, set it to index
     if (strlen(trim($this->action)) == 0) {
         $this->action = 'index';
     //set admin path
     $site = '';
     if ($this->site == 'admin') {
         $site = '\\Admin';
     //load the extension class
     $controller = !empty($this->controller) ? '\\Controllers\\' . Str::camilize($this->controller) : '\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension);
     $extension = !empty($this->extension) ? '\\Extensions\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension) : '';
     $classname = '\\GCore' . $site . $extension . $controller;
     $this->tvout = strlen(Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? Request::data('tvout') : $this->tvout;
     //set referer
     if (!$content_only) {
         if (!($this->controller == 'users' and ($this->action == 'login' or $this->action == 'logout' or $this->action == 'register')) and (!empty($this->extension) or !empty($this->controller)) and $this->tvout == 'index') {
             $session->set('_referer', Url::current());
         } else {
             //$session->set('_referer', 'index.php');
     //check permissions
     if ($check_perm and !Authorize::authorized($classname, $this->action)) {
         if ($content_only) {
     //if the extension class not found or the action function not found then load an error
     if (!class_exists($classname) or !in_array($this->action, get_class_methods($classname)) and !in_array('__call', get_class_methods($classname)) or substr($this->action, 0, 1) == '_') {
         $this->controller = 'errors';
         $this->action = 'e404';
         //reset the controller
         $classname = '\\GCore\\Controllers\\Errors';
         //we need the rendered content only
         if ($content_only) {
     //load language file
     if (!empty($extension)) {
         Lang::load($site . $extension);
     //set theme
     $doc = Document::getInstance($this->site, $this->thread);
     $doc->theme = 'bootstrap3';
     $theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance();
     // in gcore app, bootstrap should be always loaded first with jquery
     //load class and run the action
     ${$classname} = new $classname($this->site, $this->thread);
     $continue = ${$classname}->_initialize();
     //check and read cache
     if (!empty(${$classname}->cache)) {
         if (!is_array(${$classname}->cache)) {
             ${$classname}->cache = array();
         if (empty(${$classname}->cache['time'])) {
             ${$classname}->cache['time'] = Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900);
         if (empty(${$classname}->cache['title'])) {
             ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe($classname . '_' . $this->action);
         } else {
             ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe(${$classname}->cache['title']);
         if (empty(${$classname}->cache['key'])) {
             ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view';
         } else {
             ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view_' . ${$classname}->cache['key'];
         $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time']));
         $cached_view = $cache->get(${$classname}->cache['key']);
         $cached = false;
         if (!empty($cached_view)) {
             $cached = true;
             $continue = false;
             echo $cached_view;
     if ($continue !== false) {
         if ($this->reset === true) {
             $this->reset = false;
             goto reset;
         //initialize and render view
         $view = new View();
     //get the action output buffer
     $this->buffer = ob_get_clean();
     //check and save cache
     if (!empty(${$classname}->cache) and !$cached) {
         $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time']));
         $cache->set(${$classname}->cache['key'], $this->buffer);
     $this->buffer .= ob_get_clean();
     //now load the theme files
     //$theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance();
     if ($this->tvout != 'ajax' and $doc->theme == 'bootstrap3') {
         $this->buffer = '<div class="gbs3">' . $this->buffer . '</div>';