} $a_amex_l = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Query nyse gainer $sqlQuery = "SELECT TOP 20 symbol,name,last_trade,last_trade_time,change,change_percent,volume FROM stock_gainer_loser WHERE smarket='nyse' AND stype='gainer'"; $rs = odbc_exec($connection, $sqlQuery); if (!$rs) { die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } $a_nyse_g = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Query nyse loser $sqlQuery = "SELECT TOP 20 symbol,name,last_trade,last_trade_time,change,change_percent,volume FROM stock_gainer_loser WHERE smarket='nyse' AND stype='loser'"; $rs = odbc_exec($connection, $sqlQuery); if (!$rs) { die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } $a_nyse_l = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Close DB connection odbc_close($connection); $yahooRef = "http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/q?s="; function output_table_list($arrayList) { foreach ($arrayList as $x => $x_value) { $parts = str_split($x_value["change"]); print "<tr>"; print "<td><b><a href='" . $yahooRef . $x_value["symbol"] . " 'target='_blank'>" . $x_value["symbol"] . "</a></b></td>"; print "<td>" . $x_value["name"] . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $x_value["last_trade"] . "</td>"; if ($parts[0] == '+') { print "<td>" . "<img src='images/up_g.gif'/>" . $x_value["change"] . "</td>"; } else { if ($parts[0] == '-') {
$server = "localhost\\MSSQLSERVER2008"; $database = "CCBOnlineNews"; $user = "******"; $password = "******"; $connection = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server={$server};Database={$database};", $user, $password); if ($connection === false) { echo "Connection could not be established.<br/>"; die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } // Query $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM stock_summary WHERE stype='currency'"; $rs = odbc_exec($connection, $sqlQuery); if (!$rs) { die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } $arrayResult = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Close DB connection odbc_close($connection); $yahooRef = "http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s="; ?> <h1><span class="mkTableTitleName">金融市场</span></h1> <br/> <table class="summary_reference" width="100%" id="main_table_europe" border="1" class="t1"> <tr> <th style="width:40px">Symbol</th> <th style="width:60px">Currency Pair</th> <th style="width:60px">Price</th> <th style="width:60px">Update Time</th> </tr> <?php
} $a_tsx_l = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Query tsxv gainer $sqlQuery = "SELECT TOP 20 symbol,name,last_trade,last_trade_time,change,change_percent,volume FROM stock_gainer_loser WHERE smarket='tsxv' AND stype='gainer'"; $rs = odbc_exec($connection, $sqlQuery); if (!$rs) { die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } $a_tsxv_g = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Query tsxv loser $sqlQuery = "SELECT TOP 20 symbol,name,last_trade,last_trade_time,change,change_percent,volume FROM stock_gainer_loser WHERE smarket='tsxv' AND stype='loser'"; $rs = odbc_exec($connection, $sqlQuery); if (!$rs) { die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } $a_tsxv_l = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Close DB connection odbc_close($connection); $yahooRef = "http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/q?s="; function output_table_list($arrayList) { foreach ($arrayList as $x => $x_value) { $parts = str_split($x_value["change"]); print "<tr>"; print "<td><b><a href='" . $yahooRef . $x_value["symbol"] . " 'target='_blank'>" . $x_value["symbol"] . "</a></b></td>"; print "<td>" . $x_value["name"] . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $x_value["last_trade"] . "</td>"; if ($parts[0] == '+') { print "<td>" . "<img src='images/up_g.gif'/>" . $x_value["change"] . "</td>"; } else { if ($parts[0] == '-') {
$server = "localhost\\MSSQLSERVER2008"; $database = "CCBOnlineNews"; $user = "******"; $password = "******"; $connection = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server={$server};Database={$database};", $user, $password); if ($connection === false) { echo "Connection could not be established.<br/>"; die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } // Query $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM stock_summary WHERE stype = 'wi-asia'"; $rs = odbc_exec($connection, $sqlQuery); if (!$rs) { die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } $a_asia = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Close DB connection odbc_close($connection); $yahooRef = "http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/q?s="; ?> <h1><span class="mkTableTitleName">亚洲指数</span></h1> <br/> <table class="summary_reference" width="100%" id="main_table_europe" border="1" class="t1"> <tr> <th style="width:60px">Symbol</th> <th style="width:60px">Last Trade</th> <th style="width:40px">Change</th> <th style="width:60px">Update Time</th> </tr> <?php
$server = "localhost\\MSSQLSERVER2008"; $database = "CCBOnlineNews"; $user = "******"; $password = "******"; $connection = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server={$server};Database={$database};", $user, $password); if ($connection === false) { echo "Connection could not be established.<br/>"; die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } // Query $sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM stock_summary WHERE stype = 'wi-euro'"; $rs = odbc_exec($connection, $sqlQuery); if (!$rs) { die(print_r(odbc_errormsg(), true)); } $a_euro = ccb_odbc_utility_fetch_array($rs); // Close DB connection odbc_close($connection); $yahooRef = "http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/q?s="; ?> <h1><span class="mkTableTitleName">欧洲指数</span></h1> <br/> <table class="summary_reference" width="100%" id="main_table_europe" border="1" class="t1"> <tr> <th style="width:60px">Symbol</th> <th style="width:60px">Last Trade</th> <th style="width:40px">Change</th> <th style="width:60px">Update Time</th> </tr> <?php