protected function migrate_from_sp_options() { $tec = Tribe__Events__Main::instance(); $tec_options = Tribe__Events__Main::getOptions(); $option_names = array('spEventsTemplate' => 'tribeEventsTemplate', 'spEventsBeforeHTML' => 'tribeEventsBeforeHTML', 'spEventsAfterHTML' => 'tribeEventsAfterHTML'); foreach ($option_names as $old_name => $new_name) { if (isset($tec_options[$old_name]) && empty($tec_options[$new_name])) { $tec_options[$new_name] = $tec_options[$old_name]; unset($tec_options[$old_name]); } } $tec->setOptions($tec_options); }
/** * Collect system information for support * * @return array of system data for support */ public function getSupportStats() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $plugins = array(); if (function_exists('get_plugin_data')) { $plugins_raw = wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins(); foreach ($plugins_raw as $k => $v) { $plugin_details = get_plugin_data($v); $plugin = $plugin_details['Name']; if (!empty($plugin_details['Version'])) { $plugin .= sprintf(' version %s', $plugin_details['Version']); } if (!empty($plugin_details['Author'])) { $plugin .= sprintf(' by %s', $plugin_details['Author']); } if (!empty($plugin_details['AuthorURI'])) { $plugin .= sprintf('(%s)', $plugin_details['AuthorURI']); } $plugins[] = $plugin; } } $network_plugins = array(); if (is_multisite() && function_exists('get_plugin_data')) { $plugins_raw = wp_get_active_network_plugins(); foreach ($plugins_raw as $k => $v) { $plugin_details = get_plugin_data($v); $plugin = $plugin_details['Name']; if (!empty($plugin_details['Version'])) { $plugin .= sprintf(' version %s', $plugin_details['Version']); } if (!empty($plugin_details['Author'])) { $plugin .= sprintf(' by %s', $plugin_details['Author']); } if (!empty($plugin_details['AuthorURI'])) { $plugin .= sprintf('(%s)', $plugin_details['AuthorURI']); } $network_plugins[] = $plugin; } } $mu_plugins = array(); if (function_exists('get_mu_plugins')) { $mu_plugins_raw = get_mu_plugins(); foreach ($mu_plugins_raw as $k => $v) { $plugin = $v['Name']; if (!empty($v['Version'])) { $plugin .= sprintf(' version %s', $v['Version']); } if (!empty($v['Author'])) { $plugin .= sprintf(' by %s', $v['Author']); } if (!empty($v['AuthorURI'])) { $plugin .= sprintf('(%s)', $v['AuthorURI']); } $mu_plugins[] = $plugin; } } $keys = apply_filters('tribe-pue-install-keys', array()); $systeminfo = array('url' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'name' => $user->display_name, 'email' => $user->user_email, 'install keys' => $keys, 'WordPress version' => get_bloginfo('version'), 'PHP version' => phpversion(), 'plugins' => $plugins, 'network plugins' => $network_plugins, 'mu plugins' => $mu_plugins, 'theme' => wp_get_theme()->get('Name'), 'multisite' => is_multisite(), 'settings' => Tribe__Events__Main::getOptions(), 'WordPress timezone' => get_option('timezone_string', __('Unknown or not set', 'the-events-calendar')), 'server timezone' => date_default_timezone_get()); if ($this->rewrite_rules_purged) { $systeminfo['rewrite rules purged'] = __('Rewrite rules were purged on load of this help page. Chances are there is a rewrite rule flush occurring in a plugin or theme!', 'the-events-calendar'); } $systeminfo = apply_filters('tribe-events-pro-support', $systeminfo); return $systeminfo; }
/** * enforce saving on additional fields tab * @return void */ public static function force_save_meta() { $options = Tribe__Events__Main::getOptions(); $options = self::save_meta_options($options); Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->setOptions($options); }