function ws_tooltips_submit($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $tip_style; global $font_family, $color, $style, $images; $html = $js = ''; // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); printmsg("DEBUG => Displaying tooltip: {$form['tooltip']}", 4); switch ($form['tooltip']) { case 'sys_alert': list($html, $js) = get_sys_alert_html($form); break; case 'loginform': list($html, $js) = get_loginform_html($form); break; case 'start_menu': list($html, $js) = get_start_menu_html(); break; case 'local_menu': list($html, $js) = get_local_menu_html(); break; case 'location': $record['location_id'] = $form['location_id']; $extravars['tipstyle'] = 'style="color: #FFFFFF;background-color: #4c4c4c;border: none;"'; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('location_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; break; case 'subnet': list($html, $js) = get_subnet_html($form['subnet_ip']); break; case 'qf_subnet': list($html, $js) = quick_subnet_search($form); break; case 'qf_location': list($html, $js) = quick_location_search($form); break; case 'qf_vlan': list($html, $js) = quick_vlan_search($form); break; case 'qf_free_ip': list($html, $js) = quick_free_ip_search($form); break; case 'qf_pool_server': list($html, $js) = quick_pool_server_search($form); break; case 'quick_interface_menu': list($html, $js) = quick_interface_menu($form); break; case 'quick_interface_move': list($html, $js) = quick_interface_move($form); break; case 'quick_interface_nat': list($html, $js) = quick_interface_nat($form); break; case 'quick_interface_share': list($html, $js) = quick_interface_share($form); break; case 'qf_tag': list($html, $js) = quick_tag_add($form); break; case 'host_interface_list': list($html, $js) = get_host_interface_list_html($form); break; case 'cainfo': list($html, $js) = get_custom_attribute_info_html($form); break; case 'interface_cluster_list': list($html, $js) = get_interface_cluster_list_html($form); break; case 'switchport_template_select': list($html, $js) = get_switchport_template_select($form); break; } // Okay here's what we do: // 1. Hide the tool-tip // 2. Update it's content // 3. Reposition it // 4. Unhide it $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("el('{$form['id']}').style.visibility = 'hidden';"); $response->addAssign($form['id'], "innerHTML", $html); $response->addScript("wwTT_position('{$form['id']}'); el('{$form['id']}').style.visibility = 'visible';"); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
<!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding: 15px;"> EOL; // Get all the plugin based worspace items $wspl_list = plugin_list('wspl_item'); // Load all the dynamic plugins foreach ($wspl_list as $p) { list($wspl, $wsjs) = workspace_plugin_loader($p['path'], $record, $extravars); print $wspl; $ws_plugin_js .= $wsjs; } print <<<EOL </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Print the MOTD info if any --> <div>{$MOTD}</div> </div> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION -->
} // print the tag section into the workspace $taghtml = <<<EOL <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Tags</b> </td> <td nowrap="true" class="tag" align="left" > {$addtaghtml} <span id='taglist_{$extravars['window_name']}'></span> </td> </tr> EOL; $modbodyhtml .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true" title="Device type ID: {$record['device_type_id']}"><b>Device Type</b> </td> <td nowrap="true" class="padding" align="left" title="{$record['devicefull']}">{$record['device']}</td> </tr> {$taghtml} <tr> <td align="right" {$notes_valign} nowrap="true"><b>Notes</b> </td> <td nowrap="true" class="padding" align="left" {$notes_width}><textarea readonly size="256" cols=25 rows=3 class="display_notes">{$record['notes']}</textarea></td> </tr> EOL; $modbodyhtml .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('location_detail', $record, $extravars); $modbodyhtml .= $wspl[0]; $modbodyjs .= $wspl[1];
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $base; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record if ($form['host_id']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $form['host_id'])); } else { if ($form['host']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_host($form['host']); } } if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Host doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title (and tell the browser to re-draw the history div) $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // FIXME: umm.. put this somewhere else if (!$record['name']) { $record['name'] = "NONE SET"; } // Interface (and find out how many there are) list($status, $interfaces, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $record['id']), ''); $record['ip_address'] = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $interface_style = ''; if ($interfaces > 1) { $interface_style = 'font-weight: bold;'; } // Subnet description list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $interface['subnet_id'])); $record['subnet'] = $subnet['name']; $record['subnet_id'] = $subnet['id']; $record['ip_subnet_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_subnet_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); // Device Description list($status, $rows, $device) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $record['device_id'])); $record['device_type_id'] = $device['device_type_id']; list($status, $rows, $device_type) = ona_get_device_type_record(array('id' => $device['device_type_id'])); list($status, $rows, $role) = ona_get_role_record(array('id' => $device_type['role_id'])); list($status, $rows, $model) = ona_get_model_record(array('id' => $device_type['model_id'])); list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $model['manufacturer_id'])); $record['devicefull'] = "{$manufacturer['name']}, {$model['name']} ({$role['name']})"; $record['device'] = str_replace('Unknown', '?', $record['devicefull']); $record['location_id'] = $device['location_id']; // Device serial number and/or asset tag $record['serial_number'] = $device['serial_number']; $record['asset_tag'] = $device['asset_tag']; // Get location_number from the location_id list($status, $rows, $location) = ona_get_location_record(array('id' => $record['location_id'])); // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // Create a div for workspace plugins to live $html .= "<div id='wsplugins' style='margin: 10px;'>"; // Start displaying all the ws plugins $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_services', $record); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('custom_attributes', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('dhcp_entries', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('config_archives', $record); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Display the host_action workspace_plugin $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_actions', $record); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Display messages $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('messages', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('reports', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Get all the plugin based worspace items $wspl_list = plugin_list('wspl_item'); // Load all the dynamic plugins foreach ($wspl_list as $p) { $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader($p['path'], $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; } // Gather our menuitems and build the HTML $wsmenuhtml = build_workspace_menu($wsmenu); $html .= <<<EOL </div> <br style="clear:both;"> <form id="form_host_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <div id='wsmenu' style='display:none;'>{$wsmenuhtml}</div> EOL; // RECORD LIST $tab = 'records'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- INTERFACE LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated DNS {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Name</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('host_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- ADD RECORD LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_record_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Add DNS record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/font_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add DNS record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add DNS record</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // INTERFACE LIST $tab = 'interfaces'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- INTERFACE LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Full IP</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('host_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- ADD INTERFACE LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_interface_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Add interface" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add interface" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add interface</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
} $modbodyhtml .= <<<EOL <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>IP Address</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['ip_addr']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Netmask</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['ip_mask']} (/{$record['ip_subnet_mask_cidr']}) </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Usage</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left" valign="middle">{$usage_html}</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Type</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['type']} </td> </tr> {$taghtml} </table> EOL; // Requires the include of the file at the beginning of this file $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('subnet_map', $record, $extravars); $modbodyhtml .= $wspl[0]; $modjs .= $wspl[1];
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $base; global $images, $color, $style, $msgtype; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record if ($form['device_id']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $form['device_id'])); } else { if ($form['device']) { // FIXME.. no find_device yet list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_device($form['device']); } } if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Device doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title (and tell the browser to re-draw the history div) $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // Interface (and find out how many there are) list($status, $interfaces, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $record['id']), ''); $record['ip_address'] = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $interface_style = ''; if ($interfaces > 1) { $interface_style = 'font-weight: bold;'; } // Subnet description list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('ID' => $interface['subnet_id'])); $record['subnet'] = $subnet['name']; $record['ip_subnet_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_subnet_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); // Device Description list($status, $rows, $device_type) = ona_get_device_type_record(array('id' => $record['device_type_id'])); list($status, $rows, $role) = ona_get_role_record(array('id' => $device_type['role_id'])); list($status, $rows, $model) = ona_get_model_record(array('id' => $device_type['model_id'])); list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $model['manufacturer_id'])); $record['devicefull'] = "{$manufacturer['name']}, {$model['name']} ({$role['name']})"; $record['device'] = str_replace('Unknown', '?', $record['devicefull']); // Get location_number from the location_id list($status, $rows, $location) = ona_get_location_record(array('id' => $record['location_id'])); // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; vertical-align: top; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // force 300px width to Notes field if the length is longer than 50 characters and put Notes at the top of the td $notes_width = ""; $notes_valign = ""; if (strlen($record['notes']) > 50) { $notes_width = ' style="width: 300px" '; $notes_valign = ' valign="top" '; } $html .= <<<EOL <!-- FORMATTING TABLE --> <div style="{$style['content_box']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <!-- START OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> <form id="form_device_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="device_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('location_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top"> EOL; // START MESSAGES BOX // $tablename is a reference directly to the table that contains the item // we are displaying to the user. // It is possible that you can have the same ID in multiple tables, currently. $tablename = 'devices'; require_once 'winc/'; list($lineshtml, $linesjs) = get_message_lines_html("table_id_ref = {$record['id']} AND table_name_ref LIKE '{$tablename}'"); if ($lineshtml) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- MESSAGES LIST --> <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}"> Messages </td></tr> <tr><td> EOL; $html .= $lineshtml; $js .= $linesjs; $html .= "</td></tr></table>"; } // END MESSAGES LIST $html .= <<<EOL </td> <!-- END OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </tr></table> </div> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION --> EOL; // RECORD LIST $tab = 'hosts'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- INTERFACE LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated Hosts {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="device_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Name</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('host_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- ADD RECORD LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_record_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Add host" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_host', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/font_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add host" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_host', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add host</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the server record list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $form['host_id'])); if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Server doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Pick up host information list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($form['host_id']); $record['fqdn'] = $host['fqdn']; // Update History Title $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = "DHCP server - " . $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; vertical-align: top; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <!-- FORMATTING TABLE --> <div style="{$style['content_box']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <!-- START OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // SERVER INFORMATION $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <!-- LABEL --> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}"> DHCP server <a title="View host" class="nav" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_host\\', \\'host_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$record['domain_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$record['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['domain_fqdn']}</a> </td></tr> </table> EOL; // END SERVER INFORMATION $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // FAILOVER GROUP INFO BOX // get failover group information list($status, $rows, $failover_groups) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dhcp_failover_groups', "primary_server_id = {$record['id']} or secondary_server_id = {$record['id']}"); if ($rows) { $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <!-- LABEL --> <tr><td colspan="2" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}">Failover groups</td></tr> EOL; foreach ($failover_groups as $failover) { // Get DNS name for primary and secondary servers list($status, $rows, $fail_pri_host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $failover['primary_server_id'])); list($status, $rows, $fail_sec_host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $failover['secondary_server_id'])); $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight';" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal';"> <td align="left">GROUP_ID-{$failover['id']}: {$fail_pri_host['name']}<img src="{$images}/silk/link.png" border="0">{$fail_sec_host['name']} </td> <td align="right"> <a title="Edit failover group. ID: {$failover['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_dhcp_failover_group', '{$failover['id']}', 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> </table> EOL; } } // END FAILOVER GROUP INFO BOX $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF THRID COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // Start displaying all the ws plugins $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('dhcp_entries', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; //DONT add the, not needed $wsmenu{}=$wspl[2]; // This will display the server level, not global level $extravars['dhcpserver_id'] = $host['id']; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('dhcp_entries', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wsmenuhtml = build_workspace_menu($wsmenu); $html .= <<<EOL </td> <!-- END OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </tr></table> </div> <form id="form_server_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="{$host['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <form id="form_global_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="global_id" value="0" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <div id='wsmenu' style='display:none;'>{$wsmenuhtml}</div> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION --> EOL; // SUBNET LIST $tab = 'dhcp_server'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- SUBNET LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_subnets_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Assigned Subnets <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="server_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Filter</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('advanced', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_dhcp_server_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="server" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <!-- ADD SUBNET LINK --> <a title="Assign subnet to DHCP server" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_dhcp_server', xajax.getFormValues('form_dhcp_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Assign subnet to DHCP server" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_dhcp_server', xajax.getFormValues('form_dhcp_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Assign subnet</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </div> EOL; // If we have a build type set, then display the output div if ($conf['build_dhcp_type'] && auth('advanced', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <div id="confoutputdiv" style="border: 1px solid rgb(26, 26, 26); margin: 10px 20px;padding-left: 8px;overflow:hidden;width: 100px;"><pre style='font-family: monospace;overflow-y:auto;' id="confoutput"><center>Generating configuration...</center><br>{$conf['loading_icon']}</pre></div> EOL; $js .= "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'fqdn=>{$record['fqdn']}', 'display_config');"; } $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); setTimeout('el(\\'confoutputdiv\\').style.width = el(\\'{$form_id}_table\\').offsetWidth-8+\\'px\\';',900); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the subnet record if ($form['subnet_id']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $form['subnet_id'])); } else { if ($form['ip']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_subnet_record("ip_addr like '" . ip_mangle($form['ip'], 'numeric') . "'"); } else { if ($form['subnet']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('name' => $form['subnet'])); } } } if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Subnet doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // is this an ipv6 subnet? if (strlen($record['ip_addr']) > 11) { $extravars['isipv6'] = TRUE; } // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_subnet_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); list($status, $rows, $type) = ona_get_subnet_type_record(array('id' => $record['subnet_type_id'])); $record['type'] = $type['display_name']; // Vlan Record list($status, $rows, $vlan) = ona_get_vlan_record(array('id' => $record['vlan_id'])); $record['vlan_name'] = $vlan['name']; $record['vlan_campus_id'] = $vlan['vlan_campus_id']; $record['vlan_campus_name'] = $vlan['vlan_campus_name']; // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // Create a div for workspace plugins to live $html .= "<div id='wsplugins' style='margin: 10px;'>"; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('subnet_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('dhcp_servers', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('dhcp_pools', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('dhcp_entries', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('custom_attributes', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Display messages $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('messages', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Display messages $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('reports', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Get all the plugin based worspace items $wspl_list = plugin_list('wspl_item'); // Load all the dynamic plugins foreach ($wspl_list as $p) { $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader($p['path'], $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; } // Gather our menuitems and build the HTML $wsmenuhtml = build_workspace_menu($wsmenu); $html .= <<<EOL </div> <br style="clear:both;"> <form id="form_subnet_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="subnet_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <div id='wsmenu' style='display:none;'>{$wsmenuhtml}</div> EOL; // HOST LIST $tab = 'hosts'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- HOST LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="subnet_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Name</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'>{$conf['loading_icon']}</div> <!-- ADD HOST LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_host_add_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="subnet_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('host_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Add host" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_host', xajax.getFormValues('form_host_add_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add host" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_host', xajax.getFormValues('form_host_add_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add a new host</a> EOL; } if (auth('interface_modify', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Add interface" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_host_add_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add interface" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_host_add_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add interface to an existing host</a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL <!-- List by IP Address LINK --> <a title="List Hosts by IP" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('app_full_list', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_white_go.png" border="0"></a> <a title="List Hosts by IP" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('app_full_list', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display');" >List Hosts by IP</a> </div> </div> EOL; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Temp turn OFF of the dhcp lease list.. its not ready yet. $haspool = 0; if ($haspool == 1) { // DHCP Lease LIST $tab = 'dhcp_leases'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- Lease LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="subnet" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Filter</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> </div> EOL; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; } // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_vlan_record(array('id' => $form['vlan_id'])); if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>VLAN doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Get campus info list($status, $rows, $vlan_campus) = ona_get_vlan_campus_record(array('id' => $record['vlan_campus_id'])); $record['vlan_campus_name'] = $vlan_campus['name']; $record['vlan_campus_id'] = $vlan_campus['id']; // Update History Title (and tell the browser to re-draw the history div) $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; vertical-align: top; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // Create a div for workspace plugins to live $html .= "<div id='wsplugins' style='margin: 10px;'>"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- FORMATTING TABLE --> <div id="vlan_detail" class="ws_plugin_content"> EOL; // VLAN INFORMATION $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}"> <!-- LABEL --> <form id="form_vlan_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="vlan_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('vlan_del', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit Vlan. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_vlan', xajax.getFormValues('form_vlan_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Delete Vlan. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this vlan?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_vlan', xajax.getFormValues('form_vlan_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> {$record['name']}</a> EOL; } else { $html .= " {$record['name']}"; } $html .= <<<EOL </td></tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Vlan Campus</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> <a title="View Vlan Campus" class="nav" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_vlan_campus\\', \\'vlan_campus_id=>{$record['vlan_campus_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['vlan_campus_name']}</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Vlan Name</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['name']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Vlan Number</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['number']} </td> </tr> </table> </div> EOL; // END VLAN INFORMATION // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('custom_attributes', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= <<<EOL </div> <br style="clear:both;"> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION --> EOL; // SUBNET LIST $tab = 'subnets'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- SUBNET LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="vlan_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Name</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> </div> EOL; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; //$debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to suppress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the domain record list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $form['domain_id'])); if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Domain doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['fqdn']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // Get associated info if ($record['parent_id']) { list($status, $rows, $parent_domain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $record['parent_id'])); $parent_domain['name'] = ona_build_domain_name($parent_domain['id']); } else { $parent_domain = ""; } // Find the primary_master host to see if it is valid list($status, $rows, $primaster_host) = ona_find_dns_record($record['primary_master']); if ($primaster_host['id'] === 0) { $not_a_primaster = 1; } $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } foreach (array_keys((array) $parent_domain) as $key) { $parent_domain[$key] = htmlentities($parent_domain[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <!-- FORMATTING TABLE --> <div style="{$style['content_box']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <!-- START OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // DOMAIN INFORMATION BOX $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr> <td colspan="99" nowrap="true"> <!-- LABEL --> <form id="form_domain_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <div style="{$style['label_box']}"> EOL; if (auth('advanced', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit domain. ID: {$record['id']}" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('form_domain_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Delete domain. ID: {$record['id']}" class="linkact" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this domain?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('form_domain_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL {$record['fqdn']} </div> </td> </tr> EOL; if ($parent_domain['id']) { $html .= <<<EOL <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Parent Domain</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> <a title="View domain. ID: {$parent_domain['id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$parent_domain['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$parent_domain['name']}</a> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" align="left" nowrap="true"> </td></tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL <tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" nowrap="true"><b><u>Domain SOA Parameters</u></b> </td> </tr> EOL; if ($record['primary_master']) { if ($not_a_primaster) { $record['primary_master'] = "<span style='background-color: #FFDDDD;' title='INFO: This FQDN is not defined in the database.'><img src='{$images}/silk/error.png' border='0'> {$record['primary_master']}</span>"; } $html .= <<<EOL <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Primary Master</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('form_domain_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');"> {$record['primary_master']} </td> </tr> EOL; } else { $html .= <<<EOL <tr style="background-color: #FFDDDD;" title="There is no defined primary master server!"> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Primary Master</b> </td> <td nowrap="true"> <img src='{$images}/silk/error.png' border='0'> Please assign a Primary Master server! </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Refresh</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['refresh']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Retry</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['retry']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Expiry</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['expiry']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Minimum</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['minimum']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Default TTL</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['default_ttl']} </td> </tr> </table> EOL; // END DOMAIN INFORMATION BOX $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // DNS SERVERS BOX $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr> <td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}">DNS servers </td> </tr> EOL; // Get a list of servers, and loop through them list($status, $rows, $domainservers) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns_server_domains', array('domain_id' => $record['id']), 'role'); if ($rows) { foreach ($domainservers as $domainserver) { $domainserver['role'] = strtoupper($domainserver['role']); list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($domainserver['host_id']); $host['fqdn'] = htmlentities($host['fqdn'], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight';" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal';"> <td align="left" nowrap="true"> <a title="View server. ID: {$host['id']}" class="nav" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain_server\\', \\'host_id=>{$host['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$host['fqdn']}</a> </td> <td align="left" nowrap="true" style="border-left: 1px solid; border-left-color: #aaaaaa;padding-left: 3px;"> {$domainserver['role']} </td> <td align="right" nowrap="true"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_domain_serv_{$domainserver['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="server" value="{$domainserver['host_id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="domain" value="{$domainserver['domain_id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('advanced', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Remove domain assignment" class="linkact" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this domain from this DNS server?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_domain_server', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_domain_serv_{$domainserver['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_delete.png"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; } } else { $html .= <<<EOL <tr style="background-color: #FFDDDD;" title="There are no defined servers for this domain!"> <td colspan=10 nowrap="true"> <img src="{$images}/silk/error.png"> Please add a server for this domain! </td> EOL; } if (auth('advanced', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <tr> <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="true" class="act-box"> <form id="form_domain_server_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="domain" value="{$record['name']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Assign server" class="linkact" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain_server', xajax.getFormValues('form_domain_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png">Assign to server</a> </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= " </table>"; // END DNS SERVERS BOX $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; // Get all the plugin based worspace items $wspl_list = plugin_list('wspl_item'); // Load all the dynamic plugins foreach ($wspl_list as $p) { $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader($p['path'], $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> <!-- END OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </tr></table> </div> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION --> EOL; // HOST LIST $tab = 'records'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- HOST LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> EOL; $html .= <<<EOL <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="domain_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Filter</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('dns_record_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- List by IP Address LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_dns_add_{$record['id']}"> <input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}"> <input type="hidden" name="domain_id" value="{$record['id']}"> </form> <a title="Add DNS Record" class="linkact" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('form_dns_add_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png">Add a new DNS record</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </div> EOL; // If we have a build type set, then display the output div if ($conf['build_dns_type'] && auth('dns_record_add', $debug_val)) { // Get a list of the views so we can build a select option if ($conf['dns_views']) { list($status, $rows, $recs) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns_views', 'id >= 0', 'name'); $dns_view_list = ''; foreach ($recs as $rec) { $rec['name'] = htmlentities($rec['name']); $dns_view_list .= "<option value=\"{$rec['id']}\">{$rec['name']}</option>\n"; } $html .= <<<EOL <div style="margin: 10px 20px;padding-left: 8px;"> <form> Show config for DNS view: <select name="build_dns_view" id="build_dns_view" class="edit" onchange="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'fqdn=>{$record['fqdn']},view=>'+el('build_dns_view').value , 'display_config');" > {$dns_view_list} </select> </form> </div> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL <div id="confoutputdiv" style="border: 1px solid rgb(26, 26, 26); margin: 10px 20px;padding-left: 8px;overflow:hidden;width: 100px;"><pre style='font-family: monospace;overflow-y:auto;' id="confoutput"><center>Generating configuration...</center><br>{$conf['loading_icon']}</pre></div> EOL; $js .= "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', 'fqdn=>{$record['fqdn']}', 'display_config');"; } $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); setTimeout('el(\\'confoutputdiv\\').style.width = el(\\'{$form_id}_table\\').offsetWidth-8+\\'px\\';',900); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }