예제 #1
파일: lib_extract.php 프로젝트: 1upon0/ui
function process($text)
    $filter = new \DefaultFilter($min_occurrence = 5, $keep_if_strength = 1);
    $tagger = new \Tagger('english');
    $tagger->initialize($use_apc = true);
    $extractor = new \TermExtractor($tagger, $filter);
    $terms = $extractor->extract($text);
    $res = array();
    foreach ($terms as $term_info) {
        list($term, $occurrence, $word_count) = $term_info;
        $res[] = $term;
    return $res;

// Term Extraction example from FiveFilters.org
// See http://fivefilters.org/term-extraction/
// Text to extract terms from
// --------------------------
$text = 'Inevitably, then, corporations do not restrict themselves merely to the arena of economics. Rather, as John Dewey observed, "politics is the shadow cast on society by big business". Over decades, corporations have worked together to ensure that the choices offered by \'representative democracy\' all represent their greed for maximised profits.

This is a sensitive task. We do not live in a totalitarian society - the public potentially has enormous power to interfere. The goal, then, is to persuade the public that corporate-sponsored political choice is meaningful, that it makes a difference. The task of politicians at all points of the supposed \'spectrum\' is to appear passionately principled while participating in what is essentially a charade.';
// TermExtractor PHP class
require '../TermExtractor.php';
// Term Extractor
// --------------
// Creater TermExtractor instance
$extractor = new TermExtractor();
// Extract terms from the text
$terms = $extractor->extract($text);
// We're outputting results in plain text...
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
// Loop through extracted terms and print each term on a new line
foreach ($terms as $term_info) {
    // index 0: term
    // index 1: number of occurrences in text
    // index 2: word count
    list($term, $occurrence, $word_count) = $term_info;
    echo "{$term}\n";