function powerpress_admin_players_init() { wp_enqueue_style('wp-mediaelement'); wp_enqueue_script('wp-mediaelement'); $Settings = false; // Important, never remove this $Step = 1; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : false); //$type = (isset($_GET['type'])?$_GET['type']: (isset($_POST['type'])?$_POST['type']:'audio') ); if (!$action) { return; } switch ($action) { case 'powerpress-select-player': $SaveSettings = array(); //$SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; if (isset($_POST['Player'])) { $SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; } if (isset($_POST['VideoPlayer'])) { $SaveSettings += $_POST['VideoPlayer']; } powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings, 'powerpress_general'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Player activated successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-audio-player': $SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings, 'powerpress_audio-player'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Audio Player settings saved successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; } }
function powerpress_admin_players_init() { //wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); //echo "powerpres player init"; wp_enqueue_style('mediaelement'); wp_enqueue_style('wp-mediaelement'); wp_enqueue_script('mediaelement'); // wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-mediaelement' ); wp_enqueue_script('powerpress-mejs', powerpress_get_root_url() . 'powerpress-mejs.js'); $Settings = false; // Important, never remove this $Step = 1; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : false); //$type = (isset($_GET['type'])?$_GET['type']: (isset($_POST['type'])?$_POST['type']:'audio') ); if (!$action) { return; } switch ($action) { case 'powerpress-select-player': $SaveSettings = array(); //$SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; if (isset($_POST['Player'])) { $SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; } if (isset($_POST['VideoPlayer'])) { $SaveSettings += $_POST['VideoPlayer']; } powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings, 'powerpress_general'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Player activated successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-audio-player': $SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings, 'powerpress_audio-player'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Audio Player settings saved successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-flashmp3-maxi': $SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings, 'powerpress_flashmp3-maxi'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Flash Mp3 Maxi settings saved successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-audioplay': $SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings, 'powerpress_audioplay'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('AudioPlay settings saved successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; //TODO: PowerPress 5.0 //case 'powerpress-mediaelement': //{ // $SaveSettings = $_POST['Player']; // powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings, 'powerpress_mediaelement'); // powerpress_page_message_add_notice( __('MediaElement.js settings saved successfully.', 'powerpress') ); //}; break; } }
function powerpressadmin_ping_sites_process() { $PingSites = false; if (isset($_POST['PingSite'])) { $PingSites = $_POST['PingSite']; } if ($PingSites && count($PingSites) > 0) { $ping_site_data = get_option('ping_sites'); while (list($null, $url) = each($PingSites)) { $ping_site_data = trim($ping_site_data) . "\r\n{$url}"; } update_option('ping_sites', $ping_site_data); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Update services added successfully.', 'powerpress')); } else { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('No update services selected to add.', 'powerpress')); } }
function powerpress_admin_jquery_init() { $Settings = false; // Important, never remove this $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); $Error = false; $Programs = false; $Step = 1; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : false); if (!$action) { return; } $DeleteFile = false; switch ($action) { case 'powerpress-jquery-stats': // Make sure users have permission to access this if (!empty($Settings['use_caps']) && !current_user_can('view_podcast_stats')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Blubrry Media Statistics', 'powerpress')); ?> <h2><?php echo __('Blubrry Media Statistics', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo __('You do not have sufficient permission to manage options.', 'powerpress'); ?> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } else { if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Blubrry Media Statistics', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to view media statistics.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } } $StatsCached = get_option('powerpress_stats'); powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Blubrry Media Statistics', 'powerpress')); ?> <h2><?php echo __('Blubrry Media Statistics', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <?php echo $StatsCached['content']; powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; break; case 'powerpress-jquery-media-disable': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header('Uploader'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to disable this option.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } check_admin_referer('powerpress-jquery-media-disable'); $DisableSetting = array(); $DisableSetting['no_media_url_folder'] = 1; powerpress_save_settings($DisableSetting); powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Select Media', 'powerpress')); ?> <h2><?php echo __('Select Media', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo __('Blubrry Media Hosting icon will no longer be displayed when editing posts and pages.', 'powerpress'); ?> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; // No break here, let this fall thru.. // No break here, let this fall thru.. case 'powerpress-jquery-media-delete': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header('Uploader'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to upload media.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } check_admin_referer('powerpress-jquery-media-delete'); $DeleteFile = $_GET['delete']; // No break here, let this fall thru.. // No break here, let this fall thru.. case 'powerpress-jquery-media': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Select Media', 'powerpress')); ?> <h2><?php echo __('Select Media', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo __('You do not have sufficient permission to manage options.', 'powerpress'); ?> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_auth']) || empty($Settings['blubrry_hosting']) || $Settings['blubrry_hosting'] === 'false') { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Select Media', 'powerpress')); ?> <h2><?php echo __('Select Media', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo __('Wait a sec! This feature is only available to Blubrry Media Podcast Hosting customers.', 'powerpress'); if (!isset($Settings['blubrry_auth'])) { echo ' ' . sprintf(__('Join our community to get free podcast statistics and access to other valuable %s.', 'powerpress'), '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('services', 'powerpress') . '</a>'); } ?> </p> <p><?php echo sprintf(__('Our %s integrated with PowerPress making podcast publishing simple. Check out the %s on our exciting three-step publishing system!', 'powerpress'), '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Podcast Media Hosting', 'powerpress') . '</a>', '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('video', 'powerpress') . '</a>'); ?> </p> <p><a href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url("admin.php?action=powerpress-jquery-media-disable", 'powerpress-jquery-media-disable'); ?> &KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&modal=true" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Remove the Blubrry Media Hosting icon from the Media URL field?', 'powerpress'); ?> ');"><?php echo __('Do not show this icon next to the Media URL field', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } $Msg = false; if ($DeleteFile) { $json_data = false; $api_url_array = powerpress_get_api_array(); while (list($index, $api_url) = each($api_url_array)) { $req_url = sprintf('%s/media/%s/%s?format=json', rtrim($api_url, '/'), $Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'], $DeleteFile); $req_url .= defined('POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA') ? '&' . POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA : ''; $json_data = powerpress_remote_fopen($req_url, $Settings['blubrry_auth'], array(), 10, 'DELETE'); if ($json_data != false) { break; } } $results = powerpress_json_decode($json_data); if (isset($results['text'])) { $Msg = $results['text']; } else { if (isset($results['error'])) { $Msg = $results['error']; } else { $Msg = __('An unknown error occurred deleting media file.', 'powerpress'); } } } $json_data = false; $api_url_array = powerpress_get_api_array(); while (list($index, $api_url) = each($api_url_array)) { $req_url = sprintf('%s/media/%s/index.json?quota=true&published=true', rtrim($api_url, '/'), $Settings['blubrry_program_keyword']); $req_url .= defined('POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA') ? '&' . POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA : ''; $json_data = powerpress_remote_fopen($req_url, $Settings['blubrry_auth']); if ($json_data != false) { break; } } $results = powerpress_json_decode($json_data); $FeedSlug = $_GET['podcast-feed']; powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Select Media', 'powerpress'), true); ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- function SelectMedia(File) { self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_url_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').value=File; self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_hosting_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').value='1'; self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_url_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').readOnly=true; self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_hosting_note_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').style.display='block'; if( self.parent.powerpress_update_for_video ) self.parent.powerpress_update_for_video(File, '<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> '); self.parent.tb_remove(); } function SelectURL(url) { self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_url_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').value=url; self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_hosting_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').value='0'; self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_url_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').readOnly=false; self.parent.document.getElementById('powerpress_hosting_note_<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> ').style.display='none'; if( self.parent.powerpress_update_for_video ) self.parent.powerpress_update_for_video(url, '<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> '); self.parent.tb_remove(); } function DeleteMedia(File) { return confirm('<?php echo __('Delete', 'powerpress'); ?> : '+File+'\n\n<?php echo __('Are you sure you want to delete this media file?', 'powerpress'); ?> '); } //--> </script> <div id="media-header"> <h2><?php echo __('Select Media', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <?php if (!empty($results['quota']['expires'])) { $message = ''; if (!empty($results['quota']['expires']['expired'])) { $message = '<p>' . sprintf(__('Media hosting service expired on %s.', 'powerpress'), $results['quota']['expires']['readable_date']) . '</p>'; } else { $message = '<p>' . sprintf(__('Media hosting service will expire on %s.', 'powerpress'), $results['quota']['expires']['readable_date']) . '</p>'; } $message .= '<p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="' . $results['quota']['expires']['renew_link'] . '" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: underline;">' . __('Renew Media Hosting Service', 'powerpress') . '</a></strong></p>'; powerpress_page_message_add_notice($message); powerpress_page_message_print(); } else { if (empty($results)) { // Handle the error here. $message = '<h3>' . __('Error', 'powerpress') . '</h3>'; global $g_powerpress_remote_error, $g_powerpress_remote_errorno; if (!empty($g_powerpress_remote_errorno) && $g_powerpress_remote_errorno == 401) { $message .= '<p>' . __('Incorrect sign-in email address or password.', 'powerpress') . '</p><p>' . __('Verify your account entered under Services and Statistics settings then try again.', 'powerpress') . '</p>'; } else { if (!empty($g_powerpress_remote_error)) { $message .= '<p>' . $g_powerpress_remote_error . '</p>'; } else { $message .= '<p>' . __('Unable to connect to service.', 'powerpress') . '</p>'; } } // Print an erro here powerpress_page_message_add_notice($message); powerpress_page_message_print(); } } if ($Msg) { echo '<p>' . $Msg . '</p>'; } ?> <div class="media-upload-link"><a href="<?php echo admin_url() . wp_nonce_url("admin.php?action=powerpress-jquery-upload", 'powerpress-jquery-upload'); ?> &podcast-feed=<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> &keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=350&width=530&modal=true" class="thickbox"><?php echo __('Upload Media File', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></div> <p><?php echo __('Select from media files uploaded to', 'powerpress'); ?> :</p> </div> <div id="media-items-container"> <div id="media-items"> <?php $QuotaData = false; if (isset($results['error'])) { echo $results['error']; } else { if (is_array($results)) { $PublishedList = false; while (list($index, $data) = each($results)) { if ($index === 'quota') { $QuotaData = $data; continue; } if ($PublishedList == false && !empty($data['published'])) { ?> <div id="media-published-title"> <?php echo __('Media Published within the past 30 days', 'powerpress'); ?> : </div> <?php $PublishedList = true; } ?> <div class="media-item <?php echo empty($data['published']) ? 'media-unpublished' : 'media-published'; ?> "> <strong class="media-name"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($data['name']); ?> </strong> <cite><?php echo powerpress_byte_size($data['length']); ?> </cite> <?php if (!empty($data['published'])) { ?> <div class="media-published-date">· <?php echo __('Published on', 'powerpress'); ?> <?php echo date(get_option('date_format'), $data['last_modified']); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="media-item-links"> <?php if (!empty($data['published']) && !empty($data['url'])) { ?> <a href="#" onclick="SelectURL('<?php echo $data['url']; ?> '); return false;"><?php echo __('Select', 'powerpress'); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <?php if (function_exists('curl_init')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url() . wp_nonce_url("admin.php?action=powerpress-jquery-media-delete", 'powerpress-jquery-media-delete'); ?> &podcast-feed=<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> &delete=<?php echo urlencode($data['name']); ?> " onclick="return DeleteMedia('<?php echo $data['name']; ?> ');"><?php echo __('Delete', 'powerpress'); ?> </a> | <?php } ?> <a href="#" onclick="SelectMedia('<?php echo $data['name']; ?> '); return false;"><?php echo __('Select', 'powerpress'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } } } ?> </div> </div> <div id="media-footer"> <div class="media-upload-link"><a href="<?php echo admin_url() . wp_nonce_url("admin.php?action=powerpress-jquery-upload", 'powerpress-jquery-upload'); ?> &podcast-feed=<?php echo $FeedSlug; ?> &keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=350&width=530&modal=true" class="thickbox"><?php echo __('Upload Media File', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></div> <?php if ($QuotaData) { $NextDate = strtotime($QuotaData['published']['next_date']); ?> <?php if ($QuotaData['unpublished']['available'] != $QuotaData['unpublished']['total']) { //echo '<p>'; //echo sprintf( __('You have uploaded %s (%s available) of your %s upload limit.', 'powerpress'), // '<em>'. powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['unpublished']['used']) .'</em>', // '<em>'. powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['unpublished']['available']) .'</em>', // '<em>'. powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['unpublished']['total']) .'</em>' ); //echo '</p>'; } if ($QuotaData['published']['status'] == 'OK') { ?> <p><?php if ($QuotaData['published']['available'] > 0) { echo sprintf(__('Publishing space available: %s of (%s %%) of %s/month quota.', 'powerpress'), '<em>' . powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['available']) . '</em>', '<em>' . round($QuotaData['published']['available'] / $QuotaData['published']['total'] * 100) . '</em>', '<em>' . str_replace('.0', '', powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['total'])) . '</em>'); //echo sprintf( __('You have %s available (%s published in the last 30 days) of your %s publish limit.', 'powerpress'), // '<em>'. powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['available']) .'</em>', // '<em>'. powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['total']-$QuotaData['published']['available']) .'</em>', // '<em>'. powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['total']) .'</em>' ); } else { if ($QuotaData['published']['available'] == 0) { } else { echo sprintf(__('You have %s publish space available.', 'powerpress'), '<em>' . powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['total']) . '</em>'); } } ?> </p> <p> <?php echo sprintf(__('No-Fault Hosting: You may upload a media file up to %s in size and be within the No-Fault maximum (25%% more than your %s quota).', 'powerpress'), powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['no_fault_maximum']), str_replace('.0', '', powerpress_byte_size($QuotaData['published']['total']))); echo ' '; echo '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Learn More', 'powerpress') . '</a>'; ?> </p> <p><?php if ($QuotaData['published']['available'] != $QuotaData['published']['total']) { echo sprintf(__('Your quota will reset on %s.', 'powerpress'), date('m/d/Y', $NextDate)); } ?> </p> <?php } else { if ($QuotaData['published']['status'] == 'UNLIMITED') { echo '<p>'; echo __('Publishing Space Available: Unlimited (Professional Hosting)', 'powerpress'); echo '<p>'; } else { echo '<p>'; echo __('Publishing Space Available: Account has expired', 'powerpress'); echo '<p>'; } } ?> <?php } ?> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> </div> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(true); exit; break; case 'powerpress-jquery-account-save': if (!current_user_can(POWERPRESS_CAPABILITY_MANAGE_OPTIONS)) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to manage options.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } check_admin_referer('powerpress-jquery-account'); $Password = $_POST['Password']; $SaveSettings = $_POST['Settings']; $Password = powerpress_stripslashes($Password); $SaveSettings = powerpress_stripslashes($SaveSettings); $Save = false; $Close = false; if (!empty($_POST['Remove'])) { $SaveSettings['blubrry_username'] = ''; $SaveSettings['blubrry_auth'] = ''; $SaveSettings['blubrry_program_keyword'] = ''; $SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'] = false; $Close = true; $Save = true; } else { $Programs = array(); $ProgramHosting = array(); // Anytime we change the password we need to test it... $auth = base64_encode($SaveSettings['blubrry_username'] . ':' . $Password); $json_data = false; $api_url_array = powerpress_get_api_array(); while (list($index, $api_url) = each($api_url_array)) { $req_url = sprintf('%s/service/index.json', rtrim($api_url, '/')); $req_url .= defined('POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA') ? '?' . POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA : ''; $json_data = powerpress_remote_fopen($req_url, $auth); if ($json_data != false) { break; } } if ($json_data) { $results = powerpress_json_decode($json_data); if (isset($results['error'])) { $Error = $results['error']; if (strstr($Error, __('currently not available', 'powerpress'))) { $Error = __('Unable to find podcasts for this account.', 'powerpress'); $Error .= '<br /><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px;">'; $Error .= 'Verify that the email address you enter here matches the email address you used when you listed your podcast on</span>'; } else { if (preg_match('/No programs found.*media hosting/i', $results['error'])) { $Error .= '<br/><span style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px;">'; $Error .= 'Service may take a few minutes to activate.</span>'; } } } else { if (!is_array($results)) { $Error = $json_data; } else { // Get all the programs for this user... while (list($null, $row) = each($results)) { $Programs[$row['program_keyword']] = $row['program_title']; if ($row['hosting'] === true || $row['hosting'] == 'true') { $ProgramHosting[$row['program_keyword']] = true; } else { $ProgramHosting[$row['program_keyword']] = false; } } if (count($Programs) > 0) { $SaveSettings['blubrry_auth'] = $auth; if (!empty($SaveSettings['blubrry_program_keyword'])) { powerpress_add_blubrry_redirect($SaveSettings['blubrry_program_keyword']); $SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'] = $ProgramHosting[$SaveSettings['blubrry_program_keyword']]; if (!is_bool($SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'])) { if ($SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'] === 'false' || empty($SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'])) { $SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'] = false; } } $Save = true; $Close = true; } else { if (isset($SaveSettings['blubrry_program_keyword'])) { $Error = __('You must select a program to continue.', 'powerpress'); } else { if (count($Programs) == 1) { list($keyword, $title) = each($Programs); $SaveSettings['blubrry_program_keyword'] = $keyword; $SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'] = $ProgramHosting[$keyword]; if (!is_bool($SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'])) { if ($SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'] === 'false' || empty($SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'])) { $SaveSettings['blubrry_hosting'] = false; } } powerpress_add_blubrry_redirect($keyword); $Close = true; $Save = true; } else { $Error = __('Please select your podcast program to continue.', 'powerpress'); $Step = 2; $Settings['blubrry_username'] = $SaveSettings['blubrry_username']; } } } } else { $Error = __('No podcasts for this account are listed on', 'powerpress'); } } } } else { global $g_powerpress_remote_error, $g_powerpress_remote_errorno; //$Error = '<h3>'. __('Error', 'powerpress') .'</h3>'; if (!empty($g_powerpress_remote_errorno) && $g_powerpress_remote_errorno == 401) { $Error .= '<p>' . __('Incorrect sign-in email address or password.', 'powerpress') . '</p><p>' . __('Verify your account settings then try again.', 'powerpress') . '</p>'; } else { if (!empty($g_powerpress_remote_error)) { $Error .= '<p>' . $g_powerpress_remote_error . '</p>'; } else { $Error .= '<p>' . __('Authentication failed.', 'powerpress') . '</p>'; } } } if ($Error) { $Error .= '<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Click Here For Help', 'powerpress') . '</a></p>'; } } if ($Save) { powerpress_save_settings($SaveSettings); } // Clear cached statistics delete_option('powerpress_stats'); if ($Error) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice($Error); } if ($Close) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); ?> <p style="text-align: right; position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px; margin: 0; padding:0;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove(); return false;" title="<?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> "><img src="<?php echo admin_url(); ?> /images/no.png" alt="<?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> " /></a></p> <h2><?php echo __('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><?php echo __('Settings Saved Successfully!', 'powerpress'); ?> </strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <a href="<?php echo admin_url("admin.php?page=powerpress/powerpressadmin_basic.php"); ?> " onclick="self.parent.tb_remove(); return false;" target="_top"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a> </p> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Upload loading, check the parent window for #blubrry_stats_settings div if( jQuery('#blubrry_stats_settings',parent.document).length ) { jQuery('#blubrry_stats_settings',parent.document).html(''); } }); // --></script> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } // no break here, let the next case catch it... // no break here, let the next case catch it... case 'powerpress-jquery-account': if (!current_user_can(POWERPRESS_CAPABILITY_MANAGE_OPTIONS)) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to manage options.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && !function_exists('curl_init')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Your server must either have the php.ini setting \'allow_url_fopen\' enabled or have the PHP cURL library installed in order to continue.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } check_admin_referer('powerpress-jquery-account'); if (!$Settings) { $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_username'])) { $Settings['blubrry_username'] = ''; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_hosting']) || $Settings['blubrry_hosting'] === 'false') { $Settings['blubrry_hosting'] = false; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'])) { $Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'] = ''; } if ($Programs == false) { $Programs = array(); } powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); ?> <form action="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php'); ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <?php wp_nonce_field('powerpress-jquery-account'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-jquery-account-save" /> <div id="accountinfo"> <h2><?php echo __('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <?php if ($Step == 1) { ?> <p> <label for="blubrry_username"><?php echo __('Blubrry User Name (Email)', 'powerpress'); ?> </label> <input type="text" id="blubrry_username" name="Settings[blubrry_username]" value="<?php echo $Settings['blubrry_username']; ?> " /> </p> <p id="password_row"> <label for="password_password"><?php echo __('Blubrry Password', 'powerpress'); ?> </label> <input type="password" id="password_password" name="Password" value="" /> </p> <?php } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="Settings[blubrry_username]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($Settings['blubrry_username']); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Password" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($Password); ?> " /> <!-- <input type="hidden" name="Settings[blubrry_hosting]" value="<?php echo $Settings['blubrry_hosting']; ?> " /> --> <p> <label for="blubrry_program_keyword"><?php echo __('Select Blubrry Program', 'powerpress'); ?> </label> <select id="blubrry_program_keyword" name="Settings[blubrry_program_keyword]"> <option value=""><?php echo __('Select Program', 'powerpress'); ?> </option> <?php while (list($value, $desc) = each($Programs)) { echo "\t<option value=\"{$value}\"" . ($Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'] == $value ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$desc}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </p> <?php } ?> <p> <input type="submit" name="Save" value="<?php echo __('Save', 'powerpress'); ?> " /> <input type="button" name="Cancel" value="<?php echo __('Cancel', 'powerpress'); ?> " onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();" /> <input type="submit" name="Remove" value="Remove" style="float: right;" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Remove Blubrry Services Integration, are you sure?', 'powerpress'); ?> ');" /> </p> </div> </form> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; break; case 'powerpress-jquery-upload': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Uploader', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to upload media.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } check_admin_referer('powerpress-jquery-upload'); $RedirectURL = false; $Error = false; if (!$Settings) { $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_hosting']) || $Settings['blubrry_hosting'] === 'false') { $Settings['blubrry_hosting'] = false; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'])) { $Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'] = ''; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_auth'])) { $Settings['blubrry_auth'] = ''; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_hosting'])) { $Error = __('This feature is available to Blubrry Hosting users only.', 'powerpress'); } if ($Error == false) { $json_data = false; $api_url_array = powerpress_get_api_array(); while (list($index, $api_url) = each($api_url_array)) { $req_url = sprintf('%s/media/%s/upload_session.json', rtrim($api_url, '/'), $Settings['blubrry_program_keyword']); $req_url .= defined('POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA') ? '?' . POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA : ''; $json_data = powerpress_remote_fopen($req_url, $Settings['blubrry_auth']); if ($json_data != false) { break; } } $results = powerpress_json_decode($json_data); // We need to obtain an upload session for this user... if (isset($results['error']) && strlen($results['error']) > 1) { $Error = $results['error']; if (strstr($Error, 'currently not available')) { $Error = __('Unable to find podcasts for this account.', 'powerpress'); } } else { if ($results === $json_data) { $Error = $json_data; } else { if (!is_array($results) || $results == false) { $Error = $json_data; } else { if (isset($results['url']) && !empty($results['url'])) { $RedirectURL = $results['url']; } } } } } if ($Error == false && $RedirectURL) { $RedirectURL .= '&ReturnURL='; $RedirectURL .= urlencode(admin_url("admin.php?action=powerpress-jquery-upload-complete")); header("Location: {$RedirectURL}"); exit; } else { if ($Error == false) { global $g_powerpress_remote_error, $g_powerpress_remote_errorno; if (!empty($g_powerpress_remote_errorno) && $g_powerpress_remote_errorno == 401) { $Error = '<p>' . __('Incorrect sign-in email address or password.', 'powerpress') . '</p><p>' . __('Verify your account entered under Services and Statistics settings then try again.', 'powerpress') . '</p>'; } else { if (!empty($g_powerpress_remote_error)) { $Error = '<p>' . $g_powerpress_remote_error . '</p>'; } else { $Error = '<p>' . __('Unable to obtain upload session.', 'powerpress') . '</p>'; } } } } powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Uploader', 'powerpress')); echo '<h2>' . __('Uploader', 'powerpress') . '</h2>'; echo '<p>'; echo $Error; echo '</p>'; ?> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> <?php powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; break; case 'powerpress-jquery-upload-complete': if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_header('Uploader'); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to upload media.', 'powerpress')); powerpress_page_message_print(); powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; } $File = isset($_GET['File']) ? $_GET['File'] : false; $Message = isset($_GET['Message']) ? $_GET['Message'] : false; powerpress_admin_jquery_header(__('Upload Complete', 'powerpress')); echo '<h2>' . __('Uploader', 'powerpress') . '</h2>'; echo '<p>'; if ($File) { echo __('File', 'powerpress') . ': '; echo $File; echo ' - '; } echo $Message; echo '</p>'; ?> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#" onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a></p> <?php if ($Message == '') { ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- <?php if ($File != '') { ?> self.parent.SelectMedia('<?php echo $File; ?> '); <?php } ?> self.parent.tb_remove(); //--> </script> <?php } powerpress_admin_jquery_footer(); exit; break; } }
function powerpressadmin_diagnostics_process() { global $powerpress_diags; $powerpress_diags = array(); // First, see if the user has cURL and/or allow_url_fopen enabled... $powerpress_diags['detecting_media'] = array(); $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['success'] = true; $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['warning'] = false; $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['allow_url_fopen'] = ini_get('allow_url_fopen') != false; // fopen $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['curl'] = function_exists('curl_init'); // cURL $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message2'] = ''; // if ( !ini_get('safe_mode') && !ini_get('open_basedir') ) // Testing: //$powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['allow_url_fopen'] = false; //$powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['curl'] = false; if ($powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['curl']) { $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message'] = __('Your web server supports the PHP cURL library.', 'powerpress'); if ($powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['allow_url_fopen']) { $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message'] .= ' ' . __('Your web server is also configured with the php.ini setting \'allow_url_fopen\' enabled, but the cURL library takes precedence.', 'powerpress'); } if (ini_get('safe_mode') && ini_get('open_basedir')) { $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['warning'] = true; $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message2'] = __('Warning: Both php.ini settings \'safe_mode\' and \'open_basedir\' will prevent the cURL library from following redirects in URLs.', 'powerpress'); } else { if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['warning'] = true; $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message2'] = __('Warning: The php.ini setting \'safe_mode\' will prevent the cURL library from following redirects in URLs.', 'powerpress'); } else { if (ini_get('open_basedir')) { $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['warning'] = true; $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message2'] = __('Warning: The php.ini setting \'open_basedir\' will prevent the cURL library from following redirects in URLs.', 'powerpress'); } } } } else { if ($powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['allow_url_fopen']) { $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message'] = __('Your web server is configured with the php.ini setting \'allow_url_fopen\' enabled.', 'powerpress'); } else { $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['success'] = false; $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['message'] = __('Your server must either have the php.ini setting \'allow_url_fopen\' enabled or have the PHP cURL library installed in order to detect media information.', 'powerpress'); } } // Second, see if we can ping itunes, OpenSSL is required $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes'] = array(); $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['success'] = true; $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['openssl'] = extension_loaded('openssl'); $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['curl_ssl'] = false; if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $curl_info = curl_version(); $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['curl_ssl'] = $curl_info['features'] & CURL_VERSION_SSL; } // testing: //$powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['openssl'] = false; //$powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['curl_ssl'] = false; if ($powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['success'] == false) { $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['success'] = false; $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['message'] = __('The problem with \'Detecting Media Information\' above needs to be resolved for this test to continue.', 'powerpress'); } else { if ($powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['curl'] && $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['curl_ssl']) { $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['message'] = __('Your web server supports secure HTTPS connections.', 'powerpress'); } else { if ($powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['curl']) { $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['success'] = false; $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['message'] = __('Your web server\'s cURL library does not support secure HTTPS connections.', 'powerpress'); } else { if ($powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['openssl'] && $powerpress_diags['detecting_media']['allow_url_fopen']) { $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['message'] = __('Your web server supports secure HTTPS connections.', 'powerpress'); } else { $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['success'] = false; $powerpress_diags['pinging_itunes']['message'] = __('Pinging iTunes requires the PHP OpenSSL library to be installed.', 'powerpress'); } } } } // Third, see if the uploads/powerpress folder is writable $UploadArray = wp_upload_dir(); $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork'] = array(); $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['success'] = false; $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['file_uploads'] = ini_get('file_uploads'); $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['writable'] = false; $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['upload_path'] = ''; $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['message'] = ''; // Testing: //$UploadArray['error'] = 'WordPres broke'; //$powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['file_uploads'] = false; //$UploadArray['error'] = true; if ($powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['file_uploads'] == false) { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['message'] = __('Your server requires the php.ini setting \'file_uploads\' enabled in order to upload podcast artwork.', 'powerpress'); } else { if ($UploadArray['error'] === false) { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['upload_path'] = $UploadArray['basedir'] . '/powerpress/'; if (!is_dir($powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['upload_path']) && !wp_mkdir_p(rtrim($powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['upload_path'], '/'))) { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['message'] = sprintf(__('Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?', 'powerpress'), rtrim($powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['upload_path'], '/')); } else { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['writable'] = powerpressadmin_diagnostics_is_writable($powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['upload_path']); if ($powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['writable'] == false) { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['message'] = sprintf(__('PowerPress is unable to write to the %s directory.', 'powerpress'), $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['upload_path']); } else { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['success'] = true; $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['message'] = __('You are able to upload and save artwork images for your podcasts.', 'powerpress'); } } } else { if (strlen($UploadArray['error']) > 2) { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['message'] = $UploadArray['error']; } else { $powerpress_diags['uploading_artwork']['message'] = __('An error occurred obtaining the uploads directory from WordPress.', 'powerpress'); } } } // Fourth, see if we have enough memory and we're running an appropriate version of PHP $powerpress_diags['system_info'] = array(); $powerpress_diags['system_info']['warning'] = false; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['success'] = true; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version'] = phpversion(); $powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_cgi'] = function_exists('php_sapi_name') && preg_match('/cgi/i', php_sapi_name()) ? true : false; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] = (int) ini_get('memory_limit'); $powerpress_diags['system_info']['temp_directory'] = get_temp_dir(); // Function available since WP2.5+ // testing: //$powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] = -1; //$powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] = 0; //$powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] = 16; if ($powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] == 0) { if (version_compare($powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version'], '5.2') > 0) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] = 128; } else { if (version_compare($powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version'], '5.2') == 0) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] = 16; } else { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit'] = 8; } } } $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_used'] = 0; if (version_compare($powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version'], '5.4') > -1) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message'] = sprintf(__('Your version of PHP (%s) is OK!', 'powerpress'), $powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version']); } else { if (version_compare($powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version'], '5.3') > -1) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message'] = sprintf(__('Your version of PHP (%s) is OK, though PHP 5.4 or newer is recommended.', 'powerpress'), $powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version']); } else { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message'] = sprintf(__('Your version of PHP (%s) will work, but PHP 5.4 or newer is recommended.', 'powerpress'), $powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_version']); } } $used = 0; $total = $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_limit']; if ($total == -1) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2'] = __('Your scripts have no limit to the amount of memory they can use.', 'powerpress'); $used = function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage') ? memory_get_peak_usage() : (function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? memory_get_usage() : 0); if ($used) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_used'] = round($used / 1024 / 1024, 2); } } else { if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $used = round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2); $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_used'] = $used; $percent = $used / $total * 100; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2'] = sprintf(__('You are using %d%% (%.01fM of %.01dM) of available memory.', 'powerpress'), $percent, $used, $total); } else { if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $used = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2); $powerpress_diags['system_info']['memory_used'] = $used; $percent = $used / $total * 100; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2'] = sprintf(__('You are using %d%% (%.01fM of %dM) of available memory. Versions of PHP 5.2 or newer will give you a more accurate total of memory usage.', 'powerpress'), $percent, $used, $total); } else { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2'] = sprintf(__('Your scripts have a total of %dM.', 'powerpress'), $total); } } } if ($total > 0 && $used + 4 > $total) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['warning'] = true; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2'] = __('Warning:', 'powerpress') . ' ' . $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2']; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2'] .= ' '; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message2'] .= sprintf(__('We recommend that you have at least %dM (4M more that what is currently used) or more memory to accomodate all of your installed plugins.', 'powerpress'), ceil($used) + 4); } if (empty($powerpress_diags['system_info']['temp_directory'])) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['success'] = false; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message3'] = __('Error:', 'powerpress') . ' ' . __('No temporary directory available.', 'powerpress'); } else { if (is_dir($powerpress_diags['system_info']['temp_directory']) && is_writable($powerpress_diags['system_info']['temp_directory'])) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message3'] = sprintf(__('Temporary directory %s is writable.', 'powerpress'), $powerpress_diags['system_info']['temp_directory']); } else { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['success'] = false; $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message3'] = __('Error:', 'powerpress') . ' ' . sprintf(__('Temporary directory %s is not writable.', 'powerpress'), $powerpress_diags['system_info']['temp_directory']); } } if (empty($powerpress_diags['system_info']['php_cgi'])) { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message4'] = ''; } else { $powerpress_diags['system_info']['message4'] = __('Warning:', 'powerpress') . ' ' . __('PHP running in CGI mode.', 'powerpress'); } if (isset($_GET['Email']) && strlen($_GET['Email']) > 4) { check_admin_referer('powerpress-diagnostics'); $email = $_GET['Email']; powerpressadmin_diagnostics_email($email); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('Diagnostic results sent to %s.', 'powerpress'), $email)); } }
public function _admin_ajax_configure_services($blog_id, $Step = 1, $Settings = false, $Programs = false, $Password = '') { if (!current_user_can(POWERPRESS_CAPABILITY_MANAGE_OPTIONS)) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('You do not have sufficient permission to manage options.', 'powerpress-multisite')); powerpress_page_message_print(); return; } if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && !function_exists('curl_init')) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Your server must either have the php.ini setting \'allow_url_fopen\' enabled or have the PHP cURL library installed in order to continue.', 'powerpress-multisite')); powerpress_page_message_print(); return; } if (empty($blog_id)) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('No site specified.', 'powerpress-multisite')); powerpress_page_message_print(); return; } if (!$Settings) { $Settings = get_blog_option($blog_id, 'powerpress_general'); } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_username'])) { $Settings['blubrry_username'] = ''; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_hosting']) || $Settings['blubrry_hosting'] === 'false') { $Settings['blubrry_hosting'] = false; } if (empty($Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'])) { $Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'] = ''; } if (empty($Programs)) { $Programs = array(); } powerpress_page_message_print(); ?> <form action="<?php echo network_admin_url('sites.php?action=powerpress-multisite'); ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <?php wp_nonce_field('powerpress-multisite-ajax-account'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-jquery-account-save" /> <input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id; ?> " /> <div id="accountinfo"> <h2><?php echo __('Blubrry Services Integration', 'powerpress'); ?> </h2> <?php if ($Step == 1) { ?> <p> <label for="blubrry_username"><?php echo __('Blubrry User Name (Email)', 'powerpress'); ?> </label> <input type="text" id="blubrry_username" name="Settings[blubrry_username]" value="<?php echo $Settings['blubrry_username']; ?> " /> </p> <p id="password_row"> <label for="password_password"><?php echo __('Blubrry Password', 'powerpress'); ?> </label> <input type="password" id="password_password" name="Password" value="" /> </p> <?php } else { if ($Step == 3) { ?> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><?php echo __('Settings Saved Successfully!', 'powerpress'); ?> </strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <a href="<?php echo network_admin_url("sites.php?page=powerpress-multisite&={$blog_idW}"); ?> " onclick="self.parent.tb_remove(); return false;" target="_top"><?php echo __('Close', 'powerpress'); ?> </a> </p> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Upload loading, check the parent window for #blubrry_stats_settings div if( jQuery('#blubrry_stats_settings',parent.document).length ) { jQuery('#blubrry_stats_settings',parent.document).html(''); } }); // --></script> <?php } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="Settings[blubrry_username]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($Settings['blubrry_username']); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Password" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($Password); ?> " /> <!-- <input type="hidden" name="Settings[blubrry_hosting]" value="<?php echo $Settings['blubrry_hosting']; ?> " /> --> <p> <label for="blubrry_program_keyword"><?php echo __('Select Blubrry Program', 'powerpress'); ?> </label> <select id="blubrry_program_keyword" name="Settings[blubrry_program_keyword]"> <option value=""><?php echo __('Select Program', 'powerpress'); ?> </option> <?php while (list($value, $desc) = each($Programs)) { echo "\t<option value=\"{$value}\"" . ($Settings['blubrry_program_keyword'] == $value ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$desc}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </p> <?php } } if ($Step != 3) { ?> <p> <input type="submit" name="Save" value="<?php echo __('Save', 'powerpress'); ?> " /> <input type="button" name="Cancel" value="<?php echo __('Cancel', 'powerpress'); ?> " onclick="self.parent.tb_remove();" /> <input type="submit" name="Remove" value="Remove" style="float: right;" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Remove Blubrry Services Integration, are you sure?', 'powerpress'); ?> ');" /> </p> <?php } ?> </div> </form> <?php }
function powerpress_admin_queue_files($extensions = array()) { $add_urls = ''; $extensions_preg_match = ''; while (list($extension, $null) = each($extensions)) { if ($extension == '*') { $extensions_preg_match = '.*'; break; // Lets just match everything } if (!empty($extensions_preg_match)) { $extensions_preg_match .= '|'; } $extensions_preg_match .= $extension; } if (empty($extensions_preg_match)) { // No files specified, no error message needed return; } $files = powerpress_admin_migrate_get_files(true, true); // Keep the URLs clean, excude blubrry media URLs $QueuedFiles = array(); $Update = false; $update_option = true; $PastResults = get_option('powerpress_migrate_queued'); if ($PastResults == false) { $update_option = false; } if (is_array($PastResults)) { $QueuedFiles = $PastResults; } $AddedCount = 0; $AlreadyAddedCount = 0; while (list($meta_id, $row) = each($files)) { $parts = pathinfo($row['src_url']); if (preg_match('/(' . $extensions_preg_match . ')/i', $parts['extension'])) { if (!empty($QueuedFiles[$meta_id]) && $QueuedFiles[$meta_id] == $row['src_url']) { $AlreadyAddedCount++; continue; // Already queued } $QueuedFiles[$meta_id] = $row['src_url']; if (!empty($add_urls)) { $add_urls .= "\n"; } $add_urls .= $row['src_url']; $Update = true; $AddedCount++; } } if ($Update) { // Make API CALL to add files to queue here! $UpdateResults = powepress_admin_migrate_add_urls($add_urls); if (empty($UpdateResults)) { $Update = false; } } if ($Update) { // IF the API call was successful, lets save the list locally if ($update_option) { update_option('powerpress_migrate_queued', $QueuedFiles); } else { add_option('powerpress_migrate_queued', $QueuedFiles, '', 'no'); } powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('%d media files added to migration queue.', 'powerpress'), $AddedCount)); } if ($AlreadyAddedCount > 0) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('%d media files were already added to migration queue.', 'powerpress'), $AlreadyAddedCount)); } }
function powerpressadmin_find_replace_process() { $wp_remote_options = array(); $wp_remote_options['user-agent'] = 'Blubrry PowerPress/' . POWERPRESS_VERSION; $wp_remote_options['httpversion'] = '1.1'; global $g_FindReplaceResults; if (isset($_POST['FindReplace'])) { $FindReplace = $_POST['FindReplace']; $FindReplace['step'] = intval($FindReplace['step']); if ($FindReplace['step'] == 2 || $FindReplace['step'] == 3) { $success_count = 0; $failed_count = 0; $FoundArray = powerpressadmin_find_replace_get_enclosures($FindReplace['find_string']); while (list($meta_id, $row) = each($FoundArray)) { // powerpress_get_post_meta $meta_value = get_post_meta($row['post_id'], $row['meta_key'], true); $parts = explode("\n", $meta_value, 2); $other_meta_data = false; if (count($parts) == 2) { list($old_url, $other_meta_data) = $parts; } else { $old_url = trim($meta_value); } $old_url = trim($old_url); //echo $old_url; $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id] = $row; $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id]['old_url'] = $old_url; $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id]['find_readable'] = str_replace($FindReplace['find_string'], sprintf('<span class="find_string strong">%s</span>', esc_attr($FindReplace['find_string'])), esc_attr($old_url)); $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id]['replace_readable'] = str_replace($FindReplace['find_string'], sprintf('<span class="replace_string strong">%s</span>', esc_attr($FindReplace['replace_string'])), esc_attr($old_url)); $new_url = str_replace($FindReplace['find_string'], $FindReplace['replace_string'], $old_url); $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id]['new_url'] = $new_url; if ($FindReplace['step'] == 3 && $FindReplace['find_string'] != '') { $good = true; if (!empty($FindReplace['verify'])) { $response = wp_remote_head($new_url, $wp_remote_options); // Redirect 1 if (!is_wp_error($response) && ($response['response']['code'] == 301 || $response['response']['code'] == 302)) { $headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($response); $response = wp_remote_head($headers['location'], $wp_remote_options); } // Redirect 2 if (!is_wp_error($response) && ($response['response']['code'] == 301 || $response['response']['code'] == 302)) { $headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($response); $response = wp_remote_head($headers['location'], $wp_remote_options); } // Redirect 3 if (!is_wp_error($response) && ($response['response']['code'] == 301 || $response['response']['code'] == 302)) { $headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($response); $response = wp_remote_head($headers['location'], $wp_remote_options); } // Redirect 4 if (!is_wp_error($response) && ($response['response']['code'] == 301 || $response['response']['code'] == 302)) { $headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($response); $response = wp_remote_head($headers['location'], $wp_remote_options); } //$headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $response ); //$response = @wp_remote_head( $new_url, $wp_remote_options ); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id]['error'] = $response->get_error_message(); $good = false; } if ($good && isset($response['response']['code']) && ($response['response']['code'] < 200 || $response['response']['code'] > 203)) { $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id]['error'] = 'Error, HTTP ' . $response['response']['code']; $good = false; } } if ($good) { $DataUpdated = $new_url; if ($other_meta_data) { $DataUpdated .= "\n" . $other_meta_data; } if (update_post_meta($row['post_id'], $row['meta_key'], $DataUpdated)) { $success_count++; } else { $good = false; } } if (!$good) { $failed_count++; } $g_FindReplaceResults[$meta_id]['success'] = $good; } } if ($FindReplace['step'] == 3) { if ($success_count > 0) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('%d URLs updated successfully.', 'powerpress'), $success_count)); } if ($failed_count > 0) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(sprintf(__('%d URLs were not updated.', 'powerpress'), $failed_count)); } else { if ($FindReplace['find_string'] == '') { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Nothing specified to find.', 'powerpress')); } } } } } powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('WARNING: Please backup your database before proceeding. Blubrry PowerPress is not responsible for any lost or damaged data resulting from this Find and Replace tool.', 'powerpress')); }
function powerpress_admin_init() { global $wp_rewrite; add_thickbox(); // we use the thckbox for some settings wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core'); // Now including the library at Google wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-tabs'); // Powerpress page if (isset($_GET['page']) && strstr($_GET['page'], 'powerpress') !== false) { //wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui', ''); if (preg_match('/powerpressadmin_(mobile|audio|video)player/', $_GET['page'])) { wp_enqueue_style('wp-color-picker'); } if (preg_match('/powerpressadmin_migrate/', $_GET['page'])) { wp_enqueue_script('media-upload'); // For the readjustment of the thickbox only } } if (function_exists('powerpress_admin_jquery_init')) { powerpress_admin_jquery_init(); } if (!current_user_can(POWERPRESS_CAPABILITY_MANAGE_OPTIONS)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('You do not have sufficient permission to manage options.', 'powerpress')); return; } // Check for other podcasting plugin if (defined('PODPRESS_VERSION') || isset($GLOBALS['podcasting_player_id']) || isset($GLOBALS['podcast_channel_active']) || defined('PODCASTING_VERSION')) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Another podcasting plugin has been detected, PowerPress is currently disabled.', 'powerpress')); } global $wp_version; $VersionDiff = version_compare($wp_version, 3.6); if ($VersionDiff < 0) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Blubrry PowerPress requires Wordpress version 3.6 or greater.', 'powerpress')); } // Check for incompatible plugins: if (isset($GLOBALS['objWPOSFLV']) && is_object($GLOBALS['objWPOSFLV'])) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('The WP OS FLV plugin is not compatible with Blubrry PowerPress.', 'powerpress')); } // Security step, we must be in a powerpress/* page... if (isset($_GET['page']) && strstr($_GET['page'], 'powerpress/') !== false) { // Save settings here if (isset($_POST['Feed']) || isset($_POST['General'])) { check_admin_referer('powerpress-edit'); $upload_path = false; $upload_url = false; $UploadArray = wp_upload_dir(); if (false === $UploadArray['error']) { $upload_path = $UploadArray['basedir'] . '/powerpress/'; $upload_url = $UploadArray['baseurl'] . '/powerpress/'; } // Save the posted value in the database $Feed = isset($_POST['Feed']) ? $_POST['Feed'] : false; $General = isset($_POST['General']) ? $_POST['General'] : false; $FeedSlug = isset($_POST['feed_slug']) ? esc_attr($_POST['feed_slug']) : false; $Category = isset($_POST['cat']) ? intval($_POST['cat']) : false; $term_taxonomy_id = isset($_POST['ttid']) ? intval($_POST['ttid']) : false; $podcast_post_type = isset($_POST['podcast_post_type']) ? esc_attr($_POST['podcast_post_type']) : false; // New iTunes image if (!empty($_POST['itunes_image_checkbox'])) { $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", basename($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name'])); $temp = $_FILES['itunes_image_file']['tmp_name']; if (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)) { $filenameParts = pathinfo($filename); if (!empty($filenameParts['extension'])) { do { $filename_no_ext = substr($filenameParts['basename'], 0, (strlen($filenameParts['extension']) + 1) * -1); $filename = sprintf('%s-%03d.%s', $filename_no_ext, rand(0, 999), $filenameParts['extension']); } while (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)); } } // Check the image... if (file_exists($temp)) { $ImageData = @getimagesize($temp); $rgb = true; // We assume it is RGB if (defined('POWERPRESS_IMAGICK') && POWERPRESS_IMAGICK) { if ($ImageData[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG && extension_loaded('imagick')) { $image = new Imagick($temp); if ($image->getImageColorspace() != imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB) { $rgb = false; } } } if (empty($ImageData['channels'])) { $ImageData['channels'] = 3; } // Assume it's ok if we cannot detect it. if ($ImageData) { if ($rgb && ($ImageData[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG || $ImageData[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) && $ImageData[0] == $ImageData[1] && $ImageData[0] >= 1400 && $ImageData[0] <= 3000 && $ImageData['channels'] == 3) { if (!move_uploaded_file($temp, $upload_path . $filename)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error saving iTunes image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('An error occurred saving the iTunes image on the server.', 'powerprss') . ' ' . sprintf(__('Local folder: %s; File name: %s', 'powerpress'), $upload_path, $filename)); } else { $Feed['itunes_image'] = $upload_url . $filename; if (!empty($_POST['itunes_image_checkbox_as_rss'])) { $Feed['rss2_image'] = $upload_url . $filename; } //if( $ImageData[0] < 1400 || $ImageData[1] < 1400 ) //{ // powerpress_page_message_add_error( __('iTunes image warning', 'powerpress') .': '. htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . __(' is', 'powerpress') .' '. $ImageData[0] .' x '.$ImageData[0] .' - '. __('Image must be square 1400 x 1400 pixels or larger.', 'powerprss') ); //} } } else { if ($ImageData['channels'] != 3 || $rgb == false) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid iTunes image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('Image must be in RGB color space (CMYK is not supported).', 'powerprss')); } else { if ($ImageData[0] != $ImageData[1]) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid iTunes image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('Image must be square, 1400 x 1400 is the required minimum size.', 'powerprss')); } else { if ($ImageData[0] != $ImageData[1] || $ImageData[0] < 1400) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid iTunes image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('Image is too small, 1400 x 1400 is the required minimum size.', 'powerprss')); } else { if ($ImageData[0] != $ImageData[1] || $ImageData[0] > 3000) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid iTunes image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('Image is too large, 3000 x 3000 is the maximum size allowed.', 'powerprss')); } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid iTunes image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name'])); } } } } } } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid iTunes image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name'])); } } } // New RSS2 image if (!empty($_POST['rss2_image_checkbox'])) { $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", basename($_FILES['rss2_image_file']['name'])); $temp = $_FILES['rss2_image_file']['tmp_name']; if (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)) { $filenameParts = pathinfo($filename); if (!empty($filenameParts['basename']) && !empty($filenameParts['extension'])) { do { $filename_no_ext = substr($filenameParts['basename'], 0, (strlen($filenameParts['extension']) + 1) * -1); $filename = sprintf('%s-%03d.%s', $filename_no_ext, rand(0, 999), $filenameParts['extension']); } while (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)); } } if (@getimagesize($temp)) { if (!move_uploaded_file($temp, $upload_path . $filename)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error saving RSS image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('An error occurred saving the RSS image on the server.', 'powerprss') . ' ' . sprintf(__('Local folder: %s; File name: %s', 'powerpress'), $upload_path, $filename)); } else { $Feed['rss2_image'] = $upload_url . $filename; } } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid RSS image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['rss2_image_file']['name'])); } } // New mp3 coverart image if (!empty($_POST['coverart_image_checkbox'])) { $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", basename($_FILES['coverart_image_file']['name'])); $temp = $_FILES['coverart_image_file']['tmp_name']; if (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)) { $filenameParts = pathinfo($filename); do { $filename_no_ext = substr($filenameParts['basename'], 0, (strlen($filenameParts['extension']) + 1) * -1); $filename = sprintf('%s-%03d.%s', $filename_no_ext, rand(0, 999), $filenameParts['extension']); } while (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)); } if (@getimagesize($temp)) { if (!move_uploaded_file($temp, $upload_path . $filename)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error saving Coverart image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('An error occurred saving the coverart image on the server.', 'powerprss') . ' ' . sprintf(__('Local folder: %s; File name: %s', 'powerpress'), $upload_path, $filename)); } else { $_POST['TagValues']['tag_coverart'] = $upload_url . $filename; $General['tag_coverart'] = $upload_url . $filename; } } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid Coverat image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['coverart_image_file']['name'])); } } // New poster image if (!empty($_POST['poster_image_checkbox'])) { $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", basename($_FILES['poster_image_file']['name'])); $temp = $_FILES['poster_image_file']['tmp_name']; if (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)) { $filenameParts = pathinfo($filename); do { $filename_no_ext = substr($filenameParts['basename'], 0, (strlen($filenameParts['extension']) + 1) * -1); $filename = sprintf('%s-%03d.%s', $filename_no_ext, rand(0, 999), $filenameParts['extension']); } while (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)); } if (@getimagesize($temp)) { if (!move_uploaded_file($temp, $upload_path . $filename)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error saving Poster image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('An error occurred saving the poster image on the server.', 'powerprss') . ' ' . sprintf(__('Local folder: %s; File name: %s', 'powerpress'), $upload_path, $filename)); } else { $General['poster_image'] = $upload_url . $filename; } } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid poster image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['poster_image_file']['name'])); } } // New audio play icon image if (!empty($_POST['audio_custom_play_button_checkbox'])) { $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", basename($_FILES['audio_custom_play_button_file']['name'])); $temp = $_FILES['audio_custom_play_button_file']['tmp_name']; if (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)) { $filenameParts = pathinfo($filename); do { $filename_no_ext = substr($filenameParts['basename'], 0, (strlen($filenameParts['extension']) + 1) * -1); $filename = sprintf('%s-%03d.%s', $filename_no_ext, rand(0, 999), $filenameParts['extension']); } while (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)); } if (@getimagesize($temp)) { if (!move_uploaded_file($temp, $upload_path . $filename)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error saving Play image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('An error occurred saving the play image on the server.', 'powerprss') . ' ' . sprintf(__('Local folder: %s; File name: %s', 'powerpress'), $upload_path, $filename)); } else { $General['audio_custom_play_button'] = $upload_url . $filename; } } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid play icon image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['audio_custom_play_button_file']['name'])); } } // New video play icon image if (!empty($_POST['video_custom_play_button_checkbox'])) { $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", basename($_FILES['video_custom_play_button_file']['name'])); $temp = $_FILES['video_custom_play_button_file']['tmp_name']; if (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)) { $filenameParts = pathinfo($filename); do { $filename_no_ext = substr($filenameParts['basename'], 0, (strlen($filenameParts['extension']) + 1) * -1); $filename = sprintf('%s-%03d.%s', $filename_no_ext, rand(0, 999), $filenameParts['extension']); } while (file_exists($upload_path . $filename)); } $imageInfo = @getimagesize($temp); if ($imageInfo && $imageInfo[0] == $imageInfo[1] && $imageInfo[0] == 60) { if (!move_uploaded_file($temp, $upload_path . $filename)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error saving Video Play icon image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['itunes_image_file']['name']) . ' - ' . __('An error occurred saving the Video Play icon image on the server.', 'powerprss') . ' ' . sprintf(__('Local folder: %s; File name: %s', 'powerpress'), $upload_path, $filename)); } else { $General['video_custom_play_button'] = $upload_url . $filename; } } else { if ($imageInfo) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid play icon image size', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['video_custom_play_button_file']['name'])); } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Invalid play icon image', 'powerpress') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_FILES['video_custom_play_button_file']['name'])); } } } if (isset($_POST['UpdateDisablePlayer'])) { $player_feed_slug = $_POST['UpdateDisablePlayer']; $General['disable_player'] = array(); $GeneralPrev = get_option('powerpress_general'); if (isset($GeneralPrev['disable_player'])) { $General['disable_player'] = $GeneralPrev['disable_player']; } if (isset($_POST['DisablePlayerFor'])) { $General['disable_player'][$player_feed_slug] = 1; } else { unset($General['disable_player'][$player_feed_slug]); } } // Check to see if we need to update the feed title if ($FeedSlug && !$podcast_post_type) { $GeneralSettingsTemp = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_general', false); if (!isset($GeneralSettingsTemp['custom_feeds'][$FeedSlug]) || $GeneralSettingsTemp['custom_feeds'][$FeedSlug] != $Feed['title']) { if (!$General) { $General = array(); } if (!empty($GeneralSettingsTemp['custom_feeds'])) { $General['custom_feeds'] = $GeneralSettingsTemp['custom_feeds']; } else { $General['custom_feeds'] = array(); } $General['custom_feeds'][$FeedSlug] = $Feed['title']; } } // Update the settings in the database: if ($General) { if (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'powerpress-save-settings') { if (!isset($General['display_player_excerpt'])) { // If we are modifying appearance settings but this option was not checked... $General['display_player_excerpt'] = 0; } // Set it to zero. //if( !isset($General['display_player_disable_mobile']) ) // $General['display_player_disable_mobile'] = 0; $General['disable_dashboard_stats'] = 0; if (!empty($_POST['DisableStatsInDashboard'])) { $General['disable_dashboard_stats'] = 1; } if (!isset($General['disable_dashboard_news'])) { $General['disable_dashboard_news'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_mode'])) { // Default not set, 1 = no duration/file size, 2 = yes duration/file size (default if not set) $General['episode_box_mode'] = 1; } // 1 = no duration/file size (unchecked) if (!isset($General['episode_box_embed'])) { $General['episode_box_embed'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['embed_replace_player'])) { $General['embed_replace_player'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_no_player'])) { $General['episode_box_no_player'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_no_links'])) { $General['episode_box_no_links'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_no_player_and_links'])) { $General['episode_box_no_player_and_links'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_cover_image'])) { $General['episode_box_cover_image'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_player_size'])) { $General['episode_box_player_size'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_subtitle'])) { $General['episode_box_subtitle'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_summary'])) { $General['episode_box_summary'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_author'])) { $General['episode_box_author'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_explicit'])) { $General['episode_box_explicit'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_closed_captioned'])) { $General['episode_box_closed_captioned'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_itunes_image'])) { $General['episode_box_itunes_image'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_order'])) { $General['episode_box_order'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['episode_box_feature_in_itunes'])) { $General['episode_box_feature_in_itunes'] = 0; } else { $General['episode_box_order'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['allow_feed_comments'])) { $General['allow_feed_comments'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['feed_links'])) { $General['feed_links'] = 0; } // Advanced Features if (!isset($General['player_options'])) { $General['player_options'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['cat_casting'])) { $General['cat_casting'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['channels'])) { $General['channels'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['taxonomy_podcasting'])) { $General['taxonomy_podcasting'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['posttype_podcasting'])) { $General['posttype_podcasting'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['playlist_player'])) { $General['playlist_player'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['metamarks'])) { $General['metamarks'] = 0; } // Media Presentation Settings $PlayerSettings = array(); if (!empty($_POST['PlayerSettings'])) { $PlayerSettings = $_POST['PlayerSettings']; } if (empty($PlayerSettings['display_pinw'])) { $PlayerSettings['display_pinw'] = 0; } if (empty($PlayerSettings['display_media_player'])) { $PlayerSettings['display_media_player'] = 0; } if (empty($PlayerSettings['display_pinw'])) { $PlayerSettings['display_pinw'] = 0; } if (empty($PlayerSettings['display_media_player'])) { $PlayerSettings['display_media_player'] = 0; } $General['player_function'] = abs($PlayerSettings['display_pinw'] - $PlayerSettings['display_media_player']); $General['podcast_link'] = 0; if (!empty($PlayerSettings['display_download'])) { $General['podcast_link'] = 1; if (!empty($PlayerSettings['display_download_size'])) { $General['podcast_link'] = 2; if (!empty($PlayerSettings['display_download_duration'])) { $General['podcast_link'] = 3; } } } if (!isset($General['podcast_embed'])) { $General['podcast_embed'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['podcast_embed_in_feed'])) { $General['podcast_embed_in_feed'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['m4a'])) { $General['m4a'] = ''; } if (!isset($General['new_window_nofactor'])) { $General['new_window_nofactor'] = ''; } if (!isset($General['subscribe_links'])) { $General['subscribe_links'] = false; } if (!isset($General['subscribe_feature_email'])) { $General['subscribe_feature_email'] = false; } } else { if (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'powerpress-save-defaults') { if (!isset($General['display_player_excerpt'])) { // If we are modifying appearance settings but this option was not checked... $General['display_player_excerpt'] = 0; } // Set it to zero. $General['disable_dashboard_stats'] = 0; if (!empty($_POST['DisableStatsInDashboard'])) { $General['disable_dashboard_stats'] = 1; } // Advanced Mode options if (!isset($General['cat_casting'])) { $General['cat_casting'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['channels'])) { $General['channels'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['taxonomy_podcasting'])) { $General['taxonomy_podcasting'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['posttype_podcasting'])) { $General['posttype_podcasting'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['metamarks'])) { $General['metamarks'] = 0; } } } if (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'powerpress-save-search') { //$PowerPressSearch = $_POST['PowerPressSearch']; $PowerPressSearchToggle = $_POST['PowerPressSearchToggle']; if (empty($PowerPressSearchToggle['seo_feed_title'])) { $General['seo_feed_title'] = 0; } } if (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'powerpress-save-tags') { if (!isset($General['write_tags'])) { // If we are modifying appearance settings but this option was not checked... $General['write_tags'] = 0; } // Set it to zero. $TagValues = $_POST['TagValues']; $GeneralPosted = $_POST['General']; if (!empty($_POST['PowerPressTrackNumber'])) { update_option('powerpress_track_number', $_POST['PowerPressTrackNumber']); } // Set all the tag values... while (list($key, $value) = each($GeneralPosted)) { if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'tag_') { // Special case, we are uploading new coverart image if (!empty($_POST['coverart_image_checkbox']) && $key == 'tag_coverart') { continue; } // Specail case, the track is saved in a separate column in the database. if ($key == 'tag_track') { continue; } if (!empty($value)) { $General[$key] = $TagValues[$key]; } else { $General[$key] = ''; } } } if (!empty($General['tag_coverart'])) { $GeneralSettingsTemp = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_general', false); if (!empty($GeneralSettingsTemp['blubrry_hosting']) && $GeneralSettingsTemp['blubrry_hosting'] !== 'false') { $json_data = false; $api_url_array = powerpress_get_api_array(); while (list($index, $api_url) = each($api_url_array)) { $req_url = sprintf('%s/media/%s/coverart.json?url=%s', rtrim($api_url, '/'), $GeneralSettingsTemp['blubrry_program_keyword'], urlencode($TagValues['tag_coverart'])); $req_url .= defined('POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA') ? '&' . POWERPRESS_BLUBRRY_API_QSA : ''; $json_data = powerpress_remote_fopen($req_url, $GeneralSettingsTemp['blubrry_auth']); if ($json_data != false) { break; } } // Lets try to cache the image onto Blubrry's Server... $results = powerpress_json_decode($json_data); if (is_array($results) && !isset($results['error'])) { // Good! powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Coverart image updated successfully.', 'powerpress')); } else { if (isset($results['error'])) { $error = __('Blubrry Hosting Error (updating coverart)', 'powerpress') . ': ' . $results['error']; powerpress_page_message_add_error($error); } else { $error = __('An error occurred updating the coverart with your Blubrry Services Account.', 'powerpress'); powerpress_page_message_add_error($error); } } } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Coverart Image was not uploaded to your Blubrry Services Account. It will NOT be added to your mp3s.', 'powerpress')); } } } if (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'powerpress-save-videocommon') { if (!isset($General['poster_play_image'])) { $General['poster_play_image'] = 0; } if (!isset($General['poster_image_audio'])) { $General['poster_image_audio'] = 0; } } // Wordpress adds slashes to everything, but since we're storing everything serialized, lets remove them... $General = powerpress_stripslashes($General); powerpress_save_settings($General); } if ($Feed) { if (!isset($_POST['ProtectContent']) && isset($Feed['premium'])) { $Feed['premium'] = false; } if (!isset($Feed['enhance_itunes_summary'])) { $Feed['enhance_itunes_summary'] = false; } if (!isset($Feed['itunes_author_post'])) { $Feed['itunes_author_post'] = false; } if (!isset($Feed['itunes_block'])) { $Feed['itunes_block'] = false; } if (!isset($Feed['itunes_complete'])) { $Feed['itunes_complete'] = false; } if (!isset($Feed['maximize_feed'])) { $Feed['maximize_feed'] = false; } if (!isset($Feed['episode_itunes_image'])) { $Feed['episode_itunes_image'] = false; } $Feed = powerpress_stripslashes($Feed); if ($Category) { powerpress_save_settings($Feed, 'powerpress_cat_feed_' . $Category); } else { if ($term_taxonomy_id) { powerpress_save_settings($Feed, 'powerpress_taxonomy_' . $term_taxonomy_id); } else { if ($podcast_post_type) { $PostTypeSettings = array(); $PostTypeSettings[$FeedSlug] = $Feed; powerpress_save_settings($PostTypeSettings, 'powerpress_posttype_' . $podcast_post_type); powerpress_rebuild_posttype_podcasting(); } else { if ($FeedSlug == false && get_option('powerpress_feed_podcast')) { // If the settings were moved to the podcast channels feature... powerpress_save_settings($Feed, 'powerpress_feed_podcast'); } // save a copy here if that is the case. powerpress_save_settings($Feed, 'powerpress_feed' . ($FeedSlug ? '_' . $FeedSlug : '')); } } } } if (isset($_POST['EpisodeBoxBGColor'])) { $GeneralSettingsTemp = get_option('powerpress_general'); $SaveEpisdoeBoxBGColor['episode_box_background_color'] = array(); if (isset($GeneralSettingsTemp['episode_box_background_color'])) { $SaveEpisdoeBoxBGColor['episode_box_background_color'] = $GeneralSettingsTemp['episode_box_background_color']; } // copy previous settings list($feed_slug_temp, $background_color) = each($_POST['EpisodeBoxBGColor']); $SaveEpisdoeBoxBGColor['episode_box_background_color'][$feed_slug_temp] = $background_color; powerpress_save_settings($SaveEpisdoeBoxBGColor); } // Anytime settings are saved lets flush the rewrite rules $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); // Settings saved successfully if (!empty($_POST['action'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'powerpress-save-settings': case 'powerpress-save-defaults': powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Blubrry PowerPress settings saved.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-save-channel': powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Blubrry PowerPress Channel settings saved.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-save-category': powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Blubrry PowerPress Category Podcasting settings saved.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-save-ttid': powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Blubrry PowerPress Taxonomy Podcasting settings saved.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-save-post_type': powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Blubrry PowerPress Post Type Podcasting settings saved.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-save-tags': $General = get_option('powerpress_general'); if (empty($General['blubrry_hosting']) || $General['blubrry_hosting'] === 'false') { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('ATTENTION: You must configure your Blubrry Services in the Blubrry PowerPress > Basic Settings page in order to utilize this feature.', 'powerpress')); } else { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Blubrry PowerPress MP3 Tag settings saved.', 'powerpress')); } break; default: powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Blubrry PowerPress settings saved.', 'powerpress')); break; } } } // Handle POST actions... if (isset($_POST['action'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'powerpress-addfeed': check_admin_referer('powerpress-add-feed'); $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); $key = sanitize_title($_POST['feed_slug']); $value = $_POST['feed_name']; $value = powerpress_stripslashes($value); /* if( isset($Settings['custom_feeds'][ $key ]) && empty($_POST['overwrite']) ) { powerpress_page_message_add_error( sprintf(__('Feed slug "%s" already exists.'), $key) ); } else */ if ($key == '') { powerpress_page_message_add_error(sprintf(__('Feed slug "%s" is not valid.', 'powerpress'), esc_html($_POST['feed_slug']))); } else { if (in_array($key, $wp_rewrite->feeds) && !isset($Settings['custom_feeds'][$key])) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(sprintf(__('Feed slug "%s" is not available.', 'powerpress'), esc_html($key))); } else { $Settings['custom_feeds'][$key] = $value; powerpress_save_settings($Settings); add_feed($key, 'powerpress_do_podcast_feed'); // Before we flush the rewrite rules we need to add the new custom feed... $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('Podcast Feed "%s" added, please configure your new feed now.', 'powerpress'), esc_html($value))); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-editfeed'; $_GET['feed_slug'] = $key; } } break; case 'powerpress-addtaxonomyfeed': if (!empty($_POST['cancel'])) { unset($_POST['taxonomy']); } if (empty($_POST['add_podcasting'])) { break; } // We do not handle this situation case 'powerpress-addcategoryfeed': check_admin_referer('powerpress-add-taxonomy-feed'); $taxonomy_type = isset($_POST['taxonomy']) ? $_POST['taxonomy'] : $_GET['taxonomy']; $term_ID = intval(isset($_POST['term']) ? $_POST['term'] : $_GET['term']); $term_object = get_term($term_ID, $taxonomy_type, OBJECT, 'edit'); if (empty($term_ID)) { if ($taxonomy_type == 'category') { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('You must select a category to continue.', 'powerpress')); } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('You must select a term to continue.', 'powerpress')); } } else { if ($term_object == false) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error obtaining term information.', 'powerpress')); } else { if ($taxonomy_type == 'category') { $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); if (empty($Settings['custom_cat_feeds'])) { $Settings['custom_cat_feeds'] = array(); } if (!in_array($term_ID, $Settings['custom_cat_feeds'])) { $Settings['custom_cat_feeds'][] = $term_ID; powerpress_save_settings($Settings); } powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Please configure your category podcast feed now.', 'powerpress')); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-editcategoryfeed'; $_GET['cat'] = $term_ID; } else { //$term_info = term_exists($term_ID, $taxonomy_type); $tt_id = $term_object->term_taxonomy_id; if (!$tt_id) { } else { $Settings = get_option('powerpress_taxonomy_podcasting'); if (!isset($Settings[$tt_id])) { $Settings[$tt_id] = true; powerpress_save_settings($Settings, 'powerpress_taxonomy_podcasting'); // add the feed to the taxonomy podcasting list } powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Please configure your taxonomy podcast now.', 'powerpress')); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-edittaxonomyfeed'; $_GET['term'] = $term_ID; $_GET['ttid'] = $tt_id; } } } } break; case 'powerpress-addposttypefeed': check_admin_referer('powerpress-add-posttype-feed'); //die('ok 2'); $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); $feed_slug = sanitize_title($_POST['feed_slug']); $post_type = $_POST['podcast_post_type']; $post_type = powerpress_stripslashes($post_type); $feed_title = $_POST['feed_title']; $feed_title = powerpress_stripslashes($feed_title); /* if( isset($Settings['custom_feeds'][ $key ]) && empty($_POST['overwrite']) ) { powerpress_page_message_add_error( sprintf(__('Feed slug "%s" already exists.'), $key) ); } else */ if (empty($feed_slug)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(sprintf(__('Feed slug "%s" is not valid.', 'powerpress'), esc_html($_POST['feed_slug']))); } else { if (empty($post_type)) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Post Type is invalid.', 'powerpress')); } else { $ExistingSettings = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_posttype_' . $post_type); if (!empty($ExistingSettings[$feed_slug])) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(sprintf(__('Feed slug "%s" already exists.', 'powerpress'), $_POST['feed_slug'])); } else { $NewSettings = array(); $NewSettings[$feed_slug]['title'] = $feed_title; powerpress_save_settings($NewSettings, 'powerpress_posttype_' . $post_type); add_feed($feed_slug, 'powerpress_do_podcast_feed'); // Before we flush the rewrite rules we need to add the new custom feed... $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('Podcast "%s" added, please configure your new podcast.', 'powerpress'), $feed_title)); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-editposttypefeed'; $_GET['feed_slug'] = $feed_slug; $_GET['podcast_post_type'] = $post_type; } } } break; case 'powerpress-ping-sites': check_admin_referer('powerpress-ping-sites'); require_once POWERPRESS_ABSPATH . '/powerpressadmin-ping-sites.php'; powerpressadmin_ping_sites_process(); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-ping-sites'; break; case 'powerpress-find-replace': check_admin_referer('powerpress-find-replace'); require_once POWERPRESS_ABSPATH . '/powerpressadmin-find-replace.php'; powerpressadmin_find_replace_process(); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-find-replace'; break; case 'powerpress-importpodpress': check_admin_referer('powerpress-import-podpress'); require_once POWERPRESS_ABSPATH . '/powerpressadmin-podpress.php'; powerpressadmin_podpress_do_import(); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-podpress-epiosdes'; break; case 'powerpress-importmt': check_admin_referer('powerpress-import-mt'); require_once POWERPRESS_ABSPATH . '/powerpressadmin-mt.php'; powerpressadmin_mt_do_import(); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-mt-epiosdes'; break; case 'deletepodpressdata': check_admin_referer('powerpress-delete-podpress-data'); require_once POWERPRESS_ABSPATH . '/powerpressadmin-podpress.php'; powerpressadmin_podpress_delete_data(); break; case 'powerpress-save-mode': //if( !isset($_POST['General']['advanced_mode']) ) // powerpress_page_message_add_notice( __('You must select a Mode to continue.', 'powerpress') ); break; } } // Handle GET actions... if (isset($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'powerpress-enable-categorypodcasting': check_admin_referer('powerpress-enable-categorypodcasting'); $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); $Settings['cat_casting'] = 1; powerpress_save_settings($Settings); wp_redirect('edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category&message=3'); exit; break; case 'powerpress-addcategoryfeed': check_admin_referer('powerpress-add-taxonomy-feed'); $cat_ID = intval($_GET['cat']); $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); $category = get_category($cat_ID); if ($category == false) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Error obtaining category information.', 'powerpress')); } else { if (empty($Settings['custom_cat_feeds']) || !is_array($Settings['custom_cat_feeds'])) { $Settings['custom_cat_feeds'] = array(); } if (!in_array($cat_ID, $Settings['custom_cat_feeds'])) { $Settings['custom_cat_feeds'][] = $cat_ID; powerpress_save_settings($Settings); } powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Please configure your category podcast feed now.', 'powerpress')); $_GET['action'] = 'powerpress-editcategoryfeed'; $_GET['cat'] = $cat_ID; } break; case 'powerpress-delete-feed': $delete_slug = $_GET['feed_slug']; $force_deletion = !empty($_GET['force']); check_admin_referer('powerpress-delete-feed-' . $delete_slug); $Episodes = powerpress_admin_episodes_per_feed($delete_slug); if (false && $delete_slug == 'podcast' && $force_deletion == false) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('Cannot delete default podcast feed.', 'powerpress')); } else { if ($delete_slug != 'podcast' && $Episodes > 0 && $force_deletion == false) { powerpress_page_message_add_error(sprintf(__('Cannot delete feed. Feed contains %d episode(s).', 'powerpress'), $Episodes)); } else { $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); unset($Settings['custom_feeds'][$delete_slug]); powerpress_save_settings($Settings); // Delete the feed from the general settings delete_option('powerpress_feed_' . $delete_slug); // Delete the actual feed settings // Now we need to update the rewrite cso the cached rules are up to date if (in_array($delete_slug, $wp_rewrite->feeds)) { $index = array_search($delete_slug, $wp_rewrite->feeds); if ($index !== false) { unset($wp_rewrite->feeds[$index]); } // Remove the old feed } // Remove feed function hook $hook = 'do_feed_' . $delete_slug; remove_action($hook, $hook, 10, 1); // This may not be necessary $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); // This is definitely necessary powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Feed deleted successfully.', 'powerpress')); } } break; case 'powerpress-delete-category-feed': $cat_ID = intval($_GET['cat']); check_admin_referer('powerpress-delete-category-feed-' . $cat_ID); $Settings = get_option('powerpress_general'); $key = array_search($cat_ID, $Settings['custom_cat_feeds']); if ($key !== false) { unset($Settings['custom_cat_feeds'][$key]); powerpress_save_settings($Settings); // Delete the feed from the general settings } delete_option('powerpress_cat_feed_' . $cat_ID); // Delete the actual feed settings powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Removed podcast settings for category feed successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-delete-taxonomy-feed': $tt_ID = intval($_GET['ttid']); check_admin_referer('powerpress-delete-taxonomy-feed-' . $tt_ID); $Settings = get_option('powerpress_taxonomy_podcasting'); if (!empty($Settings[$tt_ID])) { unset($Settings[$tt_ID]); powerpress_save_settings($Settings, 'powerpress_taxonomy_podcasting'); // Delete the feed from the general settings } delete_option('powerpress_taxonomy_' . $tt_ID); // Delete the actual feed settings powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Removed podcast settings for term successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-delete-posttype-feed': // check admin referer prevents xss $feed_slug = esc_attr($_GET['feed_slug']); $post_type = esc_attr($_GET['podcast_post_type']); check_admin_referer('powerpress-delete-posttype-feed-' . $post_type . '_' . $feed_slug); $Settings = get_option('powerpress_posttype_' . $post_type); if (!empty($Settings[$feed_slug])) { unset($Settings[$feed_slug]); update_option('powerpress_posttype_' . $post_type, $Settings); //powerpress_save_settings($Settings, 'powerpress_posttype_'.$post_type); // Delete the feed from the general settings } powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Removed podcast settings for post type successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-podpress-settings': check_admin_referer('powerpress-podpress-settings'); // Import settings here.. if (powerpress_admin_import_podpress_settings()) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Podpress settings imported successfully.', 'powerpress')); } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('No Podpress settings found.', 'powerpress')); } break; case 'powerpress-podcasting-settings': check_admin_referer('powerpress-podcasting-settings'); // Import settings here.. if (powerpress_admin_import_podcasting_settings()) { powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Settings imported from the plugin "Podcasting" successfully.', 'powerpress')); } else { powerpress_page_message_add_error(__('No settings found for the plugin "Podcasting".', 'powerpress')); } break; case 'powerpress-add-caps': check_admin_referer('powerpress-add-caps'); $users = array('administrator', 'editor', 'author'); // , 'contributor', 'subscriber'); while (list($null, $user) = each($users)) { $role = get_role($user); if (!empty($role)) { if (!$role->has_cap('edit_podcast')) { $role->add_cap('edit_podcast'); } if ($user == 'administrator' && !$role->has_cap('view_podcast_stats')) { $role->add_cap('view_podcast_stats'); } } } $General = array('use_caps' => true); powerpress_save_settings($General); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('PowerPress Roles and Capabilities added to WordPress Blog.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-remove-caps': check_admin_referer('powerpress-remove-caps'); $users = array('administrator', 'editor', 'author', 'contributor', 'subscriber'); while (list($null, $user) = each($users)) { $role = get_role($user); if (!empty($role)) { if ($role->has_cap('edit_podcast')) { $role->remove_cap('edit_podcast'); } if ($role->has_cap('view_podcast_stats')) { $role->remove_cap('view_podcast_stats'); } } } $General = array('use_caps' => false); powerpress_save_settings($General); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('PowerPress Roles and Capabilities removed from WordPress Blog', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-add-feed-caps': check_admin_referer('powerpress-add-feed-caps'); $ps_role = get_role('premium_subscriber'); if (empty($ps_role)) { add_role('premium_subscriber', __('Premium Subscriber', 'powerpress')); $ps_role = get_role('premium_subscriber'); $ps_role->add_cap('read'); $ps_role->add_cap('premium_content'); } $users = array('administrator', 'editor', 'author'); // , 'contributor', 'subscriber'); while (list($null, $user) = each($users)) { $role = get_role($user); if (!empty($role)) { if (!$role->has_cap('premium_content')) { $role->add_cap('premium_content'); } } } $General = array('premium_caps' => true); powerpress_save_settings($General); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Podcast Password Protection Capabilities for Custom Channel Feeds added successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-remove-feed-caps': check_admin_referer('powerpress-remove-feed-caps'); $users = array('administrator', 'editor', 'author', 'contributor', 'subscriber', 'premium_subscriber', 'powerpress'); while (list($null, $user) = each($users)) { $role = get_role($user); if (!empty($role)) { if ($role->has_cap('premium_content')) { $role->remove_cap('premium_content'); } } } remove_role('premium_subscriber'); $General = array('premium_caps' => false); powerpress_save_settings($General); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(__('Podcast Password Protection Capabilities for Custom Channel Feeds removed successfully.', 'powerpress')); break; case 'powerpress-clear-update_plugins': check_admin_referer('powerpress-clear-update_plugins'); delete_option('update_plugins'); // OLD method delete_option('_site_transient_update_plugins'); // New method powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('Plugins Update Cache cleared successfully. You may now to go the %s page to see the latest plugin versions.', 'powerpress'), '<a href="' . admin_url() . 'plugins.php" title="' . __('Manage Plugins', 'powerpress') . '">' . __('Manage Plugins', 'powerpress') . '</a>')); break; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'powerpress-migrate-media': require_once POWERPRESS_ABSPATH . '/powerpressadmin-migrate.php'; powerpress_admin_migrate_request(); break; } } } // Handle edit from category page if (isset($_POST['from_categories'])) { wp_redirect('edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category&message=3'); exit; } // Hnadle player settings require_once POWERPRESS_ABSPATH . '/powerpressadmin-player.php'; powerpress_admin_players_init(); }
function powerpressadmin_podpress_delete_data() { global $wpdb; // Delete podpress data from database... $query = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key LIKE 'podPress%'"; $deleted_count = $wpdb->query($query); powerpress_page_message_add_notice(sprintf(__('PodPress data deleted from database successfully. (%d database records removed)', 'powerpress'), $deleted_count)); }