public function reply($app, $id) { if (!$app->user->isLoggedIn()) { $app->output->redirect('/'); } try { $id_dec = $app->hashids->decrypt($id); $ticket = SupportTicket::find('first', ['conditions' => ['id = ? AND status != ?', $id_dec, SupportTicket::STATUS_CLOSED], 'include' => ['user']]); if (!$ticket || !($app->user->isRank('Support Technician') || $app->user->id == $ticket->user_id)) { $app->output->redirect('/support'); } $request = $app->router->flight->request(); $reply = SupportReply::create(['support_id' => $ticket->id, 'user_id' => $app->user->id, 'body' => $request->data->body ? $request->data->body : '']); $reply->reload(); $ticket->last_reply = $reply->created_at; $ticket->status = $app->user->isRank('Support Technician') && $app->user->id != $ticket->user_id ? SupportTicket::STATUS_CUSTOMERREPLY : SupportTicket::STATUS_STAFFREPLY; $ticket->save(); if ($ticket->status == SupportTicket::STATUS_CUSTOMERREPLY) { $notification = Notification::create(['user_id' => $app->user->id, 'receiver_id' => $ticket->user_id, 'title' => 'SUPPORT', 'body' => 'A staff member has responded to your open support ticket ([#' . $app->hashids->encrypt($ticket->id) . '](' . $app->config->get('core.url') . '/support/view/' . $app->hashids->encrypt($ticket->id) . ')).']); } else { if ($ticket->status == SupportTicket::STATUS_STAFFREPLY) { $replies = SupportReply::find('all', ['conditions' => ['support_id = ?', $ticket->id], 'order' => 'id ASC']); $ticket_user = $ticket->user_id; $staff = array_filter(array_unique(array_map(function ($reply) { return $reply->user_id; }, $replies)), function ($staff_member) use($ticket_user) { return $staff_member != $ticket_user; }); foreach ($staff as $idx => $staff_member) { $notification = Notification::create(['user_id' => $ticket->user_id, 'receiver_id' => $staff_member, 'title' => 'SUPPORT', 'body' => 'A user has responded to an open support ticket ([#' . $app->hashids->encrypt($ticket->id) . '](' . $app->config->get('core.url') . '/support/view/' . $app->hashids->encrypt($ticket->id) . ')) that you have addressed.']); } } } $app->output->redirect('/support/view/' . $id); } catch (Hashids_Invalid $e) { $app->logger->log('SupportTicket ID given was invalid', 'ERROR', array('object' => 'SupportTicket', 'id' => $id, 'pathway' => 'reply'), 'user'); $app->output->notFound(); } }
public function manageTickets($app) { if (!$app->user->isLoggedIn() || !$app->user->isRank('Support Technician')) { $app->logger->log('Unauthorized access to Admin CP', 'ALERT', array(), 'admin'); $app->output->redirect('/'); } $tickets = SupportTicket::find('all', array('order' => 'last_reply DESC')); $app->output->addBreadcrumb('admin', 'Dashboard'); $app->output->addBreadcrumb('admin/tickets', 'Manage Support Tickets'); $app->output->setTitle('Manage Support Tickets'); $app->output->setActiveTab('admin'); $app->output->render('', ['tickets' => $tickets]); }