$oldpw = $this->GetPreference('masterpass');
     if ($oldpw) {
         $oldpw = StripeGate\Utils::unfusc($oldpw);
     $newpw = trim($params['masterpass']);
     if ($oldpw != $newpw) {
         //update all data which uses current password
         $pre = cms_db_prefix();
         $sql = 'SELECT account_id,privtoken,testprivtoken FROM ' . $pre . 'module_sgt_account';
         $rst = $db->Execute($sql);
         if ($rst) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $pre . 'module_sgt_account SET privtoken=?,testprivtoken=? WHERE account_id=?';
             while (!$rst->EOF) {
                 $t = StripeGate\Utils::decrypt_value($mod, $rst->fields[1], $oldpw);
                 $t = $newpw ? StripeGate\Utils::encrypt_value($mod, $t, $newpw) : StripeGate\Utils::fusc($t);
                 $t2 = StripeGate\Utils::decrypt_value($mod, $rst->fields[2], $oldpw);
                 $t2 = $newpw ? StripeGate\Utils::encrypt_value($mod, $t2, $newpw) : StripeGate\Utils::fusc($t2);
                 $db->Execute($sql, array($t, $t2, $rst->fields[0]));
                 if (!$rst->MoveNext()) {
         //TODO if record-table data is encrypted
         if ($newpw) {
             $newpw = StripeGate\Utils::fusc($newpw);
         $this->SetPreference('masterpass', $newpw);
U.S. businesses can accept
 Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, Diners Club.
Australian, Canadian, European, and Japanese businesses can accept
 Visa, MasterCard, American Express.
if ($row['usetest']) {
    if ($row['testprivtoken']) {
        $privkey = StripeGate\Utils::decrypt_value($this, $row['testprivtoken']);
    } else {
        $privkey = FALSE;
} else {
    if ($row['privtoken']) {
        $privkey = StripeGate\Utils::decrypt_value($this, $row['privtoken']);
    } else {
        $privkey = FALSE;
if (!$privkey) {
    echo $this->Lang('err_parameter');
$account = Stripe\Account::retrieve($privkey);
if ($account) {
    $data = $account->__toArray();
    switch ($data['country']) {
        case 'AU':
        case 'CA':
        case 'JP':
    $oneset->input = $this->CreateInputText($id, 'pubtoken', $row['pubtoken'], 32, 48);
    //	$oneset->help = $this->Lang('');
    $settings[] = $oneset;
    $oneset = new stdClass();
    $oneset->title = $this->Lang('title_privtoken');
    $oneset->input = $this->CreateInputText($id, 'privtoken', StripeGate\Utils::decrypt_value($this, $row['privtoken']), 32, 48);
    //	$oneset->help = $this->Lang('');
    $settings[] = $oneset;
    $oneset = new stdClass();
    $oneset->title = $this->Lang('title_testpubtoken');
    $oneset->input = $this->CreateInputText($id, 'testpubtoken', $row['testpubtoken'], 32, 48);
    //	$oneset->help = $this->Lang('');
    $settings[] = $oneset;
    $oneset = new stdClass();
    $oneset->title = $this->Lang('title_testprivtoken');
    $oneset->input = $this->CreateInputText($id, 'testprivtoken', StripeGate\Utils::decrypt_value($this, $row['testprivtoken']), 32, 48);
    //$oneset->help = $this->Lang('');
    $settings[] = $oneset;
    $oneset = new stdClass();
    $oneset->title = $this->Lang('title_usetest');
    $oneset->input = $this->CreateInputCheckbox($id, 'usetest', 1, $row['usetest']);
    //	$oneset->help = $this->Lang('');
    $settings[] = $oneset;
    $none = '<' . $this->Lang('none') . '>';
    $choices = array($none => 0);
    //CMSMS function check_permission() is buggy, always returns false for
    //everyone other than the current user, so we replicate its backend operation here
    $pref = cms_db_prefix();
    $sql = <<<EOS
SELECT DISTINCT U.user_id,U.username,U.first_name,U.last_name FROM {$pref}users U
JOIN {$pref}user_groups UG ON U.user_id = UG.user_id