 @mod: reference to current StripeGate module object
 @account_id: index of account to process, or array of such indices,
 	or FALSE if @record_id is provided
 @record_id: index of record to process, or array of such indices,
 	or FALSE to process @account_id, default=FALSE
 @fp: handle of open file, if writing data to disk, or FALSE if constructing in memory, default = FALSE
 @$sep: field-separator in output data, assumed single-byte ASCII, default = ','
 Constructs a CSV string for specified/all records belonging to @account_id,
 and returns the string or writes it progressively to the file associated with @fp
 (which must be opened and closed upstream)
 To avoid field-corruption, existing separators in headings or data are converted
 to something else, generally like &#...;
 (except when the separator is '&', '#' or ';', those become %...%)
 Returns: TRUE/string, or FALSE on error
 private function CSV(&$mod, $account_id = FALSE, $record_id = FALSE, $fp = FALSE, $sep = ',')
     global $db;
     $pref = cms_db_prefix();
     $adata = $db->GetAssoc('SELECT account_id,name,currency,amountformat FROM ' . $pref . 'module_sgt_account');
     if (!$adata) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($account_id) {
         if (is_array($account_id)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT record_id FROM ' . $pref . 'module_sgt_record WHERE account_id IN(' . implode('?,', count($account_id) - 1) . '?) ORDER BY account_id,recorded';
             $all = $db->GetCol($sql, $account_id);
         } else {
             $sql = 'SELECT record_id FROM ' . $pref . 'module_sgt_record WHERE account_id=? ORDER BY recorded';
             $all = $db->GetCol($sql, array($account_id));
     } elseif ($record_id) {
         if (is_array($record_id)) {
             $all = $record_id;
         } else {
             $all = array($record_id);
     } else {
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($adata as $id => &$row) {
         $row['symbol'] = StripeGate\Utils::GetSymbol($row['currency']);
     if ($fp && ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding') !== FALSE) {
         //send to file, and conversion is possible
         $config = cmsms()->GetConfig();
         if (!empty($config['default_encoding'])) {
             $defchars = trim($config['default_encoding']);
         } else {
             $defchars = 'UTF-8';
         $expchars = $mod->GetPreference('export_file_encoding', 'ISO-8859-1');
         $convert = strcasecmp($expchars, $defchars) != 0;
     } else {
         $convert = FALSE;
     $sep2 = $sep != ' ' ? ' ' : ',';
     switch ($sep) {
         case '&':
             $r = '%38%';
         case '#':
             $r = '%35%';
         case ';':
             $r = '%59%';
             $r = '&#' . ord($sep) . ';';
     $strip = $mod->GetPreference('strip_on_export', FALSE);
     //header line
     $outstr = implode($sep, array('account', 'amount', 'recorded', 'stripe identifier', 'paywhat', 'payfor'));
     $outstr .= PHP_EOL;
     if ($all) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $pref . 'module_sgt_record WHERE record_id IN(' . implode(',', $all) . ')';
         $all = $db->GetArray($sql);
         //data lines(s)
         foreach ($all as &$row) {
             $aid = (int) $row['account_id'];
             $fv = $adata[$aid]['name'];
             if ($strip) {
                 $fv = strip_tags($fv);
             $fv = str_replace($sep, $r, $fv);
             $outstr .= preg_replace('/[\\n\\t\\r]/', $sep2, $fv);
             foreach ($row as $fn => $fv) {
                 switch ($fn) {
                     case 'amount':
                         $outstr .= $sep . StripeGate\Utils::GetPublicAmount($fv, $adata[$aid]['amountformat'], $adata[$aid]['symbol']);
                     case 'recorded':
                         $outstr .= $sep . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $fv);
                         if ($strip) {
                             $fv = strip_tags($fv);
                         $fv = str_replace($sep, $r, $fv);
                         $outstr .= $sep . preg_replace('/[\\n\\t\\r]/', $sep2, $fv);
             $outstr .= PHP_EOL;
             if ($fp) {
                 if ($convert) {
                     $conv = mb_convert_encoding($outstr, $expchars, $defchars);
                     fwrite($fp, $conv);
                 } else {
                     fwrite($fp, $outstr);
                 $outstr = '';
         if ($fp) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return $outstr;
         //encoding conversion upstream
     } else {
         //no data, produce just a header line
         if ($fp) {
             if ($convert) {
                 $conv = mb_convert_encoding($outstr, $expchars, $defchars);
                 fwrite($fp, $conv);
             } else {
                 fwrite($fp, $outstr);
             return TRUE;
         return $outstr;
         //encoding conversion upstream
//missing-value errors
$err1 = $this->Lang('err_nonum');
$err2 = $this->Lang('err_nocvc');
$err3 = $this->Lang('err_nomonth');
$err4 = $this->Lang('err_noyear');
$err5 = $this->Lang('err_noamount');
$err6 = $this->Lang('err_nowho');
$err7 = $this->Lang('err_nopurpose');
//bad-value errors
$err12 = $this->Lang('err_badnum');
$err13 = $this->Lang('err_badmonth');
$yr = date('Y');
$cent = substr($yr, 0, 2);
$err14 = $this->Lang('err_badyear', $yr);
$rawmin = preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $row['minpay']);
$min = StripeGate\Utils::GetPublicAmount($rawmin, $row['amountformat'], $symbol);
$err15 = $this->Lang('err_toosmall', $min);
if (preg_match('/^(.*)?(S)(\\W+)?(\\d*)$/', $row['amountformat'], $matches)) {
    $sep = $matches[1] ? $symbol : $matches[3];
    $places = strlen($matches[4]);
} else {
    //defaults like US$
    $sep = '.';
    $places = 2;
$jsfuncs = array();
$jsloads = array();
$jsincs = array();
$baseurl = $this->GetModuleURLPath();
$jsfuncs[] = <<<EOS
function lock_inputs() {

    $tplvars['cssscript'] = $t;
//button label
$symbol = StripeGate\Utils::GetSymbol($row['currency']);
if (strpos($params['amount'], $symbol) !== FALSE) {
    $t = $symbol;
} else {
    $t = '';
//cope with optional currency symbol in amount
$amount = StripeGate\Utils::GetPrivateAmount($params['amount'], $row['amountformat'], $t);
$public = StripeGate\Utils::GetPublicAmount($amount, $row['amountformat'], $symbol);
$tplvars['submit'] = $this->Lang('pay', $public);
NB CMSMS top interpreter (index.php) includes undocumented response to a parameter 'showtemplate' == 'false' (NO prefix, NOT any other flavour of FALSE)
instead of that, the backend ajax processor clears all output buffers before reporting
NB maybe faster to provide a returnid to index.php, instead of forcing it to interpret the default
//ajax-parameters : mimic API link-creators
$myname = $this->GetName();
$ajaxfirst = "mact={$myname},cntnt01,payprocess,0&cntnt01stg_account={$row['account_id']}&cntnt01stg_amount={$amount}&cntnt01stg_token=";
$defaulterr = $this->Lang('err_pay');
$jsincs[] = <<<EOS
<script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js"></script>
$jsloads[] = <<<EOS
 var handler = StripeCheckout.configure({