public function action_index($modelName) { $model = $this->getClassObject($modelName); $columnModel = $model::first(); Input::flash(); if (Input::get($modelName) != null && $this->addConditions($model, $modelName)->first() != null) { $columnModel = $this->addConditions($model, $modelName)->first(); } if ($columnModel == null) { return Redirect::to("/lara_admin/models/{$modelName}/new"); } $columns = $columnModel->columns(); $sort_options = $this->setOrderOptions($columns); $models = $this->addConditions($model, $modelName)->order_by($sort_options["column_order"], $sort_options["sort_direction"])->paginate($model->perPage); $request_uri = Request::server("REQUEST_URI"); $request_uri = preg_replace("/&order=[^&]*/", "", $request_uri); if (!preg_match("/\\?/i", Request::server("REQUEST_URI"))) { $request_uri .= "?"; } //TODO function getCustomAction $name_custom_action = "lara_admin::" . Str::plural(Str::lower($modelName)) . "." . preg_replace("/action_/", "", __FUNCTION__); if (View::exists($name_custom_action) != false) { $view = View::make($name_custom_action, array("sort_options" => $sort_options, "request_uri" => $request_uri, "modelName" => $modelName, "modelInstance" => $model, "models" => $models, "columns" => $columns)); } else { $view = View::make("lara_admin::models.index", array("sort_options" => $sort_options, "request_uri" => $request_uri, "modelName" => $modelName, "modelInstance" => $model, "models" => $models, "columns" => $columns)); } $this->defaultAttrForLayout($modelName, $view); return $this->response_with(array("xml", "json", "csv"), $this->collectionToArray($models->results), true); }
public function resource($arguments) { $pluralize = new Laravel\Pluralizer(Laravel\Config::get('strings')); foreach ($arguments as $key => $model) { $content = array(); $nameClass = ucwords($model); $content[] = "<?php namespace Admin;"; $content[] = "class {$nameClass} extends Appmodel{"; $content[] = "\tpublic static \$table ='" . Str::plural($model) . "'; "; $content[] = "\tpublic \$index= array(); "; $content[] = "\tpublic \$new=array(); "; $content[] = "\tpublic \$edit= array(); "; $content[] = "\tpublic \$show= array(); "; $content[] = "\tpublic \$rules= array(); "; $content[] = "}"; $DS = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $path = path('bundle') . $DS . "lara_admin" . $DS . "models" . $DS . strtolower($model) . ".php"; if (!file_exists($path)) { file_put_contents($path, implode(" \n ", $content)); echo "done"; } else { echo " already exists. send force like third parameter"; } } }
public function generate($args) { if (count($args) != 1) { die(self::$usageMessage); } $model = $args[0]; $table = Str::plural(Str::lower($model)); $options = array('Model' => $model, 'Table' => $table, 'DefaultField' => 'text', 'ParentID' => 'parent_id', 'Leaf' => 'leaf'); $r = new ReflectionClass($model); preg_match_all('#@(.*?)\\n#s', $r->getDocComment(), $annotations); if (!empty($annotations)) { foreach ($annotations[0] as $annotation) { preg_match('#@(?P<name>\\w+)[ ]*(\\([ ]*(?P<value>\\w+)[ ]*\\))?\\n#s', $annotation, $a); if (array_key_exists($a['name'], $options)) { $options[$a['name']] = $a['value']; } } } $columns = DB::query('SHOW columns from ' . $table); if (Cache::has('ext' . $model, $columns)) { $was_cached = true; } else { Cache::forever('ext' . $model, $columns); $was_cached = false; } // Generate code $this->generateExtModel($columns, $model, $options); $this->generateGrid($columns, $model, $options, $was_cached); $this->generateForm($columns, $model, $options, $was_cached); $this->generateTree($model, $options, $was_cached); /**************************************************************/ echo 'Task executed successfully'; }
/** * Get the @class (Class Name) associated with the model. * * @return string */ public function getTable() { if (isset($this->table)) { return $this->table; } return str_replace('\\', '', Str::snake(Str::plural(class_basename($this)))); }
/** * */ public function fire() { // get ID for next step $selectedResource = $this->pickResource(); $this->info('Retrieving resource data for ' . $selectedResource->ResourceID); // get meta Classes for Resource // now we need to know what tables to get $selectedClasses = $this->pickClasses($selectedResource->ResourceID); // we're going to get metadata to retrieve $fieldMetadata = []; // loop over selection and get table foreach ($selectedClasses as $class) { // pull meta for table $metaTable = $this->rets->getTable($selectedResource->ResourceID, (string) $class->ClassName); // time to create date $fieldMetadata = array_merge($fieldMetadata, $this->parseFields('class_' . (string) $class->ClassName, $metaTable)); } // pull metadata if (!empty($fieldMetadata)) { $this->info('We need to pull data for ' . count($fieldMetadata) . ' ' . \Str::plural('field', count($fieldMetadata))); foreach ($fieldMetadata as $meta_id => $id) { $fieldData = $this->rets->getFieldMetadata($selectedResource->ResourceID, $meta_id); try { RetsField::createFromXml($fieldData[0]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } } } else { $this->info('Looks like we not able to find a single field that requires metadata look up. Skipping.'); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function fire() { if (parent::fire() !== false) { if ($this->option('migration')) { $table = Str::plural(Str::snake(class_basename($this->argument('name')))); $this->call('make:rethink-migration', ['name' => "create_{$table}_table", '--create' => $table]); } } }
public function hasMtm($model, $method = null, $modelName = null) { if (!$model) { throw new \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException(); } $method = $method ?: \Str::plural(\Str::lower($modelName)); return !$this->{$method}->filter(function ($nthModel) use($model) { return $nthModel->id == $model->id; })->isEmpty(); }
/** * This method is responsible for generation all * source from the templates, and populating the * files array. * * @return void */ private function _model_generation() { $prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : Str::classify($this->bundle) . '_'; // set up the markers for replacement within source $markers = array('#CLASS#' => $prefix . $this->class_prefix . $this->class, '#LOWER#' => $this->lower, '#TIMESTAMPS#' => $this->_timestamps); // loud our model template $template = Common::load_template('model/model.tpl'); // holder for relationships source $relationships_source = ''; // loop through our relationships foreach ($this->arguments as $relation) { // if we have a valid relation if (!strstr($relation, ':')) { continue; } // split $relation_parts = explode(':', Str::lower($relation)); // we need two parts if (!count($relation_parts) == 2) { continue; } // markers for relationships $rel_markers = array('#SINGULAR#' => Str::lower(Str::singular($relation_parts[1])), '#PLURAL#' => Str::lower(Str::plural($relation_parts[1])), '#WORD#' => Str::classify(Str::singular($relation_parts[1])), '#WORDS#' => Str::classify(Str::plural($relation_parts[1]))); // start with blank $relationship_template = ''; // use switch to decide which template switch ($relation_parts[0]) { case "has_many": case "hm": $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/has_many.tpl'); break; case "belongs_to": case "bt": $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/belongs_to.tpl'); break; case "has_one": case "ho": $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/has_one.tpl'); break; case "has_and_belongs_to_many": case "hbm": $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/has_and_belongs_to_many.tpl'); break; } // add it to the source $relationships_source .= Common::replace_markers($rel_markers, $relationship_template); } // add a marker to replace the relationships stub // in the model template $markers['#RELATIONS#'] = $relationships_source; // add the generated model to the writer $this->writer->create_file('Model', $prefix . $this->class_prefix . $this->class, $this->bundle_path . 'models/' . $this->class_path . $this->lower . EXT, Common::replace_markers($markers, $template)); }
public function store() { //make plural, title case $title = mb_convert_case(Str::plural(Input::get('title')), MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8'); //determine table name, todo check if unique $name = Str::slug($title, '_'); //model name $model = Str::singular(Str::studly($title)); //enforce predence always ascending $order_by = Input::get('order_by'); $direction = Input::get('direction'); if ($order_by == 'precedence') { $direction = 'asc'; } //create entry in objects table for new object $object_id = DB::table(DB_OBJECTS)->insertGetId(['title' => $title, 'name' => $name, 'model' => $model, 'order_by' => $order_by, 'direction' => $direction, 'list_grouping' => Input::get('list_grouping'), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_by' => Auth::user()->id]); //create title field for table by default DB::table(DB_FIELDS)->insert(['title' => 'Title', 'name' => 'title', 'type' => 'string', 'visibility' => 'list', 'required' => 1, 'object_id' => $object_id, 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_by' => Auth::user()->id, 'precedence' => 1]); self::addTable($name, true); self::saveSchema(); return Redirect::action('InstanceController@index', $name); }
public function getCommit($sessid) { $heads = Importsession::where('sessId', '=', $sessid)->where('isHead', '=', 1)->first(); $heads = $heads['heads']; $imports = Importsession::where('sessId', '=', $sessid)->where('isHead', '=', 0)->take(200)->skip(0)->get(); $headselect = array(); foreach ($heads as $h) { $headselect[$h] = $h; } $title = $this->controller_name; $submit = is_null($this->import_commit_submit) ? strtolower($this->controller_name) . '/commit/' . $sessid : $this->import_commit_submit . '/' . $sessid; $controller_name = strtolower($this->controller_name); $import_validate_list = $this->import_validate_list; $this->title = $this->title == '' ? Str::plural($this->controller_name) : Str::plural($this->title); Breadcrumbs::addCrumb($this->title, URL::to($controller_name)); Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Import ' . $this->title, URL::to($controller_name . '/import')); Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Preview', URL::to($controller_name . '/import')); return View::make('shared.commitselect')->with('title', $title)->with('submit', $submit)->with('headselect', $headselect)->with('import_validate_list', $import_validate_list)->with('heads', $heads)->with('back', $controller_name . '/import')->with('imports', $imports); }
/** * @param $entity */ protected function generateEntity($entity) { $temp = new RestfulOperations($entity); $temp->generate(); $this->api('index')->apis([['path' => \Str::plural($entity)]]); }
case 'transactions': case 'transfers': echo '<li><a href="/home/' . $segments[1] . '">' . ucfirst($segments[1]) . '</a> <span class="divider">/</span></li>'; echo '<li class="active">Overview of all ' . $segments[1] . '</li>'; break; case 'account': case 'budget': case 'category': case 'transaction': case 'transfer': case 'beneficiary': case 'target': // account has its own overview, so it needs to be visible in the // edit screen if (isset($segments[2])) { echo '<li><a href="/home/' . Str::plural($segments[1]) . '">' . ucfirst(Str::plural($segments[1])) . '</a> <span class="divider">/</span></li>'; switch ($segments[2]) { case 'add': echo '<li class="active">Add a new ' . $segments[1] . '</li>'; break; case 'edit': if (!in_array($segments[1], array('transaction', 'transfer'))) { echo '<li><a href="/home/' . $segments[1] . '/overview/' . $segments[3] . '">' . ucfirst($segments[1]) . ' overview</a> <span class="divider">/</span></li>'; } echo '<li class="active">Edit ' . $segments[1] . '</li>'; break; case 'overview': echo '<li class="active">' . ucfirst($segments[1]) . ' overview</li>'; break; case 'overspending': echo '<li class="active">' . ucfirst($segments[1]) . ' overspending</li>';
/** * Get the name of the table associated with the model. * * @return string */ public static function table() { return static::$table ?: strtolower(Str::plural(class_basename(new static()))); }
<ul class="templates-list"> <?php echo View::make('projects.partials.template_lis')->with('templates', $templates)->with('project', $project); ?> <?php if ($more_templates_count) { ?> <li class="show-more"> <a class="show-more-templates-link" data-href="<?php echo e(route('project_more_templates', array($project->id))); ?> ">See <?php echo e($more_templates_count); ?> more <?php echo e(Str::plural('template', $more_templates_count)); ?> ...</a> <img class="spinner" src="<?php echo e(asset('img/spinner.gif')); ?> " /> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <h5><?php echo __("r.projects.template.scratch_header"); ?> </h5>
/** * Get the plural form of an English word. * * @param string $value * @param int $count * @return string */ function str_plural($value, $count = 2) { return Str::plural($value, $count); }
/** * Generate resource (model, controller, and views) * * @param $args array * @return void */ public function resource($args) { if ($this->should_include_tests($args)) { $args = array_diff($args, array('with_tests')); } // Pluralize controller name if (!preg_match('/admin|config/', $args[0])) { $args[0] = Str::plural($args[0]); } // If only the resource name was provided, let's build out the full resource map. if (count($args) === 1) { $args = array($args[0], 'index', 'index:post', 'show', 'edit', 'new', 'update:put', 'destroy:delete', 'restful'); } $this->controller($args); // Singular for everything else $resource_name = Str::singular(array_shift($args)); // Should we include tests? if (isset($this->should_include_tests)) { $this->test(array_merge(array(Str::plural($resource_name)), $args)); } if ($this->is_restful($args)) { // Remove that restful item from the array. No longer needed. $args = array_diff($args, array('restful')); } $args = $this->determine_views($args); // Let's take any supplied view names, and set them // in the resource name's directory. $views = array_map(function ($val) use($resource_name) { return "{$resource_name}.{$val}"; }, $args); $this->view($views); $this->model($resource_name); }
/** * Get cache id * * @return mixed */ protected function cacheID() { return \Str::plural(\Str::lower($this->itemClass())); }
public function getCommit($sessid) { $heads = Importsession::where('sessId', '=', $sessid)->where('isHead', '=', 1)->first(); $heads = $heads['heads']; $imports = Importsession::where('sessId', '=', $sessid)->where('isHead', '=', 0)->get(); $headselect = array(); foreach ($heads as $h) { $headselect[$h] = $h; } $vl = $this->validateData($imports->toArray()); $dbval = $vl['db']; $inval = $vl['in']; $title = $this->controller_name; $submit = strtolower($this->controller_name) . '/commit/' . $sessid; $controller_name = strtolower($this->controller_name); $this->title = $this->title == '' ? Str::plural($this->controller_name) : Str::plural($this->title); Breadcrumbs::addCrumb($this->title, URL::to($controller_name)); Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Import ' . $this->title, URL::to($controller_name . '/import')); Breadcrumbs::addCrumb('Preview', URL::to($controller_name . '/import')); return View::make('importer.commitselect')->with('title', $title)->with('submit', $submit)->with('headselect', $headselect)->with('heads', $heads)->with('dbval', $dbval)->with('inval', $inval)->with('back', $controller_name . '/import')->with('imports', $imports); }
/** * Generates a new controller. * @param Array $arguments Contains the name and fields. * @return */ public function model($arguments) { // Check if there are any arguments. if (count($arguments) == 0) { // Exit; echo "Error: No arguments given."; return false; } // Create the filename with the first argument being the name of the model. $filename = $arguments[0] . ".php"; // Create half of the migration filename. We will need to prefix it with // the date and the path. $mfilename = 'create_' . Str::plural(strtolower($arguments[0])) . "_table.php"; // Get a CamelCase version of the name for the class name. $name = ucfirst($arguments[0]); // Get a plural definition of the name. $uname = Str::plural($arguments[0]); // Delete it from the array so we can loop through the rest of the arguments. unset($arguments[0]); // Create a new schema. With the plural name of the model for the table. $schema = ' Schema::create(\'' . $uname . '\', function($table){ '; // Create the migration beginning. With a class. $migration = "<?php\n\nclass Create_" . $name . "s_Table{\n\n\t\t"; // Check to see if there are any arguments passed. if (count($arguments) !== 0) { // Set the fields variable. $fields = null; // Append an increment 'id'. This is set on ALL tables by default. $fields .= " \t\$table->increments('id');"; //Loop through each arguments to set their schema and properties. foreach ($arguments as $m) { // Seperate the argument by a ":". Left Side == Value, Right Side == Type. $explode = explode(':', $m); // Set the field name to the first index. $field_name = $explode[0]; // Set the type to the second index if it's available. Otherwise default to a 'string'. $type = isset($explode[1]) ? $explode[1] : 'string'; // Getting the length: $length_explode = explode("[", $type); $type = $length_explode[0]; /** * If there's more than one index, that means they included a * length delimeter. */ if (count($length_explode) > 1) { //Yup there's a length! But replace the last "]" with blank. $length = str_replace("]", "", $length_explode[1]); if (!is_numeric($length)) { unset($length); } } // ./count // Check which type and use the following code. switch ($type) { case "integer": $default_length = isset($length) && is_numeric($length) ? $length : 11; if (!isset($length)) { $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->integer('{$field_name}');"; } else { $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->integer('{$field_name}', {$length});"; } break; case "string": $default_length = isset($length) && is_numeric($length) ? $length : 100; if (!isset($length)) { $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->string('{$field_name}', {$default_length});"; } else { $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->string('{$field_name}', {$default_length});"; } break; case "boolean": $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->boolean('{$field_name}');"; break; case "timestamp": $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->timestamp('{$field_name}');"; break; case "text": if (!isset($length)) { $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->text('{$field_name}');"; } else { $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->text('{$field_name}', {$length});"; } break; case "blob": $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->blob('{$field_name}');"; break; case "float": $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->float('{$field_name}');"; break; case "date": $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->date('{$field_name}');"; break; } // ./switch unset($length); } // ./foreach // Add the timestamps; $fields .= "\n \t\t\t\$table->timestamps();"; // Append the fields set in the switch statement to the schema block. $schema .= $fields; } // ./if // Append the closing }, and ) for the closure, and function call. $schema .= "\n \t\t});"; // Append the "up" method that now contains the newly // created schema. $migration .= "\n\t\t\t\t\n \tpublic function up()\n\t{\n\t\t\t{$schema}\n\t}\n\t\t\t\t"; // Append the migration file with a closing "}", which ends the class. $migration .= "\n}"; // Get the path to the migration folder, and create the new file name by // prefixing the current date to the file. $mpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '\\..\\migrations\\') . '\\' . date('Y_m_d_His') . "_" . $mfilename; // Check if the file already exists, which will always return false // since the date and time will always be different. // TODO: Find a better way??? if (!file_exists($mpath)) { // Write the new migration file. file_put_contents($mpath, $migration); } else { // The migration file has already been created. // This will always return FALSE right now. echo "The migration already exists."; // Close. return; } /** * Next Step: Create the model file. */ // Start the file with a php tag and the opening class with the model name. $model = "<?php\n\t\t\t\nclass {$name} extends Eloquent{\n\t\t\t\n}\n\n\t\t"; // Find the path to the models directory, and append the new file name. $path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '\\..\\models\\') . '\\' . $filename; // Check if the model has already been created. // Return false if it has. // TODO: Maybe add an overwrite option?? // TODO: Delete the previously created migration file, if the model // creation fails. if (!file_exists($path)) { // Create the new model file. file_put_contents($path, $model); } else { // Ooops. echo "Model already exists."; // TODO: Add the overwrite command??? } }
/** * Get the table associated with the model. * * @return string */ public function getTable() { $table = \Config::get('auditing.table'); if (isset($table)) { return $table; } return str_replace('\\', '', Str::snake(Str::plural(class_basename($this)))); }
function showTransactions($object) { $id = intval(Input::get('id')); $start = new Carbon(Input::get('start')); $end = new Carbon(Input::get('end')); $objects = Str::plural($object); // we might filter on expenses or incomes: $modifier = Input::get('modifier'); // we might need to filter on a certain object. // this object is called the child. // so the object might be an account, and the child might be beneficiary $children = Input::get('childType'); // yes this is confusing. $child = !is_null($children) ? Str::singular($children) : null; // find the ID that this child signifies. // this might be a beneficiary name or a budget name $selection = Input::get('childValue'); $selectedItem = false; // false means no selection made. if (!strstr($selection, '(no ') === false) { $selectedItem = null; // null means select where NULL. } if (!is_null($selection) && $selectedItem === false) { // find it: switch ($child) { default: // just find it. $items = Auth::user()->{$children}()->get(); foreach ($items as $item) { if (Crypt::decrypt($item->name) == $selection) { $selectedItem = $item; } } break; case 'budget': // keep the date in mind! $split = explode('(', $selection); $budget_name = trim($split[0]); $dateStr = trim(str_replace(')', '', $split[1])); $date = new Carbon($dateStr); $budgets = Auth::user()->budgets()->where('date', '=', $date->format('Y-m-d'))->get(); foreach ($budgets as $b) { if (Crypt::decrypt($b->name) == $budget_name) { $selectedItem = $b; } } break; } } //var_dump($selectedItem);exit; $db = Auth::user()->{$objects}()->find($id); // create (and find) a cache key: $key = cacheKey('PieChart', $id, $start, $end, $objects, $children, $modifier, $selection); if (Cache::has($key)) { return Response::json(Cache::get($key)); } if (!$db) { return App::abort(404); } // find the transactions and transfers for $object in range. $index = 0; $data = array('cols' => array(array('id' => 'date', 'label' => 'Date', 'type' => 'date'), array('id' => 'description', 'label' => 'Description', 'type' => 'string'), array('id' => 'amount', 'label' => 'Amount', 'type' => 'number'), array('id' => 'account', 'label' => 'Account(s)', 'type' => 'string'), array('id' => 'budget', 'label' => 'Budget', 'type' => 'string'), array('id' => 'category', 'label' => 'Category', 'type' => 'string'), array('id' => 'beneficiary', 'label' => 'Beneficiary', 'type' => 'string'), array('id' => 'target', 'label' => 'Target', 'type' => 'string')), 'rows' => array()); $transactionsQuery = $db->transactions()->leftJoin('accounts', '', '=', 'account_id')->leftJoin('budgets', '', '=', 'budget_id')->leftJoin('categories', '', '=', 'category_id')->leftJoin('beneficiaries', '', '=', 'beneficiary_id')->orderBy('', 'DESC')->where('', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))->where('', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d')); if ($modifier == 'income') { $transactionsQuery->where('transactions.amount', '>', 0); } else { if ($modifier == 'expenses') { $transactionsQuery->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0); } } if (is_null($selectedItem)) { $transactionsQuery->whereNull($child . '_id'); } else { if (!is_null($selectedItem) && !$selectedItem === false) { $transactionsQuery->where($child . '_id', '=', $selectedItem->id); } } $transactions = $transactionsQuery->get(array('', ' AS account_name', ' AS budget_name', ' AS category_name', ' AS beneficiary_name', '', 'description', 'transactions.amount', 'onetime')); foreach ($transactions as $t) { $date = new Carbon($t->date); $data['rows'][$index]['c'][0]['v'] = 'Date(' . intval($date->format('Y')) . ', ' . (intval($date->format('n')) - 1) . ', ' . intval($date->format('j')) . ')'; $data['rows'][$index]['c'][1]['v'] = Crypt::decrypt($t->description); $data['rows'][$index]['c'][2]['v'] = floatval($t->amount); $data['rows'][$index]['c'][3]['v'] = is_null($t->account_name) ? null : Crypt::decrypt($t->account_name); $data['rows'][$index]['c'][4]['v'] = is_null($t->budget_name) ? null : Crypt::decrypt($t->budget_name); $data['rows'][$index]['c'][5]['v'] = is_null($t->category_name) ? null : Crypt::decrypt($t->category_name); $data['rows'][$index]['c'][6]['v'] = is_null($t->beneficiary_name) ? null : Crypt::decrypt($t->beneficiary_name); $data['rows'][$index]['c'][7]['v'] = null; $index++; } Cache::put($key, $data, 1440); return Response::json($data); }
/** * Creates a camel plural */ public function transformPluralCamel($key, $value) { return array(Str::plural(Str::camel($key)), Str::plural(Str::camel($value))); }
public function doImport() { var_dump($_FILES); var_dump($_POST); exit; define('LESSEVENTS', true); if (strlen(Input::get('payload_text')) == 0) { $payload = Input::file('payload'); $raw = File::get($payload); } else { $raw = Input::get('payload_text'); } $json = json_decode($raw, true); $firstIcon = Icon::first(); $old = array(Auth::user()->accounts()->get(), Auth::user()->budgets()->get(), Auth::user()->categories()->get(), Auth::user()->beneficiaries()->get(), Auth::user()->settings()->get(), Auth::user()->targets()->get()); $mapping = array(); $order = array('account', 'beneficiary', 'budget', 'category', 'target', 'transaction', 'transfer', 'setting'); if (is_null($json)) { Session::flash('error', 'This is not a valid JSON file.'); return View::make('home.import'); } foreach ($order as $name) { $names = Str::plural($name); foreach ($json[$names] as $item) { $class = ucfirst($name); // overrule user ID if (isset($item['fireflyuser_id'])) { $item['fireflyuser_id'] = Auth::user()->id; } // overrule possible account ID since we might need it here: if (isset($item['account_id'])) { $item['account_id'] = $mapping['accounts'][intval($item['account_id'])]; } // overrule account_from and account_to (only for transfers) if ($class == 'Transfer') { $item['account_from'] = $mapping['accounts'][intval($item['account_from'])]; $item['account_to'] = $mapping['accounts'][intval($item['account_to'])]; } // overrule possible icon ID if (isset($item['icon_id'])) { $item['icon_id'] = intval($firstIcon->id); } // overrule possible beneficiary ID if (isset($item['beneficiary_id'])) { $item['beneficiary_id'] = $mapping['beneficiaries'][intval($item['beneficiary_id'])]; } // overrule possible category ID if (isset($item['category_id'])) { $item['category_id'] = $mapping['categories'][intval($item['category_id'])]; } // overrule possible budget ID if (isset($item['budget_id'])) { $item['budget_id'] = $mapping['budgets'][intval($item['budget_id'])]; } // overrule possible target ID if (isset($item['target_id'])) { $item['target_id'] = $mapping['targets'][intval($item['target_id'])]; } // overrule due date for targets: if (isset($item['duedate']) && $item['duedate'] == '0000-00-00') { $item['duedate'] = null; } // remap settings: if ($class == 'Setting') { if ($item['name'] == 'defaultCheckingAccount') { $item['value'] = $mapping['accounts'][intval($item['value'])]; } if ($item['name'] == 'defaultSavingsAccount') { $item['value'] = $mapping['accounts'][intval($item['value'])]; } } // make validator: $validator = Validator::make($item, $class::$rules); // validate! if ($validator->fails()) { // fail gracefully, log error: Log::error('Validator failed on ' . $class . ': ' . print_r($validator->messages()->all(), true)); // show error Session::flash('error', 'There is invalid ' . $class . ' data in the file.'); return View::make('home.import'); } else { // create the object, remember the ID. $object = new $class($item); // encrypt some fields: if (isset($object->description)) { $object->description = Crypt::encrypt($object->description); } if (isset($object->name) && $class != 'Setting') { $object->name = Crypt::encrypt($object->name); } if ($class == 'Setting') { $object->value = Crypt::encrypt($object->value); } // save: $object->save(); // remember the mapping: $oldID = intval($item['id']); $newID = intval($object->id); $mapping[$names][$oldID] = $newID; } } } // if this is where we end up we can safely delete // the old accounts. Deleting those drag EVERYTHING along with it. foreach ($old as $items) { foreach ($items as $item) { $item->delete(); } } Session::flash('success', 'All data imported!'); return Redirect::to('/home'); }
/** * Test the Str::plural and Str::singular methods. * * @group laravel */ public function testStringsCanBeSingularOrPlural() { $this->assertEquals('user', Str::singular('users')); $this->assertEquals('users', Str::plural('user')); $this->assertEquals('User', Str::singular('Users')); $this->assertEquals('Users', Str::plural('User')); $this->assertEquals('user', Str::plural('user', 1)); $this->assertEquals('users', Str::plural('user', 2)); }
/** * get model table columns * * @return mixed */ protected function getColumns() { static $columns = []; if (!isset($columns[$this->modelClass])) { // if implemented "getAvailableFields" $callable = [$this->modelClass, 'getAvailableFields']; if (is_callable($callable)) { $columns[$this->modelClass] = call_user_func($callable); } else { /** @var \Illuminate\Database\Connection $connection */ $connection = $this->_query()->getQuery()->getConnection(); $columns[$this->modelClass] = $connection->getSchemaBuilder()->getColumnListing(str_replace('\\', '', Str::snake(Str::plural(class_basename($this->modelClass))))); } } return $columns[$this->modelClass]; }
/** * Generate resource (model, controller, and views) * * @param $args array * @return void */ public function resource($args) { // Pluralize controller name if (!preg_match('/admin|config/', $args[0])) { $args[0] = Str::plural($args[0]); } $this->controller($args); // Singular for everything else $resource_name = Str::singular(array_shift($args)); // Let's take any supplied view names, and set them // in the resource name's directory. $views = array_map(function ($val) use($resource_name) { return "{$resource_name}.{$val}"; }, $args); $this->view($views); $this->model($resource_name); }
<div class="title"><?php echo e($template->title); ?> </div> <div class="author"><?php echo e($template->owner()->name); ?> </div> </div> <div class="span3"> <div class="forked"> Forked <?php echo e($template->fork_count); ?> <?php echo e(Str::plural('time', $template->fork_count)); ?> </div> <?php if ($template->recommended) { ?> <div class="recommended">★ Recommended Template</div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="span3"> <a class="btn btn-info preview-button">Preview</a> <a class="btn btn-success" href="<?php echo e(route('project_template_post', array($project->id, $template->id))); ?>
/** * Generate resource (model, controller, and views) * * @param $args array * @return void */ public function resource($args) { // Pluralize controller name if (!preg_match('/admin|config/', $args[0])) { $args[0] = Str::plural($args[0]); } $this->controller($args); // Singular for everything else $resource_name = Str::singular(array_shift($args)); if ($this->is_restful($args)) { // Remove that restful item from the array. No longer needed. $args = array_diff($args, array('restful')); $args = $this->determine_views($args); } // Let's take any supplied view names, and set them // in the resource name's directory. $views = array_map(function ($val) use($resource_name) { return "{$resource_name}.{$val}"; }, $args); $this->view($views); $this->model($resource_name); }